
Journal of Occupational Health 57巻 4号


The association between rotating shift work and increased occupational stress in nurses
Pei-Chen LIN1, Chung-Hey CHEN2,3, Shung-Mei PAN4,5, Yao-Mei CHEN3,6, Chih-Hong PAN7, Hsin-Chia HUNG8, Ming-Tsang WU1,9,10
1Department of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University, 2Institute of Allied Health Sciences & Department of Nursing, National Cheng Kung University, 3College of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University, 4Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, 5Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, 6Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, 7Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, 8Department of Nursing, College of Health and Nursing, Meiho University, 9Department of Family Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, 10Center of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 307-315, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Factors affecting radiation exposure dose in nursing staff during 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography / computed tomography
Kimiteru ITO1, Maki SUZUKI2, Aino YAMAZAKI2, Yoshiko SUZUKI2, Naoki YOKOKAWA3, Tatsufumi OOSAWA3, Aya M TOKUMARU1
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital, 2Department of Nursing, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital, 3Division of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 316-323, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Lung cancer risk in professional drivers in Korea : A population-based proportionate cancer incidence ratio study
Dong-Hee KOH1, Hyun-Joo KONG2, Chang-Mo OH2, Kyu-Won JUNG2, Donguk PARK3, Young-Joo WON2
1Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, International St.Mary's Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University, 2Korea Central Cancer Registry, National Cancer Center, 3Department of Environmental Health, Korea National Open University
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 324-330, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Risk and preventive factors for heat illness in radiation decontamination workers after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Takeyasu KAKAMU1, Tomoo HIDAKA1, Takehito HAYAKAWA1, Tomohiro KUMAGAI1, Takanobu JINNOUCHI1, Masayoshi TSUJI1, Shinichi NAKANO2, Kikuo KOYAMA3, Tetsuhito FUKUSHIMA1
1Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, 2Nakano Hospital, 3Fukushima Occupational Health Promotion Center
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 331-338, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Comparison of chemical risk assessment methods in South Korea and the United Kingdom
Min-Uk KIM, Saemi SHIN, Sang-Hoon BYEON
Department of Health Science, Graduate School, Korea University
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 339-345, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Pulmonary effects in workers exposed to indium metal : A cross-sectional study
Makiko NAKANO1, Akiyo TANAKA2, Miyuki HIRATA2, Satoko IWASAWA1, Kazuyuki OMAE1
1Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Keio University School of Medicine, 2Environmental Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 346-352, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Dimensionality of the 9-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale revisited : A Bayesian structural equation modeling approach
Ted C.T.FONG1, Rainbow T.H.HO1,2
1Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong, 2Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 353-358, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Estimation of biological occupational exposure limit values for selected organic solvents from logartihm of octarol water partition coefficient
Toshio KAWAI1, Haruhiko SAKURAI2, Masayuki IKEDA3
1Osaka Occupational Health Service Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association, 2Occupational Health Research and Development Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association, 3Kyoto Industrial Health Association
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 359-364, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Evaluation of urinary cyclohexanediols and cyclohexanol as biomarkers of occupational exposure to cyclohexane
Akito TAKEUCHI1, Yoshihiro OGAWA1, Yoko ENDO2, Toshio KAWAI1, Akira NAMERA3, Kenji YAMAMURO1, Kimiaki SUMINO1, Ginji ENDO4
1Osaka Occupational Health Service Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association, 2Research Center for Occupational Poisoning, Kansai Rosai Hospital, Japan Labour Health and Welfare Organization, 3Department of Forensic Medicine, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, 4Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 365-370, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Psychometric properties of the Thai version of the work ability index (Thai WAI)
1Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, 2California State University
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 371-377, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
A field study of exposure to whole-body vibration due to agricultural machines in a full-time rice farmer over one year
Hiroji TSUJIMURA1, Kazushi TAODA1, Teruyo KITAHARA1
1Division of Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Social Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 378-387, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Change in organizational justice and job performance in Japanese employees : A prospective cohort study
Yuko NAKAGAWA1, Akiomi INOUE2, Norito KAWAKAMI3, Kanami TSUNO4, Kimiko TOMIOKA5, Mayuko NAKANISHI6, Kosuke MAFUNE2, Hisanori HIRO2
1Department of Health Policy and Management, Graduate School of Medical Science, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2Department of Mental Health, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, 3Department of Mental Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 4Department of Hygiene, School of Medicine, Wakayama Medical University, 5Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Nara Medical University, 6Nakanishi Healthcare Office
Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 388-393, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Recommendation of Occupational Exposure Limits (2015-2016)
The Japan Society for Occupational Health

Journal of Occupational Health 57 (4) 394-416, 2015.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。