
Dental Materials Journal 36巻 4号


Effect of enamel matrix derivative on the angiogenic behaviors of human umbilical vein endothelial cells on different titanium surfaces
Bin SHI1,2, Oleh ANDRUKHOV2, Burcu OZDEMIR2,3, Hassan Ali SHOKOOHI TABRIZI2, Michel DARD4, Xiaohui RAUSCH-FAN2
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, 2Division of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna, 3Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Gazi University, 4Institute Straumann
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 381-386, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
SEM evaluation of the precision of fit of CAD/CAM zirconia and metal-ceramic posterior crowns
Department of Buccofacial Prostheses, Faculty of Odontology, University Complutense
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 387-393, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Impact of background on color, transmittance, and fluorescence of leucite based ceramics
Caroline Freitas RAFAEL1,2, Jan-Frederik GUTH1, Ana Elisa Colle KAULING1, Paulo Francisco CESAR3, Claudia Angelo Mazieiro VOLPATO2, Anja LIEBERMANN1
1Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, Ludwig-Maximilians University, 2Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 3Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, Sao Paulo University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 394-401, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
The accuracy of the CAD system using intraoral and extraoral scanners for designing of fixed dental prostheses
Sakura SHIMIZU, Akikazu SHINYA, Soichi KURODA, Harunori GOMI
Department of Crown and Bridge, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 402-407, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Release properties of atelocollagen-gelatin complexes as carriers for local administration of fluvastatin
Koichi KIDA1,2, Koji TANABE2,3, Hodaka SASAKI1,2, Yoshitaka FURUYA1,2, Tadashi MIURA2, Masao YOSHINARI2, Yasutomo YAJIMA1,2
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology, Tokyo Dental College, 2Division of Oral Implants Research, Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College, 3Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo Dental College
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 408-414, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Effect of fiber content on flexural properties of glass fiber-reinforced polyamide-6 prepared by injection molding
Department of Dental Biomaterials, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 415-421, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Plasma-treated water eliminates Streptococcus mutans in infected dentin model
Tatsuya TASAKI1, Tomoko OHSHIMA2,3, Emi USUI1, Satoshi IKAWA4, Katsuhisa KITANO2,3, Nobuko MAEDA2, Yasuko MOMOI1
1Department of Operative Dentistry, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine, 2Department of Oral Microbiology, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine, 3Center for Atomic and Molecular Technologies, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univirsity, 4Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 422-428, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Influence of lyophilization factors and gelatin concentration on pore structures of atelocollagen/gelatin sponge biomaterial
Longqiang YANG1,2, Koji TANABE2,3, Tadashi MIURA2, Masao YOSHINARI2, Shinji TAKEMOTO2,4, Seikou SHINTANI1, Masataka KASAHARA3
1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Tokyo Dental College, 2Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College, 3Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo Dental College, 4Department of Dental Materials Science, Tokyo Dental College
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 429-437, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Enamel microcracks in terms of orthodontic treatment : A novel method for their detection and evaluation
1Vilnius Research Group, 2Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, 3Laser Research Center, Vilnius University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 438-446, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Y-TZP zirconia regeneration firing : Microstructural and crystallographic changes after grinding
Daniel Patrick Obelenis RYAN1, Laiza Maria Grassi FAIS1, Selma Gutierrez ANTONIO2, Gabriel Rodrigues HATANAKA1, Lucas Miguel CANDIDO1, Ligia Antunes Pereira PINELLI1
1Araraquara Dental School, UNESP -Univ Estadual Paulista., Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, 2Araraquara Institute of Chemistry, UNESP -Univ Estadual Paulista., Department of Physical Chemistry
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 447-453, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Effect of air-particle pressures on the surface topography and bond strengths of resin cement to the hybrid ceramics
Jong-Eun KIM1, Jee-Hwan KIM1, June-Sung SHIM1, Byoung-Duck ROH2, Yooseok SHIN3
1Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, 2Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, 3Department of Conservative Dentistry, Oral Science Research Center And Microscope Center, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 454-460, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
The effects of single application of pastes containing ion-releasing particles on enamel demineralization
Masahiro IIJIMA1, Kyotaro KAWAGUCHI1, Naohiko KAWAMURA1, Shuichi ITO2, Takashi SAITO2, Itaru MIZOGUCHI1
1Division of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Department of Oral Growth and Development, School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, 2Division of Clinical Cariology and Endodontology, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 461-468, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Involvement of the calcium-sensing receptor in mineral trioxide aggregateinduced osteogenic gene expression in murine MC3T3-E1 cells
Takuya YASUKAWA1, Makoto HAYASHI1, Natsuko TANABE2, Hiromasa TSUDA2, Yusuke SUZUKI1, Takayuki KAWATO3, Naoto SUZUKI2, Masao MAENO3, Bunnai OGISO1
1Department of Endodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry, 2Department of Biochemistry Nihon University School of Dentistry, 3Department of Oral Health Sciences, Nihon University School of Dentistry
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 469-475, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Improving the efficacy of chlorhexidine-releasing elastomerics using a layer-by-layer coating technique
Hyun-Sun JEON1,2, Eun-Ha JUNG2,3, Si-Mook KANG2,3, Eun-Song LEE2,3, Jeong-Woo LEE2, Baek-II KIM2,3,4
1Department of Dental Hygiene, Yeoju Institute of Technology, 2Department of Preventive Dentistry and Public Oral Health, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, 3BK 21 PLUS Project, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, 4Oral Science Research Institute, Yonsei University College of Dentistry
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 476-481, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Effects of experimental pastes containing surface pre-reacted glass ionomer fillers on inhibition of enamel demineralization
Keiki NAKAMURA1, Hidenori HAMBA1,2, Syozi NAKASHIMA1, Alireza SADR3, Toru NIKAIDO1, Masakazu OIKAWA4, Motohiro UO5, Junji TAGAMI1
1Department of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), 2Department of Endodontics and Clinical Cariology, Tokyo Dental College, 3Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Washington School of Dentistry, 4National Institute of Radiological Sciences, National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, 5Department of Advanced Biomaterials, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 482-490, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Correlations among bending test methods for dental hard resins
Daisuke MIURA1, Taira MIYASAKA1, Harumi AOKI1, Yusuke AOYAGI1, Yoshiki ISHIDA1,2
1Department of Dental Materials Science, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University, 2Department of Life Dentistry, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 491-496, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Bonding measurement - Strength and fracture mechanics approaches
Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 497-502, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities of MTA supplemented with bismuth lipophilic nanoparticles
1Dental School, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, 2Odontological Sciences, School of Stomatology, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, 3Advanced Materials Research Center, CIMAV Unidad Monterrey, 4Texas A & M University
Dental Materials Journal 36 (4) 503-510, 2017.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。