
New Diet Therapy 33巻 4-suppl号


国際スポーツ栄養学会の公式見解 : たんぱく質と運動
Ralf Jager1, Chad M. Kerksick2, Bill I. Campbell3, Paul J. Cribb4, Shawn D. Wells5, Tim M. Skwiat5, Martin Purpura1, Tim N. Ziegenfuss6, Arny A. Ferrando7, Shawn M. Arent8, Abbie E. Smith-Ryan9, Jeffrey R. Stout10, Paul J. Arciero11, Michael J. Ormsbee12.13, Lem W. Taylor1, Colin D. Wilborn14, Doug S. Kalman15, Richard B. Kreider16, Darryn S. Willoughby17, Jay R. Hoffman10, Jamie L. Krzykowski18, Jose Antonio19, 鈴木良雄20,21, 鈴木いづみ20, 青柳清治22, 廣木武士23, 小井土幸恵22, 小林唯20,24, 利渉洋一25, 大津智仁26, 柴田広大21, 岡田和也27, 田澤梓28, 斉藤裕子22, 久保田尚子29, 眞鍋栄一郎30, 武田和也30, 市川麻美子31, 和田理紗子32
1Increnovo LLC, 2Exercise and Performance Nutrition Laboratory, School of Health Sciences, Lindenwood University, 3Performance & Physique Enhancement Laboratory, University of South Florida, 4Metabolic Precision Certifications, 5BioTRUST Nutrition, 6The Center for Applied Health Sciences, 7Department of Geriatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 8IFNH Center for Health & Human Performance, Department of Kinesiology & Health, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 9Applied Physiology Laboratory, Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina, 10Institute of Exercise Physiology and Wellness, University of Central Florida, 11Human Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory, Health and Exercise Sciences Department, Skidmore College, 12Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences, Institute of Sport Sciences and Medicine, Florida State University, 13Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 14Human Performance Laboratory, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor UMHB, 15Department of Nutrition & Endocrinology, QPS, 16Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab, Human Clinical Research Facility, Department of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, 17Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Baylor University, 18Department of Human Movement Sciences, Carroll University, 19Department of Health and Human Performance, Nova Southeastern University, 20順天堂大学スポーツ健康科学部, 21順天堂大学院スポーツ健康科学研究科, 22株式会社ドーム, 23横浜YMCAスポーツ専門学校, 24國學院大學人間開発学部, 25ジェフユナイテッド株式会社, 26宇都宮文星短期大学, 27株式会社つくば, 28国立スポーツ科学センター, 29東京フットボールクラブ株式会社, 30興和株式会社, 31帝京大学スポーツ医科学センター, 32フリーランス
New Diet Therapy 33 (4-suppl) 1-46, 2018.
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