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Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University

Volume , Issue 14 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article An adult guardianship system is ... based on a problem and the investigation of the local inclusion support center in fine-view - H city to carry the bird of the local inclusion care system
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 1-10, 2016.

Japanese Article Issues of Community Social Work in the City of Hamamatsu
川向雅弘1), 中谷高久2)
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 11-26, 2016.

English Article Exploring teachers views of creativity : A comparative study
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 27-42, 2016.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the information sharing in the unit care
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 43-49, 2016.

Japanese Article How to fix posture - - that "we do not stretch out the back" and "put up a waist"
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 50-60, 2016.

Japanese Article From a comparison of the care training that did not utilize 2 study on educational effect - "association maps of the information" of "the association map of the information" in the development of the care process and the care training that utilized -
杉山せつ子, 中村京子
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 61-81, 2016.

Japanese Article From significance - historic point of view that a medical social-worker supports school non-attendance -
石川瞭子*, 城戸貴史**
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 82-97, 2016.

Japanese Article Through viewpoint - manager, the staff of the qualitative evaluation of the special elderly nursing home, the inventory survey for the user -
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 98-111, 2016.

Japanese Article Education of "Christian Social Work" in Seirei Christopher University
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (14): 112-127, 2016.