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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity

Volume 22, Issue 3 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The Japan Society For the Study of Obesity's director proposal "present conditions and future of Japan Society For the Study of Obesity"
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article Finish "the 37th Japan Society For the Study of Obesity"
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article Guidelines for the Management of Obesity Disease 2016, Key Points of Revision
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 163-164, 2016.

Japanese Article Battle front of 5 fat cell studies
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article Immuno metabolic syndrome rhythm and adiposity
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 166-167, 2016.

Japanese Article Introduction Think about sarcopenia and obesity
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 169-170, 2016.

Japanese Article General remarks plan sarcopenia and obese introduction
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 171-171, 2016.

Japanese Article Sarcopenia and diabetes
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 172-176, 2016.

Japanese Article Sarcopenia and blood vessel aging
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 177-183, 2016.

Japanese Article Sarcopenia and exercise, nourishment
山田実*1, 荒井秀典*2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 184-188, 2016.

Japanese Article Rating system - present conditions and problems of the sarcopenia obesity
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 189-194, 2016.

Japanese Article Descriptive study - using the results of needs - Internet investigation that Japanese adult men and women hold for a weight loss support program
若葉京良*1, 片山靖富*2, 笹井浩行*3,4, 田中喜代次*5
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 195-206, 2016.

Japanese Article Relationship between insulin resistance and body composition in obese women with successful weight loss
福島八枝子*1, 黒瀬聖司*1, Ha Cao Thi Thu*1, 高尾奈那*1, 露口亮太*1, 日暮恭子*1, 新野弘美*1, 宮内拓史*2, 吉内佐和子*2, 堤博美*1, 木村穣*2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 207-212, 2016.

Japanese Article The affection to the eating behavior of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity by citagliptin
新谷哲司, 河本絵里子, 塩見亮人, 三津田容子, 神崎さやか, 仙波英徳, 坂尾ひとみ, 眞鍋健一, 古川慎哉
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 213-218, 2016.

Japanese Article The relation between body mass index and body fat percentage during adolescence
宮元章次*1, 松永智*2, 室谷健太*3, 串間敦郎*4
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 219-225, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the Crohn's disease complicated with extensive adiposity
森昭裕, 大橋憲嗣, 伊藤隼, 渋谷高志, 伏見宣俊
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 22(3): 226-229, 2016.