


Title 要介護ハイリスク高齢者の1年間の変化における握力と歩行機能, 転倒要因, 健康関連QOLの関連性 〜介護予防教室に通う高齢者を対象とした縦断研究〜
Subtitle 原著
Authors 稲垣圭吾1), 鈴木みずえ1), 渥美友梨2), 柘植美咲2), 松崎花奈子2), 鳥居史愛3), 伊藤友孝4), 谷重喜5)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)浜松医科大学医学部看護学科, 2)浜松医科大学医学部附属病院, 3)元浜松医科大学医学部看護学科, 4)静岡大学工学部機械工学科, 5)浜松医科大学医学部医学科
Journal 日本転倒予防学会誌
Volume 7
Number 1
Page 43-51
Year/Month 2020 / 6
Article 原著
Publisher 日本転倒予防学会
Abstract 「要約」【目的】本研究の目的は, 要介護ハイリスク高齢者の1年間の変化における握力と歩行機能, 転倒要因, 健康関連QOLの関連を明らかにすることである. 【方法】2013年10月〜11月および2014年10月〜11月に介護予防教室に通う自立歩行が可能な要介護ハイリスク高齢者を対象に握力測定, 歩行機能, 転倒要因, 健康関連QOLの調査を実施した. 全身の筋力の指標とされている握力を測定し, 歩行機能は, 運動計測システムを用いて10m歩行を行い, ストライド長やスイング速度, 関節角度(膝関節, 踝関節), 歩行時の膝の前後への振れ幅の分析を行った. 転倒要因は, 転倒スコア, 転倒予防自己効力感尺度を, 健康関連QOLはQOLの評価尺度であるSF-8(TM)を実施した. 【結果】本研究の対象者は, 平均年齢が80.7(±6.4)歳の男性4名, 女性16名の計20名とした. 握力の平均値は19.6(±6.5)kgであり, 1年の変化値は, -0.4(±2.1)kgであった. 対象者の1年間の変化における握力と各評価指標の相関係数では, 転倒スコアは有意な負の相関がみられた(r=-0.460, p<0.05). SF-8(TM)の全体的健康感(GH)は, 有意な正の相関がみられた(r=0.530, p<0.05). 運動計測システムを用いて測定したストライド長, 膝位置(後)は, 有意な正の相関がみられた(r=0.610, r=0.540, p<0.05). 【結論】要介護ハイリスク高齢者の1年間の変化において, 握力とストライド長, 膝位置(後), 転倒スコア, 全体的健康感(GH)で有意な相関関係がみられた.
Practice 医学一般
Keywords 高齢者, 握力, 転倒, 予防, 歩行機能, elderly, grip strength, fall, prevention, walking function


Title The Relationship between Grip Strength and Walking Function, Factors of Falls, and Health-related QOL in One-year Change of Elderly People at High Risk for Needing Care : Longitudinal Study for Elderly People Attending Care Prevention Program
Subtitle Original
Authors Keigo INAGAKI1), Mizue SUZUKI1), Yuri ATSUMI2), Misaki TSUGE2), Kanako MATSUZAKI2), Shiori TORII3), Tomotaka ITO4), Shigeki TANI5)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)Faculty of Nursing, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 2)Hamamatsu University Hospital, 3)Former Faculty of Nursing, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 4)Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering, 5)Faculty of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Journal Japanese Journal of Fall Prevention(JJFP)
Volume 7
Number 1
Page 43-51
Year/Month 2020 / 6
Article Original article
Publisher The Japanese Society for Fall Prevention
Abstract [Abstract][Purpose] The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between grip strength and walking function, factors of falls, and health-related QOL in one-year change of elderly people at high risk for needing care. [Methods] A survey of grip strength measurement, walking function, factors of falls, and health-related QOL was conducted among high risk elderly people participating in a care prevention program and needing care who could roam freely. In order to investigate the relationship between falls and muscle strength, we measured grip strength, an index of bodily muscle strength. Walking variables such as stride length, swing speed, knee joint angle, heel joint angle, and knee position were analyzed through gait measurements and an evaluation system. The fall risk index and a fall prevention self-efficacy scale were applied to explain the fall factor. SF-8(TM) was applied to explain health-related QOL. [Results] The sample included 20 subjects (male, n=4 ; female, n=16). The average age was 80.7 (+-6.4) years. The average baseline value of grip strength was 19.6 (+-6.5) kg, and the change in one year was -0.4 (+-2.1) kg. The relationship between grip strength of subjects and each index in one-year change was analyzed by correlation coefficients. The fall risk index was significantly negatively correlated with grip strength (r=-0.460, p<0.05). The general health (GH) measure from the SF8 Health Survey (SF-8(TM)) was significantly positively correlated with grip strength (r=0.530, p<0.05). Stride length and knee position (rear) from gait measurements and the evaluation system were significantly positively correlated with grip strength (r=0.610, r=0.540, p<0.05). [Conclusion] The results of this study revealed significant correlations between grip strength and stride length, knee position (rear), fall risk index, and general health (GH) in one-year change of elderly people at high risk for needing care.
Practice General medicine
Keywords elderly, grip strength, fall, prevention, walking function
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。


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