


Title 小児難治性ITP治療ガイド2019
Subtitle 委員会報告 日本小児血液・がん学会 血小板委員会報告
Authors 日本小児血液・がん学会血小板委員会, 高橋幸博1, 宮川義隆2, 森麻希子3, 國島伸治4,14, 東川正宗5, 小林尚明6, 笹原洋二7, 前田尚子8, 中舘尚也9, 別所文雄10, 白幡聡11, 今泉益栄12, 石黒精13
Authors (kana)
Organization 1奈良県赤十字血液センター(2017年度委員長), 2埼玉医科大学病院総合診療内科・血栓止血センター, 3埼玉県立小児医療センター血液・腫瘍科, 4名古屋医療センター臨床研究センター高度診療研究部分子診断研究室, 5日本赤十字社伊勢赤十字病院小児科, 6康心会汐見台病院小児科, 7東北大学大学院医学系研究科小児病態学分野, 8国立病院機構名古屋医療センター小児科, 9国立成育医療センター総合診療部, 10日本医療科学大学, 11北九州八幡東病院, 12宮城県立こども病院, 13国立成育医療研究センター, 教育研修センター・血液内科(2018年度委員長), 14現:岐阜医療科学大学保健科学部
Journal 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌
Volume 56
Number 1
Page 61-68
Year/Month 2019 /
Article 報告
Publisher 日本小児血液・がん学会
Abstract 「要旨」免疫性血小板減少症(ITP)は, 血小板に対する自己抗体により血小板減少症をきたす自己免疫性疾患で, 小児では感染症やワクチン接種を契機に発症することが多い. 約8割は自然寛解するが, 副腎皮質ステロイドや免疫グロブリンなどの薬物療法に抵抗性を示す難治例が存在し, 時に重篤な出血症状を起こす. この難治性ITPの治療は, 従来から有効性が高い脾臓摘出術(脾摘)が成人例に行われてきたが, 侵襲的な治療法で, 術後感染のリスクもあり小児ではその選択は限られていた. 近年, 成人の慢性ITPの治療に抗体医薬リツキシマブとトロンボポエチン受容体作動薬が承認され, 脾摘と並ぶセカンドライン治療として広く使われている. 日本小児血液・がん学会の血小板委員会では, これら薬剤の小児難治性ITPに向けて, 現時点までに得られている国内外の知見をもとに, 科学的根拠に基づく小児難治性ITP治療ガイド2019を策定したので報告する.
Practice 臨床医学:一般
Keywords 難治性ITP, 治療ガイド, リツキシマブ, トロンボポエチン受容体作動薬, refractory immune thrombocytopenia, treatment guide, rituximab, thrombopoietin receptor agonists


Title Treatment Guide for Refractory Immune Thrombocytopenia in Children for 2019
Subtitle Report of the Platelet Committee, Japanese Society of Pediatric Hepatology / Oncology
Authors Yukihiro Takahashi1, Yoshitaka Miyakawa2, Makiko Mori3, Shinji Kunishima4,14, Masamune Higashigawa5, Kobayashi Naoaki6, Youji Sasahara7, Naoko Maeda8, Hisaya Nakadate9, Fumio Bessho10, Akira Shirahata11, Masue Imaizumi12, Akira Ishiguro13
Authors (kana)
Organization 1Japanese Red Cross Nara Blood Center (Former Chair of the Platelet Committee in 2017), 2Saitama Medical University Hospital, Department of General Medicine and Thrombosis and Hemostasis Center, 3Saitama Children's Medical Center, Department of Hematology & Oncology, 4Nagoya Medical Center, Clinical Research Center, 5Japanese Red Cross Ise Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, 6Koshinkai Shiomidai Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, 7Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, 8National Hospital Organization Nagoya Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, 9National Center for Child Health and Development, Department of General Pediatrics & Interdisciplinary Medicine, 10Nihon Institute of Medical Science, 11Kitakyushu Yahaha Higashi Hospital, 12Miyagi Children's Hospital, 13National Center for Child Health and Development, Center for Postgraduate Education and Training / Division of Hematology (Current Chair of the Platelet Committee in 2018), 14Present: Gifu University of Medical Science, Department of Medical Technology
Journal The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Volume 56
Number 1
Page 61-68
Year/Month 2019 /
Article Report
Publisher The Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Abstract [Abstract] Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disease that causes thrombocytopenia due to the production of autoantibodies to platelets. ITP often develops in children as a result of infections and vaccinations. Most patients with ITP improve spontaneously; however, refractory ITP resistant to glucocorticoid and immunoglobulin treatments may cause severe bleeding. Splenectomy has been performed on adult patients with refractory ITP; however, this treatment option is not highly recommended for children because of its invasiveness and the risk of postoperative infections. In recent years, new drugs have been developed for refractory ITP, including rituximab and thrombopoietin receptor agonists. These drugs are considered to be second-line treatments for adult refractory ITP in addition to splenectomy. The Platelet Committee of the Japan Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology provides here a therapeutic guide for refractory ITP in children for 2019 based on current scientific evidence.
Practice Clinical medicine
Keywords refractory immune thrombocytopenia, treatment guide, rituximab, thrombopoietin receptor agonists
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