OII-2 Clinical validation of the gastrointestinal NET grading system: Ki67 index criteria of the WHO 2010 classification is appropriate to predict metastasis or recurrence
OIV-4 一次除菌に影響する因子の検討
Y-6 Down-regulation of submucosal claudin-18 involved in invasive and proliferative potential of gastric cancer
単晶, 大島忠之, 奥川卓也, 除金, 堀和敏, 池尾光一, 富田寿彦, 福井広一, 渡二郎, 三輪洋人
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 45 64-64, 2013.
Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach 45 64-64, 2013.
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