


Regulatory Mechanism of SNAP23 in Phagosome Formation and Maturation
Kiyotaka Hatsuzawa, Chiye Sakurai
Division of Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 135-145, 2020.
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A Novel Treatment for Arrhythmias via the Control of the Degradation of Ion Channel Proteins
Junichiro Miake
Division of Pharmacology, Department of Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Science, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 146-153, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Oligopeptide Transporter-1 is Associated with Fluorescence Intensity of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-Based Photodynamic Diagnosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Hidehito Kinoshita, Tsutomu Kanda, Tomoaki Takata, Takaaki Sugihara, Yukari Mae, Taro Yamashita, Takumi Onoyama, Yohei Takeda, Hajime Isomoto
Division of Gastroenterology and Nephrology, Department of Multidisciplinary Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 154-162, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Evaluating Health Impact at High Altitude in Antarctica and Effectiveness of Monitoring Oxygen Saturation
Shinji Otani(*), Yoichi Miyaoka(†), Atsushi Ikeda(‡), Giichiro Ohno(§)(||), Satoshi Imura(||), Kentaro Watanabe(||), Youichi Kurozawa(¶)
(*)International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, Tottori University, (†)Department of Gastroenterological Surgery I, Hokkaido University, (‡)Department of Urology, University of Tsukuba Hospital, (§)Department of Surgery, Tokatsu Hospital, (||)National Institute of Polar Research, and (‡)Division of Health Administration and Promotion, Department of Social Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 163-172, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Eating Behaviors of Postoperative Esophageal Cancer Patients During the First Year After Surgery
Yukina Ueda*, Masami Chujo†
*Department of Palliative care center nurse, Shimane University hospital, and †Department of Adult and Elderly Nursing, School of Health Science, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 173-182, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
The effect of Hangeshashinto on Oral Mucositis Caused by Induction Chemotherapy in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
Kenkichiro Taira, Kazunori Fujiwara, Takahiro Fukuhara, Satoshi Koyama, Hiromi Takeuchi
Division of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Sensory and Motor Organs, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 183-187, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Pemafibrate Dramatically Ameliorated the Values of Liver Function Tests and Fibrosis Marker in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Suguru Ikeda*, Takaaki Sugihara*, Yoshiki Hoshino*, Yukako Matsuki*, Takakazu Nagahara*, Jun-ichi Okano*, Sonoko Kitao†, Youhei Fujioka†, Kazuhiro Yamamoto†, Hajime Isomoto*
*Division of Medicine and Clinical Science, Department of Gastroenterology and Nephrology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, and †Division of Medicine and Clinical Science, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and Endocrinology and Metabolism, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 188-197, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Effects of a Classroom-Based Stress Management Program by Cognitive Reconstruction for Elementary School Students
Shinya Takeda*, Risa Matsuo†, Minako Ohtsuka‡
*Department of Clinical Psychology, Tottori University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, †Department of Child studies, College of Humanities, Okinawa University, and ‡Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute, Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 198-204, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
The Effect of Bidet Use on Severity of Constipation and Quality of Life Among Pregnant Women
Sultan Alan*, Ebru Gozuyesil*, Sule Gokyildiz Surucu*
*Cukurova University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Midwifery Department
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 205-213, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
The Use of Oxytocin by Healthcare Professionals During Labor
Sultan Alan*, Emine Akca†, Ayse Senoglu‡, Ebru Gozuyesil*, Sule Gokyildiz Surucu*
*Cukurova University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Midwifery Department, †Inonu University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Midwifery, and ‡Adana City Training and Research Hospital
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 214-222, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
A Case Report of Atypical Spindle Cell Lipomatous Tumor of the Tongue
Yu Yoshida*, Motoki Nakabayashi*, Yuusei Harada†, Takayuki Shingu*, Kazuko Takubo*
*Division of Oral Surgery, Matsue Red Cross Hospital, and †Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Biopathological Surgery, Department of Sensory and Motor Organs, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 223-227, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Successful Treatment with Denosumab of a Giant Cell Tumor of Bone in the Iliac Bone of an 84-Year-Old Man
Kensaku Yamaga*, Satoshi Kuwamoto†, Daichi Mukunoki*, Mari Osaki*, Hideki Nagashima*
*Division of Orthopedic Surgery, Department of Sensory and Motor Organs, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, and †Department of Pathology, Tottori University Hospital
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 228-233, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Improvement Effect of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid on Hyperlipidemia in Miniature Schnauzer Dogs: An Open Study in 5 Cases of One Pedigree
Aki Sakai*†, Nao Iwatani*†, Kazuki Harada‡
*One Health Business Department, Neopharma Japan Co.,Ltd., †Anchor Trust Animal Hospital, and ‡Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
YONAGO ACTA MEDICA 63 (3) 234-238, 2020.
  • アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。