Usefulness of Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Carotid Bifurcation as Screening Test
Kazuhiro Yoshizumi*, Koichi Kawanaka*, Takeshi Nakamura*, Shozaburo Uemura**
*Department of Radiology,Amakusa Regional Medical Center, **Department of Neurosurgery,Amakusa Regional Medical Center
Amakusa Igakkai zasshi (Amakusa medical journal) 10 1-5, 1996.
*Department of Radiology,Amakusa Regional Medical Center, **Department of Neurosurgery,Amakusa Regional Medical Center
Amakusa Igakkai zasshi (Amakusa medical journal) 10 1-5, 1996.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Surgical Treatment of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases ─Surgical Indications and Results─
Tadashi Hamasaki*, Shigeyuki Nishikawa*, Chikara Mimata*, Kazunari Koga*, Shozaburo Uemura*, Kazuhiro Yoshizumi**
*Department of Neurosurgery,Amakusa Regional Medical Center, **Department of Radiology,Amakusa Regional Medical Center
Amakusa Igakkai zasshi (Amakusa medical journal) 10 7-13, 1996.
*Department of Neurosurgery,Amakusa Regional Medical Center, **Department of Radiology,Amakusa Regional Medical Center
Amakusa Igakkai zasshi (Amakusa medical journal) 10 7-13, 1996.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。