Haruki Nakamura
Osaka University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 1-1, 2020.
Osaka University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 1-1, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に121円(税込) です。
Multidomain protein structure prediction using information about residues interacting on multimeric protein interfaces
Shumpei Matsuno1,2, Masahito Ohue1,3, Yutaka Akiyama1,3
1Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2AIST-Tokyo Tech Real World Big-Data Computation Open Innovation Laboratory (RWBC-OIL), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3Middle-Molecule IT-based Drug Discovery Laboratory (MIDL), Tokyo Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 2-13, 2020.
1Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2AIST-Tokyo Tech Real World Big-Data Computation Open Innovation Laboratory (RWBC-OIL), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3Middle-Molecule IT-based Drug Discovery Laboratory (MIDL), Tokyo Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 2-13, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Potential energy landscape and thermodynamic transitions of coarse-grained protein models revealed by the multicanonical generalized hybrid Monte Carlo method
Natsuki Mukuta1, Shinichi Miura2
1Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, 2Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Kanazawa University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 14-24, 2020.
1Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, 2Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Kanazawa University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 14-24, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Effect of nuclear import receptors on liquid-liquid phase separation
Takuya Yoshizawa, Hiroyoshi Matsumura
College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 25-29, 2020.
College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 25-29, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
A simple method for modeling amyloid kinetics featuring position biased fiber breakage
Damien Hall1,2,3
1Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics, NIDDK, NIH, 2Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3Present address: International Center, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 30-35, 2020.
1Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics, NIDDK, NIH, 2Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3Present address: International Center, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 30-35, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Observation of nucleic acids inside living human cells by in-cell NMR spectroscopy
Yudai Yamaoki1, Takashi Nagata1,2, Tomoki Sakamoto2, Masato Katahira1,2
1Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, 2Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 36-41, 2020.
1Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, 2Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 36-41, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Synthetic tissue engineering : Programming multicellular self-organization by designing customized cell-cell communication
Satoshi Toda
WPI Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 42-50, 2020.
WPI Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 42-50, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Crystalline chitin hydrolase is a burnt-bridge Brownian motor
Akihiko Nakamura1, Kei-ichi Okazaki2, Tadaomi Furuta3, Minoru Sakurai3, Jun Ando4, Ryota Iino2,5
1Shizuoka University, 2Institute for Molecular Science, 3Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4RIKEN, 5SOKENDAI
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 51-58, 2020.
1Shizuoka University, 2Institute for Molecular Science, 3Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4RIKEN, 5SOKENDAI
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 51-58, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Gate-keeper of ion transport - a highly conserved helix-3 tryptophan in a channelrhodopsin chimera, C1C2/ChRWR
Yujiro Nagasaka1,2, Shoko Hososhima3, Naoko Kubo1,4, Takashi Nagata1,5, Hideki Kandori3,6, Keiichi Inoue1, Hiromu Yawo1
1The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, 2Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3Department of Life Science and Applied Chemistry, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 4Department of Physiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 5Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 6OptoBioTechnology Research Center, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 59-70, 2020.
1The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, 2Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3Department of Life Science and Applied Chemistry, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 4Department of Physiology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 5Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 6OptoBioTechnology Research Center, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 59-70, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Identification and mapping of central pair proteins by proteomic analysis
Daniel Dai1, Muneyoshi Ichikawa2, Katya Peri1, Reid Rebinsky1, Khanh Huy Bui1
1Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University, 2Department of Systems Biology, Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 71-85, 2020.
1Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University, 2Department of Systems Biology, Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 71-85, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
A novel mode of interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins
Emi Hibino1, Masaru Hoshino2
1Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University, 2Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 86-93, 2020.
1Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University, 2Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 86-93, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Integrated bio-metal science : New frontiers of bio-metal science opened with cutting-edge techniques
Hitomi Sawai1, Koichiro Ishimori2
1Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo, 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 94-97, 2020.
1Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo, 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 94-97, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Detection of singularity in immunity and cancer by novel imaging techniques
Takeharu Nagai1, Shunsuke Chikuma2, Kenjiro Hanaoka3
1The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (SANKEN), Osaka University, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Keio University School of Medicine, 3Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 98-99, 2020.
1The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (SANKEN), Osaka University, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Keio University School of Medicine, 3Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 98-99, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に121円(税込) です。
Cell mechanosensing underlies homeostasis of multicellular systems
Keiko Nonomura1, Hiroaki Hirata2
1Division of Embryology, National Institute for Basic Biology, 2Mechanobiology Laboratory, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 100-102, 2020.
1Division of Embryology, National Institute for Basic Biology, 2Mechanobiology Laboratory, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 100-102, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Spectroscopic and structural characteristics of a dual-light sensor protein, PYP-phytochrome related protein
Jia-Siang Sum1, Yoichi Yamazaki1, Keito Yoshida1, Kento Yonezawa2, Yugo Hayashi1, Mikio Kataoka1, Hironari Kamikubo1,2
1Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 103-112, 2020.
1Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 103-112, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Theoretical insights into the DNA repair function of Arabidopsis thaliana cryptochrome-DASH
Ryuma Sato1, Yoshiharu Mori2, Risa Matsui3, Noriaki Okimoto1, Junpei Yamamoto3, Makoto Taiji1
1Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, RIKEN, 2School of Pharmacy, Kitasato University, 3Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 113-124, 2020.
1Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, RIKEN, 2School of Pharmacy, Kitasato University, 3Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 113-124, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
New lipid membrane technologies for reconstitution, analysis, and utilization of 'living' membrane proteins
Kazuma Yasuhara1, Kenichi Morigaki2,3
1Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2Biosignal Research Center, Kobe University, 3Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 125-129, 2020.
1Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2Biosignal Research Center, Kobe University, 3Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 125-129, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Information physics of living matters
Akihiko Ishijima1, Yasushi Okada2,3
1Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, 2Laboratory for Cell Polarity Regulation, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR), 3Department of Cell Biology, Department of Physics, Universal Biology Institute (UBI), and International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN), the University of Tokyo
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 130-131, 2020.
1Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, 2Laboratory for Cell Polarity Regulation, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR), 3Department of Cell Biology, Department of Physics, Universal Biology Institute (UBI), and International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN), the University of Tokyo
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 130-131, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に121円(税込) です。
Rapid differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells to neuron-like cells by high K+ stimulation
Yuki Kogo1, Chiaki Seto1, Yuki Totani1, Mai Mochizuki2,3,4,5, Taka Nakahara3, Kotaro Oka4,5,6, Tohru Yoshioka5,6, Etsuro Ito1,5,6
1Department of Biology, Waseda University, 2Department of Life Science Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University, 3Department of Developmental and Regenerative Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, 4Department of Bioscience and Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, 5Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 6Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 132-139, 2020.
1Department of Biology, Waseda University, 2Department of Life Science Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University, 3Department of Developmental and Regenerative Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, 4Department of Bioscience and Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, 5Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 6Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 132-139, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
myPresto/omegagene 2020 : a molecular dynamics simulation engine for virtual-system coupled sampling
Kota Kasahara1, Hiroki Terazawa2, Hayato Itaya2, Satoshi Goto2, Haruki Nakamura3, Takuya Takahashi1, Junichi Higo4
1College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2Graduate School of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 3Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 4Graduate School of Simulation Studies, University of Hyogo
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 140-146, 2020.
1College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2Graduate School of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 3Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 4Graduate School of Simulation Studies, University of Hyogo
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 140-146, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
NeProc predicts binding segments in intrinsically disordered regions without learning binding region sequences
Hiroto Anbo, Hiroki Amagai, Satoshi Fukuchi
Department of Life Science and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Maebashi Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 147-154, 2020.
Department of Life Science and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Maebashi Institute of Technology
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 147-154, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Munehito Arai1, Tamiki Komatsuzaki2, Haruki Nakamura3
1Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, 3Osaka University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 155-155, 2020.
1Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, 3Osaka University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 155-155, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に121円(税込) です。
Letter to the Editor : No folding upon binding of intrinsically disordered proteins : Still interesting but not unique and novel. A commentary on "A novel mode of interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins. by Hibino, E. and Hoshino, M., Biophysics and Physicobiology 17, 86-93 (2020). DOI : 10.2142 / biophysico.BSJ-2020012"
Alexander B. Sigalov
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 156-158, 2020.
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 156-158, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
Letter to the Editor : A still unresolved mystery in the interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins : How do they recognize multiple target proteins? A commentary on "No folding upon binding of intrinsically disordered proteins : Still interesting but not unique and novel. by Sigalov, A. B., Biophysics and Physicobiology 17, 156-158 (2020). DOI : 10.2142 / biophysico.BSJ-2020025"
Masaru Hoshino
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 159-160, 2020.
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 159-160, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に121円(税込) です。
GA-guided mD-VcMD : A genetic-algorithm-guided method for multi-dimensional virtual-system coupled molecular dynamics
Junichi Higo1, Ayumi Kusaka2, Kota Kasahara3, Narutoshi Kamiya1, Itaya Hayato4, Xie Qilin5, Takuya Takahashi3, Ikuo Fukuda1, Kentaro Mori1,6, Yutaka Hata1, Yoshifumi Fukunishi7
1Graduate School of Simulation Studies, University of Hyogo, 2Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 4Graduate School of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 5College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 6National Institute of Technology, Maizuru College, 7Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 161-176, 2020.
1Graduate School of Simulation Studies, University of Hyogo, 2Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 4Graduate School of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 5College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 6National Institute of Technology, Maizuru College, 7Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Biophysics and Physicobiology 17 161-176, 2020.
- アブストラクト: 従量制は110円(税込)、基本料金制は基本料金に含まれます。
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。