Title | 気管支喘息の経過中にびまん性汎細気管支炎 (DPB) を合併したと考えられた14歳男児例 |
Subtitle | 症例報告 |
Authors | 小山智史1), 石森真吾1), 大西聡1,2) |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | 1)社会医療法人愛仁会高槻病院小児科, 2)社会医療法人愛仁会高槻病院小児集中治療科 |
Journal | 日本小児呼吸器学会雑誌 |
Volume | 32 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 125-133 |
Year/Month | 2021 / |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本小児呼吸器学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨:」【症例】14歳男児. 家族歴なし. 既往歴:日齢4に完全大血管転位1型の根治術を施行. 内臓逆位なし. 数年前から副鼻腔炎あり. 現病歴:X-3年から湿性咳嗽及び労作時呼吸困難があり, 気管支喘息として長期管理薬(吸入ステロイド, ロイコトリエン受容体拮抗薬内服)を使用していた. X年1月から咳嗽が増強し, 3月に喘息大発作として入院した. ステロイド全身投与, イソプロテレノール吸入による喘息発作に対する治療に加え, 呼吸器理学療法の併用により多量の喀痰の排泄が得られ, 努力呼吸は改善したが低酸素血症が遷延し酸素投与の継続を要した. 胸部CTを含めた各種検査から, 気管支喘息とびまん性汎細気管支炎(DPB)との合併と診断した. 少量エリスロマイシン, 去痰薬内服, 在宅酸素療法を導入し入院17日目に退院とした.【考察】気管支喘息の経過中に小児DPBを合併した1例を経験した. 経過中に治療反応性が低下する気管支喘息症例では他疾患を念頭に精査を行う必要があり, 中でもDPBは鑑別疾患として重要である. |
Practice | 臨床医学:内科系 |
Keywords | 気管支喘息, 小児びまん性汎細気管支炎, 原発性線毛運動不全症, マクロライド |
Title | Diffuse panbronchiolitis in a fourteen-year-old boy, developed during the course of bronchial asthma : a case report |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Tomoshi Koyama1), Shingo Ishimori1), Satoshi Onishi1,2) |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | 1)Department of Pediatrics, Takatsuki General Hospital, 2)Department of Pediatrics, Intensive Care of medicine, Takatsuki General Hospital |
Journal | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology |
Volume | 32 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 125-133 |
Year/Month | 2021 / |
Article | Report |
Publisher | Japanese Society of Pediatric Pulmonology |
Abstract | [Summary:] Case: A 14-year-old male had a history of repair transposition of the great arteries (type 1) without situs inversus four days after birth and chronic sinusitis since age 10. His asthma had been managed with an oral leukotriene receptor antagonist and inhaled corticosteroid since age 11. He was admitted with severe asthma attack on March of his 14 years old. During his hospital stay, corticosteroids, inhaled isoproterenol, and physical therapy improved his clinical symptoms; however, his oxygen dependence continued. Based on his clinical symptoms and chest computed tomography, he was diagnosed with diffuse panbronchiolitis developed during the course of bronchial asthma. He was discharged with home oxygen therapy and low-dose erythromycin at admission day of 17. Conclusion: If children with bronchial asthma had atypical clinical course which treatment of asthma could not relieve their respiratory symptoms, pediatricians should consider diffuse panbronchiolitis developed during the course of bronchial asthma. |
Practice | Clinical internal medicine |
Keywords |
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