


Title 胃がん術後CAPOX療法におけるカペシタビンの残薬評価
Subtitle ノート
Authors 木村優花a, 川上和宜b, 中村匡志b, 横川貴志b, 清水久範b, 小林一男b, 青山剛b, 鈴木亘b, 羽鳥正浩b, 鈴木賢一a,†, 高張大亮c, 小倉真理子c, 陳勁松c, 中山厳馬c, 若槻尊c, 山口研成c, 山口正和b
Authors (kana)
Organization a星薬科大学実務教育研究部門, b公益財団法人がん研究会有明病院薬剤部, c公益財団法人がん研究会有明病院消化器化学療法科, †現所属 : 東京薬科大学薬学部臨床薬理学教室
Volume 143
Number 12
Page 1075-1081
Year/Month 2023 / 12
Article 報告
Publisher 日本薬学会
Abstract 「緒言」従来がん薬物療法は入院で行われていたが, 近年は経口抗がん薬や支持療法の発展により外来でのがん薬物療法が主流になっている. 外来がん薬物療法では標準療法の多くに経口抗がん薬が含まれ, 経口抗がん薬の治療は注射剤を用いた治療よりも利便性の点で好まれている. そのため, 今後も経口抗がん薬の使用が増えることが予想される. 一方, 外来での経口抗がん薬治療は, 患者自身が指示された投与期間に, 決められた投与量を内服する必要がある. そこで, 外来での経口抗がん薬治療は, 薬剤師による経口抗がん薬や支持療法薬の服薬指導に加え, 患者が適正に経口抗がん薬を内服できているかのアドヒアランス評価が重要である. 主なアドヒアランス低下理由の一つは副作用であり, 経口抗がん薬服用患者の残薬理由のうち69.8%が有害事象であることが報告されている. これまでに, がん研究会有明病院 (以下, 当院) の薬剤師外来では, 薬剤師が経口抗がん薬のアドヒアランスを評価し, その低下要因を明らかにしてきた.
Practice 薬学
Keywords adherence, outpatient pharmacy clinic, leftover capecitabine tablet, adjuvant capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (COPDX) chemotherapy, gastric cancer


Title Evaluation of the Leftover Capecitabine Tablets in Adjuvant CAPDX Chemotherapy for Gastric Cancer
Subtitle Note
Authors Yuka Kimura(a), Kazuyoshi Kawakami(b), Masashi Nakamura(b), Takashi Yokokawa(b), Hisanori Shimizu(b), Kazuo Kobayashi(b), Takeshi Aoyama(b), Wataru Suzuki(b), Masahiro Hatori(b), Kenichi Suzuki(a), Daisuke Takahari(c), Mariko Ogura(c), Keisho Chin(c), Izuma Nakayama(c), Takeru Wakatsuki(c), Kensei Yamaguchi(c), Masakazu Yamaguchi(b)
Authors (kana)
Organization (a)Division of Applied Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hoshi University, (b)Department of Pharmacy, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, (c)Department of Gastroenterological Chemotherapy, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Journal YAKUGAKU ZASSHI (Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan)
Volume 143
Number 12
Page 1075-1081
Year/Month 2023 / 12
Article Report
Publisher Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Abstract Since it is important that patients take their oral anticancer therapy as prescribed, pharmacists need to assess adherence. In addition, oral anticancer drugs are expensive, and reuse of leftover drugs at outpatient pharmacy clinics is useful in reducing drug costs. The present study aimed to clarify when and why patients have leftover capecitabine tablets, and the cost of leftover capecitabine tablets reused at an outpatient pharmacy clinic, focusing on adjuvant capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPDX) chemotherapy for gastric cancer. We retrospectively studied patients who received adjuvant CAPDX chemotherapy for gastric cancer between November 1, 2015, and April 30, 2021, at the Cancer Institute Hospital of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research. The cost of leftover capecitabine reused by pharmacists was calculated based on the National Health Insurance drug price standard for the study period. This study included 64 patients who received adjuvant CAPDX chemotherapy. Thirty-seven patients had 152 leftover capecitabine tablets. The most common reasons for leftover capecitabine tablets were nausea and vomiting (21.7%), missed doses (18.4%), and diarrhea (13.2%). The leftover capecitabine tablets for 25 patients were reused at the outpatient pharmacy clinic at a cost of JPY 604142.8 (JPY 24165.7 per patient). The study results suggest that evaluating capecitabine adherence and the reasons for leftover capecitabine tablets at outpatient pharmacy clinics as well as reusing leftover medication can contribute to reducing drug costs.
Practice Pharmaceutical sciences
Keywords adherence, outpatient pharmacy clinic, leftover capecitabine tablet, adjuvant capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (COPDX) chemotherapy, gastric cancer
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