


Title 不妊治療終結期の女性が求める支援と看護職者の実践と課題
Subtitle 原著
Authors 三尾亜喜代, 佐藤美紀, 小松万喜子
Authors (kana)
Organization 愛知県立大学看護学部
Journal 母性衛生
Volume 61
Number 1
Page 50-58
Year/Month 2020 / 4
Article 原著
Publisher 日本母性衛生学会
Abstract 「抄録」目的は, 子どもを得ず不妊治療を終結する女性が終結期に求める支援と看護職の支援の実際と課題を明らかにし, 終結期の支援の在り方を検討することである. 治療を終結した女性15名と支援を行う看護職7名に半構造化面接を行い, 収集したデータを質的帰納的に分析した. 結果, 女性が求める支援は, [心情に配慮した気持ちが和らぐ対応と環境の調整][意思決定を支える治療段階にそった十分な情報提供][多様な家族の在り方が肯定される社会に向かう働きかけ]など5カテゴリが抽出された. 看護職の実践は, [現状の理解を助け, 終結を一緒に考える][夫も巻き込み夫婦でその後の人生を考えるように支援する]のほか, [医師と連携して患者に対応し終結を支える][養子縁組, 配偶子等の提供に関する相談への対応が難しい][終結後も含めた心身の健康に対する支援が不足している]など7カテゴリが抽出された. 終結期の意思決定支援には他職種との連携が重要であり, 信頼関係を築き心情に配慮し, 治療段階に沿った意思決定を支える支援が重要である. また, 終結後の心身の健康への支援不妊や多様な家族の在り方の理解を社会に働きかける必要性が示唆された.
Practice 公衆衛生学
Keywords 不妊治療終結, 当事者ニーズ, 看護職者, 不妊治療看護, ending fertility treatment, patient needs, nurses, nursing practice in fertility treatment


Title Support for women who decide to discontinue fertility treatment, and associated nursing practices and challenges
Subtitle Original Articles
Authors Akiyo Mio, Miki Sato, Makiko Komatsu
Authors (kana)
Organization School of Nursing & Health, Aichi Prefectural University
Journal Japanese Journal of Maternal Health
Volume 61
Number 1
Page 50-58
Year/Month 2020 / 4
Article Original article
Publisher Japan Society of Maternal Health
Abstract [Abstract] We investigated the support women seek when discontinuing fertility treatment without having a child. To assess nursing support for ending fertility treatment we also examined nursing practices, challenges. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 women who had stopped fertility treatment and 7 nurses who had helped them to end treatment. Data were analyzed qualitatively and inductively. Five categories of nursing support required by women were extracted, including having environmental arrangements that consider the women's emotional state and ease their feelings; providing sufficient information throughout treatment to support decision-making; and advocating for social understanding of the diversity of family structure. Seven categories of nursing practice were extracted, including helping women to understand their current situation and to then think together about ending treatment; involving husbands and supporting the couples to think about life after ending treatment; corresponding with patients, in cooperation with doctors, to support the ending of treatment; sensing difficulties when responding to questions regarding adoption or the provision of gametes; and lack of support for physical and mental health, including after the ending of treatment. Nurses must cooperate with other medical staff to support women deciding to end fertility treatment. They need to build trusting relationships with women and consider their feelings, and provide support for their decision-making through all the stages of treatment. Support for physical and mental health after ending treatment is important, as are nursing activities that advocate social understanding of family diversity.
Practice Public Health
Keywords ending fertility treatment, patient needs, nurses, nursing practice in fertility treatment
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