


Title 助産所助産師の産後ケアを受けた母親の体験
Subtitle 原著
Authors 稲田千晴, 國分真佐代, 島田真理恵
Authors (kana)
Organization 公益社団法人日本助産師会, 鈴鹿医療科学大学, 上智大学
Journal 母性衛生
Volume 61
Number 2
Page 389-396
Year/Month 2020 / 7
Article 原著
Publisher 日本母性衛生学会
Abstract 「抄録」 目的: 助産所の産後ケアを利用した母親の体験を明らかにし, 助産所助産師が行う産後ケアの意義を考察する. 方法: 有床助産所で産後ケアを受けた母親に半構造化面接を行い, 産後ケアの体験を語ってもらい, エピソードを元に, 助産師から受けた産後ケアの体験を質的に分析した. 結果・考察: 産後1ヵ月以内に産後ケアを利用した, 7名の母親にインタビューを行った. 助産所助産師の産後ケアによって, 母親は, 【自分が大切にされる】, 【自分の状況に合わせた育児の承認】, 【母親役割のめばえ】を体験し, 産後の心身の回復が進み, 授乳をはじめとした育児がうまくできるようになり, 育児を中心に自分や家族地域との調整やつながりのイメージを持つことができるようになっていた. その過程に助産師は母親を尊重し寄り添い, 母親の休息と, 母親自身で子どもの世話を学ぶことを両立し, 地域の中で自立した育児ができるための支援をしており, 助産所助産師が産後ケアを行う意義が明らかになった.
Practice 公衆衛生学
Keywords 産後ケア, 産後ケア事業, 助産師, 助産所, postpartum care, postpartum care business, midwife, midwifery center


Title Experience of mothers who received postpartum care from midwives at midwifery Centers
Subtitle Original Articles
Authors Chiharu Inada, Masayo Kokubu, Marie Shimada
Authors (kana)
Organization Japanese Midwife Association, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Sophia University
Journal Japanese Journal of Maternal Health
Volume 61
Number 2
Page 389-396
Year/Month 2020 / 7
Article Original article
Publisher Japan Society of Maternal Health
Abstract [Abstract] Objectives: The objectives of the present study were to clarify the contents of postpartum midwifery care through the experience of mothers who received the care and to examine the significance of midwifery care. Methods: Through semi-structured interviews with mothers who received postpartum care at bedded midwifery centers, we learned about their postpartum care experience and qualitatively analyzed the experience of midwifery care that they received. Results and Discussion: Seven mothers who utilized postpartum care were interviewed within one month after childbirth. Through postpartum care by midwives at midwifery centers, mothers experienced the following: "I am valued," "childcare according to our situation is allowed," and "the sprouting of a mother's role." In addition, postpartum mental and physical recovery progressed, childcare including breastfeeding was managed well, and mothers could visualize coordination among themselves, their families, and communities centered on childcare. In the process, midwives respected and provided support to mothers so that mothers could take rest, learn about childcare, and care for their children by themselves. Thus, through this study, the significance of midwifery postpartum care at midwifery centers was clarified.
Practice Public Health
Keywords postpartum care, postpartum care business, midwife, midwifery center
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