


Title コホート内から抽出した地域在住高齢者の身体活動量と軽度認知障害との関連
Subtitle 原著
Authors 小田川敦*, 桂敏樹2*, 星野明子3*, 志澤美保2*,3*, 臼井香苗3*
Authors (kana)
Organization *宇治市役所, 2*京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻, 3*京都府立医科大学大学院保健看護学研究科
Journal 日本農村医学会雑誌
Volume 68
Number 6
Page 781-789
Year/Month 2020 / 3
Article 原著
Publisher 日本農村医学会
Abstract 我が国では認知症の増加が重要な健康課題になっている. 厚生労働省は認知症を予防する最も効果的な方法はMCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment)を把握し対処することであると指摘している. そこで, 本研究では認知症のリスク要因である不活発な身体活動量とMCIの関連を検討することを目的とした. 基本チェックリストによって判定したA市在住閉じこもり高齢者26名と性, 年齢, 居住地区をマッチさせた非閉じこもり26名を2013年コホートから無作為に抽出し, 身体活動量, MCIなどを訪問調査した. その内容は基本属性, 基本チェックリスト, IPAQ, MoCA-J, Kohs, HDS-R, GDS-S-J, IADLである. 抽出された高齢者の身体活動量(IPAQ)から区分した身体活動の活動群と不活動群の2群間でMCIを比較するためにχ2検定, Mann-Whitney U検定を用いた. 統計解析にはSPSSを用い, 危険率は5%未満とした. 身体活動不活動群は活発群に比べて殆ど身体活動がなく非活動時間が多く, 健康づくりに必要な身体活動量を満たしていなかった. 更に不活動群は活動群に比べてMoCA-JによるMCIが多かったが, KohsによるMCIは相違がなかった. このことから, 健康づくりやMCI予防に必要な身体活動レベルを満たしていない不活動状態がMCIのリスク要因になることが明らかになった. 本研究は地域在住高齢者から不活動者を把握し, MCIのリスクを早期に発見し対処する方法を考案する必要性を示唆している.
Practice 臨床医学:一般


Title Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Community-Dwelling Elderly Adults Sampled Randomly From a Cohort
Authors Atsushi ODAGAWA*, Toshiki KATSURA2*, Akiko HOSHINA3*, Miho SHIZAWA2*,3*, Kanae USUI3*
Authors (kana)
Organization *Dept of Uji City Hall, 2*Dept. of Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University, 3*Graduate School of Health Sciences and Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Journal Nihon Noson Igakkai Zassi
Volume 68
Number 6
Page 781-789
Year/Month 2020 / 3
Article Original article
Publisher The Japanese Association of Rural Medicine
Abstract The increase in dementia is becoming a serious health-related issue in Japan. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has indicated that the most effective method for preventing dementia is to detect and manage mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Accordingly, this study focused on "low physical activity", which is a risk factor for dementia, and aimed to clarify the correlation between physical activity and MCI by analyzing the amount of physical activity among community-dwelling elderly adults sampled randomly from a cohort. A door-to-door survey was conducted of 26 physically housebound elderly adults and 26 physically non-housebound elderly adults matched for sex, age, and living quarters who were randomly sampled from a 2013 cohort. Housebound status was assessed using a basic checklist. The survey was conducted at the participants' homes. Components of the survey included basic attributes, basic checklists, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Japanese version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-J), Kohs Block Design Test (Kohs), Revised Hasegawa's Dementia Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale - Short Version-Japanese, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale, and grip strength. The chi-squared or Mann - Whitney U test was used for comparisons between the elderly adults with low physical activity and those with high physical activity. The chi-squared test was used to compare the relationships between physical activity and MCI assessments (MoCA-J, Kohs). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows, with significance established at p < 0.05. Physically inactive elderly adults were engaged in significantly physical activities and had significantly more inactive periods compared with physically active elderly adults. The inactive elderly adults did not fulfill the level of physical activity needed to maintain fitness. In addition, a significantly higher percentage of inactive elderly adults had MCI compared with active elderly adults according to MoCA-J score. When MCI was assessed using the Kohs, on the other hand, there was no significant difference between the active and inactive elderly adults. Inactive elderly adults were not able to fulfill the level of physical activity necessary to maintain fitness and prevent MCI. There is a need to urgently consider ways to identify inactive community-dwelling elderly adults and to detect and manage MCI at an early stage.
Practice Clinical medicine
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