


Title NICU入院児の母親の自尊感情とその関連要因
Subtitle 研究
Authors 藤原万由美1), 山口孝子1), 堀田法子2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)名古屋市立大学看護学部 (看護師), 2)名古屋市立大学看護学部 (助産師 / 研究職)
Journal 小児保健研究
Volume 79
Number 4
Page 304-313
Year/Month 2020 /
Article 報告
Publisher 日本小児保健協会
Abstract 〔論文要旨〕目的:NICU入院は母子分離された母親の不安感が高まり, 自尊感情が低いと育児困難感が増すといわれる. 目的は, NICUに入院した満期産児の母親の自尊感情に影響を与える要因を明らかにすることである. 対象と方法:NICUを生後2週間までに退院した満期産児の母親を対象とし, 質問紙を用いて自尊感情, 状態不安, 対児感情(接近・回避), 夫婦関係満足度, 看護実践を得点化し入院時と退院時で比較した. さらに自尊感情を高値群, 低値群に分けてほかの質問事項との関連性を検討した. また, 入院前母児同室の経験および院内外泊の実施の有無, 母児の特性についても調査した. 結果:有効回答者は64人. 自尊感情の得点は入院時と退院時で有意差はなかった. 状態不安は退院時で低下(p<0.001), 対児感情(接近)は退院時で上昇した(p<0.001). 看護実践では, 「理解を助ける調整」が高値を, 「のちにも利用できる情報提供」が低値を示した. また, 自尊感情の高値群では入院時の夫婦関係満足度で高く(p=0.033), 退院時の状態不安が低く(p=0.022), 退院時での看護実践の「両親に寄り添う姿勢の提示」(p=0.018)と「理解を助ける調整」(p=0.047)でともに高かった. 結論:自尊感情が高い母親は, 入院前から夫婦関係が良好で, 退院時には不安が軽減していた. そして, 両親に寄り添い, 児の状態理解を深める看護が実践されていた.
Practice 公衆衛生学
Keywords 新生児集中治療室, 満期産児, 出生時体重2,500g以上, 母親, 自尊感情, NICU, full-term infants, birth weight >-2,500g, mother, self-esteem


Title Self-esteem of Mothers of Full-term Infants in NICU and Associated Factors
Authors Mayumi FUJIWARA1), Takako YAMAGUCHI1), Noriko HOTTA2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)名古屋市立大学看護学部 (看護師), 2)名古屋市立大学看護学部 (助産師 / 研究職)
Journal The Journal of Child Health
Volume 79
Number 4
Page 304-313
Year/Month 2020 /
Article Report
Publisher The Japanese Society of Child Health
Abstract [Summary] Purpose : To clarify the self-esteem of mothers of full-term infants in the NICU and associated factors. Subjects and methods : A questionnaire survey was conducted among 64 mothers of full-term infants born with birth weights of >-2,500g who stayed in the NICU for the first 2 weeks of life. The questionnaire was completed twice, at the time of NICU admission and discharge. Demographic information were obtained from medical records. Maternal psychological conditions were analyzed with tools that assessed self-esteem, state anxiety (from the new STAI-JYZ), and satisfaction with husband-wife relationship, as well as Hanazawa's Feelings toward Baby Scale and the Measure of Processes of Care-20 ( MPOC-20). Results : There were no significant differences in maternal self-esteem between admission and discharge. State anxiety was significantly lower at discharge than at admission. On Hanazawa's Feelings toward Baby Scale, the approach score increased slightly and the avoidance score remained the same. The mean score for satisfaction with the husband-wife relationship was 20.84+-3.34 (SD). The highest score on the MPOC-20 was for factor IV (adjustment to help understanding) and the lowest for factor II (providing information that can be used later). Univariate analysis was conducted to assess the association between maternal self-esteem and baseline characteristics and psychometric scales. At the time of admission, self-esteem was seen to be associated with satisfaction with the husband-wife relationship (p=0.033). At the time of discharge, associations were seen with state anxiety (p=0.022), factor I (supportive care with respect for parents) (p=0.018) and factor IV (adjustment to help understanding) (p=0.047) from MPOC-20. Conclusion : This research showed that mothers with high self-esteem had a good marital relationship before admission, and that their anxiety was reduced when their baby was discharged. Nursing was practiced so that nurses became closer to parents and deepened their understanding of their baby's condition.
Practice Public Health
Keywords NICU, full-term infants, birth weight >-2,500g, mother, self-esteem
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