


Title 在宅療養児 (者) と家族に訪問看護師が行う医療的ケアの支援の内容に関する文献検討
Subtitle 報告
Authors 草野淳子1), 高野政子1), 水元恵理2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)大分県立看護科学大学 (研究職 / 看護師), 2)大分県立病院 (看護師)
Journal 小児保健研究
Volume 79
Number 5
Page 502-509
Year/Month 2020 /
Article 報告
Publisher 日本小児保健協会
Abstract 〔論文要旨〕 目的 : 本研究の目的は, 文献検討を行い, 在宅療養児(者)と家族に対して訪問看護師が行う医療的ケアの支援の内容を明らかにすることである. 方法 : 医学中央雑誌Web版より, 「小児」, 「重症心身障がい児」, 「訪問看護」, 「医療的ケア」をキーワードに, 2003年から2016年4月の期間の原著論文を検索し, 19文献を対象とした. 訪問看護師が行う医療的ケアに関わる内容を抽出し, 類似した内容で整理し, サブカテゴリー, カテゴリーを抽出した. 結果 : 訪問看護師による支援内容は, 【医療的ケアの指導】, 【医療的ケアの実施】, 【母親の育児負担の軽減】, 【医療的ケアに関する相談相手】, 【医療的ケアに関する情報提供】, 【医療的ケアに関する多職種連携】の6カテゴリーと23のサブカテゴリーが抽出された. 考察 : 訪問看護師は, 家族が医療的ケアの根拠や方法を理解できるよう段階を踏み, 支援する必要がある. 家族が無理なくケアを実施できるようケア方法の調整をし, 緊急時に備えて, 母親が対応できる体制を整える必要があると考える. また, 家族が罪悪感なく休息できるよう支援を行い, 重症児の病状の変化に伴う相談に応じる役割がある. 訪問看護師は多職種と連携して活動し, 看護の専門性の視点から意見を述べ, 医療的ケアのマネジメントをすることが求められる.
Practice 公衆衛生学
Keywords 在宅療養児(者), 家族, 訪問看護師, 医療的ケア, 支援, child receiving home care, family, visiting nurse, medical care, support


Title Supports of Visiting Nurse to Children with Special Healthcare Needs and Their Families : A Review of the Literature
Authors Junko KUSANO1), Masako TAKANO1), Eri MIZUMOTO2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)大分県立看護科学大学 (研究職 / 看護師), 2)大分県立病院 (看護師)
Journal The Journal of Child Health
Volume 79
Number 5
Page 502-509
Year/Month 2020 /
Article Report
Publisher The Japanese Society of Child Health
Abstract [Summary] Purpose : This study intended to clarify the current state and challenges of support for medical care provided by visiting nurses to children receiving home care and their families. Methods : A search of Ichushi-Web was done for original papers published during the period from 2003 to April 2016 using the keywords "children," "children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities," "home-visit nursing," and "medical care." A total of 22 papers were subject to analysis by extracting content related to medical care provided by visiting nurses, organizing content by similarities, and sorting this content into sub-categories and categories. Results : The content of support provided by visiting nurses was sorted into six categories and 24 sub-categories. The six categories were : "guidance on medical care," "implementation of medical care," "alleviation of the childcare burden of mothers," "a person to consult regarding medical care," "provision of information on medical care," and "interdisciplinary cooperation in medical care." Discussion : Visiting nurses need to adjust care methods so that families can comfortably provide care and to establish a system in preparation for emergencies. Furthermore, visiting nurses provide support so that families can take a break and also assume the role of responding to consultations associated with changes in the conditions of children with severe disabilities. Visiting nurses must express their opinions from a professional nursing perspective and manage medical care.
Practice Public Health
Keywords child receiving home care, family, visiting nurse, medical care, support
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