


Title 患者と薬局薬剤師とのコミュニケーションの重要性と薬剤師職能
Subtitle 一般論文
Authors 鈴木学1,2, 藤井嵩将3, 佐藤ゆかり1, 小池紫1,2, 鈴木昭夫1, 日比野靖1, 杉山正1, 林秀樹1,2,3
Authors (kana)
Organization 1岐阜県薬剤師会, 2岐阜薬科大学地域医療実践薬学研究室, 3岐阜薬科大学在宅チーム医療薬学寄付講座
Journal 医療薬学
Volume 49
Number 12
Page 442-451
Year/Month 2023 / 12
Article 報告
Publisher 日本医療薬学会
Abstract 「緒言」厚生労働省は, 2025年を目途に, 高齢者の尊厳の保持と自立生活の支援の目的の下で, 可能な限り住み慣れた地域で, 自分らしい暮らしを人生の最期まで続けることができるよう, 地域の包括的な支援・サービス提供体制 (地域包括ケアシステム) の構築を推進している. (厚生労働省 地域包括ケア https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/hukushi_kaigo/kaigo_koureisha/chiiki-houkatsu/, 2023年1月22日) そして, 質が高く, 安心で安全な医療を求める患者・家族のニーズに対応するために, 医療に従事する専門職は, 多種多様なスタッフが各々の高い専門性を前提とし, 目的と情報を共有し, 業務を分担するとともに, お互いに連携・補完し合い, 患者の状況に的確に対応した医療を提供するための「チーム医療」, 「多職種連携」を推進しなければならない.
Practice 薬学
Keywords communication, professional functions of pharmacists, explanation of medicines by pharmacists, family pharmacist


Title Importance of Communication between Patients and Pharmacists and Pharmacist's Professional Ability
Subtitle Regular Articles
Authors Manabu Suzuki1,2, Takuma Fujii3, Yukari Satou1, Yukari Koike1,2, Akio Suzuki1, Yasushi Hibino1, Tadashi Sugiyama1, Hideki Hayashi1,2,3
Authors (kana)
Organization 1Gifu Pharmaceutical Association, 2Gifu Pharmaceutical University Community Pharmaceutical Practice and Science, 3Gifu Pharmaceutical University Home Team Care Pharmacy
Journal Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences
Volume 49
Number 12
Page 442-451
Year/Month 2023 / 12
Article Report
Publisher Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences
Abstract The significance of communication between pharmacy pharmacists and patients has recently increased. However, it is unclear to what extent patients consider communication with pharmacists important and to what extent patients who consider communication important (the communication-priories group) evaluate the professional skills of pharmacy pharmacists. The purpose of this study was to confirm the importance of communication between patients and pharmacists by investigating patients' evaluations of the various professional functions of pharmacists. We conducted a questionnaire survey of patients who visited pharmacies belonging to the Gifu Pharmaceutical Association. The response rate was 11.3% (110 pharmacies), with 974 patient respondents. The proportions of the communication-priority group and the control group were 30.3% and 69.7%, respectively, and a positive correlation was found between age and the proportions of communication-priority group. In the communication-priority group, the proportion of patients who were treated by their family pharmacist and dissatisfaction items, such as checking the availability of a medication registry, prescriber-oriented intervention, and laboratory data valued at each visit, were significantly higher. This study revealed that patients valued adequate explanations of medicines by pharmacists and communication with pharmacists. It was also found that patients were satisfied with the pharmacist's appropriate advice, helpfulness, and ease of consultation. The patients in the communication-priority group were not willing to accept a one-sided attitude of the pharmacist, but they were also not positive about the prescriber-oriented intervention of the pharmacist. It is suggested that the patients who prioritized communication expected the pharmacists to provide appropriate advice as the medication experts.
Practice Pharmaceutical sciences
Keywords communication, professional functions of pharmacists, explanation of medicines by pharmacists, family pharmacist
  • 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。


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