


Title 慢性疾患患者の退院支援における病棟看護師の意思決定支援の実践
Subtitle 資料
Authors 成島沙織, 大竹まり子, 松田友美
Authors (kana)
Organization 山形大学大学院医学系研究科看護学専攻
Journal 北日本看護学会誌
Volume 23
Number 1
Page 29-37
Year/Month 2020 / 9
Article 報告
Publisher 北日本看護学会
Abstract 「要旨」 本研究の目的は, 病棟看護師が慢性疾患患者・家族に対して実施する退院支援における意思決定支援の実践を明らかにすることである. 病棟看護師を対象に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した. その結果49名から回答が得られ, 退院支援実践自己評価尺度の項目では, 【患者・家族からの情報収集】【患者・家族への意思決定支援】【院内外の多職種連携による療養指導】【社会資源の活用】の順に実施していた. 【再入院時の評価】は, 21.7%ができていると評価した. 病状説明の場にプライマリーナースが同席するには, 勤務の都合上困難な場合が多かったが情報収集等で補っていた. 意思決定支援の研修を受けた者は, 【意思決定支援】を実践し, 意思決定支援の自己学習をした者は【意思決定支援】【再入院時の評価】【病状説明の同席】を実践していた. 慢性疾患患者の退院支援には, 意思決定支援を学ぶ機会の必要性が示唆された.
Practice 看護学
Keywords 退院支援, 意思決定支援, 慢性疾患, discharge planning, decision support, chronic illness


Title Discharge planning for patients with chronic illness : the practice of decision support from ward nurses
Subtitle Information
Authors Saori Narishima, Mariko Ohtake, Yumi Matsuda
Authors (kana)
Organization Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine, Graduate school of Nursing
Journal Journal of North Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Volume 23
Number 1
Page 29-37
Year/Month 2020 / 9
Article Report
Publisher North Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Abstract [ABSTRACT] This study aims to reveal the decision support practices used by ward nurses during discharge planning for chronically ill patients and their families. Ward nurses were asked to complete an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey. Responses were obtained from 49 participants, including a self-assessment rating scale for discharge planning practices, and indicated that the following practices were being implemented, listed in order: obtaining information from the patient's family, decision support for the patient's family, treatment guidance from multidisciplinary teams comprised of in-hospital and external specialists, and utilization of community resources. A readmission evaluation was assessed as being successfully completed in 21.7% of cases. The primary nurse was often unable to be present for the explanation of the patient's condition due to other duties, but this was compensated for through collection of information and other practices. Those who had undertaken training in decision support were putting decision support into practice, while those who had completed self-learning in decision support were practicing decision support, readmission evaluation, and attendance at explanation of the patient's condition. The results of this study indicated the necessity of opportunities to learn decision support practices to be able to provide this support in discharge planning for patients with chronic illness.
Practice Nursing
Keywords discharge planning, decision support, chronic illness
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