


Title 臨床看護師が成長に向かう動機づけの構造
Subtitle 原著
Authors 新裕紀子1), 中尾久子2), 濱田裕子2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)九州看護福祉大学, 2)九州大学大学院医学研究院
Journal 日本看護科学会誌
Volume 39
Page 29-37
Year/Month 2019 /
Article 原著
Publisher 日本看護科学学会
Abstract 「要旨」目的: 臨床看護師が成長に向かう動機づけの構造を明らかにする. 方法: 経験3年目以上の看護師13名に半構成的面接を行った. 結果: 8つのカテゴリーが見出された. 看護師は【看護職として仕事に向かうための基盤】を築くことで【看護という仕事への取り組み】を容易にし, 仕事の中で【専門職としての未熟な自己への気付き】に至り【未熟さの克服への努力】を行っていた. 他者との関わりが増すことで【他者との関わりを通した自己の在り方への関心】を強く抱きながら【他者への配慮を心にとめた自己の探究】を続け, 経験を積み重ねる中で【看護職に対する誇りと他者貢献への欲求】が培われ, 【仕事に対する自律性と協調性の融合】した行動へと繋がった. 結論: 看護師が成長に向かう動機づけは, 一人前の専門職を目指す中で他者へ向かう思考と自己の内面に向かう思考がバランスを取り, 協調的で自律的な行動を見出す構造であることが示唆された.
Practice 看護学
Keywords 臨床看護師, 成長, 動機づけ, 質的研究, 構造, clinical nurse, growth, motivation, qualitative research, structure


Title The Structure of Motivation for Growth of Clinical Nurses
Authors Yukiko Arata1), Hisako Nakao2), Yuko Hamada2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare, 2)Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Journal Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Volume 39
Page 29-37
Year/Month 2019 /
Article Original article
Publisher Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Abstract [Abstract] Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the structure of motivation for growth of clinical nurses. Method: Thirteen nurses with more than three years of clinical experience were interviewed using a semi-structured interview. Results: Eight categories were extracted. Laying a "foundation for working as a nurse" facilitated nurses to "tackle nursing work", and developing "awareness of immaturity as a professional" while working helped nurses to make an "effort to overcome immaturity". As nurses developed relationships with others, they gradually strengthened their "interest in what I should be through relationships with others", and they "reflected on themselves with consideration for others". "Pride in nursing and a desire to contribute" was cultivated with accumulation of experience, leading to "fusion of autonomy and cooperation at work". Conclusion: These results suggest that motivation for growth of clinical nurses requires establishment of both cooperative and autonomous behaviors by maintaining a balance of thoughts for others and the inner self, with the aim of becoming a fully-fledged professional.
Practice Nursing
Keywords clinical nurse, growth, motivation, qualitative research, structure
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