


Title 患者と家族の思いに沿った退院支援 - 患者と家族の療養生活に関する思いの語りから -
Subtitle 原著
Authors 加藤由香里
Authors (kana)
Organization 岐阜県立看護大学 地域基礎看護学領域
Journal 岐阜県立看護大学紀要
Volume 20
Number 1
Page 29-41
Year/Month 2020 / 3
Article 原著
Publisher 岐阜県立看護大学
Abstract 「要旨」本研究は, 患者と家族の入院中の経験や思い, 退院後の療養生活状況や思いの語りを踏まえ, 患者と家族の療養生活の思いを明らかにし, 患者と家族の思いに沿った退院支援を検討することを目的とした. 調査期間において入院初期から退院支援が必要と判断された患者のうち, 調査協力が得られた患者及び家族3事例を調査対象とし, 入院中及び退院後に半構造化インタビュー調査を行い, 入院中の経験や思い, 退院後の療養生活状況や思いを聴き取った. 聴き取り内容は逐語録を作成し, 意味内容の類似性により分類し, 患者と家族の療養生活に関する思いを明らかにした. 対象事例の患者は, 50〜90歳代で, 配偶者と2人暮らしであった. 患者の療養生活の思いは, 【退院後の生活の心配事を相談したい】【入院前には生活の楽しみがあった】【やりたいことをして過ごせない】【家族の介護に意見や感謝を伝えたい】等, 入院中は6つの大分類に, 退院後は5つの大分類に分類された. 家族の療養生活の思いは, 【生活の具体的なことを相談したい】【患者の体調と生活における留意点を把握したい】【家での介護方法を知りたい】【要望する生活に合う在宅サービスを選びたい】【生活の中に介護がなじまない苦悩がある】等, 入院中及び退院後とも7つの大分類に分類された. 以上より患者と家族の思いに沿った退院支援は, 1) 退院後の療養生活の心配事について話し合う, 2) 退院後もやりたいことができる療養生活を見出す, 3) 患者と家族に合った介護方法を話し合う, 4) 生活の中に介護をなじませる, 5) 積極的に患者の活動能力を高める, 6) 入院中のケアや対応が充実する, であると考えられた.
Practice 看護学
Keywords 退院支援, 患者と家族の思い, 退院後の療養生活, discharge support, patient and family thoughts, recuperation life after discharge


Title Discharge Support based on the Thoughts of Patients and Their Family Members - From Thoughts about the Recuperation Lives of Patients and Family Members based on Interviews -
Authors Yukari Kato
Authors (kana)
Organization Community-based Fundamental Nursing, Gifu College of Nursing
Journal Journal of Gifu College of Nursing
Volume 20
Number 1
Page 29-41
Year/Month 2020 / 3
Article Original article
Publisher Gifu College of Nursing
Abstract [Abstract] The aim of this study was to elucidate the thoughts of patients and their family members on recuperation after discharge based on interviews conducted during and after hospitalization. It was examined hospital discharge support based on the thoughts of patients and their family members. During the survey period, we conducted semi-structured interviews with three patients and their family members. The patients were identified as needing discharge support early into their hospitalization and consented to participate in the study. Interviews were conducted during hospitalization and after discharge. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, and the content was then classified based on similarities in semantic content to clarify the patients' and their family members' thoughts regarding hospitalization and recuperation after discharge. The patients were between 50 and 90 years in age, and lived with their spouses. Patients' thoughts regarding hospitalization and life after discharge were classified as follows: "I would like to discuss my concerns regarding life after being discharged," "Before hospitalization I enjoyed my life," "I would like to continue doing what I like doing after being discharged," "I would like to express my thoughts and gratitude to my family for their care," etc. The thoughts were grouped into six major categories for the period during hospitalization and five major categories for the period after discharge. Family members' thoughts were classified as follows: "I would like to discuss the specifics of life after hospital discharge," "I would like to know about the patient's physical condition and daily life," "I would like to know how to provide care at home," "I would like to choose a service that suits life after hospital discharge," etc. The thoughts were grouped into seven major categories both during hospitalization and after discharge. The results suggest that patients and their families require the following support: 1) an opportunity to discuss the specifics of life after hospital discharge, 2) knowing whether the patient would be able to continue doing what they liked to do after being discharged, 3) an opportunity to discuss care methods suitable for both patient and family members, 4) advice on how to adapt care into daily routines, 5) how to improve the patient's ability to be active, and 6) for nurses to provide an enhanced level of support during hospitalization.
Practice Nursing
Keywords discharge support, patient and family thoughts, recuperation life after discharge
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