


Title 地域女性高齢者の睡眠障害と心理・社会的要因との関連
Subtitle 原著
Authors 菅野真紀1], 鈴木みずえ2]
Authors (kana)
Organization 1]株式会社浜松人間科学研究所, 2]浜松医科大学臨床看護学講座
Journal 日本早期認知症学会誌
Volume 13
Number 1
Page 49-57
Year/Month 2020 /
Article 原著
Publisher 日本早期認知症学会
Abstract 「抄録」 目的 : 地域に住む女性高齢者を対象に, 睡眠障害と心理的・社会的要因との関連について明らかにすること. 方法 : 対象者は要介護ハイリスクの介護予防教室の参加者である女性高齢者382人である. 睡眠障害の有無を目的変数とした多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った. 結果 : 平均年齢は85.0±4.6歳, MMSE得点の平均値は26.8±2.0であった. JST版活動能力指標の「社会参加」, 高齢者スピリチュアリティ評定尺度(Spirituality Rating Scale for the Elderly ; SRS-E)の「超越的なものへの関心」は睡眠障害を有意に抑制している要因, JST版活動能力指標の「新機器利用」ストレスチェックリスト・ショートフォーム(Public Health Research Foundation stress check list ; PHRF-SCL)の「疲労・身体反応」「うつ気分・不全感」は有意に促進している要因であることが明らかになった. 結論 : 高齢者の睡眠障害への対策として, 地域活動などの社会参加の促進, 家族との関わりや人との交流を通してのスピリチュアリティ(生きる意欲)の向上, ストレスの軽減, 快眠に向けての生活習慣の改善などが有効であることが示唆された.
Practice 医学総合
Keywords 睡眠障害, 認知機能, スピリチュアリティ, ストレス, 活動能力


Title Relationship between sleep disorder and psychological, social factors of the aged women living in the community
Authors Maki Kanno1], Mizue Suzuki2]
Authors (kana)
Organization 1]Hamamatsu Human Science Laboratry Ltd., 2]Faculty of Nursing, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Journal The Journal of Japan Society for Early Stage of Dementia
Volume 13
Number 1
Page 49-57
Year/Month 2020 /
Article Original article
Publisher Japan Society for Early Stage of Dementia
Abstract [Abstract] Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between sleep disorders and cognitive function, activity ability, stress, and spirituality of elderly women living in a community in Hamamatsu city, Japan. Method: The subjects were high-risk elderly women who made use of preventive care services. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted with sleep disorder as the objective variable. Results: The average age of the subjects was 85.0+-4.6 years, while the mean of the mini mental state examination (MMSE) score was 26.8+-2.0. The results revealed that "social participation" from the JST's version of the activity ability index and "the interest in the transcendent" of the elderly spirituality rating scale (SRS-E) were factors that significantly suppressed sleep disorder, while "new equipment usage" of the JST's version of the activity ability index, "fatigue-/-body reaction" and "depressed mood-/-feeling of insufficiency" of the Public Health Research Foundation Stress Checklist (Short Form) (PHRF-SCL) were factors that significantly promoted sleep disorder. Conclusions: The followings are suggested to be helpful as measures against sleep disorder of elderly people encouragement social participation such as community activities, to enhance spirituality (willingness to live), reduce stress, and improvement of your lifestyle towards a good sleep.
Practice General medicine
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