


Title アトピー性皮膚炎の病態と治療
Subtitle 総説
Authors 中島沙恵子, 椛島健治
Authors (kana)
Organization 京都大学皮膚科
Journal 日本小児アレルギー学会誌
Volume 34
Number 5
Page 594-601
Year/Month 2020 /
Article 報告
Publisher 日本小児アレルギー学会
Abstract 「抄録:」アトピー性皮膚炎は, 増悪と寛解を繰り返し, 掻痒のある湿疹を主病変とする慢性炎症性皮膚疾患である. アトピー性皮膚炎の発症や増悪には, 皮膚バリア機能, 環境要因, 遺伝素因, 皮膚常在細菌などの様々な要素が関わっており, 皮膚バリア, アレルギー炎症, かゆみの3つの要素が中心となり病態を形成する. アトピー性皮膚炎ではTh2型の免疫応答が亢進しており, Th2細胞から産生されるサイトカインであるIL-4, IL-13, IL-31がかゆみの誘導に重要な役割を果たす. また, バリア機能異常のある皮膚を介した経皮感作により誘導される獲得免疫応答は, アレルギーマーチの誘導に重要である. アトピー性皮膚炎の治療の中心は, ステロイド外用薬やタクロリムス軟膏などの抗炎症外用薬と, 保湿剤による皮膚バリア機能の改善(スキンケア)である. Th2サイトカインであるIL-4とIL-13の作用を阻害する抗IL-4受容体抗体であるデュピルマブは, 中等度から重症のアトピー性皮膚炎に高い治療効果を発揮する.
Practice 臨床医学:内科系
Keywords アトピー性皮膚炎, 皮膚バリア, かゆみ, 2型ヘルパーT細胞, atopic dermatitis, barrier function of the skin, itch, Th2 cells


Title Pathogenesis and therapies of atopic dermatitis
Authors Saeko Nakajima, Kenji Kabashima
Authors (kana)
Organization Department of Dermatology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Journal The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Volume 34
Number 5
Page 594-601
Year/Month 2020 /
Article Report
Publisher Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Abstract [Summary:] Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin disorder characterized by pruritus and recurrent eczematous lesions that are accompanied by T-helper (Th) 2-dominated inflammation. Etiology of AD is not yet completely understood, but it is multifactorial. The pathogenesis of AD is driven by three major pathological factors, namely, disruption of the skin barrier, an altered Th2 cell response and pruritus (itching). To improve skin barrier functions, daily use of moisturizer products are required to increase moisture content in the stratum corneum, which further leads to the prevention of allergen invasion and relapse of dermatitis, as well as suppression of itching by recovering and maintaining skin barrier functions. Topical anti-inflammatory ointment such as topical corticosteroid and tacrolimus is essential to improve the dermatitis in AD. Dupilumab, which is a monoclonal antibody against interleukin (IL) -4 receptor α and inhibits down-stream signaling induced by IL-4 and IL-13, shows tremendous effectiveness on moderate to severe AD.
Practice Clinical internal medicine
Keywords atopic dermatitis, barrier function of the skin, itch, Th2 cells
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