


Title アトピー性皮膚炎治療薬としてのJAK阻害薬
Subtitle 解説 : 免疫アレルギー疾患における分子標的薬
Authors 樺島重憲1)2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)えがおの森こどもアレルギークリニック, 2)国立成育医療研究センター・アレルギーセンター
Journal 日本小児アレルギー学会誌
Volume 37
Number 5
Page 519-526
Year/Month 2023 /
Article 報告
Publisher 日本小児アレルギー学会
Abstract 「抄録」 : アトピー性皮膚炎の新規治療薬として, 主にJAK1およびJAK2を阻害するJAK阻害薬が注目されている. アトピー性皮膚炎の病態形成に関わるIL-4, IL-13, IL-22, TSLPといった複数のサイトカインの細胞内シグナル伝達を遮断することにより良好な治療効果を発揮する一方, JAK1およびJAK2以外のJAKファミリー分子への影響が少ないため, 全身投与を行っても重篤な副作用を生じにくいことが報告されている. 臨床的特徴の一つは, 投与開始後の効果発現が早いことである. 投与開始数日で掻痒感が軽減し, 長期に投与を継続しても効果の減弱は見られず, 投与終了後には比較的速やかに効果が消失する. 2023年6月現在, 本邦ではアトピー性皮膚炎の治療薬として3種類の経口JAK阻害薬が上市されているが, いずれも高価であり, その切れ味のよい特性を活かすなら, 中等症から重症の患者の治療を行う際の寛解導入に用いたり, 急性増悪時にステロイド外用薬への追加治療として用いたり, といった使用法が考えられる.
Practice 臨床医学:内科系
Keywords アトピー性皮膚炎, 安全性, JAK阻害薬, 分子標的薬, 有効性, atopic dermatitis, efficacy, Janus kinase inhibitor, molecular-targeted drug, safety


Title JAK inhibitors for the treatment of atopic dermatitis
Authors Shigenori Kabashima1)2)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)Smile Forest Kid's Allergy Clinic, 2)Allergy Center, National Center for Child Health and Development
Journal The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Volume 37
Number 5
Page 519-526
Year/Month 2023 /
Article Report
Publisher Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Abstract [Summary :] JAK inhibitors, which primarily inhibit JAK1 and JAK2, are garnering attention as new therapeutic agents for atopic dermatitis. These drugs exert a favorable therapeutic effect by blocking the intracellular signaling of multiple cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, such as IL-4, IL-13, IL-22, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin. Additionally, they are unlikely to cause serious side effects, even when systemically administered, because they have a little effect on molecules in the JAK family except JAK1 and JAK2. One of the clinical characteristics of JAK inhibitors is their ability to rapidly exert their effect after their administration. The administration of JAK inhibitors can reduce the itching sensation within a few days. Notably, this effect does not diminish even in cases where they are administered for an extended period ; however, the effect quickly dissipates after discontinuation of their administration. Until June 2023, three orally administered JAK inhibitors were available in Japan to treat atopic dermatitis ; however, these inhibitors are expensive. Nevertheless, their high therapeutic responsiveness can be utilized for remission induction in patients with moderate to severe disease or used to deliver adjunctive therapy to topical steroids in acute exacerbations.
Practice Clinical internal medicine
Keywords atopic dermatitis, efficacy, Janus kinase inhibitor, molecular-targeted drug, safety
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