


Title パーキンソン病者の家族介護者が日常生活困難感と折り合いをつけることを可能にする要因
Subtitle 研究報告
Authors 蘇武彩加1)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)岩手県立大学看護学部
Journal 家族看護学研究
Volume 25
Number 1
Page 55-66
Year/Month 2019 /
Article 報告
Publisher 日本家族看護学会
Abstract 「要旨」 目的 : 地域で暮らすPD者の家族介護者が経験する日常生活困難感に対し, 家族介護者自身が対処し折り合いをつけることを可能にする要因を明らかにする. 方法 : 地域で暮らすPD者の家族介護者17名に半構成的面接を行った先行研究で得た語りを用い, 質的記述的に分析した. 結果 : 地域で暮らすPD者の家族介護者が日常生活困難感と折り合いをつけることを可能にする要因は, 【まだ進行していないPD者の身体症状】, 【支援体制が整ったPD者の療養生活】, 【家族介護者を支える人の存在】, 【気分転換を図ることのできる力】, 【PD者の有り様を問題視しない家族介護者の傾向】があった. また, PD者との関わりの中で自身の気持ちの整理をしたりするなかで, 【家族介護者のPD者に対する肯定的な感情】や【他患の存在によるPDに対する客観的な疾患の理解】, 【深められたPD者との相互理解】のほか, 【普通に見えるPD者の外見】というPDという疾患ならではの特性が影響していることが見出された. 考察 : PD者の家族介護者は様々な日常生活困難感に対し, 一般に言われる家族なりの対処をする一方, 患者会への参加などにより他患の存在を意識していた. その中で【普通に見えるPD者の外見】であることは, PD者の家族介護者の気持ちを支えるものであると考えられる. 看護職者にはPD者との関わりを含めた思いを聴き, 起こっている事態の状況評定をすることや捉え直しをする支援ができると示唆される. そして, PD者と家族介護者の心理過程を理解し, 多面的にアセスメントできる看護の強みを生かす支援が求められる.
Practice 看護学
Keywords パーキンソン病, 家族介護者, 日常生活困難感, 対処, Parkinson's disease(PD), Family caregivers, Daily life difficulties, Cope


Title Factors that Allow Family Caregivers of Patients with Parkinson's Disease to Cope with the Difficulties of Daily Life
Authors Ayaka Sobu1)
Authors (kana)
Organization 1)Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University
Journal Japanese Journal of Research in Family Nursing
Volume 25
Number 1
Page 55-66
Year/Month 2019 /
Article Report
Publisher Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing, JARFN
Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to elucidate factors that allowed family caregivers of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) living in local communities to cope with the difficulties of daily life experienced by the caregivers. METHODS: Data obtained in a previous study through semi-structured interviews administered to 17 family caregivers of PD patients living in local communities were qualitatively and descriptively analyzed. RESULTS: Factors that allowed these family caregivers to cope with the difficulties of daily life were "the patient's non-advanced physical symptoms," "the patient's well-supported life with medical treatment," "the presence of a person who supports the family caregiver," "the family caregiver's ability to make changes," and "the family caregiver's tendency not to consider the patient's condition as serious." Family caregivers who were able to maintain their emotional equilibrium while dealing with a PD patient sometimes "experienced positive feelings toward the patient," "had an objective understanding of PD due to the presence of other PD patients," and "had a deeper mutual understanding with the patient." The fact that "PD patients have a similar appearance to ordinary people" was also helpful to family caregivers. DISCUSSION: Family caregivers of PD patients appeared to rely on a variety of methods for coping with the difficulties of daily life. The family caregivers were aware of other PD patients through their participation in patients associations, etc. Under these circumstances, the knowledge that "PD patients have a similar appearance to ordinary people" was considered to be very encouraging for family caregivers of PD patients. These findings suggested that nurses could support family caregivers of PD patients by listening to the caregivers' wishes, including their involvement in the lives of the patients, so that the family caregivers could evaluate and reconsider their situations. Nurses were also required to support family caregivers of PD patients by understanding the mental process of the PD patients and the caregivers by making use of their occupational advantage, which is an example of versatile assessment.
Practice Nursing
Keywords Parkinson's disease (PD), Family caregivers, Daily life difficulties, Cope
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