Title | Corynebacterium属2菌種による両側肉芽腫性乳腺炎の1例 |
Subtitle | 症例報告 |
Authors | 富井康明1), 吉川尚実1), 山田智1), 小川勝1) |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | 1)愛育病院 臨床検査科 |
Journal | 東京都医学検査 |
Volume | 51 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 32-37 |
Year/Month | 2023 / 2 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 東京都臨床検査技師会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」症例は40代女性. 右乳房痛を主訴に当院乳腺外科を受診した. 膿瘍を認めたため, ドレナージが施行され, Cefaclorおよびプレドニンが処方された. 左乳房にも膿瘍が認められ, 両側肉芽腫性乳腺炎の診断となり, ドレナージが施行され, Cefaclorおよびプレドニンが処方された. 膿瘍からのグラム染色では多数の白血球とグラム陽性桿菌が認められた. 培養検査では羊血液/ウマチョコレート寒天培地に非溶血で灰白色のコロニーを認めた. 質量分析による同定検査により右乳房からはCorynebacterium kroppenstedtiiと同定され, 左乳房からはCorynebacterium tuberculostearicumと同定された. 脂質好性Corynebacteriumには脂溶性の抗菌薬の使用が望ましく, 培養検査や薬剤感受性検査では培養期間の延長や脂質を添加した培地を用いることが重要である. |
Practice | 医療技術 |
Keywords | Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii, Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum, 脂質好性Corynebacterium, 両側肉芽腫性乳腺炎, lipophilic Corynebacterium, bilateral granulomatous mastitis |
Title | A case of bilateral granulomatous mastitis caused by two Coryne-bacterium species |
Subtitle | Original Article |
Authors | Yasuaki TOMII1), Naomi YOSHIKAWA1), Tomo YAMADA1), Masaru OGAWA1) |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | 1)Department of Clinical Laboratory, Aiiku Hospital |
Journal | Journal of Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Technologists |
Volume | 51 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 32-37 |
Year/Month | 2023 / 2 |
Article | Report |
Publisher | Tokyo Metropolitan Association of Medical Technologists |
Abstract | [Summary] The case was a female in her 40 s who presented our hospital because of right breast pain. Since abscesses were found in the right and left breasts, drainage was performed and cefaclor and prednisolone were prescribed. Gram stain from the abscess showed leukocytes and Gram-positive rods. Culture tests revealed grayish white, non-hemolytic colonies on the blood agar. Identification test by mass spectrometry identified Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii from the right breast an-d Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum from the left breast. It is des-irable to use lipophilic antibacterial agents for lipophilic Corynebacterium. It is important to extend the culture period and use a medium containing lipids in culture tests and drug susceptibility tests. |
Practice | Medical technology |
Keywords | Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii, Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum, lipophilic Corynebacterium, bilateral granulomatous mastitis |
- 全文ダウンロード: 従量制、基本料金制の方共に770円(税込) です。
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