Title | 日本の救急・集中治療領域におけるエンドオブライフケア研究の動向 : マッピングレビュー |
Subtitle | 総説 |
Authors | 依田智未, 田代理沙, 小西美ゆき, 萩谷翔太, 水流添秀行, 増島麻里子 |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科, 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科, 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科, 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科, 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科, 千葉大学大学院看護学研究院 |
Journal | 千葉看護学会会誌 |
Volume | 28 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 9-17 |
Year/Month | 2023 / 2 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 千葉看護学会 |
Abstract | 目的:日本の救急・集中治療領域でのエンドオブライフケア(以下, EOLC)研究のマッピングレビューを実施し, 研究の概要や今後の研究課題を検討すること. 方法:医中誌Web・PubMedにて, 「エンドオブライフ」, 「救急」, 「集中治療」等をキーワードとし, 2008年から2021年に公表された原著論文・文献レビューを検索した. 選定基準は「救急・集中治療領域でのEOLCに着目している」等, 除外基準は「研究対象に小児を含む」等とした. 結果:1,635件を抽出し, 46件を対象とした. 原著論文は43件(93.5%), 筆頭著者の専門領域は看護学34件(73.9%)であった. 研究デザインは質的研究と量的研究がほぼ同数であり, 研究対象は看護師25件(54.3%)等であった. 研究目的を類型化すると, 「患者・家族への看護支援」, 「医療者のEOLCへの認識や態度・困難・葛藤」等8つに大別された. 著者が明示した今後の研究課題は, 原著論文は「対象地域や対象者の拡大」や「エンドオブライフ期の患者・家族への介入・評価」等, 文献レビューも「エンドオブライフ期の家族の心理状況の把握・介入」等であった. 結論:救急・集中治療領域でのEOLC研究は, 看護学を主体として実施されていた. 今後は「患者・家族を対象とした研究」, 「看護師の感情疲労に関する研究」等, 対象者・ケア提供者双方のWell-beingを目指す研究が重要と考える. |
Practice | 看護学 |
Keywords | end-of-life care, emergency and intensive care fields, mapping review |
Subtitle | Review Articles |
Authors | Satomi Yoda, Risa Tashiro, Miyuki Konishi, Shota Hagiya, Hideyuki Tsuruzoe, Mariko Masujima |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University |
Journal | Journal of Chiba Academy of Nursing Science |
Volume | 28 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 9-17 |
Year/Month | 2023 / 2 |
Article | Report |
Publisher | Chiba Academy of Nursing Science |
Abstract | Objectives: This study aims to conduct a mapping review of studies on end-of-life care (EOLC) in the field ofemergency and intensive care in Japan and to provide an overview of extant literature and future research directionsrequired. Methods: Ichushi-Web and PubMed were searched for original studies and literature reviews published between 2008 and 2021 by combining the search terms "end of life, " "emergency, " and "intensive care." The selection criterion was "focus on EOLC in the field of emergency and intensive care, " and the exclusion criterion was "pediatric subjects." Results: In total, 1,635 articles were screened, out of which 46 articles were included in the review. Forty-three of them(93.5%) were original studies, and 34(73.9%) articles were written by first authors whose area of expertise was nursing. Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were employed in approximately equal numbers. In 25(54.3%) studies, the research participants were nurses. The research objectives could be categorized into eight types, some of which were "Nursing support for end-of-life patients and their families, " "Medical personnel's perceptions, attitudes, difficulties, and conflicts toward EOLC." Future research was required to address topics, such as "Expansion of target areas and subjects, " and "Intervention and evaluation of end-of-life patients and their families" in the original studies and "Understanding and intervention of the psychological status of families of end-of-life patients" in the literature reviews. Conclusion: EOLC studies in the field of emergency and intensive care have been conducted mainly in nursing. Research aimed at the well-being of both end-of-life patients and EOLC providers, focused on topics such as "Patients and families as research participants" and "nurses' emotional exhaustion" will be essential in the future. |
Practice | Nursing |
Keywords | end-of-life care, emergency and intensive care fields, mapping review |
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