


Title 災害時における被災自治体に所属する市町村保健師が直面した倫理的課題の特徴
Subtitle 実践報告
Authors 岩瀬靖子, 石丸美奈
Authors (kana)
Organization 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科 博士後期課程, 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科
Journal 千葉看護学会会誌
Volume 26
Number 1
Page 97-106
Year/Month 2020 / 8
Article 報告
Publisher 千葉看護学会
Abstract 目的: 災害時に被災自治体に所属する市町村保健師が直面した倫理的課題の特徴を明らかにすることである. 方法: 被災市町村保健師による実践報告の文献検討を行い, 倫理的課題に含まれる対立構造の性質の特徴と, 災害直後から復興支援期の長期に渡る時期に着目し倫理的課題が生じていた時期の特徴を分析した. 本研究における倫理的課題の定義は, 「正当性がある行動や判断, 価値観, 利益が複数内在する対立構造を持ち, 看護実践の遂行に関する意思決定を行ううえで葛藤を伴う事象」とした. 結果: 対象文献34件を分析し, 倫理的課題として【保健師としての責務と自身が持つ価値観・信念との内的対立による葛藤】【増大・多様化する住民のニーズに対する保健医療福祉サービス提供の不均衡による葛藤】【地域内外の支援関係者・機関を含む災害時支援体制構築における困難による葛藤】【住民の健康生活の地域内格差が生じることによる葛藤】等を含む11カテゴリが導出された. 考察: 倫理的課題に含まれる対立構造の特徴は, [保健師自身の深層的中核に存在する概念間の対立] [平常時に保健師が培ってきた看護実践能力の構成概念との対立] [災害時の看護実践の展開に関わる周囲の要因に含まれる概念との対立] であると考えられた. また, 倫理的課題が生じる時期は, 発災初期のみならず, 復興期における住民の健康生活の地域内格差など中長期に渡る特徴があると考えられた.
Practice 看護学
Keywords natural disaster, municipal public health nurse, public health nursing, ethical issue


Subtitle Research Report
Authors Seiko Iwase*1, Mina Ishimaru*2
Authors (kana)
Organization *1:Doctoral Program student, Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University, *2:Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University
Journal Journal of Chiba Academy of Nursing Science
Volume 26
Number 1
Page 97-106
Year/Month 2020 / 8
Article Report
Publisher Chiba Academy of Nursing Science
Abstract Aims: To clarify the characteristics of ethical issues faced by municipal public health nurses during a natural disaster. Methods: We analyzed the literature of practice reports by the municipal public health nurses affected by the disaster. We focused on the characteristics of the nature of the confrontational structure included in the ethical issues and the features of the period during the long period of the reconstruction support period immediately after the disaster. The definition of ethical issues was "an event that has a conflicting structure in which there are multiple legitimate actions, judgments, values, and interests and involves conflicts in making decisions about the performance of nursing practice." Results: We reviewed 34 documents and identified 11 categories as ethical issues including "Internal conflict between duty as public health nurse and own values and beliefs" "Imbalance in the provision of health care and welfare services to the growing and diversifying needs" "Difficulties in establishing a disaster support system including support organizations inside and outside the region". Conclusions: The characteristics of the conflict structure included in ethical issues are: "Conflict between concepts that exist in the deep core of public health nurses" "Conflict with the concept of nursing practice ability cultivated by public health nurses in normal times" "Conflict with the concept included in surrounding factors related to the development of nursing practice in a disaster". The period when ethical issues occur is not only in the acute phase but also in the mid-to-long term, such as regional disparities in the health of residents during the reconstruction period.
Practice Nursing
Keywords natural disaster, municipal public health nurse, public health nursing, ethical issue
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