


Title 周術期外来における看護師の実践内容
Subtitle 実践報告
Authors 姫野雄太
Authors (kana)
Organization 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科 博士後期課程
Journal 千葉看護学会会誌
Volume 26
Number 1
Page 107-114
Year/Month 2020 / 8
Article 報告
Publisher 千葉看護学会
Abstract 本研究の目的は, 周術期外来を担当する看護師が周術期外来でどのような看護実践を行っているかを明らかにすることである. 周術期外来を担当する3名の看護師に対し, 半構造化面接を行い, 質的帰納的分析を行った. 分析の結果, 周術期外来における看護師の実践内容には, 【看護師や医師が周術期管理を行うための情報収集とアセスメントを行う】, 【患者の不安軽減を軽減することや手術についての理解につながるように説明や意向を確認する】, 【家族に求められる役割や術後の生活について理解できるよう説明する】, 【手術延期を予防するために内服薬の調整や自宅での生活について説明する】, 【チームとして安全な周術期管理を行うために情報共有を行う】, 【患者が退院後の生活に対する準備ができるように説明する】, 【患者が手術に向けた準備を整えることができるよう指導する】の7つの内容に集約された. 周術期外来における看護実践を周術期全体における看護実践, 手術前の看護実践, 手術後に向けた看護実践という視点で捉えた結果, 1. 安全な周術期管理のために主体的に情報収集・情報提供を行う, 2. 患者や家族の不安の軽減や手術を受け入れられるためのサポート, 3. 患者の退院後の生活準備に向けたサポートという3つの特徴が明らかになった.
Practice 看護学
Keywords perioperative care, outpatient care, nursing practice


Subtitle Research Report
Authors Yuta Himeno
Authors (kana)
Organization Doctoral course, Graduate School of nursing, Chiba University
Journal Journal of Chiba Academy of Nursing Science
Volume 26
Number 1
Page 107-114
Year/Month 2020 / 8
Article Report
Publisher Chiba Academy of Nursing Science
Abstract The purpose of this study was to clarify the kind of nursing practices performed by perioperative outpatient nurses for the treatment of their patients. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 3 perioperative outpatient nurses, and qualitative analysis was then conducted on the results. The results of the analysis identified 7 categories comprising participants' perioperative nursing practice: 1) carrying out information gathering and assessment to enable nurses and doctors to manage perioperative care; 2) explaining treatment to patients and confirming the will of patients to relieve or lessen surgery-related anxiety; 3) explaining to family members the roles required of them and the patient's expected lifestyle after surgery; 4) explaining medication adjustments and home lifestyle changes needed to prevent surgery delays; 5) sharing information for management of safe perioperative care as a team; 6) explaining preparations to the patient for when they are discharged from the hospital; and 7) providing instructions to the patient to ensure they are prepared for surgery. Perioperative nursing practice was considered from three perspectives: overall perioperative nursing practice, pre-surgery nursing practice, and post-surgery nursing practice. From these, three distinctive aspects were identified: (1) carrying out information gathering and sharing for safe perioperative management, (2) providing support to reduce anxiety of patients and family members and enable them to accept the necessity of surgery, and (3) providing support for preparations to ensure quality of life after discharge from the hospital.
Practice Nursing
Keywords perioperative care, outpatient care, nursing practice
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