Title | 頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術後のC5麻痺発生リスク因子に関する検討 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 鎌倉大輔, 長谷川敬二, 中村一将, 福武勝典, 和田明人, 高橋寛 |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | 東邦大学医療センター大森病院整形外科学講座 |
Journal | Journal of Spine Research |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 34-39 |
Year/Month | 2024 / |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本脊椎脊髄病学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」はじめに:頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術後のC5麻痺は一定の割合で発生する. その発生原因については様々な説が報告されている. 本研究の目的は, 自験例から頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術後のC5麻痺発生リスク因子を検討することである. 対象と方法:対象は, 当院で2015年12月から2021年3月までに頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術を施行した93例とした. 検討項目は, 頚椎CTでのC4/5椎間孔径, C5上関節突起の突出, C4・5各椎弓の骨溝位置, 術前・後頚椎Xp側面でのC2〜7角度とし, C5麻痺群(C5群)と非C5麻痺群(N群)で比較検討を行った. 結果:C5麻痺発生数は7/93例(7.5%)で出現した. C4/5椎間孔径は, C5群で有意な狭小化を認め, C5上関節突起の突出はC5群で有意な突出を認めた. 頚椎Xp側面C2〜7角度では術前では有意な差を認めたが, 術後では両群において明らかな差は認めなかった. 結語:頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術後におけるC5麻痺のリスク因子を検討した. 術前リスク因子としては術前頚椎CTでのC4/5椎間孔狭小化, C5上関節突起の突出, 術前頚椎C2〜7角度が大きいことが挙げられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:外科系 |
Keywords | C5麻痺, 頚椎片開き式椎弓形成術, リスク因子, C5 Palsy, open-door laminoplasty, risk factor |
Title | Analysis of C5 Palsy after Cervical Open-Door Laminoplasty |
Subtitle | Original Article |
Authors | Daisuke Kamakura, Keiji Hasegawa, Kazumasa Nakamura, Katsunori Fukutake, Akihito Wada, Hiroshi Takahashi |
Authors (kana) | |
Organization | Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine |
Journal | Journal of Spine Research |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 34-39 |
Year/Month | 2024 / |
Article | Original article |
Publisher | The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research |
Abstract | [Abstract] Introduction: This study examined the risk factors for C5 palsy focusing on the traction and impingement effects of cervical laminoplasty. Methods: Ninety three patients who underwent cervical open-door laminoplasty between December 2015 and March 2021 were enrolled in this study. We examined the diameter of bilateral C4/5 foramen, anterior protrusion of the superior articular process of C5, gutter position, and pre- and postoperative C2-7 angle in plain radiograph. Results: The incidence of C5 palsy was 7.5% (7/93 cases). There were substantial differences in the diameter of bilateral C4/5 foramen, anterior protrusion of the superior articular process of C5 and the preoperative C2-7 angle in plain radiograph; however, there were no substantial differences in the gutter position and the postoperative C2-7 angle in plain radiograph. Conclusions: The risk factor for C5 palsy after cervical open-door laminoplasty was examined. The results suggest that the diameter of bilateral C4/5 foramen, anterior protrusion of the superior articular process of C5, and preoperative C2-7 angle in plain radiograph are major preoperative risk factors. |
Practice | Clinical surgery |
Keywords | C5 Palsy, open-door laminoplasty, risk factor |
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