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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity

Volume 15, Issue 1 / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Life of people and Adiposcience
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 3-4, 2009.

Japanese Article Central glucose perception and systemic metabolism, eating adjustment: A study of reclaiming it and the succession
矢田俊彦, 栗田英治, 前川文彦, 安藤明彦, 室屋真二
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 14-19, 2009.

Japanese Article Pioneers of the obese study and eating, metabolic regulation effects and AMP kinase - in now - hypothalamus
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 20-28, 2009.

Japanese Article Central energy metabolic regulation and treating obesity
Takayuki Masaki
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 29-33, 2009.

Japanese Article Hormone derived from a fat cell, translational research in the lipoatrophic diabetes of the leptin
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 34-38, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of the change by the age of the abdominal circumference
Yutaka Fujiwara *1, Fumio Inoue *2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 45-52, 2009.

Japanese Article Comparison between obesity and metabolic syndrome - to stop by between situation - age groups of the mentally-disabled person who lives at home
Sakuta Harumi *1, Kaoru Sakamoto *2, Koizumi flourishing endlessly *3, Yukari Tachibana *4, Toyoko Okuda *5, 北元寛利 *1, *2, Hayato Uchida *1, *2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 53-58, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of application of non-meeting weight-loss program for local inhabitants and the intervention effect by the individual interview
Grow among fields; *1, *2, Yoshiko Adachi *1, Akira Fujisaki enthusiast *3, Koko Kunitsuka *4
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 59-68, 2009.

Japanese Article The effect that the transient moderate exercise in the obese subject gives to a secretion and a caloric intake of the gastrointestinal hormone
Shinya Ueda, Takahito Yoshikawa, 桂良寛, Tatsuya Usui, Outside Daisuke Hayashi, Middle male Hayato, Shigeo Fujimoto
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 69-74, 2009.

Japanese Article Comparison between normal weight person and physical activity level of the obese subject and physical activity pattern in middle-age women
Tadashi Yamamoto *1, *2, Yumiko Hagi *3
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 75-79, 2009.

Japanese Article Efficacy of the low frequency intervention health guidance program "stylish restoration of youth lesson"
Yasushi Katayama wealth *1, Hiroyuki Sasai *2, *3, Hisako Watabiki *4, Satoshi Ota *3, Kiyoji Tanaka *2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 80-88, 2009.

Japanese Article Identification of the new antidiabetic drug regulating PPARγ expression by the High-throughput fat cell differentiation screening
脇裕典*1, *2, 山内敏正*1, *3, 門脇孝*1, Peter Tontonoz*4
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 89-92, 2009.

Japanese Article Significance of Rho-ROCK pathway in the fat cells differentiation
野口倫生, Hosoda Kiminori, Kazuwa Nakao
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 93-96, 2009.

Japanese Article Eating adjustment through the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus by the brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF
鳥谷真佐子, 中田正範, 矢田俊彦
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 97-99, 2009.

Japanese Article 2> obese sixth adiposity summer seminar special feature <workshop "adiposity, metabolic syndrome Q&A" in Japan hosted by a society <2>
槇野博史*1, 坂本八千代*2, *3, 和田淳*4, 田中宏暁*5, 宮崎滋*6, 道明道弘*7, 宮武伸行*8, 石井好二郎*9, 徳永勝人*10, 大関武彦*11, 松岡孝*12
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 15(1): 100-110, 2009.