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Organization List
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[ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ Y ]
Publishing Organization | Publication Name | |
The Academy for Health Counseling | Journal of Health Counseling | |
The Academy for Health Counseling | National Meeting of Academy for Health Counseling | |
The Academy for Kansai Physical Therapy | Journal of Kansai Physical Therapy | |
The Academy of Clinical Dentistry | The Journal of The Academy of Clinical Dentistry | |
Academy of Cosmetic Oral Care | THE JOURNAL OF COSMETIC ORAL CARE | |
Academy of Nursing Practice Research | Journal of Academy of Nursing Practice Research | |
The Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan | Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan | |
Aichi Association for Clinical Engineers | Journal of Aichi Association for Clinical Engineers | |
AICHI Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy | Bulletin of Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy | |
Aichi Occupational Therapy Association | Journal of Aichi Occupational Therapy Society | |
Aichi Occupational Therapy Association | Journal of Aichi OT | |
Aichi Society for Physical Therapy | Journal of the Aichi Society for Physical Therapy | |
Aizawa Hospital | Medical Journal of Aizawa Hospital | |
Akita Physical Therapy Association | Journal of Akita Physical Therapy Association | |
Akita Society of Clinical Cytology | The Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, the Journal of Akita Chapter | |
Akita Society of Clinical Cytology | The Journal of Akita Clinical Cytology Society | |
Amakusa Igakkai | Amakusa Igakkai zasshi (Amakusa medical journal) | |
Anthropological Society of Nippon | Anthropological Science | |
Anthropological Society of Nippon | Anthropological Science(Japanese Series) | |
Aomori Association of Medical Technologists | The Aomori Journal of Medical Technology | |
Aomori Chapter of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | Physical Therapy Research | |
The Aomori Society of Sports Medicine | Journal of Aomori Society of Sports Medicine | |
Asahikawa Kosei Hospital | Journal of Asahikawa Kosei Hospital | |
Asakayama General Hospital | Medical Journal of Asakayama General Hospital | |
The Association Aomori-ken Occupational Therapists | Bulletin of Aomori Occupational Therapy | |
ASSOCIATION FOR THE RAPID METHOD AND AUTOMATION IN MICROBIOLOGY | Journal of the Association for Rapid Method and Automation in Microbiology (JARMAM) | |
The Association of East-Asian Medicine | Journal of Kampo Medicine | |
The Association of Insurance Medicine of Japan | Japanese Journal of Insurance Medicine | |
The Association of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Kampo Medicine | Recent Progress of Kampo Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology | |
B | The Behaviormetric Society | The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics |
The Behaviormetric Society | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan | |
Bio-Integration Society | Journal of Bio-Integration | |
Biofunctional Finding Organization | The Humanic Science Abstract | |
Biofunctional Finding Organization | Journal of Biofunctional Finding | |
Biomedical Science Association | The Journal of Biomedical Science and Biosafety | |
Biomedical Science Association | Journal of Biomedical Science Association | |
The Biophysical Society of Japan | BIOPHYSICS | |
The Biophysical Society of Japan | Biophysics and Physicobiology | |
The Biophysical Society of Japan | SEIBUTSU BUTSURI | |
Biwako Professional University of Rehabilitation | Biwako Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Sciences | |
BMFH Press | Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health | |
The Botanical Society of Japan | Journal of Plant Research | |
C | Center for Medical Education Sapporo Medical University | Journal of Center for Medical Education Sapporo Medical University |
Central Institute for Experimental Animals | Preclinical Report of Central Institute for Experimental Animals | |
Chiba Academy of Nursing Science | Journal of Chiba Academy of Nursing Science | |
Chiba Association of Medical Technologists | Journal of Chiba Association of Medical Technologists | |
Chiba Association of Occupational Therapists | The Journal of Chiba Association of Occupational Therapists | |
Chiba Foundation for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention | Chiba Survey Research Journal | |
The Chiba Physical Therapy Association | The Science and Research of Physical Therapy | |
Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society | The Journal of Chu-shikoku Orthodontic Society | |
Chubu Region of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine | Chubu Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine | |
Chubu Region of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine | Tokai Journal of Acute Medicine | |
Chubu Rehabilitation College | Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College | |
Chubu Surgical Society | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Chubu Surgical Society | |
The Chugoku-Shikoku Orthopaedic Association | Journal of Chugoku-Shikoku Orthopaedic Association | |
Chukyo Gakuin University | Bulletin of Chukyo Gakuin University | |
Chukyo Gakuin University | Bulletin of Chukyo Gakuin University Faculty of Nursing & Junior College | |
Chukyo Gakuin University | Bulletin of Faculty of Nursing of Chukyo Gakuin University | |
CHUTOEN GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER | Chutoen Journal-gakujutsu- | |
The Clinical Gait Analysis Forum of Japan | Journal of Clinical Gait Analysis Forum of Japan | |
The College of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University | Scientific Report of the College of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University | |
College of Medical Sciences Tohoku University | Bulletin of College of Medical Sciences Tohoku University | |
College of Nursing Ibaraki Christian University | Bulletin of College of Nursing Ibaraki Christian University | |
Comprehensive Nursing Research | Journal of Comprehensive Nursing Research | |
Conference for Emergency Medicine in Rural Areas and Isolated Islands | JOURNAL OF CONFERENCE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICINE IN RURAL AREAS AND ISOLATED ISLANDS | |
Conference for Emergency Medicine in Rural Areas and Isolated Islands | JOURNAL OF CONFERENCE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICINE IN RURAL AREAS AND ISOLATED ISLANDS | |
Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract, and Reflux Nephropathy Forum Japan | Reflux Nephropathy (RN) Forum Japan | |
Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism | Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (0914-725X) | |
Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism | Proceedings of the Congress on Electrolyte Metabolism (2187-2317) | |
D | Dansou satueihou kenkyuukai | Japanese Journal of Tomography |
THE DENTAL SOCIETY OF IWATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY | Dental journal of Iwate Medical University | |
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University | Journal of Department of Nursing, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University | |
Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University | TOHOKU PSYCHOLOGICA FOLIA | |
Department of Sport and Medical Science, Faculty of Medical Technology, Teikyo University | Bulletin of Sports and Medical Science | |
Doshisha University Center for Clinical Psychology | Doshisha Clinical Psychology:Therapy and Research | |
E | The Eastern Japan Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Journal of the Eastern Japan Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology |
Education and Research Center for Practical Nursing, Ashikaga University | The Bulletin of Science of Nursing Research(2019-) | |
Education and Research Center for Practical Nursing, Ashikaga University | The bulletin of science-of-nursing research(-2018) | |
Educational Conference on All Japan Colleges of Dental Hygiene | The Journal of Educational Conference on All Japan Colleges of Dental Hygiene | |
Ehime Association of Medical Technologists | The Ehime Journal of Medical Technology | |
F | Faculty of Physical Education Kokushikan University | Kokushikan Society of Sport Science |
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University | The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research | |
Forum Carbohydrates Coming of Age | Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology | |
Fukui Physical Therapy Association | Journal of Fukui Physical Therapy | |
Fukuoka College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | The Journal of Fukuoka College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | |
Fukuoka Medical Association | FUKUOKA ACTA MEDICA | |
Fukuoka Occupational Therapy Association | The Journal of Fukuoka Association of Occupational Therapy | |
Fukushima Association of Medical Technologists | The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology | |
Fukushima Association of Occupational Therapy | The Journal of Fukushima Occupational Therapy Research | |
Fukushima Medical University School of Nursing | Bulletin of Fukushima Medical University School of Nursing | |
FUKUSHIMA PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION | Annual Report of the FUKUSHIMA section of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | |
G | The Genetics Society of Japan | Genes & Genetic Systems |
Gifu College of Nursing | Journal of Gifu College of Nursing | |
Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University | Journal of Nursing Research, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University | |
GIFU UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE | Medical Science and Educational Research | |
Glycative Stress Research | Glycative Stress Research | |
The Graduate School of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University | Scientific Report of the Graduate School of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University | |
The Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University | Scientific Report of the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences,Osaka Prefecture University | |
The Gunma Physical Therapy Association | The Gunma journal of physical therapy | |
Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences | Annals of Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences | |
H | Hachinohe City Hospital | Medical Journal Hachinohe City Hospital |
Haibara General Hospital | Journal of Haibara General Hospital | |
Hakodate Municipal Hospital | HAKODATE MEDICAL JOURNAL | |
HAKUJIKAI Institute of Gerontology | Pre Symptomatic Medicine and Anti Aging | |
Health Research Foundation | Environment and Health | |
Hiroshima Association of Anesthesiologists | Anesthesia and Resuscitation | |
Hiroshima Association of Medical Technologists | The Hiroshima Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology | |
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen University | Integrated Studies in Nursing Science | |
Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology | Hiroshima Bulle. Jap. Soc. Clin. Cytol. | |
Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology | Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology | |
Hiroshima Society of Hospital Pharmacists | Journal of Hiroshima Society of Hospital Pharmacists | |
Hokkaido Association for Clinical Engineers | Journal of Hokkaido Society for Clinical Engineering Technology | |
HOKKAIDO ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS | The Journal of Hokkaido Association of Medical Technologists | |
HOKKAIDO Association of Occupational Therapists | The Hokkaido Journal of Occupational Therapy | |
HOKKAIDO Association of Occupational Therapists | Practice and Science of Occupational Therapy | |
THE HOKKAIDO EPILEPSY SOCIETY | Hokkaido Epilepsy Research | |
The Hokkaido Medical Society | The Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science | |
Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association | Abstracts of Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association Sapporo Congress | |
Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association | The Hokkaido Journal of Physical Therapy | |
Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association | Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association | |
Hokkaido Rehabilitation Association | Journal of the Hokkaido Rehabilitation Association | |
Hokkaido Society of Clinical Cytology | Hokkaido Rinsho Saibo Gakkai kaiho | |
Hokkaido Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | The Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | |
Hokkaido Surgical Society | The HOKKAIDO JOURNAL OF SURGERY | |
Hosyasen Shinryo Kenkyukai | NUCLEAR MEDICINE IN CLINIC | |
HYOGO ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS | The Hyogo Journal of Medical Technology | |
Hyogo Pediatric Association | The Journal of the Hyogo Pediatric Association | |
Hyogo Physical Therapy Association | Rigaku ryoho Hyogo | |
Hyogo Surgical Association | Journal of Hyogo Surgical Association(-2013) | |
Hyogo Surgical Association | Journal of Hyogo Surgical Association(2014-) | |
I | Ibaraki Physical Therapy Association | Physical Therapy in Ibaraki |
Ibaraki Prefectural Central Hospital | The Medical Journal of Ibaraki Prefectural Hospitals | |
Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences | Acta Scientiarvm Valettvdinis Universitatis Praefectvralis Ibarakiensis | |
The Institute of Research, Akita University of Nursing and Welfare | Akita University of Nursing and Welfare The Journal of The Institute of Research(-2014) | |
The Institute of Research, Akita University of Nursing and Welfare | Akita University of Nursing and Welfare The Journal of The Institute of Research(2015-) | |
Institute of Seizon and Life Sciences | Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences | |
International Association of Integrated Rehabilitation | Integrated Rehabilitation | |
International Lymphoedema Framework Japan | LYMPHOEDEMA RESEARCH AND PRACTICE | |
International Society of Clinical Medicine | Journal of international society of clinical medicine | |
International Society of Life Information Science | Journal of International Society of Life Information Science | |
The Intestinal Microbiology Society | Bifidobacteria and Microflora | |
The Intestinal Microbiology Society | Bifidus | |
The Intestinal Microbiology Society | Bioscience and Microflora | |
The Intestinal Microbiology Society | Journal of Intestinal Microbiology | |
Ishikawa Association of Occupational Therapists | Journal of Ishikawa Occupational Therapy | |
Ishikawa Physical Therapy Association | Ishikawa journal of physical therapy | |
IUHW ICHIKAWA HOSPITAL | Bulletin of Chemotherapy Research Institute | |
Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital | Journal of Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital | |
Iwata City Hospital | Journal of Iwata City Hospital | |
Iwate Prefectural Hospital | Medical Journal of Iwate Prefectural Hospital | |
Izumi City General Hospital | Journal of Izumi City General Hospital | |
Japan Academy for Comprehensive Rehabilitation | Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation | |
The Japan Academy For Health Behavioral Science | The Japanese Journal of Health Behaviral Science | |
The Japan Academy For Health Behavioral Science | Journal of The Japan Academy for Health Behavioral Science | |
Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing | The Journal of Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing | |
Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing | Journal of Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing | |
Japan Academy of Health Sciences | The Journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences | |
The Japan Academy of Home Care | Journal of Japan Academy of Home Care | |
Japan Academy of Hydrocephalus | Current Treatment for Hydrocephalus | |
Japan Academy of Hydrocephalus | Official Proceedings of Current Treatment for Hydrocehalus | |
Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing | Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing | |
Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing | Journal of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing | |
The Japan Academy of Neurosonology | Neurosonology | |
Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care | Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care | |
Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care | Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care | |
Japan Academy of Nursing Science | Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science | |
Japan Academy of Nursing Science | Proceedings of the Academic Conference, Japan Academy of Nursing Science | |
Japan Academy of Occupational Health Nursing | Journal of Japan Academy of Occupational Health Nursing | |
Japan Academy of Ophthalmic Nursing | Nihon Shikino Kango Gakkaishi | |
Japan Academy of Public Health Nursing | Japanese Journal of Public Health Nursing | |
Japan Air Cleaning Association | Journal of Japan Air Cleaning Association | |
Japan Air Cleaning Association | Proceedings of Annual Technical Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control | |
Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association | Review of Tuberculosis for Public Health Nurse | |
Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association | Review of Tuberculosis for Public Health Nurse・Nurse | |
Japan Assisting Dialogue and Communication Studies Society | Journal of Assisting Dialogue and Communication Studies | |
The Japan Association for Clinical Laboratory Science | Clinical Laboratory Science Journal | |
The Japan Association for Clinical Laboratory Science | Japanese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Automation | |
Japan Association for Clinical Monitoring | Japanese Journal of Clinical Monitoring | |
Japan Association for Development of Community Medicine | MONTHLY COMMUNITY MEDICINE | |
Japan Association for International Health | Journal of International Health | |
Japan Association for Simulation-based Education in Healthcare Professionals | Journal of Japan Association for Simulation-based Education in Healthcare Professionals | |
The Japan Association of Applied Psychology | Japanese Journal of Applied Psychology | |
The Japan Association of Applied Psychology | Proceedings of the Japan Association of Applied Psychology | |
The Japan Association of Breast and Thyroid Sonology | Journal of Breast and Thyroid Sonology | |
Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening | Journal of Japan Association of Breast Cancer Screening | |
JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL AND CARE FACILITIES | Abstracts of Japan Association of Medical and Care Facilities | |
JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL AND CARE FACILITIES | The Abstracts of Japan Association of Medical and Care Facilities for Rahabilitation | |
JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL AND CARE FACILITIES | Journal of Japan Association of Medical and Care Facilities | |
The Japan Association of Mental Health Sociology | The Japanese Journal of Mental Health Sociology | |
Japan Association of Microscopic Dentistry | MICRO(The International Journal of Microdentistry) | |
THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF SHIRAKU ACUPUNCTURE | Journal of the Japan Association of Shiraku Acupuncture | |
Japan Association on Odor Environment | Journal of Japan Association on Odor Environment | |
Japan Atherosclerosis Society | Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis | |
Japan Audiological Society | AUDIOLOGY JAPAN | |
Japan Biomagnetism and Biomagnetics Society | The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society | |
Japan Brain Science Society | Journal of Brain Science | |
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society | The Journal of the Japan Broncho-Esophagological Society | |
Japan Clinical Society of Dysarthria Reserch | Japan Journal of Clinical Research in Dysarthria | |
Japan College Association Oriental Medicine | The Journal of Oriental Medicine College Association | |
Japan Cytometry Society | CYTOMETRY RESEARCH | |
Japan Eastern Medical Association | Eastern Medicine | |
The Japan Endocrine Society | ENDOCRINE JOURNAL | |
The Japan Endocrine Society | Folia Endocrinologica Japonica | |
Japan Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society | Endotoxin and Innate Immunity | |
Japan Ergonomics Society | The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics | |
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kanto Chapter | Progress of Digestive Endoscopy | |
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kanto Chapter | Progress of Digestive Endoscopy | |
The Japan Health Care Dental Association | The Journal of the Japan Health Care Dental Association(-2010) | |
The Japan Health Care Dental Association | The Journal of the Japan Health Care Dental Association(2012-) | |
Japan Health Nurse Association | The Journal of Independent Health Nurse | |
Japan Health Physics Society | Japanese Journal of Health Physics | |
Japan Healthcare University | Bulletin of Japan Healthcare University | |
Japan Home Nutrition Management Society | Journal of the Japan Home Nutrition Management Society | |
Japan Hospital Library Association | Hospital Librarian | |
Japan Institute for Speech Therapy | Japan Institute for Speech Therapy Journal | |
The Japan Institute of Orthodontists | The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists | |
Japan International Child Health Association | JICHA (Japan International Child Health Association) Journal | |
Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society | Journal of Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society | |
Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society | Journal of Japan Intractable Illness Nursing Society (supple) | |
The Japan Laryngological Association | THE LARYNX JAPAN | |
Japan Laser Therapy Association | JaLTA | |
Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association | Journal of the Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association(-2007) | |
Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association | Journal of the Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association(2008-) | |
JAPAN MEDICAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM | Journal of the Japan Medical Conference on Magnetism | |
JAPAN MEDICAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM | Journal of the Japan Medical Conference on Magnetism (Jiki to Seitai Symposium) | |
Japan Mibyou Association | The Journal of Japan Mibyou Association | |
Japan Mibyou Association | The Journal of Japan Mibyou System Association | |
the Japan Neuroscience in Otolaryngology | Neuroscience in Otolaryngology | |
THE JAPAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY | Neurologia medico-chirurgica | |
Japan Oil Chemists' Society | Journal of Japan Oil Chemists' Society | |
Japan Oil Chemists' Society | Journal of Oleo Science | |
The Japan online Terminal Research Association | Online Kensaku | |
Japan Otological Society | Otology Japan | |
Japan Pancreas Society | Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society | |
Japan Pediatric Association | The Journal of The Japan Pediatric Association | |
Japan Pediatric Society Regional Division in the Hokkaido Districts | The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, Sapporo | |
Japan Pharmaceutical Library Association | Pharmaceutical Library Bulletin | |
Japan Physicians Association | The Journal of Japan Physicians Association | |
Japan Prosthodontic Society | Annals of Japan Prosthodontic Society | |
Japan Prosthodontic Society | The Journal of Japan Prosthodontic Society | |
Japan Rehabilitation Nursing Association | The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing | |
Japan Rorschach Society for the Comprehensive System | Journal of Japan Rorschach Society for the Comprehensive System | |
Japan Saliva Care Assosiation | Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science | |
Japan Salivary Gland Society | Journal of the Japan Salivary Gland Society | |
The Japan Shock Society | Shock | |
Japan SIDS Research Society | The Journal of Japan SIDS Research Society | |
Japan Society for Adaptation Medicine | Journal of Adaptation Medicine | |
Japan Society for Biological Therapy | Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Biological Therapy | |
Japan Society for Biomedical Gerontology | Biomedical Gerontology | |
Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements | Biomedical Research on Trace Elements | |
Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements | Metallomics Research | |
Japan Society for Blood Purification in Critical Care | Journal of Japan Society for Blood Purification in Critical Care | |
The Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia | The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia | |
The Japan Society for Dental Hygiene | The journal of Japan Society for Dental Hygiene | |
Japan Society for Early Stage of Dementia | The Journal of Japan Society for Early Stage of Dementia | |
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research | Equilibrium Research | |
Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia | Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia | |
Japan Society for Gynecological Microsurgery | Journal of the Japan Society for Gynecological Microsurgery | |
Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer | Japanese Journal of Head and Neck Cancer | |
Japan Society for Health Care Management | The Journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management | |
Japan Society for Health Care Management | The Journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management | |
Japan Society for Homecare and Emergency Medicine | Journal of Japan Society for Homecare and Emergency Medicine | |
Japan Society for Instruction Systems in Healthcare | Japan Journal of Health Professional Development | |
Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine | The Journal of Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine | |
Japan Society for Lipid Nutrition | Journal of Lipid Nutrition | |
Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine | LOW TEMPERATURE MEDICINE | |
Japan Society for Medical Education | Medical Education (Japan) | |
Japan Society for Medical English Education | Journal of Medical English Education | |
Japan Society for Musculoskeletal Nursing | Journal of Japan Society for Musculoskeletal Nursing | |
Japan Society for Musculoskeletal Nursing | Journal of Japanese Association of Orthopaedic Nurses | |
Japan Society for Neonatal Health and Development | Journal of Japan Society for Neonatal Health and Development | |
Japan Society for Neonatal Health and Development | Journal of Japan Society for Premature and Newborn Medicine | |
Japan Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology | The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia | |
JAPAN SOCIETY FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH | Journal of Occupational Health | |
The Japan Society for Organ Preservation and Medical Biology | Organ Biology | |
Japan Society for Pharmaceutical Education | Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Education | |
Japan Society for Pituitary and Hypothalamic Tumor | Japanese Journal of Pituitary and Hypothalamic Tumor | |
Japan Society for Reproductive Psychology | Journal of Reproductive Psychology | |
The Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy | The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy | |
The Japan Society for Spiritual Care | Journal of Spiritual Care Studies | |
Japan Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery | Functional Neurosurgery | |
Japan Society for Surgical Infection | Journal of Japan Society for Surgical Infection | |
Japan Society for Surgical Wound Care | Japanese Journal of Surgical Wound Care | |
Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy | Annual Meeting of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy | |
Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy | Hypertension Research in Pregnancy | |
Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy | Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy | |
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity | Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity | |
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity | Proceedings of Congress of JASSO | |
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity | Proceedings of Congress of JASSO Program & Abstracts | |
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity | Proceedings of Congress of Obesity | |
Japan Society for Tobacco Control | Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Tobacco Control | |
Japan Society for Tobacco Control | Japanese Journal of Tobacco Control | |
The Japan Society for Transplantation | Japanese Journal of Transplantation | |
Japan Society of Adolescentology | Adolescentology | |
The Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery | Congress of Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery Program & Abstracts | |
The Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery | Journal of the Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery | |
Japan Society of Applied Medical Secretaries | Journal of Applied Medical Secretaries | |
The Japan Society of Blood Transfusion | Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine | |
Japan Society of Circulation Control in Medicine | Circulation Control | |
Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry | Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry | |
Japan Society of Dental Hygiene Education | The Journal of Japan Society of Dental Hygiene Education | |
Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research | Endocrine Disrupter News Letter | |
Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research | Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research | |
Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology | Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology | |
Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology | Journal of Exercise and Sports Physiology | |
Japan Society of Facial Nerve Research | FACIAL NERVE RESEARCH JAPAN | |
Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation | Journal of Fertilization and Implantation (Tokyo) | |
Japan Society of Functional Recovery Care and Power Rehabilitation | Japan Society of Care for Independent Living | |
Japan Society of Functional Recovery Care and Power Rehabilitation | Japan Society of Functional Recovery Care and Power Rehabilitation | |
Japan Society of Functional Recovery Care and Power Rehabilitation | Power Rehabilitation | |
Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy | Japanese Journal of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy | |
Japan Society of Gynecological and Obstetric Surgery | Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery | |
Japan Society of Health Evaluation and Promotion | Health Evaluation and Promotion | |
Japan Society of Health Evaluation and Promotion | Japanese Journal of MHTS | |
Japan Society of Health Promotion | Japanese Journal of Health Promotion | |
Japan Society of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy | Japanese Journal of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy | |
The Japan Society of Health Sciences of Mind and Body | Journal of Health Science of Mind and Body | |
Japan Society of Immunology & Allergology in Otolaryngology | Journal of Japan Society of Immunology & Allergology in Otolaryngology | |
Japan Society of Immunology, Allergology and Infection in Otorhinolaryngology | Journal of Immunology, Allergology and Infection in Otorhinolaryngology | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | International Journal of Affective Engineering | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering / Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | KANSEI Engineering International | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | Kansei Engineering International Journal | |
Japan Society of KANSEI Engineering | Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | |
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics | The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics | |
Japan Society of Maternal Health | Japanese Journal of Maternal Health | |
Japan Society of Maternity Nursing | Journal of Japan Maternity Nursing | |
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology | Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology | |
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology | Medical Entomology and Zoology | |
Japan Society of Medical Imaging and Information Sciences | Medical Imaging and Information Sciences | |
Japan Society of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition | The Journal of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition | |
Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies & Critical Care | Journal of Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies & Critical Care | |
Japan Society of Neurological Emergencies & Critical Care | Journal of Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies | |
Japan Society of Neurosurgery for Dementia | Neurosurgery for Cognitive Disorder | |
The Japan Society of Neurosurgical Emergency | Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Neurosurgical Emergency | |
The Japan Society of Neurosurgical Emergency | Neurosurgical Emergency | |
Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research | The Autonomic Nervous System | |
Japan Society of Ningen Dock | Official Journal of Japan Society of Ningen Dock | |
Japan Society of Ningen Dock | Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock | |
Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care | Journal of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care | |
Japan Society of Nursing Economics and Policies | Journal of Nursing Economics and Policies | |
Japan Society of Nursing History | The Journal of Japan Society of Nursing History | |
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science | Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science | |
The Japan Society of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology | The Japanese Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological & Neonatal Hematology | |
Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology chushikoku | The Chugoku & Sikoku districts journal of the Japanese Obstetrical and gynecological Society | |
Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology chushikoku | Modern Trends in Obstetrics & Gynecology | |
Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui | Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui | |
Japan Society of Ova Research | Journal of Mammalian Ova Research | |
Japan Society of Pain Clinicians | Journal of Japan Society of Pain Clinicians | |
Japan Society of Para Sports Science | Journal of Japanese Society of Sports for Persons with Disabilities | |
Japan Society of Para Sports Science | Para Sports Science | |
Japan Society of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine | Journal of Japan Society of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine | |
Japan Society of Personality Psychology | The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) | |
Japan Society of Personality Psychology | The Japanese Journal of Personality (1348-8406) | |
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport sciences | International Journal of Sport and Health Science | |
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport sciences | Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences | |
Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology | Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology | |
Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology | Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY | |
Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology | Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science | |
Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | |
Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | Research Council Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | |
Japan Society of Respiratory Care Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Respiratory Care | |
Japan Society of Respiratory Care Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Respiratory Care | |
Japan Society of Rheumatology Nursing | Journal of Japan Society for Rheumatology Nursing | |
Japan Society of Sarcoidosis and other Granulomatous Disorders | The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders | |
Japan Society of Sarcoidosis and other Granulomatous Disorders | The Japanese Journal of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders | |
Japan Society of Sexual Science | Japan Journal of Sexology | |
Japan Society of Sport and Health Sciences | Japanese Journal of Sport and Health Sciences | |
Japan Society of Stomato-pharyngology | Stomato-pharyngology | |
Japan Society of Surgery for Cerebral Palsy | Nihon Nosei Mahi no Geka Kenkyukaishi | |
Japan Society of Technology in Anesthesia | Technology in Anesthesia | |
Japan Society of Traditional Medicine and Nursing Science | Collaborative Research of Traditional Medicine and Nursing Science | |
The Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy | Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy | |
The Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine | Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics | |
Japan Society of Vocational Rehabilitation | Japanese Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation | |
Japan Society of Women's Health | Women's Health Society Journal of Japan | |
The Japan Society of Women's Nutrition and Metabolism | Journal of the Japan Society of Women's Nutrition and Metabolism | |
Japan Socio-Gerontological Society | Japanese Journal of Gerontology | |
The Japan Spondyloarthritis Society | Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society | |
Japan Sports Association | Bulletin of Japan Sports Association | |
Japan Sports Nutrition Association | Japanese Journal of Sports Nutrition | |
Japan Sports Orthopaedic Association | Japanese Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine | |
Japan Sports Orthopaedic Association | Japanese Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine | |
Japan Sports Orthopaedic Association | Japanese Journal of Orthopedic Sports Medicine | |
Japan Sports Orthopaedic Association | Journal of Japan Sports Orthopaedic Association | |
The Japan Stroke Society | Japanese Journal of Stroke | |
Japan Thyroid Association | Journal of the Japan Thyroid Association | |
The Japanese Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine | Journal of Oral and Sleep Medicine | |
The Japanese Academy of Malodor Syndrome | Journal of the Japanese Academy of Malodor Syndrome | |
Japanese Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics | MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHETICS | |
Japanese Academy of Neuroscience Nursing | Journal of Japanese Academy of Neuroscience Nursing | |
Japanese Academy of Sports Dentistry | International Journal of Sports Dentistry | |
Japanese Academy of Sports Dentistry | Journal of Sports Dentistry | |
Japanese Associatin of Enterostomal Therapy Nurses/Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses | Journal of Japanese of Wound・Ostomy and Continence Nursing Society | |
Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research | Journal of Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research | |
JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS | Japanese Association for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis | |
The Japanese Association for Chromosome and Gene Analysis | Journal of Chromosome and Gene Analysis | |
The Japanese Association for Chromosome and Gene Analysis | The Official Journal of the Japanese Association for Chromosome and Gene Analysis | |
Japanese Association for Clinical Hyperbaric Oxygen and Diving | Journal of Japanese Association for Clinical Hyperbaric Oxygen and Diving | |
Japanese Association for Clinical Proctology | The Japan Association of Clinical Proctology | |
The Japanese Association for Clinical Research on Death and Dying | The Japanese Journal of Clinical Research on Death and Dying | |
Japanese Association for Clinical Thermometory and Thermomedicine | Clinical thermometry and thermomedicine | |
The Japanese Association for Complement Research | Hotaigakuenoshoutai | |
The Japanese Association for Complement Research | Journal of the Japanese Association for Complement Research | |
The Japanese Association for Complement Research | Proceeding of the Complement Symposium | |
Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research | Journal of Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research(-2010) | |
Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research | Journal of Japanese Association for Dietary Fiber Research(2011-) | |
Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine | Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine | |
Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine | Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine | |
Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing | Journal of Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing | |
Japanese Association for Emergency Psychiatry | Emergency Psychiatry | |
The Japanese Association for Human Auxology | Journal of Japanese Association for Human Auxology | |
The Japanese Association for interdisciplinary QOL studies | Journal of Interdisciplinary QOL Studies | |
THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH | The Japanese Journal of Mental Health | |
The Japanese Association for Music Psychology and Therapy | The Annual of Music Psychology & Therapy | |
Japanese Association for Operative Medicine | Journal of Japanese Association for Operating Room Technology | |
Japanese Association for Oral Biology | Japanese Journal of Oral Biology | |
Japanese Association for Radiation Accident/Disaster Medicine | Journal of Japanese Association for Radiation Accident/Disaster Medicine | |
Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing, JARFN | Japanese Journal of Research in Family Nursing | |
Japanese Association for the Study of Musculoskeletal Pain | Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Research | |
Japanese Association for the Study of Musculoskeletal Pain | Nihon undoki totsu kenkyukaishi | |
The Japanese Association for the Study of Pain | PAIN RESEARCH | |
The Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell | The Japanese Journal of Taste and Smell Research | |
The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery | General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | |
The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery | The Japanese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | |
The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery | The Japanese Journal of THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY | |
Japanese Association for University Physical Therapy Education | Journal of University Physical Therapy Education Research | |
Japanese Association of Anatomists | Acta Anatomica Nipponica | |
Japanese Association of Cancer Registries | JACR Monograph | |
The Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation | Official Journal of the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation | |
Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Pharmacology | Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Pharmacology | |
Japanese Association of Certified Orthoptists | Japanese Orthoptic Journal | |
Japanese Association of Clinical Laboratory Physicians | Laboratory and Clinical Practice | |
Japanese Association of Communication Disorders | The Japanese Journal of Communication Disorders (1347-8451) | |
Japanese Association of Communication Disorders | Meeting of Japanese Association of Communication Disorders | |
Japanese Association of Daycare for Sick Children | Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children | |
Japanese Association of Exercise Epidemiology | Research in Exercise Epidemiology | |
The Japanese Association of Health Psychology | The Japanese Journal of Health Psychology | |
The Japanese Association of Health Psychology | Journal of Health Psychology Research | |
The Japanese Association of Medical and Nursing Education | Japanese Journal of Medical and Nursing Education | |
Japanese Association of Medical Technologists | Japanese Journal of Medical Technology | |
Japanese Association of Mental Health Social Workers | Japanese Journal of Mental Health Social Work | |
Japanese Association of Mental Health Social Workers | Japanese Journal of Psychiatric Social Work (supple1) | |
Japanese Association of Mental Health Social Workers | Japanese Journal of Psychiatric Social Work (supple2) | |
Japanese Association of Mental Health Social Workers | Japanese Journal of Psychiatric Social Work (supple3) | |
Japanese Association of Mindful Psychotherapy | Japanese Journal of Mindful Psychotherapy | |
JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS | Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo | |
Japanese Association of Oriental Psychosomatic Medicine | Journal of Japanese Association of Oriental Psychosomatic Medicine | |
Japanese Association of Orthodontists | Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Orthodontists | |
Japanese Association of Orthodontists | The Journal of Japanese Association of Orthodontists | |
Japanese Association of Pain Rehabilitation | PAIN REHABILITATION | |
Japanese Association of Pathography | Japanese Bulletin of Pathography | |
Japanese Association of Physical Therapy Fundamentals | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY FUNDAMENTALS | |
Japanese Association of Physical Therapy Fundamentals | Journal of Physical Therapy Fundamentals | |
The Japanese Association of Play Therapy | The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy | |
JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION | Japanese Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation | |
Japanese Association of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy | J-REBT Journal | |
Japanese Association of Regenerative Dentistry | Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering | |
Japanese Association of Regenerative Dentistry | Journal of the Japanese Association of Regenerative Dentistry | |
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine | |
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine | |
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine kyusyu | Kyusyu Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine | |
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Sport | The Journal of Rehabilitation Sport | |
The Japanese Association of Rural Medicine | Journal of Rural Medicine | |
The Japanese Association of Rural Medicine | Nihon Noson Igakkai Zassi | |
The Japanese Association of School Health | Japanese Journal of School Health | |
The Japanese Association of School Health | School Health | |
The Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education | Journal of Japanese Association of Simulation for Medical Education | |
The Japanese Association of Smoking Control Science | Smoking Control Science | |
Japanese Association of Speech-language therapy and audiology | Speech-language therapy and audiology | |
Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists | Japanese Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research | |
THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF STRESS SCIENCE | The Japanese Journal of Stress Science | |
Japanese Association of Therapeutic Exercise | Proceedings of Japanese Association of Therapeutic Exercise | |
Japanese Association of Tomography | Journal of Tomography | |
The Japanese Association of Traffic Psychology | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY | |
Japanese Association of Transportation Medicine | The Journal of Transportation Medicine | |
The Japanese Begg Society of Orthodontics | Japanese Journal of BEGG ORTHODONTICS | |
The Japanese Begg Society of Orthodontics | Journal of Begg Orthodontics | |
The Japanese Begg Society of Orthodontics | Journal of Begg Orthodontics supplement | |
Japanese Breast Society for Gynecologists and Obstetricians | Japanese Journal of Breast Society for Gynecologists and Obstetricians | |
The Japanese Clinical Nutrition Association | New Diet Therapy | |
The Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies | Journal of Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies | |
The Japanese Continence Society | The Journal of Japanese Continence Society | |
The Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology | Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology | |
Japanese Electrophoresis Society | Electrophoresis Letters | |
Japanese Electrophoresis Society | Journal of Electrophoresis | |
Japanese Electrophoresis Society | Seibutsu-butsuri-kagaku | |
The Japanese Environmental Mutagen and Genome Society | Environmental mutagen research communication | |
The Japanese Environmental Mutagen and Genome Society | Genes and Environment | |
Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach | Proceedings of Japanese Forum for Study of the Stomach | |
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society | Japanese Journal of Electrocardiology | |
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society | Journal of Arrhythmia | |
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society | Journal of Arrhythmia (Japanese) | |
The Japanese Hip Society | Hip Joint | |
Japanese Horticultural Therapy Association | Journal of the Japanese Horticultural Therapy Association | |
The Japanese Hospital and Community Psychiatry Association | The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry | |
Japanese Human Services Society | Journal of Japanese Human Services Society | |
The Japanese Knee Society | Arthroscopy | |
The Japanese Knee Society | Journal of Japan Knee Society | |
The Japanese Knee Society | Journal of Japanese Orthopaedic Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine | |
The Japanese Knee Society | Journal of JKS : The Japanese Knee Society | |
The Japanese Knee Society | Journal of Tokyo Knee Society | |
Japanese Leprosy Association | Japanese Journal of Leprosy | |
The Japanese Lung Cancer Society | Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer | |
Japanese medical association of functional Fragrance/Japanese society of Healthcare products | Healthcare Products | |
Japanese medical association of functional Fragrance/Japanese society of Healthcare products | Medical Fragrance | |
The Japanese Medical Society for Biological Interface | Journal of Japanese Medical Society for Biological Interface | |
The Japanese Medical Society for Lung Surfactant and Biological Interface | Journal of Japanese Medical Society for Lung Surfactant and Biological Interface | |
The Japanese Medical Society for Lung Surfactant and Biological Interface | Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Medical Society for Lung Surfactant and Biological Interface | |
Japanese Medical Society of Alcohol and Addiction Studies | Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies & Drug Dependence | |
Japanese Medical Society on Child Abuse and Neglect | Japanese Medical Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect | |
Japanese Neural Network Society | The Brain & Neural Networks | |
The Japanese Neuro-Ophthalmology Society | Neuro-Ophthalmology Japan | |
Japanese Nordic & Pole Walk Association | Journal of the Japanese Society of Nordic Walk | |
Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society | Journal of Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society | |
Japanese Ophthalmological Society | Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society | |
The Japanese Orthopaedic Association | The Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association | |
Japanese Orthopaedic Trauma Association | Journal of Japanese Orthopaedic Trauma Association | |
The Japanese Pediatric Orthopaedic Association | Journal of Japanese Pediatric Orthopaedic Association | |
Japanese Peripheral Nerve Society | Peripheral Nerve | |
The Japanese Pharmacological Society | Folia Pharmacologica Japonica | |
The Japanese Pharmacological Society | Folia Pharmacologica Japonica (supple) | |
The Japanese Pharmacological Society | Japanese Journal of Pharmacology | |
The Japanese Pharmacological Society | Journal of Pharmacological Sciences | |
The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing | Bulletin of The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing | |
Japanese Red Cross Society | The Journal of Japanese Red Cross Medical Technology | |
Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing | Journal of Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing | |
Japanese Research Society of Clinical Anatomy | Japanese Research Society of Clinical Anatomy | |
Japanese Research Society of Surgical Cancer Immunology | Annual Meeting of Japanese Research Society of Surgical Cancer Immunology | |
THE JAPANESE RESPIRATORY SOCIETY | Annals of The Japanese Respiratory Society | |
Japanese Society for Alternative to Animal Experiments | Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation | |
Japanese Society for Animal Behaviour and Management | Animal Behaviour and Management | |
Japanese Society for Animal Genetics | The Journal of Animal Genetics (0919-4371) | |
Japanese Society for Apheresis | Japanese Journal of Apheresis | |
Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in Nephrology and Blood Purification | Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in Nephrology and Blood Purification | |
Japanese Society for Biological Interface | Proceedings of Japanese Society for Biological Interface | |
Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry | JSBMS Letters | |
Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry | Medical Mass Spectrometry | |
Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry | NIHON IYOU MASS SPECTROMETRY GAKKAI CIRCULAR | |
Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research | Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts | |
Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research | Japanese journal of bone metabolism | |
Japanese Society for Brain Function and Rehabilitation | Journal of Rehabilitation Neurosciences | |
Japanese Society for Brain Function and Rehabilitation | Journal of Rehabilitation Neurosciences | |
The Japanese Society for Breastfeeding Research | The Journal of the Japanese Society for Breastfeeding Research | |
Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum | Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts | |
The Japanese Society for Care and Education in Pediatrics | The Journal of Care and Education in Pediatrics | |
Japanese Society for Cataract Research | The Journal of The Japanese Society for Cataract Research | |
The Japanese Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | |
Japanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan | Chitin and Chitosan Research | |
Japanese Society for Chronic Illness and Conditions Nursing | Journal of Japanese Society for Chronic Illness and Conditions Nursing | |
Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics | Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics | |
Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics | Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics | |
Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics | Orthopaedic Biomechanics | |
Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway | Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway | |
Japanese Society for Clinical Renal Transplantation | Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Renal Transplantation | |
The Japanese Society for Connective Tissue Research | CONNECTIVE TISSUE | |
Japanese Society for Contact Dermatitis | Journal of Environmental Dermatology | |
The Japanese Society for Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy | The Japanese Journal of Dermatoallergology | |
The Japanese Society for Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy | Journal of Environmental Dermatology and Cutaneous Allergology | |
The Japanese Society for Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy | Nihon Hifu Meneki Arerugi Gakkai Zasshi | |
The Japanese Society for Day Care Treatment | The Journal of Japanese Society for Day Care Treatment | |
The Japanese Society for Dementia Care | Journal of Japanese Society for Dementia Care | |
The Japanese Society for Dementia Care | Journal of Japanese Society for Dementia Care | |
Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices | Dental Materials Journal | |
Japanese Society for Dental Products | Dental Materials Forum | |
Japanese Society for Dental Products | Journal of Japanese Society for Dental Products | |
Japanese Society for Dental Products | Journal of Oromaxillofacial Biomechanics | |
Japanese Society for Dermatologic Surgery | SKIN SURGERY | |
Japanese Society for Deuterium Science | Japanese Journal of Deuterium Science | |
Japanese Society for Disability and Oral Health | Journal of The Japanese Society for Disability and Oral Health | |
Japanese Society for Early Mobilization | Early Mobilization Journal | |
Japanese Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy | Japanese Journal of Electrophysical Agents | |
Japanese Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy | Journal of The Japanese Society of Physio Therapeutics | |
Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine | Jisatsumisuisya heno taio | |
Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine | Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine | |
The Japanese Society for Fall Prevention | Japanese Journal of Fall Prevention(JJFP) | |
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety | Food Hygiene and Safety Science(Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi) | |
The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology | FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH | |
Japanese Society for Forensic Pathology | Forensic Pathology | |
Japanese Society for Genetic Counseling | Japanese Journal of Genetic Counseling | |
Japanese Society for Genetic Counseling | Medical Genetics Research | |
The Japanese Society for Helicobacter Research | Japanese Journal of Helicobacter Research | |
The Japanese Society for Hereditary Tumors | Journal of Familial Tumors | |
The Japanese Society for Hereditary Tumors | Journal of Hereditary Tumors | |
Japanese Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics | MHC | |
The Japanese Society for History of Pharmacy | The Japanese Journal for History of Pharmacy | |
Japanese Society for Home Hemodialysis | Journal of Japanese Society for Home Hemodialysis | |
Japanese Society for Homecare Medicine | Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Homecare Medicine | |
Japanese Society for Host Defense Research | Host Defense News Letter | |
THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR HYGIENE | Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine | |
THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR HYGIENE | Japanese Journal of Hygiene | |
Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities | The Japanese Journal of Jaw Deformities | |
Japanese Society for Joint Diseases | Japanese Journal of Joint Diseases | |
The Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology | Journal of the Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology | |
Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry | Journal of Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry | |
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion | Journal of Japanese Society for Masticatory Science and Health Promotion | |
Japanese Society for Medical Gases | Medical Gases | |
Japanese Society for Medical Virtual Reality | Journal of Medical Virtual Reality | |
Japanese Society for Medical Virtual Reality | Proceeding of Medical Virtual Reality | |
Japanese Society for Microcirculation | Microvascular Reviews and Communications | |
Japanese Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine | The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine | |
Japanese Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine | The Journal of Physical Medicine | |
Japanese Society for Neonatal Screening | Japanese Journal of Neonatal Screening | |
The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy | Journal of Neuroendovascular Surgery | |
The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy | Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy | |
The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy | Official Journal of the Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy | |
Japanese Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care | Japanese Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (JSNACC) | |
Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | Dental Radiology | |
Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | Oral Radiology | |
Japanese Society for Oral Health | JOURNAL OF DENTAL HEALTH | |
The Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology | Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology | |
The Japanese Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition | |
The Japanese Society for Pediatric Nephrology | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Nephrology | |
The Japanese Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery | Nervous System in Children | |
The Japanese Society for Perspiration Research | Japanese Journal of Perspiration Research | |
The Japanese Society for Pharmacoanesthesiology | Pharmacoanesthesiology | |
Japanese Society for Physical Therapy Policies and Administration | Japanese Society for Physical Therapy Policies and Administration | |
Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology | Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology | |
Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology | Journal of JASTRO | |
Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of JASTRO | |
The Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty | Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty | |
Japanese Society for Reserch of Loco-regional Cancer Therapy | Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Reserch of Loco-Regional Cancer Therapy | |
Japanese Society for Safety Education Research in Healthcare | The Japanese Journal of Safety Education Research in Healthcare | |
The Japanese Society for Sexual Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Sexual Medicine | |
The Japanese Society for Sexual Medicine | Journal of the Japanese Society for Impotence Research | |
Japanese Society for Social Psychiatry | Japanese Bulletin of Social Psychiatry | |
The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research | Journal of Spine Research | |
The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research | The Journal of The Japan Spine Research Society | |
The Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research | The Journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research | |
Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections | Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections | |
Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections | Journal of the Japanese Society for Study of Bone and Joint Infections | |
Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition | The Japanese Journal of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition | |
Japanese Society for Technology of Blood purification | Journal of Japanese Society for Technology of Blood purification | |
The Japanese Society for the History of Psychiatry | Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry | |
Japanese Society for the Political Economy of Health and Health Care | Japanese Journal of the Political Economy of Health and Health Care | |
The Japanese Society for the Study of Chronic Pain | The journal of Japanese Society for Study of Chronic Pain | |
Japanese Society for the Study of Social Work | Journal of Japanese Society for the Study of Social Work | |
Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics | DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS | |
Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics | DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS (supple) | |
Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics | Xenobiotic metabolism and disposition | |
Japanese Society for Therapeutics and Engineering | Therapeutics & Engineering | |
Japanese Society for Thermal Medicine | Japanese Journal of Hyperthermic Oncology | |
Japanese Society for Thermal Medicine | Thermal Medicine | |
Japanese Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy | Japanese Journal of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy | |
Japanese Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy | Journal of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation | |
Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress | |
The Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery | Official Journal of the Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery | |
Japanese Society for Well-being of Nursery-schoolers | Japanese Journal of Well-being for Nursery-schoolers | |
JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALLERGOLOGY | Allergology International | |
JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALLERGOLOGY | Japanese Journal of Allergology | |
Japanese Society of Animal Breeding and Genetics | The Journal of Animal Genetics (1345-9961) | |
Japanese Society of Aromatherapy | Journal of Japanese Society of Aromatherapy | |
Japanese Society of Aromatherapy | JOURNAL OF JAPANESE SOCIETY OF AROMATHERAPY (-2003) | |
Japanese Society of Autologous Blood Transfusion | Journal of Japanese Society of Autologous Blood Transfusion | |
The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine | The Journal of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine | |
Japanese Society of Biofeedback Research | Japanese Journal of Biofeedback Research | |
Japanese Society of Biometeorology | Japanese Journal of Biometeorology | |
Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists | Cardiovascular Anesthesia | |
The Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention | Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention | |
The Japanese Society of Child Health | The Journal of Child Health | |
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology | NO TO HATTATSU (Official Journal of The Japanese Society of Child Neurology) | |
Japanese Society of Clinical Bovine Parasitology | Japanese Journal of Clinical Bovine Parasitology | |
The Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology | The Journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology | |
The Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, The Bulletin Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter | The Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, The Bulletin Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter | |
JAPANESE SOCIETY OF CLINICAL EMBRYOLOGIST | Journal of Clinical Embryologist | |
Japanese Society of Clinical Immunology | Japanese Journal of Clinical Immunology | |
Japanese Society of Clinical Myology | Japanese Journal of Clinical Myology | |
The Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition | Journal of Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition | |
Japanese Society of Clinical Occupational Therapy | The Japanese Journal of Clinical Occupational Therapy | |
The Japanese Society of Clinical Outpatient Psychiatry | The Journal of Japanese Society of Clinical Outpatient Psychiatry | |
Japanese Society of clinical Physiology | Japanese Journal of Clinical Physiology | |
Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine | Japanese Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine | |
Japanese Society of Clinical Virology | Clinical Virology | |
Japanese Society of Community-based Comprehensive Physical Therapy | Japanese Journal of Community-based Comprehensive Physical Therapy | |
Japanese Society of Comparative and Veterinary Ophthalmology | Animal Eye Research | |
The Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry | The JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY | |
The Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry | Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology | |
The Japanese Society of Constitutional Medicine | Journal of Constitutional Medicine | |
The Japanese Society of CT Screening | The Journal of Japanese Society of CT Screening | |
Japanese Society of Dental Welfare | Japanese Journal of Dental Welfare | |
The Japanese Society of Diabetes and Pregnancy | Diabetes & Pregnancy | |
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics | Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics | |
The Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation | The Japanese Journal of Dysphagia Rehabilitation | |
Japanese Society of Educational Research for Rehabilitation | Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation education | |
Japanese Society of Endourology and ESWL | Japanese Journal of Endourology and ESWL | |
Japanese Society of Endourology and Robotics | Japanese Journal of Endourology | |
Japanese Society of Endourology and Robotics | Japanese Journal of Endourology and Robotics | |
JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ALLERGY | Journal of the Japanese Society of Environmental Allergy | |
The Japanese Society of Existential Therapy | Comprehensive Medicine | |
The Japanese Society of Exotic Animal Medicine | Journal of The Japanese Society of Exotic Animal Medicine | |
The Japanese Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology in Medicine | Japanese Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology | |
Japanese Society of Fertility Nursing | Journal of Japanese Society of Fertility Nursing | |
Japanese Society of Fertility Nursing | Journal of Japanese Society of Infertility Nursing | |
Japanese Society of Food Microbiology | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY | |
Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research | Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Gastric Secretion Research | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Kanto Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology | The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology | |
Japanese Society of Geriatric & Gerontological Behavioral Sciences | Journal of Japanese Society of Geriatric & Gerontological Behavioral Sciences | |
Japanese Society of Geriatric Pharmacy | Journal of Geriatric Pharmacy | |
Japanese Society of Geriatric Urology | Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(-2011) | |
Japanese Society of Geriatric Urology | Japanese Journal of Geriatric Urology(2012-) | |
Japanese Society of Grief and Bereavement | Japanese Journal of Grief and Bereavement Research | |
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology | The Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology | |
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology | Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology | |
Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion | Japanese Journal of Health Education and Promotion | |
Japanese Society of Health Science for Children | Health Science for Children | |
The Japanese Society of Hearing and Language Disorders | The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders | |
Japanese Society of Hemorheology | HEMORHEOLOGY AND RELATED RESEARCH | |
Japanese Society of Hemorheology | HEMORHEOLOGY AND RELATED RESEARCH | |
Japanese Society of Hospice and Home-care | Hospice and home care | |
The Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists | Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (0914-0697) | |
The Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists | Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) | |
The Japanese Society of Hot Spring Sciences | Journal of Hot Spring Sciences | |
The Japanese Society of Human Care and Network | THE JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION NETWORK RESEARCH(-2006) | |
The Japanese Society of Human Care and Network | THE JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION NETWORK RESEARCH(2007-) | |
The Japanese Society of Human Care and Network | The Journal of The Japanese Society of Human Care and Network | |
Japanese Society of Human Caring Research | Journal of Japanese Society of Human Caring Research | |
The Japanese Society of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine(-2016) | |
The Japanese Society of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine(2017-) | |
The Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration | Inflammation and Regeneration (1346-8022) | |
The Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration | Inflammation and Regeneration (1880-9693) | |
The Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration | Japanese Journal of Inflammation | |
Japanese Society of International Rehabilitation | Journal of International Rehabilitation | |
JAPANESE SOCIETY OF LABORATORY MEDICINE | The Journal of Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine | |
Japanese Society of Large Animal Clinics | Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics | |
Japanese Society of Latex Allergy | Japanese Journal of Latex Allergy | |
The Japanese Society of Lumbar Spine Disorders | The Journal of Japanese Society of Lumbar Spine Disorders | |
The Japanese Society of Lumbar Spine Disorders | The Journal of Japanese Society of Lumbar Spine Disorders | |
The Japanese Society of Lymphology | Japanese Journal of Lymphology | |
The Japanese Society of Lymphoma Research | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology | |
The Japanese Society of Lymphoma Research | The Journal of Japanese Society for Lymphoreticular Tissue Research | |
The Japanese Society of Magnetic Applications in Dentistry | The Journal of Japanese Society of Magnetic Applications in Dentistry | |
Japanese Society of Medical illustration | Japanese Journal of Medical Illustration | |
The Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology | MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY | |
Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation | The Japanese Journal of Medical Instrumentation | |
Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation | The Japanese Journal of Medical Instrumentation (2008-) | |
The Japanese Society of Medical Networking for Intractable Diseases | Journal of the Japanese Society of Medical Networking for Intractable Diseases | |
The Japanese Society of Medical Secretaries | Japanese Journal of Medical Secretaries | |
The Japanese Society of Medical Secretaries | Medical Secretary | |
Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery | The Journal of Japanese Society of Minimum Incision Endoscopic Urological Surgery | |
Japanese Society of Mountain Medicine | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN MEDICINE | |
Japanese Society of Movement Disorder and Disability | The Journal of Movement Disorder and Disability | |
The Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology | Abstracts of Meeting of the Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology | |
The Japanese Society of Myeloma | International Journal of Myeloma | |
Japanese Society of National Medical Services | IRYO (Japanese Journal of National Medical Services) | |
The Japanese society of nephrology and pharmacotherapy | The Japanese Journal of Nephrology and Pharmacotherapy | |
Japanese Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility | Abstract book of Japanese Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility | |
Japanese Society of Neurological Therapeutics | Neurological Therapeutics | |
Japanese Society of Neurological Therapeutics | Neurological Therapeutics | |
THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine | |
The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology | The Japanese Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology | |
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics | The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics | |
Japanese Society of Nutrition and Foodservice Management | Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Foodservice Management | |
Japanese Society of Occupational Behavior | Japanese Journal of Occupational Behavior | |
Japanese Society of Occupational Behavior | Japanese Journal of Occupational Behavior (suppl) | |
Japanese society of Occupational Medicine and Traumatology | Japanese journal of occupational medicine and traumatology | |
The Japanese Society of Occupational Therapy Research | Japanese Journal of Occupational Therapy Research | |
Japanese Society of Oral Implantology | Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Implantology | |
Japanese Society of Oral Oncology | Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Oncology | |
The Japanese Society of Oral Pathology | Oral Medicine & Pathology | |
Japanese Society of Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology | Oral therapeutics and pharmacology | |
Japanese Society of Orthodontists | The Japanese Journal of Orthodontics | |
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery | NIPPON JIBIINKOKA GAKKAI KAIHO TOKYO | |
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery | NIPPON JIBIINKOKA TOKEIBUGEKA GAKKAI KAIHO TOKYO | |
The Japanese Society of Pathology | Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology | |
Japanese Society of Pathophysiology | Japanese Journal of Pathophysiology | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology | The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology | Clinical Pediatric Anesthesia | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery | Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Clinical Allergy | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Clinical Allergy | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Clinical Allergy | The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Intractable Asthma and Allergic Diseases | |
The Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry | The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry | |
The Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology | |
The Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | |
The Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Oncology | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Physical Therapy | The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Physical Therapy | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Pulmonology | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Pulmonology | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Radiology | Journal of Japanese Society of Pediatric Radiology | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons | Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons | |
Japanese Society of Pediatric Urology | Japanese Journal of Pediatric Urology | |
The Japanese Society of Periodontology | Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology | |
Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences | Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences | |
Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences | Japanese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy | |
Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences | Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences | |
Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences | Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences (supple) | |
Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Oncology | Journal of Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Oncology | |
The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy | The Japanese Journal of Pharmacognosy (Shoyakugaku Zasshi 2006-) | |
The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy | The Japanese Journal of Pharmacognosy (Shoyakugaku Zasshi) | |
The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy | Natural Medicines | |
The Japanese Society of Pharmacometrics | Pharmacometrics | |
Japanese Society of Phlebology | The Japanese Journal of Phlebology | |
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy | Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association | |
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy | Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (Japanese) | |
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy | JPTA NEWS | |
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy | Physical Therapy Research | |
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus | Japanese Journal of Physical Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus | |
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy for Oncology and Lymphedema | Japanese Journal of Physical Therapy for Oncology and Lymphedema | |
Japanese Society of physical therapy for prevention | Journal of Physical Therapy for Prevention | |
Japanese Society of Physiotherapy in Occupational Health | Japanese Journal of Physiotherapy in Occupational Health | |
Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers | Japanese Journal of Pressure Ulcers | |
The Japanese Society of Private Medical College for Physical Therapy and Research | Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research | |
The Japanese Society of Private Medical College for Physical Therapy and Research | Nihon Shiritsu Ika Daigaku Rigaku Ryoho Gakkaishi | |
Japanese Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics | Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics | |
The Japanese Society of Psychiatric Pharmacy | The Japanese Society of Psychiatric Pharmacy | |
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine | Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine | |
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine | Proceedings of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine | |
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine | Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine(Tokyo) | |
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine on Digestive Diseases | Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine on Digestive Diseases | |
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology | Journal of Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology | |
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pediatrics | Journal of Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pediatrics | |
Japanese Society of Public Health Physical Therapy | Japanese Journal of Public Health Physical Therapy | |
Japanese Society of Radiological Counseling | Japanese Journal of Radiological Counseling | |
Japanese Society of Radiological technology Tyuubu | Journal of Japanese Society of Radiological technology Tyuubu | |
The Japanese Society of Reanimatology | Japanese Journal of Reanimatology | |
Japanese Society of Rehabilitation Medicine | Japanese Journal of Sports Rehabilitation | |
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer | a study grope against renal cancer | |
Japanese Society of Renal Cancer | Japanese Society of Renal Cancer meeting program | |
The Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine | The Japanese Journal of Ryodoraku Medicine | |
The Japanese Society of Seating Consultants | The Japanese journal of wheelchair seating | |
Japanese Society of Sonographers | Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology | |
Japanese Society of Sphygmographic acceleration of complex systems | Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Sphygmographic acceleration of complex systems | |
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology | Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology | |
Japanese Society of Sports Physical Therapy | Japanese Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | |
Japanese Society of Stoma and Continence Rehabilitation | Journal of Japanese Society of Stoma and Continence Rehabilitation | |
Japanese Society of Stoma and Continence Rehabilitation | Journal of Japanese Society of Stoma Rehabilitation | |
Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function | The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function | |
The Japanese Society of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | The Japanese Journal of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | |
Japanese Society of Therapeutic Exercise | Proceedings of Japanese Society of Therapeutic Exercise | |
The Japanese Society of Thermology | Biomedical Thermology | |
The Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology | Journal of Toxicologic Pathology | |
Japanese Society of Travel and Health | Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health | |
Japanese Society of Veterinary Biochemistry | Veterinary Biochemistry | |
Japanese Society of Veterinary Clinics/Large Animal Clinic Research Association:LACRA | Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics | |
Japanese Society of Veterinary Oriental Medicine | The Journal of Veterinary Oriental Medicine | |
Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management | Journal of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management | |
Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | |
The Japanese Society on Enuresis and Incontinence | Enuresis | |
Japanese Society on Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities | Journal of Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities | |
Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke | Surgery for Cerebral Stroke | |
Japanese Society Ryodoraku Medicine | The Ryodoraku | |
Japanese Speech-Language-Hearing Association | The Japanese Journal of Communication Disorders (0912-8204) | |
Japanese Stomatological Society | Journal of The Japanese Stomatological Society | |
Japanese Urologic Society of Renal Transplantation and Vascular Surgery | RENAL TRANSPLANTATION VASCULAR SURGERY | |
Jichi Medical University | Jichi Medical School Journal | |
Jichi Medical University | Jichi Medical University Journal | |
Jichi Medical University, School of Nursing | Jichi Medical University journal of nursing | |
The Jikei University School of Medicine Tokyo | Jikeikai Medical Journal | |
The Jikei University School of Medicine Tokyo | Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal | |
Jinmeikai | Jinmeikai Journal of Psychiatry | |
The Juntendo Medical Society | Juntendo Medical Journal(-2012) | |
The Juntendo Medical Society | Juntendo Medical Journal(2013-) | |
Juntendo University Faculty of Health Science | Juntendo Health Science Journal | |
Juntendo University Faculty of Medical Science | Juntendo Medical Science Journal | |
The Juzen Medical Society Kanazawa University | Journal of the Juzen Medical Society | |
K | Kagawa Medical Association | Journal of Kagawa Medical Association |
The Kagawa Physical Therapy Association | Journal of the Kagawa Physical Therapy Association | |
Kagawa Prefectural University of Health Sciences | Journal of Kagawa Prefectural University of Health Sciences | |
Kagawa Society of Maternal Health | Journal of Kagawa Society of Maternal Health | |
The Kagoshima Society of Child Health | The Child Health Kagoshima | |
Kagoshima Society of Maternal Health | Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health | |
Kanagawa association of Occupational Therapists | The Journal of Kanagawa Occupational Therapy Research | |
Kanagawa Children's Medical Center | Kanagawa Children's Medical Center Journal | |
Kanagawa Odontological Society | The Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College | |
Kanagawa Odontological Society | Kanagawa Shigaku | |
Kanagawa Orthopaedics and Traumatology Society | The Journal of Kanagawa Orthopaedics and Traumatology Society | |
Kanagawa Physical Therapy Association | physiotherapeutic skills and studies | |
Kanagawa Public Health Association | Kanagawa Public Health Journal | |
Kanagawaken Yobouigakukyoukai | Yobouigaku | |
Kanazawa Medical University | Journal of Kanazawa Medical University | |
Kansai Artroscopy and Knee Society | The Journal of Kansai Artroscopy and Knee Society | |
The Kansai STOMA-research Circle | STOMA | |
Kawasaki Medical Society | KAWASAKI MEDICAL JOURNAL | |
Kawasaki Medical Society | KAWASAKI MEDICAL JOURNAL (Japanese) | |
Kawasaki Municipal Hospital | JIREIKENKYUSHUROKU | |
Keishin-Gakuen Educational Group | Journal of Clinical Welfare | |
Keishin-Gakuen Educational Group | Keishin Journal of Life and Health | |
Kibogaoka Medical and Support Center for Children | Bulletin of the Institute of Developmental Psychiatry | |
Kinki Central Hospital | Medical Journal of Kinki Central Hospital | |
Kinki Hospital Library Association | Hospital Libraries (1345-6857) | |
Kinki Regional Branch for The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine | Journal of Rehabilitation Practice | |
Kinki Shinseiji Kenkyukai | Journal of Kinki Shinseiji Kenkyukai | |
Kinki Shinseiji Kenkyukai | osaka・hyogo shinseijiiryo jointo kenkyukaishi | |
The Kitakanto Medical Society | The Kitakanto Medical Journal | |
KITASATO MEDICAL SOCIETY | The Kitasato Medical Journal | |
KKR Sapporo Medical Center | The Medical Journal of KKR Sapporo Medical Center | |
Kobe Academy of Nursing Science | Journal of Kobe Academy of Nursing Science | |
kochi Occupational Therapist Association | The Kochi Journal of Occupational Therapy | |
Kochi Physical Therapists Association | The Kochi Journal of Physical Therapy | |
Kochi Rehabilitation Institute | Journal of kochi Rehabilitation Institute | |
Kochi Women's University Academy of Nursing | Journal of Kochi Women's University Academy of Nursing | |
Koh-Shin Seminor on Intensive Care Unit | Journal of Koh-Shin Seminor on Intensive Care Unit | |
Koh-Shin Seminor on Intensive Care Unit | Journal of Regional Emergency and Disaster Medicine Research | |
Koh-Shin Seminor on Intensive Care Unit | Journal of Regional Emergency and Disaster Medicine Research | |
Koh-Shin Seminor on Intensive Care Unit | Koh-Shin Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine | |
Kohka Public Hospital | Bulletin of Kohka Public Hospital | |
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Therapist kyogikai | Journal Of National University Rehabilitation | |
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Therapist kyogikai | Kokuritsu Daigaku Houjin Rehabilitation Co・Medical Gakuzyututaikai shi (1343-3067) | |
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Therapist kyogikai | Kokuritsu Daigaku Houjin Rehabilitation Co・Medical Gakuzyututaikai shi (1882-1995) | |
Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Therapist kyogikai | Kokuritsu Daigaku Rehabilitation Ryouhoushi Gakujututaikai shi | |
Kurashiki Central Hospital | Annals of Kurashiki Central Hospital | |
Kurume Medical Association | The Journal of The Kurume Medical Association | |
Kwassui Women's University | Kwassui Bulletin. Faculty of Nursing | |
Kyorin Medical Society | Journal of the Kyorin Medical Society | |
Kyoritsu Women's University Faculty of Nursing | Kyoritsu Journal of Nursing | |
Kyoto Association of Medical Technologists | Journal of the Kyoto Association of Medical Technologists | |
Kyoto Medical Association | The Journal of Kyoto Medical Association | |
Kyoto Okamoto Memorial Hospital | Okamoto Medical Journal | |
Kyoto Physical Therapy Association | The Kyoto Journal of Physical Therapy | |
Kyushu Dental Society | The Journal of The Kyusyu Dental Society | |
The Kyushu Society for Dialysis Therapy | Journal of Kyushu Society for Dialysis Therapy | |
Kyushu Yamaguchi Pharmaceutical Society | Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy | |
Kyushu Yamaguchi Pharmaceutical Society | Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin | |
L | Laboratory of Physical Education and Medicine | Journal of Physical Education and Medicine |
Lift Endoscopy & Minimal Incision Surgery | Journal of Lift Endoscopy & Minimal Incision Surgery | |
M | M Technology Association Japan | Mumps |
M Technology Association Japan | Proceedings of M Technology Association Japan | |
The Mammal Society of Japan | Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society of Japan | |
The Mammal Society of Japan | MAMMAL STUDY | |
The Mammal Society of Japan | Mammalian Science | |
Matsue City Hospital | The Medical Journal of Matsue City Hospital | |
The Matsumoto Dental University Society | The Journal of the Matsumoto Dental University Society | |
Matsushita Medical Association | MATSUSHITA MEDICAL JOURNAL | |
The MEAW technic and Research Foundation in Japan | The International Journal of MEAW Technic and Research Foundation | |
Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU | Journal of Traditional Medicines | |
Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU | Journal of Traditional Medicines | |
The Medical Association of Nippon Medical School | Journal of Nippon Medical School | |
The Medical Association of Nippon Medical School | Journal of the Medical Association of Nippon Medical School | |
Medical Corporation JINAIKAI | JINAIKAI Journal of Medicine | |
Medical Society of Hyogo College of Medicine | ACTA MEDICA HYOGOENSIA | |
Medical Society of Kindai University | Acta Medica Kindai University | |
Medical Society of Kindai University | Medical Journal of Kindai University | |
The Medical Society of Toho University | Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University | |
The Medical Society of Toho University | Toho Journal of Medicine | |
The Medical Society of Tokyo Medical University | The Journal of Tokyo Medical University | |
Meirin College | Bulletin of Meirin College | |
Meirin College | Meirin Journal of Dental Engineering and Oral Health Science | |
Misawa City Hospital | The Medical Journal of Misawa Municipal Hospital | |
Mitsubishi Kyoto Hospital | The Medical Journal of Mitsubishi Kyoto Hospital | |
Miyagi Association of Occupational Therapists | The Miyagi Journal of Occupational Therapy | |
Miyagi Chapter of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | Annual Report of The Miyagi Physical Therapy Association (Rigaku ryoho no ayumi) | |
Miyazaki Physical Therapy Association | The Journal of Clinical and Physical Therapy | |
Movement Disorder Society of Japan | MDSJ Letters | |
Mukogawa Women's University School of Nursing | Nursing Journal of Mukogawa Women's University | |
Muroran City General Hospital | Journal of Muroran City General Hospital | |
N | Nagano Association of Occupational Therapists | The Journal of Nagano Association of Occupational Therapists |
Nagano College of Nursing | Bulletin Nagano College of Nursing | |
Nagano Municipal Hospital | Medical Journal of Nagano Municipal Hospital | |
The Nagano Physical Therapy Association | The Study of Physical Therapy・Nagano | |
Nagano Red Cross Hospital | Medical journal of Nagano Red Cross Hospital | |
Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital | Medical Journal of Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital | |
Nagaoka Sutoku University | Bulletin of Nagaoka Sutoku University | |
Nagasaki Association of Occupational Therapists | Nagasaki Occupational Therapy Study | |
Nagasaki Physical Therapy Association | Journal of the Nagasaki Physical Therapy Association | |
Nagasaki University School | Journal of Investigation for Physical Therapy | |
Nagoya City Hospital Bureau | Medical Journal of Nagoya Municipal Hospital | |
Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute | Annual Report of Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute | |
Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute | JIGYOU NENPOU of Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute | |
Nagoya Gakuin University Research Institute | Journal of Nagoya Gakuin University, Medical, Health, and Sports Sciences | |
Nagoya Nursing Academy | Journal of Nagoya Nursing Academy | |
Nagoya Women's University | Journal of Nagoya Women's University | |
Nagoya Women's University | Journal of Nagoya Women's University, Home Economics・Natural Science, Humanities・Social Science | |
Naha City Hospital | Medical Journal of Naha City Hospital | |
Nano Biomedical Society | Nano Biomedicine | |
Nara Physical Therapy Association | Journal of Nara Physical Therapy | |
National Association of Medical Secretary Education | Journal of National Association of Medical Secretary Education | |
National University Corporation University of Fukui Faculty of Medical Science | Journal of Fukui Medical University | |
National University Corporation University of Fukui Faculty of Medical Science | Journal of interdisciplinary research | |
Nihon University Society of Oral Science | Nihon University Journal of Oral Science | |
Niigata Cancer Center Hospital | Journal of Niigata Cancer Center Hospital | |
Niigata City General Hospital | The Medical Journal of Niigata City General Hospital | |
Niigata Physical Therapy Association | The Niigata Journal of Physical Therapy | |
Niigata Prefectural Central Hospital | Journal of Niigata Prefectural Central Hospital | |
Niigata Prefectural Hospital | Medical Journal of Niigata Prefectural Hospital | |
Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology | Archives of Niigata Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology | |
Niigata Society of Health and Welfare | Niigata journal of health and welfare | |
Niigata Society of Health and Welfare | Niigata journal of health and welfare (Japanese) | |
Niigata University of Rehabilitation | Niigata University of Rehabilitation Bulletin | |
Niigata University School of Medicine | ACTA MEDICA et BIOLOGICA | |
Nippon Engineering College Physical Therapy | Professionalism in Physiotherapy | |
North Japan Academy of Nursing Science | Journal of North Japan Academy of Nursing Science | |
North Japan Academy of Nursing Science | Proceedings of North Japan Academy of Nursing Science | |
NPO GREEN TOWN GROUP | Kokyukea to goenkea | |
NPO The Japan Medical Library Association | IGAKU TOSHOKAN | |
Nursing Care Science Society | Journal of Nursing Care Science Society | |
Nursing Care Science Society | The Journal of the Nursing Society of University of Toyama | |
The Nursing Society of the Toyama medical and phrmaceutical Univercity | The Journal of the Nursing Society of the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University | |
O | Obihiro-Kosei General Hospital | THE JOURNAL OF OBIHIRO KOSEI HOSPITAL |
The Obstetrical Gynecological Society of Kinki District Japan | Advances In Obstetrics And Gynecology | |
The Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing | Journal of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing | |
Ohu University Dental Society | Ohu University Dental Journal | |
Ohu University Dental Society | Program and Abstructs Scientific Meeting of Ohu University Dental Society | |
Oita university of Nursing and Health Sciences | Japanese Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences | |
Oita university of Nursing and Health Sciences | Journal of Oita Nursing and Health Sciences | |
Okayama Association of Medical Technologists | The Okayama Journal of Medical Technology | |
OKAYAMA Association of Occupational Therapists | Occupational Therapy Okayama | |
Okayama Kyoritsu General Hospital | The Medical Journal of Okayama General Hospital(-2011) | |
Okayama Kyoritsu General Hospital | The Medical Journal of Okayama General Hospital(2012-) | |
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei Gakkai | Okayamaken Bosei Eisei | |
The okinawa society of child health | The okinawa journal of child health | |
Osaka Association of General Physician | The Journal of Osaka Association of General Physician | |
Osaka Association of General Physician | The Journal of Osaka-Fu Physicians Association | |
Osaka Association of Occupational Therapists | Journal of the Osaka Occupational Therapy Association | |
Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University | Cognition & Rehabilitation | |
Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University | Journal of Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University | |
Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University | Bulletin of Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University | |
Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University | Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College | |
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Human Life and Ecology Graduate School of Human Life and Ecology | Journal of Life Science Research | |
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Medicine Department of Refabilitation Science Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science | Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Sciences | |
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing | JOURNAL OF SCHOOL OF NURSING OSAKA PREFECTURE UNIVERSITY | |
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing | Osaka City University Journal of Nursing | |
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing | Osaka Metropolitan University Journal of Nursing | |
Osaka Metropolitan University School of Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing | OSAKA PREFECTURE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF NURSING | |
Osaka Physio Therapist Association | Physiotherapy OSAKA | |
Osaka PhysioTherapist Association Centre for Continuous Professional Development | Journal of Comprehensive Physiotherapy Research | |
Osaka Police Hospital | The Medical Journal of Osaka Police Hospital | |
Osaka Society for Dialysis Therapy | Journal of Osaka Society for Dialysis Therapy | |
Osaka Urban Living and Health Association | SEIKATSU EISEI (Journal of Urban Living and Health Association) | |
Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital | Journal of Osaka Medical Center & Research Institute for Maternal & Child Health | |
Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital | Journal of Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital | |
Osakafu Emergency Medical Institution Liaison Council, General Inc, Association | osaka emergency | |
Osaka・Shanghai・Melbourne Histopathologic Study Group | Archives of Histopathologic Differential Diagnosis | |
Otsu City Hospital | The Journal of Otsu City Hospital | |
Otsu City Hospital | The Journal of Otsu Municipal Hospital | |
Pediatric Rheumatology Association of Japan | The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Rheumatology | |
Pesticide Science Society of Japan | Japanese Journal of Pesticide Science | |
Pesticide Science Society of Japan | Journal of Pesticide Science | |
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin | |
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin | |
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | Journal of Health Science | |
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | YAKUGAKU ZASSHI (Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan) | |
The Physiological Society of Japan | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY | |
The Physiological Society of Japan | The Journal of Physiological Sciences | |
The Physiological Society of Japan | Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan | |
The Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan | Journal of the Physiological Therapeutics Research Meeting Japan | |
The PNF Society of Japan | PNF Research | |
Private Medical University Association of Medical Technologists | kameraden | |
R | The Radiological Nursing Society of Japan | The Journal of Radiological Nursing Society of Japan |
Research Institute of Oral Science | International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences | |
Research On Drug Interactions | Journal of Drug Interaction Research | |
RYOTOKUJI UNIVERSITY | The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University | |
S | Saitama Association of Radiological Technologist | RADIOLOGICAL SAITAMA |
Saitama Athletic Rehabilitation Research Society | Journal of Saitama Athletic Rehabilitation Research Society | |
Saitama Physical Therapist Association | Saitama rigakuryoho | |
Saitama Society for Dialysis Therapy | Journal of the Saitama Society for Dialysis Therapy | |
Saitama-ken Association of Medical Technologists | The Saitama Journal of Medical Technology | |
School of Health Sciences Tohoku University | Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Tohoku University | |
School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Kagawa University | Nursing Journal of Kagawa University | |
SEIREI GAKUEN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION | Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University | |
SEIREI GAKUEN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION | Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University | |
SEIREI GAKUEN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION | Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences Seirei Christopher University | |
Seirei Society of Nursing Science | Journal of Seirei Society of Nursing Science | |
Seisen Jogakuin College | Seisen Jogakuin College Journal of Nursing | |
SEISEN UNIVERSITY | Seisen Journal of Nursing Studies | |
Sendai City Hospital | Journal of Sendai City Hospital(-1965) | |
Sendai City Hospital | Journal of Sendai City Hospital(1980-) | |
Sendai Medical Center | Sendai Medical Center Journal | |
Shiatsu Society of Japan | Journal of Shiatsu Society of Japan(2187-4883) | |
Shiatsu Society of Japan | Journal of Shiatsu Society of Japan(2432-2911) | |
SHIGA DENTAL ASSOCIATION | The Journal of the Shiga Dental Association | |
Shiga Physical Therapy Association | Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association | |
Shiga Society of Maternal Health | Shiga Journal of Maternal Health | |
Shikoku Medical College | SHIKOKU MEDICAL COLLEGE | |
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai | Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi | |
Shikoku Society of Nursing Research | Journal of Shikoku Society of Nursing Research | |
Shimane Association of Medical Technologists | The Shimane Journal of Medical Technology | |
Shimane Medical Association | The Journal of Shimane Medical Association | |
SHIMANE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE | Shimane Journal of Medical Science | |
The Shinshu Medical Society | The Shinshu Medical Journal | |
Shinshu Society of Public Health | Shinshu Journal of Public Health | |
Shizuoka Physical Therapy Association | Shizuoka rigakuryoho journal | |
Shizuoka Physical Therapy Association | Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi | |
Shizuoka Saiseikai General Hospital | Journal of Shizuoka Saiseikai General Hospital | |
Shizuoka Society of Maternal Health | Shizuoka Journal of Maternal Health | |
Showa Pharmaceutical University | BULLETIN of Showa Pharmaceutical University | |
Showa University Dental Society | Dental Medicine Research | |
Showa University Dental Society | The Journal of Showa University Dental Society | |
Shubun University | Bulletin of Shubun University | |
Shukutoku Center for Clinical Psychology | The Shukutoku Clinical Psychology Center Bulletin | |
Social Medical Corporation Yuuaikai | The Medical Journal of YUUAIKAI | |
Societe d'etudes Scientifiques pour la stomatologie moderne SAITAMA | Journal of the Society for Modern Stomatology | |
Society for Applied Gerontology-Japan | Applied Gerontology | |
Society for Functional Food Research | Functional Food Research | |
Society for Functional Food Research | Glucosamine Research | |
The Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology | Journal of Hard Tissue Biology | |
Society for Human Life Studies of Niigata | The Bulletin of Society for Human Life Studies | |
The Society for Japanese Blood Programme | Journal of the Society for Japanese Blood Programme | |
Society for Research on Body Fluid and Metabolism | Journal of Society for Researches on Body Fluid and Metabolism | |
Society for Researches on Body Fluid and Metabolism under Aggression | Journal of Society for Researches on Body Fluid and Metabolism under Aggression | |
Society for the Study of Behavioral Rehabilitation | Behavioral Rehabilitation | |
The Society for the Study of Growth | Journal of growth | |
The Society for the Study of Medical Basis of Physical Therapy | Medical Basis of Physical Therapy | |
Society of Allied Health Sciences | The Journal of Allied Health Sciences | |
The Society of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics of Japan | The Journal of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics | |
The Society of Analytical Bio-Science | International Journal of Analytical Bio-Science | |
The Society of Analytical Bio-Science | Journal of Analytical Bio-Science | |
Society of Ankyloglossia with Deviation of the Epiglottis and Larynx, Japan | ANNALS OF THE ANKYLOGLOSSIA WITH DEVIATION OF THE EPIGLOTTIS AND LARYNX | |
The Society of Aquatic Health Medicine | Journal of Aquatic Health Medicine | |
The Society of Blood Substitutes, Japan | Artificial Blood | |
The Society of Clinical Physical Therapy | The Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy | |
The Society of Comparative Integrative Medicine for Human & Animals Japan | The Journal of Comparative Integrative Medicine/Japan | |
The Society of Comparative Integrative Medicine for Human & Animals Japan | The Journal of Traditional Veterinary Medicine | |
Society of Digital Transformation for Rehabilitation Medicine | Digital Transformation for Rehabilitation Medicine | |
The Society of Fukuoka Dental College | The Journal of Fukuoka Dental College | |
Society of Interstitial Cystitis of Japan | Journal of Interstitial Cystitis | |
The Society of Japanese Manual Physical Therapy | The Journal of Manual Physical Therapy | |
The Society of Meikai Dental Medicine | The Journal of Meikai Dental Medicine | |
The Society of Physical Fitness Nutrition and Immunology | Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology | |
The Society of Physical Therapy Science | Journal of exercise physiology | |
The Society of Physical Therapy Science | Journal of Physical Therapy Science | |
The Society of Physical Therapy Science | Rigakuryoho Kagaku | |
The Society of Saitama Comprehensive Rehabilitation | The Journal of Saitama Comprehensive Rehabilitation | |
The Society of Saitama Kenou Rehabilitation | The Journal of Saitama Kenou Rehabilitation | |
The Society of Swallowing and Dysphagia of Japan | Deglutition | |
The Society of the Nippon Dental University | Journal of The Nippon Dental University | |
The Society of the Nippon Dental University | Odontology | |
The Society of the Nippon Dental University | Shigaku | |
Society of Therapeutic Exercise | Proceedings of Society of Therapeutic Exercise | |
The Society of Thoracic CT Screening | The Journal of Thoracic CT Screening | |
Society of Tokyo Women's Medical University | Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University | |
St. Luke's Society for Nursing Research | Journal of St. Luke's Society for Nursing Research | |
St.Marianna University Society of Medical Science | Journal of St.Marianna University | |
St.Marianna University Society of Medical Science | The St. Marianna Medical Journal | |
The Stomatological Society | The Journal of the Stomatological Society, Japan | |
T | Takarazuka University | Bulletin of Takarazuka University |
Takeda General Hospital | Medical Journal of Takeda General Hospital | |
Tane General Hospital | The Medical Journal of Tane General Hospital | |
Teine Keijinkai Hospital | The Medical Journal of Teine Keijinkai Hospital | |
Tenri Institute of Medical Research | Tenri Medical Bulletin | |
Therapeutic Research for Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Diseases | Therapeutic Research for Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Diseases | |
Tochigi Association of Medical Technologists | Journal of Tochigi Society of Medical Technology | |
Toho Society for Nursing Research | Journal of Toho Society for Nursing Research | |
Tohoku Section of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | Annual Report of The Tohoku Section of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | |
Tohoku Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology | |
Tohoku Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Tohoku Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | |
Tohto University | Tohto College of Health Sciences Bulletin | |
Tohto University | Tohto University Bulletin | |
Tokai Geka Gakkai | Tokai Geka Gakkai | |
Tokai Public Health Association | Tokai Journal of Public Health | |
The Tokai University School of Medicine and Tokai Medical Association | The Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine | |
Tokiwa University Faculty of Nursing | Tokiwa Journal of Nursing Research | |
Tokoha Gakuen Educational Institute | Bulletin of Faculty Health Sciences Hamamatsu University | |
Tokoha Gakuen Educational Institute | Bulletin of The Health Medical Sciences of Tokoha University | |
Tokyo Association of Health Sciences | The journal of Tokyo Academy of Health Sciences | |
Tokyo Association of Occupational Therapists | TOKYO OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY RESEARCH | |
TOKYO HEALTHCARE UNIVERSITY | Bulletin of Tokyo Healthcare University | |
TOKYO KASEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY | Journal of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University | |
TOKYO KASEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY/TOKYO KASEI GAKUIN JUNIOR COLLEGE | Journal of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University Humanities and social science | |
TOKYO KASEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY/TOKYO KASEI GAKUIN JUNIOR COLLEGE | Journal of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University Natural science and technology | |
Tokyo Medical and Dental University | Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences | |
Tokyo Metropolitan Association of Medical Technologists | Journal of Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Technologists | |
Tokyo Nursing Association | Journal of Tokyo Nursing Association | |
Tokyo Pediatrician's Association | Journal of the Tokyo Pediatric Association | |
Tokyo Physical Therapy Association | Journal of Tokyo Physical Therapy Chapter of JPTA | |
Tokyo Physical Therapy Association | Physical Therapy Tokyo | |
Tokyo Society of Maternal Health | Tokyo Journal of Maternal Health | |
Tomishiro Central Hospital | The Journal of Tomishiro Central Hospital | |
Tosa Rehabilitation | Tosa Rehabilitation Journal | |
Tottori College of Nursing and Tottori College | Memoirs of Tottori College of Nursing and Tottori College | |
Tottori Medical Association | The Journal of the Tottori Medical Association | |
Tottori University Medical Press | YONAGO ACTA MEDICA | |
Toyama kyuukyuuiryou gakkai | Toyama kyuukyuuiryou gakkai | |
Toyama kyuukyuuiryou kenkyukai | Toyama kyuukyuuiryou kenkyukai | |
Toyama Physical Therapy Association | Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone | |
Toyama Physical Therapy Association | Physical Therapy Toyama | |
Toyama Physical Therapy Association | Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi | |
Tsurumi Junior College Health Association | Hoken Tsurumi | |
Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine | Tsurumi University Dental Journal | |
U | University of Human Arts and Sciences & The Japan Society of Human Arts and Sciences | Journal of the human arts and sciences |
University of Hyogo College of Nursing Art and Science & Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community | College of Nursing Art and Science Hyogo Bulletin | |
University of Hyogo College of Nursing Art and Science & Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community | University of Hyogo College of Nursing Art and Science & Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community Bulletin | |
University of Hyogo College of Nursing Art and Science & Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community | University of Hyogo College of Nursing Art and Science Bulletin | |
The University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan | Journal of UOEH | |
The University of Shiga Prefecture | Journal of Human Nursing Studies | |
The University of Tokyo Bioethics Collaborative Research Organization | CBEL Report | |
University of TOYAMA | Toyama Medical Journal(-2010) | |
University of TOYAMA | Toyama Medical Journal(2011-2013) | |
V | The Vitamin Society of Japan | VITAMINS |
W | The Wakayama Medical Society | The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society |
Wellness and Health Care Society | Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society Kanazawa University | |
Wellness and Health Care Society | Journal of Wellness and Health Care | |
The West Japan Urological Association | The Nishinihon Journal of Urology | |
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology | Orthopedics & Traumatology | |
World Academy of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine | The Journal of World Academy of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (WAARM) Society | |
World Brain-science Institute | Journal of Hydrocephalus | |
World Brain-science Institute | Journal of Neuroendoscopy | |
Y | Yamagata Chapter of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | The Journal of Physiotherapy Yamagata |
Yamagata Chapter of Japanese Physical Therapy Association | Journal of The Yamagata Physical Therapy Association | |
Yamaguchi Society of Maternal Health | Yamaguchi Journal of Maternal Health | |
Yamaguchi University | The Bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School | |
Yamaguchi University | Medical Science & Innovation | |
Yamaguchi University Medical Association | Yamaguchi Medical Journal | |
Yamanashi Prefectural University | Bulletin of Faculty of Nursing, Yamanashi Prefectural University | |
Yamanashi Prefectural University | Bulletin of Yamanashi College of Nursing | |
Yamanashi Prefectural University | Bulletin of Yamanashi Junior College of Nursing | |
Yamanashi Prefectural University | YPU Journal of Health Sciences | |
The Yamanashi Society for Lung Cancer | Journal of The Yamanashi Society for Lung Cancer | |
Yamanashi Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology | Journal of Yamanashi Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology | |
Yamato University | Journal of Yamato University | |
Yamato University | Journal of Yamato University, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences | |
Yanagawariha Fukuokakokusai Kiyo Editorial Board | Yanagawariha Fukuokakokusai Kiyo | |
Yogosawa Society of Orthodontists | Monograph of Clinical Orthodontics | |
Yokohama Rehabilitation Foundation | Journal of Yokohama Rehabilitation Foundation | |
Yonago Medical Association | The Journal of the Yonago Medical Association |