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Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity

Volume 20, Issue 2 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Pleasure of the foreword manufacturing
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 59-60, 2014.

Japanese Article A special feature: Sleep apnoea syndrome: SAS sleep and obese introduction
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 61-62, 2014.

Japanese Article An association between sleep and energy constancy: Discussion judging from a control factor of the lateral hypothalamic area
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 63-69, 2014.

Japanese Article Sleep apnoea and energy metabolism
萱場桃子*1, 徳山薫平*2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 70-76, 2014.

Japanese Article Adiposity, metabolic syndrome and sleep apnoea syndrome
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 77-88, 2014.

Japanese Article About association with obesity and the sleep respiratory disorder
古川慎哉*1, 谷川武*2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 89-93, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the medical economics of the debulking surgery: Examination by Shiga University of Medical Science and the Yotsuya medical cube case
柿原浩明*1, 山本寛*2, 山口剛*2, 村田聡*2, 伊波早苗*3, 井深陽子*1, 笠間和典*4, 中里哲也*4, 谷徹*2
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 94-101, 2014.

Japanese Article About the effect - job area men that FABP2,β3AR genetic polymorphism gives to obesity and insulin resistance -
田中朋子*1, 小林直人*1, 中崎美峰子*1, 金木潤*1, 澁谷直美*2, 坪野由美*2, 大浦栄次*2, 山上孝司*3
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 102-109, 2014.

Japanese Article Does the preprandial soup intake have an influence on the quantity of the continuing diet? - Evaluation - of the short-term appetite sense by visual analog scale (VAS)
脇坂しおり*1,*2, 武田一彦*3, 御堂直樹*3, 駒居南保*1, 森谷敏夫*2, 永井成美*1
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 110-118, 2014.

Japanese Article Participate in the twelfth pilgrimage verge obesity congress (12th International Congress on Obesity)
後藤剛*1, 田中孝幸*2, 二連木晋輔*3
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 119-120, 2014.

Japanese Article Childhood obesity guidelines 2,014< summary>
日本肥満学会小児肥満症検討委員会, 岡田知雄*1, 高谷竜三*2, 南由佳子*2, 玉井浩*2, 杉原茂孝*3, 菊池透*4, 井上文夫*5, 有阪治*6, 久保田優*7, 原光彦*8, 花木啓一*9, 冨樫健二*10, 太田百合子*11
Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 20(2): 1-26, 2014.