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Journal of Gifu College of Nursing

Volume 6, Issue 1 / 2005
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article For the characteristic of the foreword this school bulletin and future development
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 1-1, 2005.

Japanese Article The development of the consciousness "becoming a parent" of the parent bringing up a child with a disability
泊祐子, 豊永奈緒美
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 3-10, 2005.

Japanese Article Clinical Nurses' Experiences which Facilitate Organizational Commitment
Misuzu F. Gregg
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 11-18, 2005.

Japanese Article The thing that we took charge, and student nurse felt through the parting with the patients in the mental nursing science training
片岡三佳, 高橋香織
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 19-26, 2005.

Japanese Article Learning judging from report analysis after the mental nursing science go to the actual place training
高橋香織, 片岡三佳
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 27-33, 2005.

Japanese Article Learning of the student about tissue and the management that we maintain a lecture of the company top
上野美智子, 宮本千津子, 両羽美穂子, 奥井幸子
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 35-41, 2005.

Japanese Article A top management function and the characteristic that a student experienced in a local problem extraction process
両羽美穂子1), 栗田孝子1), 大川眞智子2), 上野美智子1), 宮本千津子1), 林由美子3), 岩村龍子2), 池西悦子1), 小澤和弘1), 奥井幸子1)
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 43-49, 2005.

Japanese Article The way of the nursing service in the A Hospital judging from patients satisfaction investigation
森仁実1), 小野幸子2), グレッグ美鈴3), 会田敬志4), 松山洋子1), 出井美智子5), 小田和美2), 古川直美2), 林幸子2), 平山朝子6)
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 51-56, 2005.

Japanese Article Activity of the nursing research center of the Heisei 15-16 year and future problem
大川眞智子, グレッグ美鈴, 岩村龍子, 平山朝子
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 57-62, 2005.

Japanese Article To discover a policy to be valid with black Nic ylness and Motivational Interviewing - illness
黒江ゆり子, 藤澤まこと, 普照早苗, 佐賀純子
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 6(1): 63-70, 2005.