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Journal of Gifu College of Nursing

Volume 9, Issue 1 / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Educational practice study as the foreword Faculty Development (FD) activity
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 1-1, 2008.

Japanese Article Interaction on Role Taking Process of Mothers with a Disabled Twins
Yuko Tomari
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 3-12, 2008.

Japanese Article Learning of the student by the non-member practice that we conducted at an entrance to school early stage
米増直美1), 藤澤まこと1), 三宅薫2), 河村めぐみ2)
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 13-20, 2008.

Japanese Article Examination of the learning problem of the group work judging from a change of the understanding of the carrier management
栗田孝子, 橋本麻由里, 野村浩, 鈴木里美
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 21-28, 2008.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the temporary nursing at home in Gifu
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 29-35, 2008.

Japanese Article Method of the activity evaluation that is useful in cities, towns and villages community health nurse
松下光子1), 大川眞智子2), 米増直美1)
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 37-44, 2008.

Japanese Article The way of the nursing help in the depopulated area medical institution which the system shifts to from a hospital to the medical office
普照早苗1), 田内香織1), 藤澤まこと1), 片岡三佳1), 森仁実1), 福田ひとみ2), 田口恭子3), 桂川恵美3), 今井さち子3), 今井千恵子3)
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 45-51, 2008.

Japanese Article Life study support of the nursing job in the U.K.
服部律子1), 奥村美奈子2), 坪井桂子2)
Journal of Gifu College of Nursing 9(1): 53-59, 2008.