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The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 104 / 2016
English Article Japanese Article
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S1-1. Histories of treatment of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor (NET) in our hospital 吉田拓馬, 戸祭直也, 山田真也, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 41-41, 2016. |
S1-2. A form diagnosis and treatment strategy of the neuroendocrine tumor of the small intestine, the large intestine 佐野村誠1, 横濱桂介1, 佐々木有一1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 41-41, 2016. |
S1-3. Endoscopic treatment of rectal NET 山田光成, 樫田博史, 米田頼晃, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 41-41, 2016. |
S1-4. Examination of 98 digestive organ neuroendocrine tumors which we experienced in our hospital 中田晃暢, 山村匡史, 末包剛久, 根引浩子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 41-41, 2016. |
S1-5. Examination of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor 10 case which we experienced in our hospital 松村晋矢1, 鈴木隆裕1, 谷口史洋2, 吉田憲正1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 42-42, 2016. |
S1-6. Examination of pancreas neuroendocrine tumor (PNET) in our hospital 細谷和也1, 和田将弥1, 上原慶一郎2, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 42-42, 2016. |
S1-7. Usefulness of EUS in the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor diagnosis 大本俊介, 北野雅之, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 42-42, 2016. |
S1-8. Diagnosis of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor in our hospital 山内雄揮, 宇座徳光, 児玉裕三, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 42-42, 2016. |
S2-1. Is the regulator combination of immunity necessary for adalimumab? Examination in patients with Crohn's disease of our hospital 岡田俊彦, 井上拓也, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 43-43, 2016. |
S2-2. For remission maintenance improvement of the steroid therapy for the autoimmune hepatitis 金子晃1, 巽智秀2, 竹原徹郎2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 43-43, 2016. |
S2-3. Examination of the clinical course of the autoimmune disease of the liver 梶原真理子, 藤井秀樹, 中村英樹, 木村浩之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 43-43, 2016. |
S2-4. Examination about the pathological diagnosis ability of clinical picture and EUS-FNA of the autoimmune pancreatitis 谷口洋平, 和田将弥, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 43-43, 2016. |
S2-5. Examination of the histopathological diagnosis ability of the autoimmune pancreatitis using EUS psi CY 塩見英之1, 増田充弘1, 岡部純弘1, 全陽2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 44-44, 2016. |
S2-6. Treatment of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis in our hospital 富山尚, 内田一茂, 高岡亮, 岡崎和一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 44-44, 2016. |
S2-7. The present conditions of the autoimmune pancreatitis practice in our hospital 須田貴広, 重川稔, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 44-44, 2016. |
S2-8. It is examination about the revival after steroid therapy of the autoimmune pancreatitis in our hospital 山村匡史, 中田晃暢, 山崎智朗, 根引浩子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 44-44, 2016. |
W1-1. Usefulness of the endoscopic treatment for the large esophagus superficial cancer of the lap living-in-nature 朝隈豊, 松井繁長, 樫田博史, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 45-45, 2016. |
W1-2. Treatment result of muscular layer incision (POEM) of the peroral endoscopy for the achalasia in our hospital 田中心和1, 河原史明2, 豊永高史2, 東健1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 45-45, 2016. |
W1-3. Four examination that were given LECS for the stomach intramucosal carcinoma which ESD had difficulty with with a scar 青木雅彦, 時岡聡, 楢林賢 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 45-45, 2016. |
W1-4. Attempt of the low invasive endoscopic treatment for the duodenal neoplastic lesion 魚瀬優, 染田仁, 池田一毅, 藤原幹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 45-45, 2016. |
W1-5. Low invasive treatment for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm (SNADET) 河原史明1, 森田圭紀1, 豊永高史2,3, 梅垣英次1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 46-46, 2016. |
W1-6. The present conditions of cold snare polypectomy for large intestine tumor in our hospital 池澤伸明, 中島卓利, 花房正雄, 吉田俊一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 46-46, 2016. |
W1-7. Normal position radiotherapy using the moving body pursuit method for the hepatocellular carcinoma 平田大善1, 池田敦之1, 坂本隆吏2, 國立裕之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 46-46, 2016. |
W1-8. The effectiveness of the radiotherapy mainly on the normal position radiotherapy in the standard treatment inability hepatocellular carcinoma 中村憲1, 津田泰宏1, 高橋正嗣2, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 46-46, 2016. |
W2-1. Effect of the pancrelipase preparation on weight loss early after total gastrectomy 木村豊, 三上城太, 間狩洋一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 47-47, 2016. |
W2-2. Evaluation of the digestion absorbency by the breath test for appropriate nutrition therapy introduction in the liver pancreatic disease 瀧井道明1,2, 増田大介1, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 47-47, 2016. |
W2-3. Evaluation of the nutritional status by the presence or absence of pancreatic cyst in patients with pancreatic lithiasis 三宅隼人, 十亀義生, 保田宏明, 阪上順一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 47-47, 2016. |
W2-4. Examination of a nutrition index and the postoperative course according to the disease severity in the ulcerative colitis case 峯宏昌, 松井繁長, 樫田博史, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 47-47, 2016. |
W2-5. Usefulness of L-carnitine at percutaneous transcatheter arterial embolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma 津田泰宏, 朝井章, 福西新弥, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 48-48, 2016. |
F1-1. One case of the insulinoma which was able to make a definite diagnosis by EUS-FNA 草野淳1, 古志谷達也1, 桝田昌隆1, 中野圭明1, 婦木秀一1, 野崎高史2, 中島寿樹2, 藤井光広2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 49-49, 2016. |
F1-2. One case of invasive pancreatic duct cancer which it presented a serous cystadenoma-like form and diagnosed by EUS-FNA 半田康平, 大本俊介, 門阪薫平, 宮田剛, 鎌田研, 三長考輔, 山雄健太郎, 松田友彦, 今井元, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 49-49, 2016. |
F1-3. An example of pancreas head mass, the obstruction-related pancreatitis due to acute myeloid leukemia 中山丈夫, 中村文保, 丸野貴久, 高橋健, 福田晃久, 松浦稔, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 49-49, 2016. |
F1-4. An example of ramified IPMN which caused Hemosuccus pancreaticus 尾松万悠紀, 上田佳秀, 西川絹子, 山賀雄一, 塩川雅広, 本澤有介, 宇座徳光, 高橋健, 松浦稔, 児玉裕三, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 49-49, 2016. |
F1-5. An example of the severe gallstones-related pancreatitis with suspected infectious pancreatic necrosis by the MRSA 山本直希, 岩本安理, 樋田紫子, 松本正憲, 藤井康和, 板倉崇泰, 西崎朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 50-50, 2016. |
F2-1. One case of MALT lymphoma that needed the differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 小泉由莉奈1, 小塚立蔵2, 寺西優雅2, 元山宏行2, 川村悦史2, 打田佐和子2, 榎本大2, 村上善基2, 田守昭博2, 河田則文2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 50-50, 2016. |
F2-2. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that Juzentaihoto was thought to succeed 生田由佳子, 佐々木一就, ヤハヤ ベンスレイマン, 藤本和世, 林賢一, 池澤伸明, 安藤純哉, 花房正雄, 吉田志栄, 門卓生, 名生諭史, 中島卓利, 吉田俊一, 澤井繁明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 50-50, 2016. |
F2-3. One case of the lipid hepatitis-like hepatocellular carcinoma 杉本博子1, 城正泰2, 木村英憲2, 早川めぐみ2, 諏訪兼敏2, 曽田智大2, 田中順子2, 中島潤2, 寄木浩行2, 全圭夏2, 高田龍介2, 益澤明2, 松本尚之2, 高見史朗2, 若林直樹2, 片岡慶正2, 益澤尚子3, 濱田新七3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 50-50, 2016. |
F2-4. An example of the distal bile duct cancer complicated with Clonorchis sinensis 山形光慶1, 高井孝治1, 伊藤正治1, 岩破敏郎1, 片岡滋貴1, 水野直樹1, 宮川昌巳1, 元好貴之1, 西方誠1, 山下靖英1, 桐島寿彦1, 吉波尚美1, 新谷弘幸1, 井上英信2, 上和広2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 51-51, 2016. |
F2-5. One case of comparison, the gallbladder cancer which we examined of contrasting harmonic EUS image and the pathology histology 吉川智恵1, 鎌田研2, 北野雅之2, 榎木英介3, 木村雅友3, 大本俊介2, 門阪薫平2, 松田友彦2, 三長孝輔2, 宮田剛2, 山雄健太郎2, 今井元2, 工藤正俊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 51-51, 2016. |
F3-1. An example of the drug-related liver damage with the Chinese medicine which a responsibility ingredient was able to identify by the examination according to the crude drug 野々村万智1, 荒木理1, 池田敦之1, 寺村茉利1, 中村武晴1, 大岩容子1, 平田大善1, 糸川芳男1, 田中秀行1, 楠本聖典1, 田中泰敬1, 中井喜貴1, 藤井茂彦1, 畦地英全1, 日下利広1, 國立裕之1, 安原裕美子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 51-51, 2016. |
F3-2. An example of early syphilitic hepatitis (Early syphilitic hepatitis) 原和也1, 瀧本郁久1, 濱田健輔1, 井上貴裕1, 井関隼也1, 徳永英里1, 荒尾真道1, 吉田裕幸1, 安達神奈1, 島田友香里1, 林幹人1, 井谷智尚1, 三村純1, 織田好子2, 堀川達弥2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 51-51, 2016. |
F3-3. One case of the acute hepatic failure with bicalutamide 伊藤孝助, 福富啓祐, 石原朗雄, 清田良介, 新海数馬, 田代拓, 中川健太郎, 岩崎哲也, 岩崎竜一朗, 西尾公美子, 山田拓哉, 榊原祐子, 中水流正一, 石田永, 三田英治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 52-52, 2016. |
F3-4. Example that caused infection for an existing hepatic cyst 辻麻人, 阿部哲之, 阿部昌平, 木下雅登, 山田恭孝, 佐々木絢香, 田中克英, 吉江智郎, 堀順子, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 52-52, 2016. |
F4-1. One case of the ulcerative colitis who had the severe anal lesion 福田雅俊, 榊原祐子, 山田拓哉, 田代拓, 新海数馬, 清田良介, 中川健太郎, 福富啓祐, 石原朗雄, 岩崎哲也, 岩崎竜一朗, 西尾公美子, 中水流正一, 石田永, 三田英治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 52-52, 2016. |
F4-2. An example of the ulcerative colitis that a merger of the enteric infection was suggested in Mesalazine intolerance 岡本麻知子1, 岡田章良2, 高月権治2, 瀬川哲也2, 中山雅臣2, 親泊智英2, 山口敬2, 山下和邦2, 大橋理奈2, 北野厚生2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 52-52, 2016. |
F4-3. Ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colitis:UC)-related gastroduodenitis and ileal pouchitis develop large intestine complete removal postoperatively, an example with the duodenal stricture 川崎裕香1, 邉見雄二郎2, 岡田俊彦2, 原あずさ2, 中悠2, 川口真平2, 高橋良明2, 江戸川祥子2, 小嶋融一2, 能田貞治2, 柿本一城2, 川上研2, 井上拓也2, 竹内利寿2, 江頭由太郎3, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 53-53, 2016. |
F4-4. An example of early colon cancer which caused hemorrhagic shock 町田怜央1, 阿部哲之1, 阿部晶平1, 木下雅登1, 山田恭孝1, 佐々木綾香1, 高橋利匡1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 堀順子1, 大瀬貴之1, 佐貫毅1, 浦出剛史2, 御井保彦2, 沢秀博2, 黒田大介2, 神澤真紀3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 53-53, 2016. |
F5-1. Examination of the intestinal tuberculosis in our hospital 井元裕子, 荒尾真道, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚, 三村純 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 53-53, 2016. |
F5-2. An example of the intestinal tract spirochetal infection that enterocolitis was prolonged 清水健志, 津田朋広, 大本明義, 仁科慎一, 矢部博樹, 浅野仁, 田村優加子, 三澤眞人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 53-53, 2016. |
F5-3. One case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that resulted in high-grade stenosis to colon 常城宇生1, 大内佐智子1, 道上祐己1, 中井啓介1, 日並義統1, 田淵真彦1, 藤澤貴史1, 西上隆之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 54-54, 2016. |
F5-4. One patient who was able to diagnose the double cancer of the deep part large intestine and pseudomembranous enteritis after the metallic stent custody for malignant large intestinal stricture endoscopically 深見正高1, 吉井將哲2, 井上史洋2, 山田康尊2, 岩田裕樹2, 宮坂將光2, 野村正晃2, 松本隆之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 54-54, 2016. |
F6-1. One case of the intestinal tract bullous emphysema symptom which an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor seemed to be associated with 渡部貴文1, 白川裕2, 松浦敬憲2, さか本善雄2, 堀田和亜2, 廣畑成也2, 尹聖哲2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 54-54, 2016. |
F6-2. It is intestinal tract emphysematosa, an example with the portal vein gas blood symptom for Marfan syndrome 牧野圭悟1, 大本明義2, 仁科慎一2, 津田朋広2, 長尾俊彦3, 北川敦士3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 54-54, 2016. |
F6-3. An example of the adults intestinal tract overlap symptom that a diagnosis was possible preoperatively by combining outside the body expression sonography with single balloon small intestine endoscopy 大井雅之1, 馬場重樹2, 高橋憲一郎2, 今枝広丞2, 大崎理英2, 伴宏充3, 塩谷淳2, 西田淳史2, 稲富理2, 三宅亨4, 園田寛道4, 清水智治4, 佐々木雅也5, 杉本光繁3, 谷眞至4, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 55-55, 2016. |
F6-4. One case of the Meckel diverticulum of the advanced age onset detected with blood in stool 辻良平1, 深田憲将2, 若松隆宏2, 高橋美緒2, 松本浩尚2, 細田修司2, 笠井健史2, 杉本崇宰2, 青野祐樹2, 川股聖二2, 福井寿朗2, 島谷昌明2, 稲田涼3, 濱田円3, 関寿人2, 岡崎和一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 55-55, 2016. |
F6-5. One case of the small intestine GIST detected with peritonitis perforative 名方勇介, 原田雅也, 西幹和哉, 三原俊彦, 岡田憲幸, 山元義康, 向井友一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 55-55, 2016. |
F7-1. One case of the stomach eosinophilic granuloma 大西俊和1, 川口真平2, 井上陽介2, 高橋良明2, 江戸川祥子2, 小嶋融一2, 竹内利寿2, 江頭由太郎3, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 55-55, 2016. |
F7-2. An example of the superior mesenteric artery syndrome that needed retching, vomiting and differentiation with the chemotherapy 関根一臣1, 島本福太郎1, 後藤昌弘1, 紀貴之1, 桑門心1, 西谷仁1, 寺澤哲志1, 浅石健1, 宮本敬大1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 56-56, 2016. |
F7-3. 1 case of Helicobacter pylori sanitization resistance stomach MALT lymphoma that complete remission was got from by rituximab - bendamustine therapy 楠井進之介1, 今枝広丞1, 長谷川大1, 高橋憲一郎1, 大崎理英1, 伴宏充2, 西田淳史1, 塩谷淳1, 園田文乃1, 稲富理1, 馬場重樹1, 佐々木雅也3, 九嶋亮治4, 杉本光繁3, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 56-56, 2016. |
F7-4. An example of stomach neuroendocrine system cancer which we experienced in our hospital 四十万谷卓也1, 吉井將哲2, 井上史洋2, 山田康尊2, 岩田裕樹2, 宮坂將光2, 野村正晃2, 松本隆之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 56-56, 2016. |
Y1-1. One case of the insulinoma which shifts from nonfunction to functionality were seen in 小澤智美, 上尾太郎, 高井利恵子, 水越健太, 山川剛, 大村亜紀奈, 吉川貴章, 南竜城, 岡部誠, 丸岡隆太郎, 宮島真治, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 57-57, 2016. |
Y1-2. One case of the pancreas head pancreas endocrinoma (glucagonoma) 浜田健輔1, 瀧本郁久1, 井関隼也1, 井上貴裕1, 荒尾真道1, 徳永英里1, 吉田裕幸1, 安達神奈1, 島田友香里1, 林幹人1, 井谷智尚1, 三村純1, 京極高久2, 石原美佐3, 橋本公夫3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 57-57, 2016. |
Y1-3. One case that EUS-FNA was useful for metastatic pancreas tumor which occurred after renal cell carcinoma technique in the fifth year 岡部純弥1, 中原征則1, 池澤賢治2, 松本康史1, 山口典高1, 相坂龍哉1, 岩本剛幸1, 山縣洋介1, 谷瑞季1, 安岡秀高1, 小来田幸世1, 澤井良之1, 井倉技1, 福田和人1, 大橋寛嗣3, 今井康陽1, 篠村泰久1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 57-57, 2016. |
Y1-4. One case of Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm which developed in a young man 木下淳, 山下泰伸, 川路祐輝, 阿部弘子, 田村崇, 奴田絢也, 糸永昌弘, 前田浩輝, 上田和樹, 井上泉, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 玉井秀幸, 加藤順, 一瀬雅夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 57-57, 2016. |
Y1-5. Example that caused liver metastases, a peritoneal dissemination recurrence after curative resection for the SCN that a malignancy was suggested 河相宗矩, 吉川哲平, 村本雄哉, 松本慎平, 松本淳, 森義治, 曽我部裕子, 大野千景, 西田未由, 三上貴生, 西田吉宏, 宮本由貴子, 松永康寛, 北見元哉, 青山育雄, 本庶元, 西川浩史, 近藤雅彦, 三宅直樹, 河南智晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 58-58, 2016. |
Y2-1. An example of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma in the pancreas biliary tract type pancreatic duct 岩破敏郎, 西方誠, 伊藤正浩, 片岡滋貴, 水野直樹, 高井孝治, 宮川昌巳, 元好貴之, 山下靖英, 桐島寿彦, 吉波尚美 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 58-58, 2016. |
Y2-2. Example that complete remission was obtained by chemoradiotherapy for pancreatic cancer of Borderline resectable in preoperation 薗誠, 栗田亮, 秋山慎介, 山下大生, 河路光介, 山川康平, 原田威徳, 伊藤嵩志, 西村聡, 渡邊幸太郎, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 河野孝一朗, 吉野琢哉, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 58-58, 2016. |
Y2-3. An example of the pancreatic pleural effusion complicated with situs inversus 松本一寛, 谷口洋平, 奥村圭, 畑森裕之, 伊藤卓彦, 細谷和也, 南出竜典, 北本博規, 福島政司, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 鄭浩柄, 井上聡子, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 58-58, 2016. |
Y2-4. An example of the necrotising pancreatitis that was able to heal in endoscopic necrosectomy using the large-diameter metal short stent 下釜翼, 遠藤文司, 水本吉則, 筑後孝紀, 中野重治, 熊谷健, 太田義之, 江坂直樹, 岩本諭, 笠原勝宏, 米田俊貴, 島伸子, 勝島慎二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 59-59, 2016. |
Y2-5. Examination about the advisability of the stent withdrawal after the endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting for the chronic pancreatitis 川路祐輝, 山下泰伸, 阿部弘子, 奴田絢也, 田村崇, 糸永昌弘, 前田浩輝, 上田和樹, 井上泉, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 玉井秀幸, 加藤順, 一瀬雅夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 59-59, 2016. |
Y3-1. An example of the preoperation diagnosis possible gallbladder twisting symptom 中内脩介, 田中秀憲, 桑田光, 小野洋嗣, 池田敦史, 堂垣美樹, 菅もも子, 畑中宏史, 脇信也, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 59-59, 2016. |
Y3-2. An example of the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis that they presented with bile duct stricture, and racked its brains about differentiation with the malignant disorder 瀧本郁久, 井関隼也, 井上貴裕, 濱田健輔, 荒尾真道, 徳永英里, 吉田裕幸, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚, 三村純 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 59-59, 2016. |
Y3-3. One case of the congenital biliary dilatation merger early stage cholangiocarcinoma which occurred at advanced age 安田剛士1, 片山政伸1, 伏木邦博1, 古田光寛1, 田中基夫1, 重松忠1, 保田宏明2, 馬場正道3, 加藤寿一3, 加藤元一3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 60-60, 2016. |
Y3-4. One case of the intrabiliary papillary tumor which racked its brains about a localized diagnosis 太田崇之, 川上巧, 吉田拓馬, 小山友季, 梶原真理子, 榊田智喜, 安田宗司, 松村晋矢, 吉田寿一郎, 鈴木隆裕, 藤井秀樹, 中津川善和, 山田直也, 中村英樹, 戸祭直也, 佐藤秀樹, 奥山祐右, 木村浩之, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 60-60, 2016. |
Y3-5. An example of the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma detected for no jaundice 秋山慎介1, 栗田亮1, 山下大生1, 河路光介1, 山川康平1, 薗誠1, 原田威徳1, 伊藤嵩志1, 西村聡1, 渡邉幸太郎1, 渡辺昌樹1, 工藤寧1, 山内淳嗣1, 河野孝一朗1, 吉野琢哉1, 福永豊和1, 川口清隆1, 八隅秀二郎1, 寺嶋宏明2, 弓場吉哲3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 60-60, 2016. |
Y4-1. One case of the esophagus origin malignancy T-cell lymphoma 早川めぐみ1, 寄木浩行1, 木村英憲1, 諏訪兼敏1, 曽田智大1, 田中順子1, 中島潤1, 全圭夏1, 城正泰1, 高田龍介1, 益澤明1, 松本尚之1, 高見史朗1, 若林直樹1, 片岡慶正1, 中尾光成2, 益澤尚子3, 濱田新七3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 60-60, 2016. |
Y4-2. One case of the oesophageal tuberculosis 田中俊多1, 津留真理1, 野口千影1, 羽鳥広隆1, 高田美穂1, 松岡理紗1, 西尾昭宏1, 西川倫子1, 三浦翔1, 印藤直彦1, 山岡優子1, 栃谷四科子1, 廣吉康秀1, 藤田光一1, 松木信之1, 松井佐織1, 阿南隆洋1, 菅原悦子1, 渡辺明彦1, 菅原淳1, 寺村一裕2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 61-61, 2016. |
Y4-3. An example of the acute necrotic esophagitis 岩井聡始1, 相原洋祐1, 沢井正佳2, 久保貴裕1, 小泉有利1, 芝本彰彦1, 藤本優樹1, 西村典久1, 瓦谷英人1, 竹田幸祐1, 野口隆一1, 美登路昭1, 山尾純一2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 61-61, 2016. |
Y4-4. An example of early esophagogastric junction cancer of patients with cirrhosis derived from NASH pointed out with vomiting of blood 織田崇志, 筑木隆雄, 青山祐樹, 高田斎文, 難波貞太郎, 高木慎二郎, 高谷昌宏, 森下博文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 61-61, 2016. |
Y5-1. The gastric carcinoid which was diagnosed with gastric perforation 植村久尋, 横出正隆, 星充, 板井良輔, 安村聡樹, 池田英司, 高田真理子, 三上栄, 住友靖彦, 山下幸政 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 61-61, 2016. |
Y5-2. An example of stomach inverted hyperplastic polyp which we were able to resect endoscopically after having observed a change at transtime 織田大介, 河原史明, 阿部洋文, 有吉隆佑, 吉崎哲也, 小原佳子, 北村泰明, 田中心和, 石田司, 森田圭紀, 豊永高史, 梅垣英次, 東健 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 62-62, 2016. |
Y5-3. From endoscopic diagnosis - mucous membrane atrophy pattern and a coexistence polyps lesion of autoimmune gastritis - 高井利恵子, 岡野明浩, 山川剛, 水越健太, 小澤智美, 大村亜紀奈, 吉川貴章, 南竜城, 岡部誠, 丸岡隆太郎, 上尾太郎, 宮島真治, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 62-62, 2016. |
Y5-4. One patient whom gastric cancer resulted in pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured postoperatively and was able to save by transcatheter mark artery embolization 井上貴裕1, 瀧本郁久1, 井関隼也1, 浜田健輔1, 荒尾真道1, 徳永英里1, 吉田裕幸1, 安達神奈1, 島田友香里1, 林幹人1, 井谷智尚1, 三村純1, 石原美佐2, 橋本公夫2, 小寺澤康文3, 京極高久3, 桑田陽一郎4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 62-62, 2016. |
Y5-5. Two cases that clip hemostasis art using lower digestive tract endoscope (PCF-Q260JI) was effective for diverticulum bleeding of duodenal Part 3 山川康平, 河野孝一朗, 秋山慎介, 山下大生, 河路光介, 薗誠, 原田威徳, 伊藤嵩志, 西村聡, 渡邉幸太郎, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 栗田亮, 吉野琢哉, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 62-62, 2016. |
Y5-6. Three cases of the GI bleeding due to intraabdominal aneurysms that blood vessel embolization succeeded 浦上聡, 菅原淳, 津留真理, 羽鳥広隆, 野口千彰, 田中俊多, 高田美穂, 松岡里紗, 西尾昭宏, 西川倫子, 三浦翔, 印藤直彦, 八木優子, 廣吉康秀, 松木信之, 藤田光一, 松井佐織, 阿南隆洋, 渡辺明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 63-63, 2016. |
Y6-1. One patient who repeated ileus for the Crohn's disease that developed advanced age 山本淳史1, 千田永理1, 平野智紀1, 池内香子1, 塩せいじ1, 山田元1, 石井正之2, 藤森孝博3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 63-63, 2016. |
Y6-2. An example of the active intestinal tuberculosis that we diagnosed with ileus 榊田智喜1, 奥山祐右1, 中津川善和1, 梶原真理子1, 小山友季1, 吉田拓馬1, 安田宗司1, 太田崇之1, 松村晋矢1, 吉田寿一郎1, 川上巧1, 山田真也1, 鈴木隆裕1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 中村英樹1, 佐藤秀樹1, 木村浩之1, 吉田憲正1, 浦田洋二2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 63-63, 2016. |
Y6-3. One case of the small intestine ulcer symptom nonspecificity in acknowledgment of an afferent loop syndrome-prone after the Roux-en Y rebuilding 田中聡1, 細見周平1, 田上光治郎1, 坂井大志1, 丸山紘嗣1, 南野弘明1, 福永周生1, 大谷恒史1, 平田直人1, 湯川知洋1, 谷川徹也1, 斯波将次1, 富永和作1, 藤原靖弘1, 永原央2, 前田清2, 荒川哲男1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 63-63, 2016. |
Y6-4. One case of the elderly people ileum intestinal tract overlap symptom discovered with anemia 橋本光1, 福居顕文1, 福井勇人1, 稲田裕1, 西村健1, 堅田和弘1, 高木智久1, 内藤裕二2, 伊藤義人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 64-64, 2016. |
Y6-5. An example of the acidophilic enterocolitis in pursuit of the change over time of endoscopic views 畑森裕之1, 井上聡子1, 奥村圭1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 細谷和也1, 南出竜典1, 北本博規1, 谷口洋平1, 福島政司1, 和田将弥1, 占野尚人1, 森田周子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1, 松岡亮介2, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 64-64, 2016. |
Y7-1. An example of the small intestine malignant melanoma detected with the symptom due to the metastatic brain tumor 芦田宗宏, 山口真二郎, 前田篤史, 福本賢二, 村井大毅, 水谷直揮, 水本塁, 有本雄貴, 戸田万生良, 太田高志, 糸瀬一陽, 伊藤善基, 萩原秀紀, 林紀夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 64-64, 2016. |
Y7-2. An example of multiple small intestine neuroendocrine tumors 盛田真弘, 桑田威, 山内雄揮, 大川悠司, 高橋健, 松浦稔, 児玉裕三, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 64-64, 2016. |
Y7-3. An example of small intestine Gastrointestinal stromal tumor with the peritoneal dissemination 松岡里紗1, 浦上聡1, 高田美穂1, 田中俊多1, 西尾昭宏1, 西川倫子1, 三浦翔1, 印藤直彦1, 八木優子1, 廣吉康秀1, 藤田光一1, 松木信之1, 松井佐織1, 阿南隆洋1, 渡辺明彦1, 菅原淳1, 向井秀一1, 前田哲生2, 上田佳世3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 65-65, 2016. |
Y7-4. Small intestine follicular lymphoma which was able to chase the course by an examination for FDG-PET/CT 原美紀1, 佐野村誠1, 由上博喜1, 上田康裕1, 金泉美紗1, 横濱桂介1, 佐々木有一1, 森川浩志2, 江頭由太郎3, 能田貞治4, 樋口和秀4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 65-65, 2016. |
Y7-5. An example of the jejunum hemangioma which we were able to observe with a double balloon small intestine endoscope 中平智子, 古田百合香, 平田直人, 渡部公彦, 大南雅揮, 大谷恒史, 須川貴史, 杉森聖司, 山上博一, 藤原靖弘, 荒川哲男 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 65-65, 2016. |
Y7-6. An example of the multiple small intestine hemangioma which we were able to observe endoscopically 南出竜典1, 福島政司1, 奥村圭1, 畑森裕之1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 細谷和也1, 北本博規1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 今井幸弘2, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 65-65, 2016. |
Y8-1. An example of the mixed type liver cancer which increased again after having reduced once 河路光介, 秋山慎介, 山下大生, 山川康平, 薗誠, 原田威徳, 伊藤嵩志, 西村聡, 渡邊幸太郎, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 栗田亮, 河野孝一朗, 吉野琢哉, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 66-66, 2016. |
Y8-2. 1 excision case of the liver adenosquamous carcinoma which was complicated with primary sclerosing cholangitis, and showed rapid increase 相坂龍哉1, 福田和人1, 瀧内大輔2, 山縣洋介1, 岩本剛幸1, 岡部純弥1, 安岡秀高1, 谷瑞希1, 山口典高1, 小来田幸世1, 松本康史1, 澤井良之1, 森本修邦2, 中原征則1, 井倉技1, 柴田邦隆2, 今井康陽1, 篠村恭久1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 66-66, 2016. |
Y8-3. An example of the malignant change of the hepatocellular adenoma which occurred in a young man 南知宏, 萩原智, 岩西美奈, 千品寛和, 有住忠晃, 田北雅弘, 北井聡, 矢田典久, 南康範, 依田広, 上嶋一臣, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 66-66, 2016. |
Y8-4. One patient whom it passed after the RFA enforcement more than one month, and a liver abscess by Aeromonas hydrophila developed in 山川剛1, 水越健太1, 高井利恵子1, 小澤智美1, 大村亜紀奈1, 吉川貴章1, 岡部誠1, 南竜城1, 丸岡隆太郎1, 上尾太郎1, 宮島真治1, 岡野明浩1, 沖永聡1, 久須美房子1, 大花正也1, 谷口尚範2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 66-66, 2016. |
Y8-5. One patient who underwent percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauterization for retroperitoneal liposarcoma 田中泰吉1, 朝井章1,2, 福西新弥1, 津田泰宏1, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 67-67, 2016. |
Y9-1. One patient who was treated effectively with tolvaptan for the intractable ascitic fluid which occurred with appendicitis during the cirrhosis course 徳田貴昭, 川崎洋輔, 松下萌未, 佐藤悠, 日下部瑛, 酒井彩子, 加藤幹那, 日比野千尋, 齊木浩二, 徳田有記, 石見亜矢, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 千葉三保, 前田晃作, 山本克己, 内藤雅文, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 67-67, 2016. |
Y9-2. Examination of the effectiveness of the tolvaptan for the intractable ascitic fluid with the cirrhosis in our hospital 伊藤卓彦, 杉之下与志樹, 奥村圭, 畑森裕之, 松本一寛, 細谷和也, 南出竜典, 北本博規, 谷口洋平, 福島政司, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 67-67, 2016. |
Y9-3. One case of the portal vein thrombosis that the portal vein truncus is extended from the liver 橋本斯盧恵, 淺井哲, 藤本直己, 赤峰瑛介, 一ノ名巧, 中尾栄祐, 竹下浩太郎, 加納由貴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 67-67, 2016. |
Y9-4. One case that formed an eosinophilic granuloma in liver 奥村圭1, 鄭浩柄1, 畑森裕之1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 細谷和也1, 南出竜典1, 北本博規1, 谷口洋平1, 福島政司1, 和田将弥1, 占野尚人1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1, 松岡亮介2, 今井幸宏2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 68-68, 2016. |
Y9-5. An example of the IgG4-related liver inflammatory pseudotumor which racked its brains about differentiation with the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma 島越洋美1, 向井香織1, 下田彬允1, 天野孝広1, 大竹由利子1, 坂本愛沙1, 杉本彩1, 高橋啓1, 松原徳周1, 山本政司1, 林史郎1, 中島佐知子1, 西田勉1, 福井浩司1, 稲田正己1, 足立史朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 68-68, 2016. |
Y10-1. One case of the IgG4-related liver inflammatory pseudotumor complicated for autoimmune haemolytic anaemias 山縣洋介1, 澤井良之1, 福田和人1, 井倉技1, 小来田幸世1, 相坂龍哉1, 岩本剛幸1, 岡部純弥1, 谷瑞季1, 安岡秀高1, 山口典高1, 松本康史1, 中原征則1, 瀧内大輔2, 森本修邦2, 柴田邦隆2, 篠村恭久1, 今井康陽1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 68-68, 2016. |
Y10-2. One case of the autoimmune hepatitis who had autoimmune haemolytic anaemias 岩西美奈1, 依田広1, 高島耕太1, 南知宏1, 千品寛和1, 有住忠晃1, 田北雅弘1, 北井聡1, 矢田典久1, 萩原智1, 南康範1, 上嶋一臣1, 西田直生志1, 平瀬主税2, 前西修3, 筑後孝章3, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 68-68, 2016. |
Y10-3. Examination about the hypophosphatemia in nucleic acid analog treated patients for the type B chronic liver disease 池岡清太郎, 高田良平, 青山直樹, 蓬莱亜矢, 深澤厚輔, 北嶋直人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 69-69, 2016. |
Y10-4. An example of chronic hepatitis C that SVR24 was got from though we stopped DCV/ASV internal use for fever, eruption on the thirteenth day of illness 岩本剛幸, 谷瑞季, 澤井良之, 相坂龍哉, 岡部純弥, 山縣洋介, 安岡秀高, 山口典高, 小来田幸世, 松本康史, 中原征則, 井倉技, 福田和人, 篠村恭久, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 69-69, 2016. |
Y10-5. Examination about a treatment result and the liver fibrosis improvement with the Daclatasvir Asunaprevir combination therapy 水野直樹, 宮川正巳, 伊藤正浩, 岩破敏郎, 片岡滋貴, 高井孝治, 元好貴之, 西方誠, 山下靖英, 桐島寿彦, 吉波尚美, 新谷弘幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 69-69, 2016. |
Y11-1. Example that infliximab was effective for pyoderma gangrenosum complicated with ulcerative colitis 中井啓介1, 大内佐智子1, 道上祐己1, 日並義統1, 田渕真彦1, 藤澤貴史1, 田井志正2, 西上隆之3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 69-69, 2016. |
Y11-2. Example that caused bilateral pleural effusion retention by mesalazine internal use for the ulcerative colitis 伊藤正浩, 元好貴之, 岩破敏郎, 片岡滋貴, 水野直樹, 高井幸治, 宮川昌巳, 西方誠, 山下靖英, 桐島寿彦, 吉波尚美, 新谷弘幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 70-70, 2016. |
Y11-3. Two cases of the idiopathic mesenterial vein sclerosis found in a Chinese medicine user 岡元寿樹, 樫田博史, 米田頼晃, 河野匡志, 田中梨絵, 山田光成, 足立哲平, 峯宏昌, 永井知行, 岡崎能久, 朝隈豊, 櫻井俊治, 松井繁長, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 70-70, 2016. |
Y11-4. Two cases of the omental appendices flame which we experienced in our hospital 山口智裕, 玉置大, 柏敦文, 藤永陽介, 滝本見吾, 松山希一, 大塚一雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 70-70, 2016. |
Y11-5. One case of the sigmoid penetration with the toothpick which was diagnosed by an examination for CT, and came by extraction medical treatment endoscopically 石田苑子, 松田武, 平田建郎, 津川大介, 杉田裕, 岩崎武 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 70-70, 2016. |
Y11-6. One patient who had a diagnosis of adult IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein) from clinical signs and the course 西田晋也1, 星本真弘1, 綛田真也1, 石井道治1, 北岡治子1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 71-71, 2016. |
Y12-1. An example of the schwannoma in the pelvis which we diagnosed by ultrasonic endoscope lower aspiration biopsy 下田彬允1, 向井香織1, 林史郎1, 足立史朗2, 島越洋美1, 天野孝弘1, 坂本愛沙1, 大竹由利子1, 杉本彩1, 高橋啓1, 松原徳周1, 山本政司1, 中島佐知子1, 西田勉1, 福井浩司1, 稲田正己1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 71-71, 2016. |
Y12-2. An example of benign lymph follicle-related polyps 筑後孝紀1, 水本吉則1, 中野重治1, 下釜翼1, 熊谷健1, 太田義之1, 遠藤文司1, 江坂直樹1, 岩本諭1, 笠原勝宏1, 勝島慎二1, 濱田暁彦2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 71-71, 2016. |
Y12-3. An example of progress rectal cancer that pathological complete fruition was obtained by mFOLFOX6 therapy in preoperation 阿部晶平1, 阿部哲之1, 山田恭孝1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 高橋利匡1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 堀順子1, 大瀬貴之1, 神澤真紀2, 御井保彦3, 黒田大介3, 佐貫毅1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 71-71, 2016. |
Y12-4. Three cases of the adult idiopathic intussusception 井関隼也, 瀧本郁久, 井上貴裕, 濱田健輔, 荒尾真道, 徳永恵里, 吉田裕幸, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚, 三村純 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 72-72, 2016. |
Y12-5. An example of the retroperitoneal fibrosis that resulted in ileus in a short term 青山直樹1, 池岡清太郎1, 高田良平1, 蓬莱亜矢1, 深澤厚輔1, 北嶋直人1, 横山邦雄2, 生田肇2, 明松智俊3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 72-72, 2016. |
1. Examination about the preoperation stage diagnosis for the cancer of the esophagus 眞下陽子, 向あかね, 村上坤太郎, 上田康祐, 山本修司, 貴田雅也, 石原真紀, 藤本昌澄, 水田和彦, 松村和宜 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 73-73, 2016. |
2. One case of the stomach origin T cell-related malignant lymphoma who had CMV gastritis 小林正弥, 福井広一, 池原久朝, 原謙, 小川智広, 山崎尊久, 奥川卓也, 近藤隆, 河野友彰, 戸澤勝之, 上山茂充, 富田寿彦, 應田義雄, 大島忠之, 渡二郎, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 73-73, 2016. |
3. One case of early gastric endocrine cells cancer given laparoscopic supporting lower pylorus side gastrectomy 北野睦子, 松本壮平, 若月幸平, 右田和寛, 伊藤眞廣, 中出裕士, 國重智裕, 中谷充宏, 中島祥介 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 73-73, 2016. |
4. A Case of Gastric Gland Type Early Gastric Cancer that Occurred in Helicobacter pylori-negative Hemorrhoids 大内祥平, 若松周司, 渋川成弘, 巽信之, 金子晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 73-73, 2016. |
5. Examination of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization first treatment with vonoprazan (P-CAB), the amoxicillin clarithromycin triple-drug therapy 城尚志, 村田浩昭, 三好晃平, 辻晋吾 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 74-74, 2016. |
6. One case of the hemorrhagic gastric ulcer that healing was obtained by conservative medical treatment though we penetrated it to pancreas 澁川成弘1, 楠本侑弘1,2, 大内祥平1, 若松周司1, 巽信之1, 水野仁3, 金子晃1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 74-74, 2016. |
7. An example of the ulcerative colitis that was merged with Diversion Colitis, and caused actinal side extension 安冨栄一郎1, 大塚崇史1, 具潤亜1, 山入春香1, 足立聡一郎1, 井上潤1, 渡邉大輔1, 孝橋道敬2, 大井充1, 星奈美子1, 吉田優1, 東健1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 74-74, 2016. |
8. It is an example who had deep vein thrombosis, the pulmonary thromboembolism during ulcerative colitis medical treatment 明神悠太, 新崎信一郎, 日山智史, 山田涼子, 古田訓丸, 林義人, 重川稔, 阪森亮太郎, 薬師神崇行, 巽智秀, 飯島英樹, 平松直樹, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 74-74, 2016. |
9. One case of the ulcerative colitis that aggravated it with misuse of the 5-ASA injection into the intestines preparation, and developed peritonitis perforative 福本晃平1, 金政和之1, 下河邊嗣人1, 岸埜高明1, 森康二郎1, 北村陽子1, 田中斉祐1, 大野智之1, 中村慶2, 長田寛之2, 望月聡2, 中瀬有遠2, 藤野光廣2, 北井祥三2, 稲葉征四郎2, 島田啓司3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 75-75, 2016. |
10. One patient whom an infectious aortic aneurysm developed in by Campylobacter fetus bacteremia 中山新士1, 栗島亜希子1, 竹尾元裕1, 大宮美香1, 廣原淳子1, 高山康夫1, 岡崎和一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 75-75, 2016. |
11. One case of the adult invagination of intestine due to the nonspecific bacterial infection 小牧孝充1, 由谷逸朗1, 成川太希夫1, 亀田理央1, 東條正英2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 75-75, 2016. |
12. Examination of three anal canal origin squamous cell carcinoma given ESD 阿部洋文1, 田中心和1, 織田大介2, 有吉隆佑1, 吉崎哲也1, 小原佳子2, 河原史明2, 北村泰明2, 石田司2, 森田圭紀2, 豊永高史1, 梅垣英次2, 東健2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 75-75, 2016. |
13. One case of the large intestine signet ring cell adenocarcinoma of the young man 柿原利加, 平松慎介, 井上太郎, 尾野亘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 76-76, 2016. |
14. It is one patient who had the abscess for an ascending colon cancer, metastases to ovary 徳山長裕1, 津田政広1, 井口秀人1, 三木生也1, 山本佳宣1, 飛松和俊1, 坂本岳史1, 津村英隆1, 櫛田早絵子1, 三村卓也1, 坂井文1, 澤井寛明1, 北村悟1, 境秀樹1, 山口聡2, 森本明美2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 76-76, 2016. |
15. One case of the mesentery malignant lymphoma which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis 秦康倫1, 木下大輔1, 奥田英之1, 高山政樹1, 末吉功冶1, 岸谷譲1, 川崎俊彦1, 水野成人2, 辻江正徳3, 井上雅智3, 若狭朋子4, 太田善夫4, 工藤正俊5 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 76-76, 2016. |
16. When partial APC cauter was effective for bleeding from the large intestine angiectasia that the wide area that assumed C type cirrhosis background showed; one thought et al. 三好晃平, 村田浩昭, 城尚志, 辻晋吾 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 76-76, 2016. |
17. One case of small intestine aneurysms which presented the form of submucosal tumor 北本博規1, 福島政司1, 奥村圭1, 畑森裕之1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 細谷和也1, 南出竜典1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 77-77, 2016. |
18. Examination of the Daclatasvir / Asunaprevir combination therapy in our hospital 千品寛和, 萩原智, 岩西美奈, 南知宏, 有住忠晃, 田北雅弘, 北井聡, 矢田典久, 依田広, 南康範, 上嶋一臣, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 77-77, 2016. |
19. 2 cases of the haemodialysis patients that Daclatasvir (DCV) / Asunaprevir (ASV) combination therapy was provided for chronic hepatitis C, and an early virologic response was obtained 下里直隆, 中谷敏也, 友岡文優, 石田光志, 賀屋大介, 高木宏哲, 藤永幸久, 才川宗一郎, 永松晋作, 松尾英城, 菊池英亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 77-77, 2016. |
20. One case of the autoimmune hepatitis crisis that was thought to be induced by medication 西内明子, 長島雅子, 安東まや, 笹生幹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 77-77, 2016. |
21. An example of the de novo hepatitis by the golimumab 巽信之, 若松周司, 大内祥平, 渋川成弘, 金子晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 78-78, 2016. |
22. One case of the disseminated BCG infection that they presented with epithelioid granulomatous hepatitis during the infusion therapy in the BCG bladder for multiple bladder cancer, and the treatment with antiphthisic drug succeeded 横濱桂介1, 佐野村誠1, 由上博喜1, 上田康裕1, 金泉美紗1, 原美紀1, 佐々木有一1, 河東鈴春2, 長田憲和3, 森川浩志4, 樋口和秀5 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 78-78, 2016. |
23. One case of the asymptomatic primary biliary cirrhosis that developed a hepatocellular carcinoma 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 松下萌未, 佐藤悠, 日下部瑛, 酒井彩子, 加藤幹那, 齊木浩二, 日比野千尋, 徳田有記, 石見亜矢, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 千葉三保, 前田晃作, 山本克己, 内藤雅文, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 78-78, 2016. |
24. One case of the metastasis to pancreatic cancer sigmoid colon 赤塚昌子1, 中島隆善1, 生田真一1, 北村優1, 光藤傑1, 竹中雄也1, 一瀬規子1, 友松宗史1, 小野朋二郎1, 別府直仁1, 吉江秀範1, 張宇浩1, 木村文彦1, 岸本昌浩1, 古川一隆1, 相原司1, 柳秀憲1, 山中若樹1, 覚野綾子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 78-78, 2016. |
25. 1 case of the liver metastases due to anaplasia-related pancreatic duct cancer which resulted in a hepatic rupture 江森一雅, 竹内庸浩, 船岡祐介, 吉谷信, 曽根田純一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 79-79, 2016. |
26. One case that portal vein stenting succeeded for the GI bleeding due to portal vein stenosis after the portal vein merger pancreatoduodenectomy 木下幾晴1, 木下真樹子1, 上畠寧子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (104): 79-79, 2016. |