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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 105 / 2016
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
S1-01. Cytostasis for the oesophageal adenocarcinoma by angiotensin II receptor antagonist telmisartan 藤原新太郎, 森下朝洋, 田所智子, 千代大翔, 大浦杏子, 桑村英里, 山名佳美, 加藤清仁, 小原英幹, 森宏仁, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 35-35, 2016. |
S1-02. Examination of the on-demand therapy by the vonoprazan in the gastroesophageal reflux disease initial treatment response case 玉置敬之, 野田晃世, 出田雅子, 久保敦司, 小川力, 松中寿浩, 柴峠光成 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 35-35, 2016. |
S1-03. Clinicopathologic examination of the H.pylori-negative gastric cancer 八板弘樹1, 藏原晃一1, 大城由美2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 36-36, 2016. |
S1-04. Examination of the stomach undifferentiated type adenocarcinoma given ESD 林真也1, 青木秀俊1, 高橋幸志1, 松本早代1, 芳川敬功1, 森敬子1, 大塚加奈子1, 面家敏宏1, 鈴木康博1, 柴田啓志1, 矢野保充1, 佐竹宣法2, 工藤英治2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 36-36, 2016. |
S1-05. Background and the risk factor that a side stump becomes with positive in ESD for the early gastric cancer 小林伸也, 森宏仁, 小原英幹, 千代大翔, 松永多恵, 藤原新太郎, 西山典子, 綾木麻紀, 谷内田達夫, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 37-37, 2016. |
S1-06. It is examined the range diagnosis ability according to the extended magnification for the gastric cancer after the sanitization of the NBI combination magnifying endoscope 小島康司, 内多訓久, 大家力也, 佐々木紫織, 岩崎丈紘, 川田愛, 中山瑞, 岡崎三千代, 岩村伸一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 37-37, 2016. |
S1-07. Examination of the EUS-FNA enforcement case for upper gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane lower tumor in our hospital 榊原一郎, 和唐正樹, 田中盛富, 石川茂直, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 38-38, 2016. |
S1-08. About a diagnosis and problems of type A gastritis 春藤譲治1, 若槻真吾2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 38-38, 2016. |
S1-09. The present conditions of the upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope in the pediatric domain 松永多恵1, 小原英幹1, 森宏仁1, 小林伸也1, 千代大翔1, 藤原新太郎1, 西山典子1, 綾木麻紀1, 谷内田達夫1, 近藤園子2, 近藤健夫2, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 39-39, 2016. |
S1-10. Increase inhibition mechanism of small intestinal cancer cells by antidiabetic drug metformin 千代大翔1, 加藤清仁1, 岩間久和2, 藤原新太郎1, 小林伸也1, 大浦杏子1, 桑村英里1, 山名佳美1, 山下拓磨1, 田所智子1, 松永多恵1, 西山典子1, 綾木麻紀1, 谷内田達夫1, 三好久昭1, 小林三善1, 森下朝洋1, 小原英幹1, 森宏仁1, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 39-39, 2016. |
S1-11. Usefulness - of observation - Linked Color Imaging (LCI) of large intestine SSA/P using the image enhancement endoscope 藤本大策, 影本開三, 岡田泰行, 田中久美子, 藤野泰輝, 郷司敬洋, 北村晋志, 木村哲夫, 岡本耕一, 宮本弘志, 六車直樹, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 40-40, 2016. |
S1-12. Examination of the unresectable progress, trifluridine Tipiracil hydrochloride administration case for recurrent colon cancer 大北仁裕1,2, 佐竹悠良2, 奥山弘之1, 西内崇将1, 辻晃仁1,2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 40-40, 2016. |
S2-01. Treatment result of the NS5B inhibitor for the hepatitis C 田中宏典, 谷口達哉, 松本れいか, 川口智之, 福家慧, 平尾章博, 友成哲, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 41-41, 2016. |
S2-02. Early treatment results of the Ledipasvir / Sofosbuvir therapy for the type 1 hepatitis C in the Kagawa throughout the prefecture 5 institution 谷丈二1, 小川力2, 出口章広3, 守屋昭男4, 永野拓也5, 妹尾知典5, 高口浩一5, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 41-41, 2016. |
S2-03. About usefulness of new liver residual function evaluation method ALBI grade in the liver cancer practice 平岡淳1, 熊田卓2, 豊田秀徳2, 多田俊史2, 泉本裕文1, 植木秀太朗1, 金藤美帆1, 相引利彦1, 奥平知成1, 川上貴正1, 須賀義文1, 富田英臣1, 宮本勇次1, 山子泰加1, 畔元信明1, 森健一郎1, 壼内栄治1, 宮田英樹1, 二宮朋之1, 道堯浩二郎1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 42-42, 2016. |
S2-04. Examination by the decrement phantom of the CAP level by M probe and the XL probe and the clinical practice 小泉洋平, 廣岡昌史, 石原暢, 今井祐輔, 中村由子, 渡辺崇夫, 吉田理, 徳本良雄, 阿部雅則, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 42-42, 2016. |
S2-05. Predictive ... of attempt - preoperative embolus domain of the new TACE treatment 小川力1, 野田晃世1, 荒澤壮一1, 出田雅子1, 久保敦司1, 石川哲朗1, 松中寿浩1, 玉置敬之1, 柴峠光成1, 工藤正俊2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 43-43, 2016. |
S2-06. Examination about the effectiveness of DEB-TACE for the unresectable huge hepatocellular carcinoma 出口章広1, 國土泰孝2, 河野寿明1, 藤田直樹1, 富田悠介1, 西理子1, 吉武晃1, 正木勉3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 43-43, 2016. |
S2-07. Examination of the new biomarker using peripheral blood Tr1 cells and the Foxp3 modulatory T cell in the digestive organ Cancer bearing state 岩橋衆一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 44-44, 2016. |
S2-08. Examination of interventional EUS in our hospital 山下拓磨, 鎌田英紀, 小林聖幸, 藤森崇行, 加藤清仁, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 44-44, 2016. |
S2-09. Usefulness of the endoscopic treatment for the bile duct stricture after the live donor liver transplant 小泉光仁, 黒田太良, 大野芳敬, 徳本良雄, 熊木天児, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 45-45, 2016. |
S2-10. About use experience of spy glass DS in pancreas, the biliary tract disease 須藤梢, 幡英典, 松浦宏樹, 木下翼, 間嶋荘一郎, 森藤由記, 安原ひさ恵, 秋田光洋, 神野秀基, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 45-45, 2016. |
S2-11. Usefulness of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy for the neuroendocrine tumor 耕崎拓大1, 麻植啓輔1, 木岐淳1, 吉岡玲子1, 藤村靖子1, 小笠原光成1, 廣瀬享1, 小野正文1, 岩崎信二1, 西原利治1, 村田和子2, 山上卓士2, 宗景匡哉3, 北川博之3, 花崎和弘3, 弘井誠4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 46-46, 2016. |
S2-12. Treatment result for unresectable recurrent progress pancreatic cancer 吉川雅登, 森根裕二, 池本哲也, 高田厚史, 良元俊昭, 石川大地, 齋藤裕, 岩橋衆一, 居村暁, 島田光生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 46-46, 2016. |
S3-01. The infection measures of the endoscopic laboratory in our hospital and management 有光英治1, 奥嶋優介1, 小西佳奈子1, 樫本洋平1, 川村智恵1, 宇都宮大貴1, 八木専1, 山本安則2, 竹下英次2, 池田宜央2, 日浅陽一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 47-47, 2016. |
S3-02. Effect on hemodynamics, autonomic nerve function, psychological condition by a picture, a sound, the lighting before the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract 曽我部正弘1,2, 岡久稔也1,2, 藤野泰輝2,3, 阿達由佳3, 福家慧2, 武原正典2, 松本友里2, 村山典聡2, 影本開三2, 岡崎潤2, 岡田泰行2, 田中宏典2, 平尾章博2, 高岡慶史2, 友成哲2, 郷司敬洋2, 谷口達哉2, 北村晋志2, 木村哲夫2, 岡本耕一2, 木村雅子2, 宮本弘志2, 六車直樹2, 高山哲治2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 47-47, 2016. |
S3-03. The effect that CO2 supply of air lower ERCP gives in the terminal exhalation carbon dioxide density and arterial blood partial pressure of carbon dioxide measurement 畔元信明1,2, 宮田英樹2, 植木秀太郎2, 金藤美帆2, 相引利彦2, 奥平知成2, 富田英臣2, 宮本勇治2, 山子泰加2, 須賀義文2, 森健一郎2, 平岡淳2, 二宮朋之2, 道堯浩二郎2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 48-48, 2016. |
S3-04. Examination about the safety of the pancreatic cancer FOLFIRINOX therapy in our hospital 奥山浩之, 大北仁裕, 西内崇将, 辻晃仁 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 48-48, 2016. |
S3-05. Aggressive pancreatic surgery for super elderly people 岡林雄大, 志摩泰生, 上月章史, 住吉辰朗, 齋坂雄一, 徳丸哲平, 石川忠則 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 49-49, 2016. |
S3-06. Correspondence ... to the case that became the emergency surgery during the medical treatment in ... liver pancreas domain about efforts of the safety management in our hospital 麻植啓輔1, 耕崎拓大1, 木岐淳1, 吉岡玲子1, 西原利治1, 宗景匡哉2, 北川博之2, 花崎和弘2, 坂本三和3, 時久三紀子3, 池田ルミ4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 49-49, 2016. |
S3-07. Development of the general surgery skill rating system including a non-expert skill 吉川幸造, 島田光生, 東島潤, 西正暁, 柏原秀也, 高須千絵, 吉川雅登, 良元俊昭, 高田厚史 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 50-50, 2016. |
S3-08. Construction of the education system using the simulated ascitic fluid for safety improvement of the middle water filtration concentration re-IV infusion law 曽我部正弘1,2, 岡久稔也1,2, 中川忠彦2, 寺前智史2, 藤本大策2, 武原正典2, 田中宏典2, 末内辰尚2, 高岡慶史2, 香川美和子2, 藤野泰輝2, 友成哲2, 谷口達哉2, 北村晋志2, 木村哲夫2, 岡本耕一2, 木村雅子2, 宮本弘志2, 六車直樹2, 高山哲治2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 50-50, 2016. |
01. 1 adult with false cholelithiasis case that it was thought that it was caused by ceftriaxone administration for pneumonia 柴昌子1, 辻泰弘1, 小柴邦彦1, 名田晃1, 小崎裕司1, 澤田誠三1, 日比野真吾2, 北村晋志3, 東龍男4, 遠藤秀子5, 荒川悠佑6, 三宅秀則6, 惣中康秀6, 清久泰司7, 矢野充保8, 高橋幸志8 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 51-51, 2016. |
02. About the present conditions of common bile duct stone treatment of super elderly people (85 years old or older) 和唐正樹, 榊原一郎, 豊澤惇希, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 佐々木宏樹, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 51-51, 2016. |
03. An example of the Salmonella typhi (Salmonella Typhi) health carrier whom acute cholecystitis developed in 前田真佐1, 山本泰正2, 近森正康2, 青野礼2, 富田秀春2, 市川博源2, 高松正宏2, 岡田光生2, 栄枝弘司2, 津田昇一3, 坪井香保里3, 八木健3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 52-52, 2016. |
04. An example of the IgG4-related cholecystitis diagnosed with gallstones-related cholecystitis 藤野ひかる1, 藤本美幸1, 曽我部公子1, 鈴江愛1, 答島章公1, 滝下誠1, 篠原正幸1, 東博之1, 吉田禎宏2, 上原久典3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 52-52, 2016. |
05. Trousseau syndrome complicated with pancreatic cancer and one case that was thought about 久家直子1, 耕崎拓大1, 麻植啓輔1, 木岐淳1, 吉岡玲子1, 西原利治1, 高橋有紗2, 古谷博和2, 中居永一3, 有澤豊武4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 53-53, 2016. |
06. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which detained stent for duodenal stricture and bile duct stricture 寺澤裕之, 上杉和寛, 日野佳織, 中舎晃男, 西出憲史, 松本俊彦, 梶原猛史, 浅木彰則, 仁科智裕, 堀伸一郎, 灘野成人, 石井浩 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 53-53, 2016. |
07. One case of the unresectable cancer of head of pancreas which developed haemolytic uraemic syndrome by Gemcitabine administration 松井崇矩1, 野上晃司3, 小林三善1, 森田翼1, 安田貢3, 前田剛2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 54-54, 2016. |
08. One case of the gallstone ileus which formed cholecystoduodenal fistula 今村良樹1, 水上祐治1, 國分勝仁1, 沼田結希1, 小田眞由1, 小川明子1, 西山麻里1, 布井弘明1, 田中良憲1, 波多野浩明2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 54-54, 2016. |
09. One case of c-kit gene Exon 9 variant small intestine huge gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) which needed the differentiation with ovarian tumor 山本加奈子1, 三井康裕1, 坂本晋一2, 板垣達三1, 小林文子3, 成瀬桂史4, 福山充俊2, 井上修志1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 55-55, 2016. |
10. Example that double balloon endoscopy and bypass operation were effective for a multiple duodenal jejunum diverticulum caused diverticulitis and the Ren Mel's syndrome 倉岡紗樹子, 田中盛富, 稲葉知己, 豊澤惇希, 石田正也, 香川朋, 佐々木宏樹, 榊原一郎, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 松浦美穂子, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 55-55, 2016. |
11. One case that presented ileus during the chemotherapy of the large intestine malignant lymphoma 板垣達三1, 山崎誠司2, 三井康裕3, 末内辰尚3, 岡田泰行1, 山本加奈子1, 井上修志1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 56-56, 2016. |
12. One case of mucocele of appendix adenoma that we were discovered at an accidental opportunity, and serum CEA was high level 井本佳孝, 宮本佳彦, 香川美和子, 四宮寛彦, 和田哲 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 56-56, 2016. |
13. One case of rectal MALT lymphoma that we were able to diagnose in ESD 豊澤惇希, 泉川孝一, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 佐々木宏樹, 榊原一郎, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 57-57, 2016. |
14. An example of SSA/P which was thought to progress for progress colon cancer in a short term 川口智之1, 藤野泰輝1,2, 六車直樹1, 郷司敬洋1, 北村晋治1, 木村哲夫1, 岡本耕一1, 宮本弘志1, 岡久稔也1, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 57-57, 2016. |
15. One case of appendix mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) treated effectively with FOLFIRI+bevacizumab therapy 福家慧, 岡本耕一, 栗原健士, 野田和克, 影本開三, 武原正典, 松本友里, 村山典聡, 岡崎潤, 岡田泰行, 高岡慶史, 寺前智史, 末内辰尚, 藤本大策, 郷司敬洋, 北村晋志, 木村哲夫, 宮本弘志, 六車直樹, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 58-58, 2016. |
16. An example of all colic type ulcerative colitis with the intractable spondarthritis 中園雅彦, 林広茂, 河野誠也, 大久保洋一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 58-58, 2016. |
17. An example of the severe ulcerative colitis that developed tacrolimus encephalopathy 松本早代1, 矢野充保1, 大塚加奈子1, 林真也1, 芳川敬功1, 森敬子1, 高橋幸志1, 面家敏宏1, 北添健一1, 鈴木康博1, 青木秀俊1, 柴田啓志1, 佐藤健太2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 59-59, 2016. |
18. One case of the bowel juxtaductal type Behcet's disease that adalimumab was effective 兼光梢1, 長谷部昌1, 橋本悠1, 花山雅一1, 行本敦1, 田中孝明1, 木阪吉保1, 岡本傳男1, 松影昭一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 59-59, 2016. |
19. One case that presented an erythema multiforme type drug eruption for time dependency controlled release 5-ASA preparation 阿部夏季1, 山本英司2, 鵜飼俊輔2, 山本聖子2, 井上広基2, 辻真一郎2, 桑山泰治2, 三原愛2, 三枝明子2, 野々木理子2, 佐藤幸一2, 山下理子3, 藤井義幸3, 片岡孝一4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 60-60, 2016. |
20. One case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that racked the brains about differentiation with UC, and suffered from treatment 野上晃司1, 松井崇矩2, 小林三善2, 森田翼2, 安田貢1, 前田剛1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 60-60, 2016. |
21. One case of the appendix heterotopic endometriosis that presented an appendiceal mucous membrane lower tumor state form 山本英司1, 鵜飼俊輔1, 山本聖子1, 辻真一郎1, 井上広基1, 桑山泰治1, 三枝明子1, 三原愛1, 中井陽5, 野々木理子1, 佐藤幸一1, 湯浅康弘2, 山下理子3, 藤井義幸3, 片岡孝一4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 61-61, 2016. |
22. A case of radiation enteritis in which Sucralfate enema was useful for hemorrhagic patients 首藤聖弥1, 山本安則2, 宇都宮大樹3, 八木専3, 有光英治3, 竹下英次2, 池田宜央2, 熊木天児3, 阿部雅則3, 松浦文三3, 日浅陽一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 61-61, 2016. |
23. Typical one case of the Campylobacter enterocolitis that developed Guillain-Barre syndrome 松浦宏樹, 安原ひさ恵, 間嶋荘一郎, 木下翼, 須藤梢, 森藤由記, 遠藤日登美, 神野秀基, 秋田光洋, 守屋昭男, 幡英典, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 62-62, 2016. |
24. One case of stomach Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) discovered with peritonitis perforative 藤澤明彦1, 田中貴大1, 堀北実1, 山川俊紀2, 香月奈穂美3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 62-62, 2016. |
25. One case of the Stage IV gastric cancer that Conversion Therapy was enabled by chemotherapy 田中育太1, 新居徹1, 友兼毅1, 尾形頼彦2, 篠原永光2, 金村普史2, 福田洋2, 和田大助2, 小田修治3, 六車直樹4, 岡本耕一4, 平尾章博4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 63-63, 2016. |
26. Examination of the Ramucirumab monotherapy in the stomach cancer 中舎晃男, 仁科智裕, 寺澤裕之, 日野佳織, 上杉和寛, 西出憲史, 松本俊彦, 浅木彰則, 梶原猛史, 堀伸一郎, 灘野成人, 石井浩, 谷水正人 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 63-63, 2016. |
27. Two cases of the HER2-positive gastric cancer that trastuzumab combination therapy succeeded 田村潮, 高岡遠, 中本次郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 64-64, 2016. |
28. The present conditions of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization therapy using vonoprazan 田中貴英, 蔵原晃一, 八板弘樹, 長末智寛, 久能宣昭, 原田英, 亀田昌司, 岩崎一秀, 渕上忠彦 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 64-64, 2016. |
29. How did change by present conditions - P - CAB appearance of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment; -? 小林三善1, 安田貢2, 松井崇矩1, 野上晃司2,3, 森田翼1, 前田剛3, 厚井文一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 65-65, 2016. |
30. One patient who underwent laparoscopic Ladd surgery for duodenal obstruction with the malrotation of intestine of the adult onset 川田愛1, 大西一久2, 大家力也1, 岩崎丈紘1, 小島康司1, 中山瑞1, 内多訓久1, 岡崎三千代1, 岩村伸一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 65-65, 2016. |
31. Example that they presented with intraoral hematoma, lower limbs purple spot and sudden abdominal pain, and accepted stomach intramural hematoma and a portal vein gas blood symptom 橋本大輔1, 富田秀春2, 高松正宏2, 栄枝弘司2, 青野礼2, 岡田光生2, 市川博源2, 近森正康2, 斉藤純子2, 北岡真由子2, 佐竹朋美2, 梅下仁2, 山本泰正2, 大川良洋2, 井上薪2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 66-66, 2016. |
32. One case of ischemic gastritis that endovascular treatment succeeded 藤井悠玄1, 辻真一郎2, 鵜飼俊輔2, 山本聖子2, 井上広基2, 山本英司2, 桑山泰治2, 三原愛2, 三枝明子2, 野々木理子2, 佐藤幸一2, 木下光博3, 城野良三3, 大谷享史4, 山下理子5, 藤井義幸5, 片岡孝一6 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 66-66, 2016. |
33. One case of the Japan spotted fever that had the onset for fever, many arthralgia, a liver damage, and was not associated with erythema 西村祐希1, 梅下仁2, 北岡真由子2, 近森正康2, 市川博源2, 青野礼2, 岡田光生2, 榮枝弘司2, 公文義雄3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 67-67, 2016. |
34. It is one patient who had type I diabetes mellitus for the autoimmune hepatitis of the crisis type 市川麻由1, 越智経浩1,3, 廣瀬享1, 宗景玄祐1, 小笠原光成1, 藤村靖子1, 小野正文1,2, 岩崎信二1, 西原利治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 67-67, 2016. |
35. It is an example of the cirrhosis (HCV) with suspected onset of the autoimmune hepatitis after antiviral therapy 松塲瞳1, 眞柴寿枝2, 青野通子2, 丹下和洋2, 越智裕紀2, 武智俊治2, 横田智行2, 上甲康二2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 68-68, 2016. |
36. One case of the acute hepatitis due to the hypereosinophilic syndrome 金藤美帆1, 平岡淳1, 泉本裕文1, 植木秀太朗1, 北畑翔吾1, 相引利彦1, 奥平知成1, 岩崎竜一朗1, 富田英臣1, 宮本勇治1, 山子泰加1, 須賀義文1, 森健一郎1, 壷内栄治1, 宮田英樹1, 岸田正人1, 二宮朋之1, 木藤克己2, 道堯浩二郎1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 68-68, 2016. |
37. Four cases that presented a serious adverse event during interferon freelance treatment for the hepatitis C in our hospital 守屋昭男, 須藤梢, 安原ひさ恵, 森藤由記, 秋田光洋, 遠藤日登美, 神野秀基, 幡英典, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 69-69, 2016. |
38. One case of liver solitary cyst having differentiation with liver mucinous cystic neoplasm 山本翔太1, 耕崎拓大2, 麻植啓輔2, 木岐淳2, 吉岡玲子2, 小野正文2, 岩崎信二2, 西原利治2, 宗景匡哉3, 北川博之3, 花崎和弘3, 井口みつこ4, 弘井誠4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 69-69, 2016. |
39. An example of the liver lungs syndrome given balloon lower backward movement characteristics transvenous embolization 三橋悠1, 森下朝洋2, 坂本鉄平2, 藤田浩二2, 野村貴子2, 谷丈二2, 三好久昭2, 米山弘人2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 70-70, 2016. |
40. Fibrosis evaluation of the C type chronic liver disease 塚本千晶1, 筒井朱美2, 馬場伸介3, 妹尾知典2, 永野拓也2, 高口浩一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 70-70, 2016. |
41. An example of the diffuse hemangiosarcoma of the liver which there was no mass formation in 上田英次郎, 幡英典, 須藤梢, 森藤由記, 安原ひさ恵, 遠藤日登美, 秋田光洋, 神野秀基, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 71-71, 2016. |
42. An example of the huge hepatocellular carcinoma that combined modality therapy succeeded 竹田泰茂1, 出口章広2, 河野寿明2, 藤田直樹2, 富田悠介2, 西理子2, 吉武晃2, 國土泰孝3, 正木勉3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 71-71, 2016. |
43. 1 autopsy case of the colon cancer liver metastases that needed the differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 新居田一貴1, 多田藤政2, 佐々木千世2, 玉井惇一郎2, 砂金光太郎2, 白石佳奈2, 宮本裕也2, 清水嵩之2, 海老沢里依子2, 梅岡二美2, 村上英広2, 沖田俊司2, 宮岡弘明2, 岡田武志2, 水野洋輔3, 北澤理子3, 北澤荘平3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 72-72, 2016. |
44. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which was thought to result in spontaneous necrosis 松本れいか1, 谷口達哉1, 川口智之1, 福家慧1, 平尾章博1, 田中宏典1, 友成哲1, 六車直樹1, 島田光生2, 常山幸一3, 春藤譲治4, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 72-72, 2016. |
45. It is an example with suspected exacerbation of the interstitial pneumonia by Ledipasvir Sofosbuvir combination lock administration 面家敏宏, 柴田啓志, 森敬子, 芳川敬功, 松本早代, 林真也, 大塚加奈子, 高橋幸志, 北添健一, 鈴木康博, 青木秀俊, 矢野充保 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 73-73, 2016. |
46. Examination of the Ledipasvir Sofosbuvir two drugs internal use therapy for the C type chronic liver disease 武田貴志1, 妹尾知典2, 筒井朱美2, 永野拓也2, 高口浩一2, 馬場伸介3, 池田房雄4, 岡田裕之4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 73-73, 2016. |
47. Usage experience of Ombitasvir + Paritaprevir / Ritonavir combination therapy 松岡克浩1, 出口章広2, 河野寿明2, 藤田直樹2, 富田悠介2, 西理子2, 吉武晃2, 正木勉3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 74-74, 2016. |
48. One case of the C type acute hepatitis given Sofosbuvir ribavirin combination therapy 板東悠太郎1, 岸史子2, 津保友香2, 中村文香2, 岸和弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 74-74, 2016. |
49. One case of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in acknowledgment of multiple extranodal disease 國分勝仁1, 水上祐治1, 沼田結希1, 小田眞由1, 今村良樹1, 小川明子1, 西山麻里1, 布井弘明1, 田中良憲1, 成見弘2, 大朏祐治3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 75-75, 2016. |
50. Is based on the diachronic observation views of three - cholecystoduodenal fistula of the gallstone ileus which experienced in our hospital; and ... 露口恵理1, 沖裕昌2, 石川洋一2, 常風友梨2, 高田昌史2, 宮本敬子2, 上田弘2, 澤田晴生3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 75-75, 2016. |
51. An example of well differentiated papillary mesothelioma where peritoneovenous shunt therapy was effective 猪野陸, 根来裕二, 山崎美樹, 石川紋子, 森下佐織, 山田高義, 森田雅範 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 76-76, 2016. |
52. Effect on human cancer cell line of the blue light-emitting diode light 良元俊昭, 吉川幸造, 松本規子, 高田厚史, 齋藤裕, 吉川雅登, 池本哲也, 居村暁, 森根裕二, 石川大地, 岩橋衆一, 島田光生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (105): 76-76, 2016. |