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The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 106 / 2017
English Article Japanese Article
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S1-1. Effect of treatment of the IFN freelance treatment for the C type chronic liver disease in our hospital 梅田誠, 藤本晃士, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 53-53, 2017. |
S1-2. Treatment result of the DAAs combination therapy in our hospital 婦木秀一1, 森敬弘1,2, 小中義禎1, 古志谷達也1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 53-53, 2017. |
S1-3. About Sofosbuvir / Ledipasvir therapy in our hospital 田中秀憲, 堂垣美樹, 脇信也, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 53-53, 2017. |
S1-4. Results of the IFN-free treatment for the type 2 C type chronic liver disease 高嶋智之, 榎本平之, 西口修平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 53-53, 2017. |
S1-5. Drug choice in the hepatitis C Genotype/Serotype estrangement case 勝島慎二, 江坂直樹, 熊谷健, 遠藤文司 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 54-54, 2017. |
S1-6. Problems for the HCV treatment in Osaka Med. Col. 大濱日出子1,2, 朝井章1,3, 福西新弥1, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 54-54, 2017. |
S1-7. It is examination about the DAAs effect of treatment in the case after a hepatocellular carcinoma curative treatment 那須章洋, 木村達, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 54-54, 2017. |
S1-8. Statistical consideration about the liver cancer inhibition effect inspection of the IFN freelance treatment 勝島慎二, 米田俊貴, 太田義之, 下釜翼 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 54-54, 2017. |
S1-9. The management of HCV-positive patients on dialysis in our hospital 西村健, 藤井秀樹, 木村浩之, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 55-55, 2017. |
S1-10. Effect of the chronic hepatitis B nucleic acid analog treatment in our hospital 大崎理英, 藤本剛英, 安藤朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 55-55, 2017. |
S1-11. The present conditions and problem of the HBV treatment in Osaka Med. Col. 朝井章1,2, 福西新弥1, 津田泰宏1,3, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 55-55, 2017. |
S1-12. Usefulness of MRE in the noninvasive liver fibrosis diagnosis 岩本剛幸, 澤井良之, 福田和人, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 55-55, 2017. |
S1-13. About the present conditions of the cutanous pruritus in the chronic liver disease of our hospital 松浦知香, 寺西優雅, 打田佐和子, 河田則文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 56-56, 2017. |
S1-14. The present conditions and problem of the treatment with intractable ascitic fluid after the tolvaptan appearance 米門秀行, 木村達, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 56-56, 2017. |
S2-1. Clinical examination of the 5-aminosalicylic acid preparation intolerance case in the ulcerative colitis in our hospital 末包剛久, 佐野弘治, 渡辺憲治, 根引浩子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 56-56, 2017. |
S2-2. Examination of the mesalazine intolerance case in patients with ulcerative colitis of our hospital 豊川優季, 高木智久, 内藤裕二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 56-56, 2017. |
S2-3. Hepatitis B in our hospital, the present conditions of the hepatitis C merger IBD patients 荒木学, 飯島英樹, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 57-57, 2017. |
S2-4. Examination about clinical features of the primary sclerosing cholangitis merger ulcerative colitis in our hospital 岡部誠, 本澤有介, 松浦稔, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 57-57, 2017. |
S2-5. History of the malignant tumor, the present conditions of inflammatory bowel disease treatment in the coexistence case 榊田智喜, 奥山祐右, 中津川善和, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 57-57, 2017. |
S2-6. About the clinical course of patients with elderly people ulcerative colitis 馬場重樹1, 西田淳史1, 杉本光繁2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 57-57, 2017. |
S2-7. About effect on renal function that Tacrolimus gives for old ulcerative colitis 柿本一城, 岡田俊彦, 川上研, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 58-58, 2017. |
S2-8. It is examined the at-home central venous hyperalimentation therapy for the short bowel syndrome case after Crohn's disease technique in our hospital 上小鶴孝二, 樋田信幸, 中村志郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 58-58, 2017. |
S2-9. Examination of patients with Crohn's disease with short bowel syndrome given at-home central venous hyperalimentation in our hospital 鋳谷成弘, 杉田奈央子, 湯川知洋, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 58-58, 2017. |
W1-1. The actual situation and endoscopic treatment strategy of the non-varix-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding in our hospital 堀内葉月, 沢井正佳, 明石陽介, 松本昌美 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 61-61, 2017. |
W1-2. Examination of the treatment for the hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer in our hospital 杉田光司, 宮崎純一, 田村公佑, 阿部孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 61-61, 2017. |
W1-3. The present conditions of the NSAIDS/LDA-related hemorrhagic stomach duodenal ulcer in our hospital 梶原真理子, 戸祭直也, 川上巧, 山田真也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 61-61, 2017. |
W1-4. Examination about the usefulness of the examination for simple CT for the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the emergency visit 津留真理, 藤田光一, 菅原淳 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 61-61, 2017. |
W1-5. Examination about the blood vessel embolization for the hemorrhagic progress gastric cancer which it is hard to stop bleeding of endoscopically 平木洋子1, 木村豊1,2, 藤田淳也2, 安田卓司1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 62-62, 2017. |
W1-6. Examination about the afterbleeding with the endoscopic treatment of the anticoagulant remedy case 奥川卓也, 戸澤勝之, 渡二郎, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 62-62, 2017. |
W1-7. Examination of the effect of treatment of the vonoprazan for the afterbleeding after gastric tumor ESD: Direction randomization phase II study in front of a single institution 濱田健太, 上堂文也, 東内雄亮, 石原立 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 62-62, 2017. |
W1-8. Examination of the optimal endoscopic diagnosis, treatment for the acute lower digestive tract bleeding in our hospital 小山文一1, 山尾純一1, 井上隆1,2, 庄雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 62-62, 2017. |
W1-9. Treatment strategy of the diverticula of colon bleeding in our hospital 木下雅登, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 63-63, 2017. |
W1-10. Invention and the present conditions for the diverticula of colon bleeding in our hospital 半野元, 廣岡知臣, 土細工利夫, 廣岡大司 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 63-63, 2017. |
W2-1. Examination of the usefulness of convex type EUS about the choledocholithiasis early diagnosis treatment 佐々木綾香, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 63-63, 2017. |
W2-2. Attempt of the disease severity prediction using the blood endotoxin level in the acute cholangitis 下里直隆, 大倉康志, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 63-63, 2017. |
W2-3. Usefulness of the endoscopic transnipple gallbladder drainage for the acute cholecystitis 淺井哲, 竹下宏太郎, 藤本直己, 赤峰瑛介 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 64-64, 2017. |
W2-4. It is usefulness of the endoscopic treatment using the double balloon endoscope for the common bile duct stone case with the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation 桝田昌隆, 島谷昌明, 高岡亮, 岡崎和一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 64-64, 2017. |
W2-5. It is the present conditions of the treatment with liver pancreas endoscope with the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation in our hospital 高田亮1, 岩田恵典1, 神野良男2, 西口修平1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 64-64, 2017. |
W2-6. It is invention and a result of ERCP for the liver pancreatic disease with the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation in our hospital 柚木崎紘司, 田村公佑, 杉田光司, 田中弘教 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 64-64, 2017. |
W2-7. Examination of safety and the effectiveness of ERCP lower Radiofrequency Ablation for malignant biliary tract stenosis using the oral biliary tract endoscope 都木航, 小倉健, 天野美緒, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 65-65, 2017. |
W2-8. Use experience in the new liver pancreas endoscope SpyGlass DS our hospital 陶山遥介1, 堀江秀樹2, 小西英幸1, 内藤裕二1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 65-65, 2017. |
W2-9. New development of the diagnosis treatment for the duodenal papilla sphincter malfunction 藤垣誠治, 酒井新, 増田充弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 65-65, 2017. |
W2-10. About usefulness of the Liquid-Based Cytology combination cytodiagnosis in EUS-FNA for the pancreas solid tumor 奴田絢也, 糸永昌弘, 田村崇, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 65-65, 2017. |
W2-11. About use experience of EZ Shot 3 plus for pancreas tumor 谷口洋平, 和田将弥, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 66-66, 2017. |
W2-12. It is usefulness of a CT scan just after ERCP in the pancreatitis early detection after ERCP 宮田剛, 竹中完, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 66-66, 2017. |
W2-13. Can you apply subtraction color map CT/parametric US for an ischemic part judgment of the acute pancreatitis? 阪上順一1,3, 保田宏明1, 十亀義生1,2,3, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 66-66, 2017. |
W2-14. Clinical examination by thrombomodulin α administration for coagulation disorder and pancreas ischemia / necrosis complicated with severe acute pancreatitis 江口考明, 辻前正弘, 岡田明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 66-66, 2017. |
W2-15. Examination of the treatment result of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower pancreatic duct drainage in our hospital 工藤寧, 伊藤嵩志, 栗田亮, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 67-67, 2017. |
W2-16. Examination about the ultrasonic endoscope lower cyst drainage technique in our hospital 丹家元祥, 浅田全範, 澤井勇悟 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 67-67, 2017. |
W3-1. Usefulness of PICC of patients with gastrointestinal carcinoma 櫛山周平, 田内潤, 玉森豊, 西口幸雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 67-67, 2017. |
W3-2. Examination of the usefulness of the chemical defined diet therapy combination in the treatment with Crohn's disease adalimumab 杉田奈央子1, 鎌田紀子1, 渡辺憲治2, 藤原靖弘1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 67-67, 2017. |
W3-3. It is ... including the effectiveness of reset TPN and the enteral feeding therapy that aimed for actual situation and correspondence - mucous membrane healing of the Crohn's disease second invalidity case treated with antiTNF - α antibody preparation 中村志郎, 宮嵜孝子, 樋田信幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 68-68, 2017. |
W3-4. Examination about the factor having an influence on the early weight loss after total gastrectomy 木村豊1,2, 三上城太2, 間狩洋一2, 藤田淳也2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 68-68, 2017. |
W3-5. Association between preoperation Onodera nutrition index and complications of patients with old gastric cancer 玉森豊, 久保尚士, 櫻井克宣, 西口幸雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 68-68, 2017. |
W3-6. Examination about the effect to give to convalescence on unresectable pancreatic cancer 石井紀子, 岩田恵典, 西川浩樹, 西口修平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 68-68, 2017. |
W3-7. The evaluation that patients with hepatitis C are nutritional after SVR and future management 林史和, 羽生大記 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 69-69, 2017. |
W3-8. About the relations of nutritional status and sleep disorder in patients with hepatitis C 楊和典, 西川浩樹, 西口修平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 69-69, 2017. |
W3-9. Characteristic of the sarcopenia merger case in patients with cirrhosis 佐藤慎哉, 守屋圭, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 69-69, 2017. |
W3-10. Examination about the significance of the zinc replacement therapy in the cirrhosis 片山和宏1, 森脇久隆2, 鈴木一幸3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 69-69, 2017. |
W3-11. Examination about the effect of levocarnitine on cirrhosis in our hospital 森康二郎, 田中斉祐, 福本晃平, 金政和之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 70-70, 2017. |
W3-12. Examination about the nutrition therapy using the EPA/DHA-containing nutrient preparation for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma 石崎守彦, 海堀昌樹, 松井康輔, 權雅憲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 70-70, 2017. |
F1-1. One case of the esophagus malignant melanoma 佐竹真, 那須文香, 梅田大介, 庄村太郎, 三浦由雄, 富永恒平, 荻山秀治, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 73-73, 2017. |
F1-2. It is an example of the superficial cancer of the esophagus using the steroid station note + dispersion method for an ulcer after all circumferences-related endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) 坂本大輔1, 井上拓也1, 清水健史1, 李恵利佳1, 佐々木陽一1, 阿部純子1, 今井俊裕1, 伊藤翔1, 長谷川徳子1, 横山恵信1, 石井修二1, 今中和穂1, 春名能通1, 島津宏樹2, 伏見博彰2, 井上敦雄1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 73-73, 2017. |
F1-3. One case of the stomach allopatry pancreatitis that repeated fever and abdominal pain 辻利佳子, 安立英矢, 伊藤忠雄, 趙栄済 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 73-73, 2017. |
F1-4. An example of the Helicobacter pylori with the gastric anisakiasis-negative hemorrhagic gastric ulcer 義之愛子1,2, 森田康太郎2, 福知工2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 73-73, 2017. |
F2-1. One case of the gastric cancer that metastasis to navel was the opportunity of the diagnosis 松本高志, 小野山裕彦, Abdiev Shavkat, 田田, 張暁雲, 糸原孟則, 坂井昇道, 大橋康廣, 北澤孝三, 井戸垣融, 三木啓之, 千代孝夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 74-74, 2017. |
F2-2. One case of the eosinophilic pleural effusion which was complicated with progress gastric cancer, and was treated effectively with steroid 林友豊, 天野孝広, 島越洋美, 下田彬充, 杉本彩, 高橋啓, 向井香織, 松原徳周, 山本政司, 中島佐知子, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 74-74, 2017. |
F2-3. Two cases of the Crohn's disease who had the duodenal cancer 河本泰治1, 榊原祐子2, 庄司絢香2, 加藤聖也2, 田代拓2, 新海数馬2, 清田良介2, 中川健太郎2, 石原朗雄2, 岩崎哲也2, 西尾公美子2, 長谷川裕子2, 山田拓哉2, 中水流正一2, 石田永2, 三田英治2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 74-74, 2017. |
F2-4. One case of the non-perforation-style endoscopic wall of stomach adduction resection (NEWS) for the stomach GIST 安永雅一1, 杉谷義彦1, 大原真理子1, 島本和巳1, 小林遊1, 中村文泰1, 戸川剛2, 小座本雄軌2, 山本寛2, 萩原明於2, 賀集一平3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 74-74, 2017. |
F3-1. An example of ileal cancer of elderly people 木村友美1, 森田康太郎2, 福知工2, 石川彰3, 蓮池康徳3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 75-75, 2017. |
F3-2. One patient who was treated effectively with injection into the intestines administration of vancomycin and intravenous metronidazole for severe Clostridium difficile infection 辻優一, 大岩容子, 中村武晴, 藤井茂彦, 青木謙太郎, 河村征仁, 寺村茉利, 平田大善, 荒木理, 糸川芳男, 田中秀行, 楠本聖典, 田中泰敬, 山口大介, 池田敦之, 中井喜貴, 畦地英全, 日下利広, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 75-75, 2017. |
F3-3. One case of the intractable ulcerative colitis that developed pemphigus vulgaris during Tacrolimus administration 東田真美子1, 三上高司1, 柿本一城1, 川上研1, 原あずさ1, 邉見雄二郎1, 中悠1, 平田有基1, 平田好正1, 岡田俊彦1, 能田貞治1, 竹内利寿1, 樋口和秀1, 安田恵美2, 江頭由太郎2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 75-75, 2017. |
F3-4. One case of cecum neuroendocrine system cancer which resulted in respiratory failure by Vascular Carcinomatosis-prone liver metastases 桐田光弘1, 堀松高博2, 瀬戸山健1, 宮本心一1, 桜井孝規3, 妹尾浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 75-75, 2017. |
F4-1. One case of the rectal neuroendocrine system basalioma Abdiev Shavkat, 小野山裕彦, 大橋康広, 北澤孝三, 井戸垣融, 坂井昇道, 三木啓之, 糸原孟則 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 76-76, 2017. |
F4-2. An example of the idiopathic invagination of intestine which developed in adults 小林まりや1, 東祐圭2, 小川智也2, 和田浩典2, 上田悠揮2, 碕山直邦2, 白川敦史2, 岡田雄介2, 真田香澄2, 中瀬浩二朗2, 萬代晃一朗2, 鈴木安曇2, 河村卓二2, 盛田篤広2, 田中聖人2, 宇野耕治2, 安田健治朗2, 小川聡一朗3, 谷口弘毅3, 中尾龍太4, 桂奏4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 76-76, 2017. |
F4-3. One case that granulocytes apheresis (granulocytotaphere-sis: GCAP) was effective for the ulcerative colitis that occurred with the pregnancy 元川雄貴, 石田光志, 友岡文優, 藤本優樹, 賀屋大介, 藤永幸久, 相原洋祐, 永松晋作, 松尾英城, 中谷敏也, 菊池英亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 76-76, 2017. |
F4-4. One case of the tacrolimus encephalopathy complicated with ulcerative colitis 鶴田将史, 山本修司, 越山絵里菜, 荒澤壮一, 福田晃久, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 76-76, 2017. |
F5-1. One autopsy case of unknown primary cancer which developed all over the course of the hepatocellular carcinoma 西口恭平, 松下萌未, 朝倉亜希子, 森麻奈加, 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 佐藤悠, 斎木浩二, 徳田有記, 石見亜矢, 大西良輝, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 巽信之, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 77-77, 2017. |
F5-2. Two cases of acute hepatitis B of the old onset 網野遥, 齋藤澄夫, 那須章洋, 松前高幸, 丹家元祥, 吉田裕幸, 多木未央, 福原学, 坂本梓, 邉見慎一郎, 山階武, 西島規浩, 米門秀行, 関川昭, 淺田全範, 津村剛彦, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 木村達, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 77-77, 2017. |
F5-3. An example of the autoimmune hepatitis regarded as drug-related inducibility 田村証司, 婦木秀一, 小中義禎, 中野圭明, 古志谷達也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 77-77, 2017. |
F5-4. Example that caused a penetrating liver abscess by inflammatory influence of the gallstones cholecystitis 住田真理子, 森岡千惠, 久保貴裕, 齋藤恒, 相澤茂幸, 吉田太之, 玉川泰浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 77-77, 2017. |
F6-1. 1 excision case of liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer with severe lymph node metastases 田中由希奈1, 中島隆善1, 一瀬規子1, 生田真一1, 覚野綾子2, 楠蔵人1, 赤塚昌子1, 北村優1, 光藤傑1, 小野朋二郎1, 別府直仁1, 吉江秀範1, 仲本嘉彦1, 木村文彦1, 相原司1, 柳秀憲1, 山中若樹1, 西上隆之3, 全陽4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 78-78, 2017. |
F6-2. One case of the inflammatory hepatocellular adenoma which occurred in a young man 門脇佳名子1, 中田晃暢2,3, 安井悠2,3, 山本圭以2,3, 坂田侑平2,3, 周防舞仁2,3, 木村明恵2,3, 山村匡史2,3, 末包剛久2, 山崎智朗2, 中井隆志3, 佐々木英二2, 佐野弘治2, 渡辺憲治2, 川崎靖子3, 根引浩子2, 木岡清英3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 78-78, 2017. |
F6-3. An example of the liver angiomyolipoma which showed a tendency to increase over time, and needed the differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 池上華菜子1, 西島規浩1, 吉田裕幸1, 丹家元祥1, 多木未央1, 福原学1, 山階武1, 邉見慎一郎1, 坂本梓1, 澤井勇悟1, 齋藤澄夫1, 那須章洋1, 米門秀行1, 関川昭1, 淺田全範1, 喜多竜一1, 津村剛彦1, 圓尾隆典1, 木村達1, 大崎往夫1, 嶋田俊秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 78-78, 2017. |
F6-4. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which developed bone marrow carcinosis 山本佳樹1, 藤本剛英2, 茶谷元晴2, 横田佳大2, 村田雅樹2, 中田俊朗2, 大塚武人2, 長谷川大3, 高橋憲一朗2, 今枝広丞2, 大崎理英2, 伴宏充3, 西田淳史2, 園田文乃2, 稲富理2, 馬場重樹2, 杉本光繁3, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 78-78, 2017. |
F7-1. An example of the autoimmune hepatitis that recurred after long-term remission for 10 years 安井裕美, 三井康裕, 菅原安章, 久保川修, 勝谷誠, 高尾雄二郎, 小野成樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 79-79, 2017. |
F7-2. One case of chronic hepatitis C that SVR was obtained for a Peg-IFN+RBV, SOF+RBV revival case in TVR+Peg-IFN+RBV 矢野庄悟1, 松浦敬憲2, 白川裕2, 戎谷力2, さか本喜雄2, 廣畑成也2, 尹聖哲2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 79-79, 2017. |
F7-3. Example that it became the cirrhosis after pancreaticoduodenectomy for cancer of head of pancreas for chronic hepatitis C after SVR, and caused gastric varices 中西梨紗, 坂本梓, 松前高幸, 丹家元祥, 吉田裕幸, 多木未央, 福原学, 邉見慎一郎, 山階武, 齋藤澄夫, 西島規浩, 那須章洋, 米門秀行, 関川昭, 淺田全範, 津村剛彦, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 木村達, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 79-79, 2017. |
F7-4. Example that followed the sudden course with the acute portal vein thrombosis that occurred during hospitalization 井上美奈子1, 楊和典1, 池田直人1, 宮本優帆1, 石井紀子1, 中野千景1,2, 由利幸久1, 長谷川国大1, 高田亮1, 石井昭生1, 高嶋智之1, 坂井良行1, 會澤信弘1, 西村貴士1,2, 西川浩樹1, 岩田恵典1, 榎本平之1, 飯島尋子1,2, 西口修平1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 79-79, 2017. |
F7-5. An example of the portal hypertension by the right hepatic artery portal shunt after the liver right lobe of liver excision for the liver angiomyolipoma 酒井優希, 井倉技, 上村駿太, 高智恵, 相坂龍哉, 山縣洋介, 岡部純哉, 岩本剛幸, 山口典高, 小来田幸世, 松本康史, 中原征則, 福田和人, 今井康晴, 篠村恭久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 80-80, 2017. |
F8-1. An example of the liver damage by the ipilimumab 生嶋諒1, 竹村雅至1, 西川太一朗1, 金久史尚2, 古田光寛1, 奥田佳一郎1, 水野直樹1, 竹谷祐栄1, 原祐1, 瀬古裕也1, 石破博1, 岡嶋亮1, 楳村敦詩1, 山口寛二1, 森口理久1, 安居幸一郎1, 竹中秀也2, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 80-80, 2017. |
F8-2. One case of the young woman in acknowledgment of the full-bloodedness-related liver masses which occurred frequently 森本麻衣1, 奥田英之1, 秦康倫1, 木下大輔1, 高山政樹1, 岡崎能久1, 川崎俊彦1, 水野成人2, 若狭朋子3, 太田善夫3, 工藤正俊4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 80-80, 2017. |
F8-3. One case of the A-P shunts that racked their brains about the differentiation with the liver tumor-related lesion 中嶋望, 今井俊裕, 長谷川徳子, 李恵利佳, 佐々木陽一, 阿部純子, 伊藤翔, 清水健史, 横山恵信, 井上拓也, 石井修二, 今中和穗, 春名能通, 井上敦雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 80-80, 2017. |
F8-4. An example of the liver abscess by invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae which we experienced in our hospital 小原淳平1, 中島潤2, 杉本博子2, 木村英憲2, 早川めぐみ2, 田中順子2, 寄木浩行2, 全圭夏2, 城正泰2, 高田龍介2, 益澤明2, 松本尚之2, 高見史朗2, 若林直樹2, 片岡慶正2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 81-81, 2017. |
F9-1. An example of gallbladder adenoma with suspected SS invasive cancer 横田侑紀1, 萬代晃一朗2, 東祐圭2, 小川智也2, 和田浩典2, 碕山直邦2, 上田悠揮2, 白川敦史2, 岡田雄介2, 真田香澄2, 中瀬浩二朗2, 鈴木安曇2, 河村卓二2, 盛田篤広2, 田中聖人2, 宇野耕治2, 安田健治朗2, 中村幸寿3, 谷口弘毅3, 桂奏4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 81-81, 2017. |
F9-2. It is an example who had the gallstone ileus in cholecystoduodenal fistula 松村聡一, 今井俊裕, 長谷川徳子, 李恵利佳, 佐々木陽一, 阿部純子, 伊藤翔, 清水健史, 横山恵信, 井上拓也, 石井修二, 今中和穂, 春名能道, 井上敦雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 81-81, 2017. |
F9-3. An example of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma that middle water control by the portal vein stenting succeeded 伊藤昴1, 村田雅樹2, 藤本剛英2, 大崎理英2, 稲富理2, 馬場重樹2, 大田信一3, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 81-81, 2017. |
F9-4. One case of common bile duct stone-related cholangitis that urgent EUS-guided choledochoduodenostomy was effective 和田祐太郎1, 三長孝輔2, 竹中完2, 大本俊介2, 鎌田研2, 宮田剛2, 山雄健太郎2, 樫田博史2, 工藤正俊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 82-82, 2017. |
F10-1. One case of the autoimmune pancreatitis who had the cyst lesion 角谷絵里奈, 天野孝広, 島越洋美, 下田彬允, 杉本彩, 高橋啓, 向井香織, 松原徳周, 山本政司, 中島佐知子, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 82-82, 2017. |
F10-2. An example of Acinar cell carcinoma where had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis 谷口舞子, 佐藤悠, 西口恭平, 朝倉亜希子, 森麻奈加, 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 松下萌未, 齊木浩二, 徳田有記, 大西良輝, 石見亜矢, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 巽信之, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 82-82, 2017. |
F10-3. One case of the pancreas field type IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer where EUS was useful 岡本隼樹, 江崎健, 増田充弘, 田中俊太, 中野遼太, 山田恭孝, 吉田竜太郎, 佐藤悠, 池川卓也, 藤垣誠治, 山中広大, 平田祐一, 那賀川峻, 酒井新, 小林隆, 塩見英之, 有坂好史, 岡部純弘, 東健 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 82-82, 2017. |
F10-4. One case of the pancreas in situ cancer which we were able to diagnose by following up a pancreatic duct stenosis severely 神山真紀子1, 山雄健太郎1, 大本俊介1, 鎌田研1, 三長孝輔1, 宮田剛1, 今井元1, 竹中完1, 松本逸平2, 竹山宜典2, 筑後孝章3, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 83-83, 2017. |
F11-1. One patient who underwent ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage technique for the cancer of head of pancreas which repeated pancreatitis 中野省吾1, 鎌田研2, 竹中完2, 大本俊介2, 宮田剛2, 三長考輔2, 山雄健太郎2, 工藤正俊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 83-83, 2017. |
F11-2. An example of the Mycobacterium-related peritonitis 玉井瑞希, 新井正弘, 川端利博, 田邉利朗, 黒田雅昭, 今井昭人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 83-83, 2017. |
F11-3. One case that HCV nature exclusion was obtained with immunosuppressive drug weight loss after kidney transplantation 木村鎬成, 伊藤翔, 長谷川徳子, 李恵利佳, 佐々木陽一, 阿部純子, 今井俊裕, 清水健史, 横山恵信, 井上拓也, 石井修二, 今中和穂, 春名能通, 井上敦雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 83-83, 2017. |
F11-4. An example of the allantoic membrane ductal carcinoma which resulted in a sigmoid stenosis 小野拳史1, 田辺利朗1, 竹上茉耶1, 川端利博1, 黒田雅昭1, 今井昭人1, 新井正弘1, 上野彰久2, 松原弘樹2, 小池浩志3, 中田雅支3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 84-84, 2017. |
Y1-1. An example of the reflux oesophagitis that obtained healing by double dose administration of the vonoprazan 横田悠太, 川口真平, 三上高司, 邊見雄二郎, 原あずさ, 高橋良明, 井上陽介, 中悠, 平田有基, 平田好正, 小嶋融一, 岡田俊彦, 柿本一城, 川上研, 竹内利寿, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 87-87, 2017. |
Y1-2. 2 cases of the esophagus Dieulafoy lesion that an endoscopic high frequency solidification hemostasis operation succeeded 岩井聡始, 沢井正佳, 浅田翔平, 辻裕樹, 大谷絵美, 堀内葉月, 明石陽介, 森安博人, 松本昌美 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 87-87, 2017. |
Y1-3. Examination about the change of fundic gland polyps by the PPI 岩西美奈1, 辻直子1, 川崎正憲1, 松本望1, 尾崎信人1, 米田円1, 谷池聡子1, 井上達夫1, 梅原康湖1, 富田崇文1, 前倉俊治2, 落合健2, 工藤正俊3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 87-87, 2017. |
Y1-4. One case of horizontal part of duodenum cancer which we were able to diagnose by a small intestine endoscope with vomiting 友岡文優1, 中谷敏也1, 藤本優樹1, 石田光志1, 賀屋大介1, 藤永幸久1, 相原洋介1, 永松晋作1, 松尾英城1, 菊池英亮1, 高済峯2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 87-87, 2017. |
Y2-1. One case of identical twins of the FAP that developed an adenocarcinoma to an ileoanal pouch after an operation 内橋孝史1, 柚木崎紘司1, 中川泰樹1, 樋口洋史1, 川端一美1, 井上祐真1, 冨岡明1, 宮本勇人1, 菊地珠希1, 花咲優子1, 山崎之良1, 田村公佑1, 志村陽子1, 李兆亮1, 杉田光司1, 宮崎純一1, 田中弘教1, 阿部孝1, 石川秀樹2, 野田雅史3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 88-88, 2017. |
Y2-2. An example of large intestine MALT lymphoma 三木美香1, 二井諒子1, 阿部哲之1, 阿部晶平1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 堀順子1, 大瀬貴之1, 佐貫毅1, 御井保彦2, 黒田大介2, 森永友紀子3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 88-88, 2017. |
Y2-3. One case of the neuroendocrine tumor which occurred in adult presacral epidermoid cyst 藤本浩輔, 植田剛, 井上隆, 尾原伸作, 中本貴透, 佐々木義之, 中村保幸, 小山文一, 庄雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 88-88, 2017. |
Y2-4. One case that transarterial blood vessel embolization succeeded for an early colon cancer tumour haemorrhage case 河村柾仁1, 田中秀行1, 藤井茂彦1, 畦地英全1, 青木謙太郎1, 寺村茉莉1, 中村武晴1, 大岩容子1, 平田大善1, 荒木理1, 糸川芳男1, 山口大介1, 楠本聖典1, 田中泰敬1, 池田敦之1, 中井喜貴1, 日下利広1, 國立裕之1, 安原裕美子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 88-88, 2017. |
Y3-1. One case that progressed from non-alcoholic lipid hepatitis to cirrhosis all over the course of the small intestine Crohn's disease 小林玲央1, 奥山祐右1, 梶原真理子1, 小山友季1, 吉田拓馬1, 榊田智喜1, 安田宗司1, 松村晋矢1, 川上巧1, 中津川善和1, 西村健1, 山田真也1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 佐藤秀樹1, 木村浩之1, 吉田憲正1, 浦田洋二2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 89-89, 2017. |
Y3-2. One case that steroid succeeded for eosinophilic gastroenteritis with the ascitic fluid 生田由佳子, 孝橋信哉, ヤハヤベンスレイマン, 佐々木一就, 林賢一, 池澤伸明, 安藤純哉, 門卓生, 吉田志栄, 名生諭史, 中島卓利, 吉田俊一, 澤井繁明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 89-89, 2017. |
Y3-3. An example of the tuberculous peritonitis that led to a diagnosis with surgery for the small intestine ileus 岡浩平1, 井上健1, 杉野敏志1, 辻俊史1, 原田大司1, 片山貴之1, 中島慎吾2, 奥田隆史1, 金修一2, 永田昭博3, 小牧稔之1, 香川惠造1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 89-89, 2017. |
Y3-4. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that resulted in stenosis due to the small intestine ulcer 松本侑士, 大谷恒史, 田上光治郎, 木下陽亮, 鋳谷成弘, 丸山紘嗣, 加藤邦洋, 大南雅揮, 平田直人, 湯川知洋, 細見周平, 永見康明, 田中史生, 平良高一, 鎌田紀子, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 斯波将次, 渡辺俊雄, 富永和作, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 89-89, 2017. |
Y3-5. One case of gastrointestinal amyloidosis with the suddenly advanced rheumatoid arthritis 奥村圭1, 井上聡子1, 豊永啓翔1, 青山直樹1, 畑森裕之1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 北本博規1, 谷口洋平1, 福島政司1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1, 上原慶一郎2, 今井幸宏2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 90-90, 2017. |
Y4-1. One case of the small intestine colonic fistula due to sigmoid colon cancer 朝倉亜希子, 谷口舞子, 西口恭平, 森麻奈加, 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 佐藤悠, 松下萌未, 齊木浩二, 徳田有記, 大西良輝, 石見亜矢, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 巽信之, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 90-90, 2017. |
Y4-2. One case that combination of steroid strong IV therapy and granulocytes apheresis (G-CAP) was effective for the primary sclerosing cholangitis merger ulcerative colitis that developed pyoderma gangrenosum 河相宗矩, 河南智晴, 三宅直樹, 西川浩史, 近藤雅彦, 本庶元, 青山育雄, 北見元哉, 松永康寛, 宮本由貴子, 西田未由, 西田吉宏, 稗田信弘, 三上貴生, 大野千景, 松本淳, 村本雄哉, 吉川哲平, 古閑愛理, 柳井谷駿史 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 90-90, 2017. |
Y4-3. One case of the cellulitis-related colitis of the young onset 冨田侑里, 澤井裕貴, 渡邊直人, 置塩伸也, 高田和典, 茂森賢太, 堀江秀樹, 石川博己, 楊孝治, 森沢剛, 赤松尚明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 90-90, 2017. |
Y4-4. One case of the intractable ulcerative colitis having genetic polymorphism of CYP3A5 尾松万悠紀, 吉野琢哉, 秋山慎介, 山下大生, 山川康平, 薗誠, 森義治, 渡邉幸太郎, 伊藤嵩志, 西村聡, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 栗田亮, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 91-91, 2017. |
Y5-1. One case of the duodenal accessory nipple neuroendocrine tumor 青山直樹1, 和田将弥1, 豊永啓翔1, 奥村圭1, 畑森裕之1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 北本博規1, 谷口洋平1, 福島政司1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 91-91, 2017. |
Y5-2. One patient who had a diagnosis of Heyde syndrome because we repeated GI bleeding from stomach telangiectasia (GAVE) for severe aortic stenosis 由上博喜1, 佐野村誠1, 山田真規1, 岡本紀夫1, 上田康裕1, 金泉美紗1, 原美紀1, 横濱桂介1, 佐々木有一1, 森川浩志2, 樋口和秀3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 91-91, 2017. |
Y5-3. H. One case of the well differentiated canalicular adenoma developing a form and essence of the bowel type predominance that occurred in the vestibular region of the pylori non-infection gastric mucosa 中内脩介, 田中秀憲, 高田良平, 池田敦史, 堂垣美樹, 菅もも子, 畑中宏史, 脇信也, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 91-91, 2017. |
Y5-4. One case of the gastrinoma that incision biopsy was effective for a diagnosis 藤村忠宏1, 浦岡正尚1, 櫻井淳1, 岡秀男1, 町田智彦2, 平岡邦彦2, 松原長秀2, 由谷親夫3, 渡二郎4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 92-92, 2017. |
Y6-1. One case of rectal hamartomatous inverted polyp (deep seated cystic colitis) with the cyst-formed expansion duct 上田康裕1, 佐野村誠1, 山田真規1, 由上博喜1, 岡本紀夫1, 金泉美紗1, 原美紀1, 横濱桂介1, 佐々木有一1, 長田憲和2, 江頭由太郎3, 樋口和秀4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 92-92, 2017. |
Y6-2. One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome which caused invagination of intestine during treatment 阿部哲之1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 阿部晶平1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 堀順子1, 大瀬貴之1, 佐貫毅1, 浦出剛史2, 黒田大介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 92-92, 2017. |
Y6-3. One case that temporary embolization using IPM/CS was effective for haemoperitoneum by the mesentery hematoma penetration 西紋周平, 高橋悠, 佐野泰樹, 細田修司, 小藪雅紀, 若松隆宏, 鉢嶺大作, 松下光伸, 西尾彰功, 關壽人, 岡崎和一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 92-92, 2017. |
Y6-4. Examination of the sigmoid axis rotation change in our hospital 畑森裕之, 福島政司, 青山直樹, 豊永啓翔, 奥村圭, 伊藤卓彦, 松本一寛, 北本博規, 谷口洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 93-93, 2017. |
Y6-5. Sjogren syndrome, an example of the protein losing gastroenteropathy who had primary bilious cholangitis that Helicobacter pylori sanitization succeeded 田中美彩子1, 野口隆一1, 小島邦行1, 西村義明1, 小泉有利2, 芝本彰彦2, 鍛冶孝祐2, 瓦谷英人2, 竹田幸祐2, 吉治仁志2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 93-93, 2017. |
Y7-1. An example of pulmonary origin combined large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma which we were able to diagnose by liver biopsy 横出正隆1, 平川旭人1, 植村久尋1, 星充1, 板井良輔1, 安村聡樹1, 池田英司1, 高田真理子1, 三上栄1, 住友靖彦1, 山下幸政1, 吉積悠子2, 木田陽子2, 竹尾正彦3, 全陽4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 93-93, 2017. |
Y7-2. An example of frequent occurrence liver origin MALT lymphoma complicated with primary bilious cholangitis 浅田翔平, 西村典久, 尾崎邦彰, 増田泰之, 小泉有利, 久保卓也, 古川政統, 中西啓祐, 澤田保彦, 鍛治孝祐, 竹田幸祐, 増谷剛, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 93-93, 2017. |
Y7-3. One case of the cholangiole basalioma which occurred in a chronic hepatitis C SVR case 山口勝利, 長尾泰孝, 竹村圭祐, 提中克幸, 山田展久, 世古口悟, 磯崎豊, 小山田裕一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 94-94, 2017. |
Y7-4. One patient whom AFP-producing intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma developed in after DAA treatment 我妻信和, 岩上裕吉, 原田宜幸, 吉川智恵, 岡田圭次郎, 谷泰弘, 池ノ内真衣子, 梅村壮一郎, 林佑樹, 石井達也, 中井智己, 益田朋典, 東俊二郎, 松本久和, 中谷泰樹, 幡丸景一, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 浦井俊二, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 94-94, 2017. |
Y8-1. An example of hepatitis aplastic anemia due to the human parvovirus B19 infection 井上雄太1, 鍛治孝祐1, 増田泰之1, 古川政統1, 尾崎邦彰1, 小泉有利1, 浅田翔平1, 村田晃児3, 中西啓祐1, 澤田保彦1, 竹田幸祐1, 増谷剛1, 安辰一3, 美登路昭1, 久保政之2, 田中晴之2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 94-94, 2017. |
Y8-2. One case of the systemic amyloidosis with suspected the IgG4 associated diseases 竹田善哉1, 片山政伸1, 江口大樹1, 安田剛士1, 伏木邦博1, 小野澤由里子1, 田中基夫1, 重松忠1, 加藤寿一2, 馬場正道2, 山口寛二3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 94-94, 2017. |
Y8-3. Example that pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy was provided for the non-alcoholic fatty liver flame which occurred after pancreatoduodenectomy, and a liver enzyme, a liver fibrosis marker improved 木下直彦1, 光本保英1, 矢野航太1, 高橋彩1, 上野智子1, 奥田佳一郎1,3, 旭爪幸恵1, 山本康英1, 西脇聖剛1, 大矢寛久1, 天野一郎1, 松本淳子1, 田中いずみ1, 澤井直樹1, 水野智恵美1, 水野雅之1, 島俊英1, 岡上武1, 酒井恭子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 95-95, 2017. |
Y8-4. One case of the drug induced hepatic injury that an antimitochondrial M2 antibody made the change into positive by thiamazole administration for the Graves' disease temporarily 里本祐一1, 吉田雄一1, 小山秀和1, 谷本孝史1, 酒井彩子1, 坂本愛沙1, 笹川廣和1, 湯口清徳1, 長生幸司1, 井上信之1, 内藤雅文1, 竹下恵理子2, 火伏俊之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 95-95, 2017. |
Y9-1. One case of Wilson disease which needed differentiation with non-alcoholic lipid hepatitis (NASH) 焦光裕1, 藤井英樹2, 小野洋嗣1, 宮野正人1, 上田渉1, 大庭宏子1, 山口誓子1, 青木哲哉1, 倉井修1, 大川清孝1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 95-95, 2017. |
Y9-2. An example of the autoimmune hepatitis that thought about drug participation 野口千彰1, 吉田晋也1, 羽鳥広隆1, 津留真理1, 浦上聡1, 松岡里紗1, 高田美穂1, 西川倫子1, 三浦翔1, 印藤直彦1, 廣吉康秀1, 北村泰明1, 藤田光一1, 阿南隆洋1, 松井佐織1, 渡辺明彦1, 菅原淳1, 向井秀一1, 林祥剛2, 上田佳世2, 寺村一裕2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 95-95, 2017. |
Y9-3. A case of severe liver injury caused by administration of Abiraterone (trade name: ZYTIGA) for prostate cancer treatment 植村久尋, 平川旭人, 横出正隆, 星充, 板井良輔, 安村聡樹, 池田英司, 高田真理子, 三上榮, 住友靖彦, 山下幸政 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 96-96, 2017. |
Y9-4. Invasive liver abscess syndrome by hyperviscosity-related Klebsiella pneumoniae 豊永啓翔, 和田将弥, 青山直樹, 奥村圭, 畑森裕之, 伊藤卓彦, 松本一寛, 北本博規, 谷口洋平, 福島政司, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 96-96, 2017. |
Y10-1. One case that a contrasting supersonic wave was useful in the diagnosis of multiple fungal liver abscesses complicated with acute myeloid leukemia 宮本勇人1, 田中弘教1, 中川泰樹1, 井上祐真1, 川端一美1, 富岡明1,2, 内橋孝史1, 菊地珠希1, 山崎之良1, 田村公佑1, 志村陽子1, 柚木崎紘司1, 李兆亮1, 杉田光司1, 宮崎純一1, 阿部孝1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 96-96, 2017. |
Y10-2. One case that recurred for a liver abscess one year two months after amoebic dysentery symptom healing 松前高幸, 圓尾隆典, 津村剛彦, 関川昭, 山階武, 丹家元祥, 吉田裕幸, 多木未央, 福原学, 坂本梓, 邉見慎一郎, 齋藤澄夫, 西島規浩, 那須章洋, 米門秀行, 淺田全範, 喜多竜一, 木村達, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 96-96, 2017. |
Y10-3. One case of liver origin MALT lymphoma that was diagnosed by liver biopsy, and was treated effectively with chemotherapy 水越健太, 岡野明浩, 高井利恵子, 山川剛, 大村亜紀奈, 小澤智美, 吉川貴章, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 上尾太郎, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 97-97, 2017. |
Y10-4. Example that caused hemochromatosis under long-term central venous hyperalimentation management 岡本典大1, 林宏樹1, 川野佑輝1, 畑澤友里1, 小川浩史1, 平野仁崇1, 南晶洋1, 高橋路子2,3, 矢野嘉彦1, 東健1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 97-97, 2017. |
Y10-5. Treatment result of the DAA therapy for the Genotype type 1 hepatitis C in our hospital 上村駿太, 澤井良之, 福田和人, 井倉技, 小来田幸世, 山縣洋介, 岩本剛幸, 岡部純弥, 相坂龍哉, 高理恵, 山口典高, 松本康史, 中原征則, 篠村恭久, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 97-97, 2017. |
Y11-1. An example of the bile duct adenosquamous carcinoma which recurred after an operation early, and followed a sudden outcome 山川剛1, 南竜城1, 高井利恵子1, 水越健太1, 大村亜希奈1, 小澤智美1, 吉川貴章1, 木村勇斗1, 上尾太郎1, 岡野明浩1, 沖永聡1, 久須美房子1, 大花正也1, 畑俊行2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 97-97, 2017. |
Y11-2. One case of the gallbladder cancer which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis of ampulla of duodenum stenosis 上嶋一也1, 藤原新也1, 宮崎博太1, 福本真延1, 鈴鹿真理1, 中西吉彦1, 本合泰1, 大関舞子2, 井上仁2, 樋口和秀3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 98-98, 2017. |
Y11-3. Seven patients who underwent astriction technique by FCSEMS for EST afterbleeding 濱田聖子1, 遠藤文司1,2, 水本吉則1, 中野重治1, 筑後孝紀1, 下釜翼1, 熊谷健1, 江坂直樹1, 太田義之1, 岩本論1, 笠原勝宏1, 島伸子1, 勝島慎二1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 98-98, 2017. |
Y11-4. An example of IPMN which repeated acute pancreatitis 阿部晶平1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 阿部哲之1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 堀順子1, 大瀬貴之1, 黒田大介2, 森永友紀子3, 全陽4, 佐貫毅1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 98-98, 2017. |
Y11-5. An example of the growth type pancreas neuroendocrine tumor that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis out of the pancreas 山本圭以1,2, 根引浩子1, 安井悠1,2, 坂田侑平1,2, 周防舞仁1,2, 木村明恵1,2, 中田晃暢1,2, 山村匡史1,2, 末包剛久1, 山崎智朗1, 佐々木英二1, 佐野弘治1, 渡辺憲治1, 中井隆志2, 川崎靖子2, 木岡清英2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 98-98, 2017. |
Y12-1. Pancreatic duct stent, percutaneous pancreatic ascitic one case that and EUS bottom transstomach drainage succeeded 井上祐真1, 李兆亮1, 中川泰樹1, 川端一美1, 樋口洋史1, 富岡明2, 内橋孝史1, 宮本勇人1, 菊地珠希1, 山崎之良1, 田村公佑1, 柚木崎紘司1, 杉田光司1, 宮崎純一1, 田中弘教1, 阿部孝1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 99-99, 2017. |
Y12-2. An example of pancreas serous cyst tumor which had difficulty in differentiation with IPMN 四十万谷卓也1, 高岡亮1, 池浦司1, 島谷昌明1, 三好秀明1, 坂尾将幸1, 宮本早知1, 加藤孝太1, 上嶋貴之1, 佐野泰樹1, 西紋周平1, 高橋美緒1, 山木壮2, 山本智久2, 良田大典2, 廣岡智2, 里井壯平2, 權雅憲2, 植村芳子3, 關壽人1, 岡崎和一1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 99-99, 2017. |
Y12-3. One case of Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm which there was the pancreas head of the young man, and occurred 吉川智恵, 石井達也, 原田宜幸, 我妻信和, 谷泰弘, 岡田圭次郎, 林佑樹, 梅村壮一朗, 池ノ内真依子, 益田朋典, 中井智己, 松本久和, 東俊二郎, 岩上裕吉, 幡丸景一, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 浦井俊二, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 99-99, 2017. |
Y12-4. One case of the subcutaneous nodular fat necrosis with the chronic pancreatitis treated effectively with pancreatic duct stent 中川泰樹1, 柚木崎紘司1, 樋口洋史1, 井上祐真1, 川端一美1, 富岡明1,2, 内橋孝史1, 宮本勇人1, 菊地珠希1, 花咲優子1, 山崎之良1, 田村公佑1, 志村陽子1, 李兆亮1, 杉田光司1, 宮崎純一1, 田中弘教1, 阿部孝1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 99-99, 2017. |
Y12-5. One patient who an origin invasive cancer developed during ramified IPMN follow-up, and underwent surgical excision 秋山慎介, 栗田亮, 尾松万悠紀, 山下大生, 山川康平, 薗誠, 伊藤嵩志, 西村聡, 森義治, 渡邉幸太郎, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 吉野琢哉, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 100-100, 2017. |
Y13-1. One case of the pancreas arterio-venous malformation that did penetration to common bile duct and pancreatic duct, and led to surgery 浦上聡1, 三浦翔1, 津留真理1, 羽鳥広隆1, 野口千彰1, 高田美穂1, 松岡里紗1, 西川倫子1, 印藤直彦1, 廣吉康秀1, 北村泰明1, 藤田光一1, 松井佐織1, 阿南隆洋1, 渡辺明彦1, 菅原淳1, 向井秀一1, 宗慎一2, 吉川卓郎2, 上田佳世3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 100-100, 2017. |
Y13-2. One patient who was treated effectively with EUS panties splinter drainage for the false pancreatic cyst that vertical Kuo progressed 宮本優帆, 坂井良行, 石井紀子, 中野智景, 由利幸久, 長谷川国大, 高田亮, 楊和典, 石井昭生, 高嶋智之, 曾澤信弘, 池田直人, 西村貴士, 西川浩樹, 岩田恵典, 榎本平之, 飯島尋子, 西口修平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 100-100, 2017. |
Y13-3. An example of the primary greater omentum abscess due to the fall calculus after the cholecystectomy 二井諒子1, 阿部哲之1, 三木美香1, 阿部晶平1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 堀順子1, 大瀬貴之1, 佐貫毅1, 浦出剛史2, 黒田大介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 100-100, 2017. |
Y13-4. 2 cases that EUS-FNA was useful for the diagnosis of lung cancer metastases to adrenals 中沢啓1, 坂本洋城1, 西岡伸1, 井口宗威1, 原田智1, 藤本喜代成1, 金田裕靖2, 高橋憲一3, 谷村和哉3, 平山寛3, 樋口和秀4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 101-101, 2017. |
Y13-5. One case that transcatheter mark arterial embolism therapy was useful for haemoperitoneum by segmental arterial mediolysis 青木謙太郎, 池田敦之, 河村柾仁, 中村武晴, 寺村茉利, 平田大善, 大岩容子, 荒木理, 糸川芳男, 田中秀行, 楠本聖典, 田中泰敬, 山口大介, 中井喜貴, 藤井茂彦, 畦地英全, 日下利広, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 101-101, 2017. |
1. One case of the G-CSF-producing squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus which resulted in metastasis to choroid membrane 福田周一1, 藤原由規1, 三島弘2, 若狭朋子3, 花本仁4, 濱田隆介1, 小原秀太1, 井上啓介1, 木谷光太郎1, 石川原1, 辻江正徳1, 湯川真生1, 岡嶋馨5, 太田善夫3, 井上雅智1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 105-105, 2017. |
2. One case of Jackhammer Esophagus which we were able to diagnose by an examination of multiple esophageal pressure 阿部洋文, 田中心和, 河原史明, 豊永高史, 阪口博哉, 松岡晃生, 迫智也, 有吉隆祐, 黒澤学, 小原佳子, 森田圭紀, 梅垣英次, 東健 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 105-105, 2017. |
3. One case that adenosquamous cell lung cancer metastasized to all circumferences-related submucosal tumor to the esophagus 川端一美, 柚木崎紘司, 中川泰樹, 樋口洋史, 井上祐真, 冨岡明, 内橋孝史, 宮本勇人, 菊地珠希, 花咲優子, 山崎之良, 田村公佑, 志村陽子, 李兆亮, 杉田光司, 宮崎純一, 田中弘教, 阿部孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 105-105, 2017. |
4. An example of double pylorus where a diachronic process was observed by the endoscopy of the clinical survey 土江宏明1, 水野雅博1, 守上佳樹1, 堀田剛1, 玉置美賀子2, 山賀雄一2, 田中純也2, 鍋島紀滋2, 重本香3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 105-105, 2017. |
5. One case of the gastric cancer with the calcification 高田良平, 脇信也, 中内脩介, 池田敦史, 堂垣美樹, 菅もも子, 畑中宏史, 田中秀憲, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 106-106, 2017. |
6. One case of progression gastric cancer diagnosed by large intestine perforation, the peritoneal dissemination 平野慎二, 灘谷祐二, 平良高一, 西村夏美, 中村吉宏, 林克平, 坂井大志, 渡部公彦, 平田直人, 福永周生, 杉森聖司, 大谷恒史, 永見康明, 湯川知洋, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 106-106, 2017. |
7. One case of the fundic gland type gastric cancer which it presented typical image views and was able to enlarge and observe before the biopsy enforcement 木下真樹子1, 木下幾晴1, 山本佳司2, 薮内以和夫2, 安岡弘直3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 106-106, 2017. |
8. One case of the retroperitoneal hematoma after the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery lump explosion that resulted in a duodenal passage disorder 竹内庸浩1, 江森一雅1, 野村祐介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 106-106, 2017. |
9. Example that caused a passage disorder by a megalogastria chalicosis 星晋, 田中祐司, 藤井善憲, 星智子, 田中裕一, 宮島真治, 木村昇, 高谷晴夫, 梶村幸三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 107-107, 2017. |
10. One patient whom resected specimen diameter performed ESD in for extended I+IIa+IIb type early gastric cancer more than 100mm 木下幾晴, 木下真樹子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 107-107, 2017. |
11. H. where we had a penicillin allergy, and VPZ+CAM+MNZ was invalid One case of the third sanitization success of the pylori infection 中島滋美, 椿本由紀, 森直子, 早藤清行, 山本和雄, 藤山佳秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 107-107, 2017. |
12. An example of the alimentary ileus which occurred after pylorus side gastrectomy 宮野正人, 焦光裕, 小野洋嗣, 大庭宏子, 上田渉, 山口誓子, 青木哲哉, 倉井修, 大川清孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 107-107, 2017. |
13. An example of the jejunum GIST which took advantage of a bloody bowel discharge, and led to a diagnosis by surgical resection 布施由佳1, 中村久美子1, 河野友彰1, 瀧本真弓1, 田村彰朗1, 原謙1, 奥川卓也1, 小林正弥1, 戸澤勝之1, 富田寿彦1, 谷口友佳子1, 應田義雄1, 大島忠之1, 福井広一1, 渡二郎1, 廣田誠一2, 藤元治朗3, 三輪洋人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 108-108, 2017. |
14. 1 excision case of the small intestinal cancer which resulted in idiopathic small intestine peritonitis perforative and portal vein gas blood symptom 福昭人, 坂上美和子, 岩本博光 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 108-108, 2017. |
15. An example of the intestinal tract symptom type T-cell lymphoma 岡本彩那, 樫田博史, 米田頼晃, 岡元寿樹, 河野匡志, 足立哲平, 永井知行, 朝隈豊, 櫻井俊治, 松井繁長, 渡邉智裕, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 108-108, 2017. |
16. An example of the intestinal tract cyst-like emphysematosa that hybaroxia was effective 大原真理子, 杉谷義彦, 島本和巳, 小林遊, 中村文泰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 108-108, 2017. |
17. An example of the Crohn's disease that caused drug-induced lupus by antiTNF antibody preparation 水谷直揮, 新埼信一郎, 日山智史, 壇直樹, 西尾啓, 古田訓丸, 重川稔, 林義人, 阪森亮太郎, 藥師神崇行, 巽智秀, 飯島英樹, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 109-109, 2017. |
18. An example of early colon cancer which caused an intratracheal metastatic recurrence metastases to lung, 14 years later seven years after endoscopic demucosation 青木領太, 柏木貴雄, 鈴木琢真, 来住稔, 木村祥子, 小出亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 109-109, 2017. |
19. 2 excision case of the colon cancer metastases to adrenals that long-term survival is obtained 辻本成範, 植田剛, 井上隆, 尾原伸作, 中本貴透, 佐々木義之, 中村保幸, 小山文一, 庄雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 109-109, 2017. |
20. One case of the endometriosis of intestine that resulted in ileus 新井貴久, 青松和輝, 古田百合香, 金道勇気, 勝野貴之, 早川剛, 山形知, 家田淳司, 合田太郎, 石田興一郎, 庄野嘉治, 野口浩平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 109-109, 2017. |
21. One case of StageIV colon cancer given treatment with anticancer agent for a long term 中沢和之1, 前北隆雄1,2, 新垣直樹1,2, 文野真樹1, 太田有紀1, 廣川佳織1, 西村道彦1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 110-110, 2017. |
22. An example of the fulminant form amebic colitis: From the situation of the internal medicine 板東正貴1, 吉安孝介1, 鍋島克敏1, 荻巣恭平1, 船津英司1, 由宇芳才1, 三原俊彦2, 北濱誠一2, 岡田憲幸2, 山元康義2, 向井友一郎2, 吉安可奈子3, 名方保夫3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 110-110, 2017. |
23. Ventriculoperitoneal internal shunt tube example that winding-involved, caused ileus more 濱中宏光, 奥川卓也, 瀧本真弓, 中村久美子, 田村彰朗, 原謙, 小林正弥, 河野友彰, 戸澤勝之, 富田寿彦, 谷口友佳子, 應田義雄, 大島忠之, 福井広一, 渡二郎, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 110-110, 2017. |
24. Two cases of the isolated abdominal viscera aortic dissection 山口智裕, 泉谷龍, 玉置大, 大石嘉啓, 柏敦文, 藤永陽介, 滝本見吾, 松山希一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 110-110, 2017. |
25. Two cases of the malignant peritoneal mesothelioma which responded to chemotherapy 金村晋吾1, 中村智子1, 赤野友美子1, 藤本英利子1, 幸田裕一1, 堀尾大介1, 柴田英輔1, 本田実紀1, 大搗泰一郎1, 三上浩司1, 栗林康造1, 辻村亨2, 中野孝司1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 111-111, 2017. |
26. One patient who presented with hypophosphatemia by long-term Adefovir administration for chronic hepatitis B 玉置秀彦1, 桑島史明1, 玉置哲也1, 松本春香1, 松谷泰好1, 寺杣智志1, 西川泉1, 玉井秀幸2, 加藤順2, 東克彦1, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 111-111, 2017. |
27. 1 case that infected two kinds of HEV/3a strains at the same time 坂本龍之介1, 青木智子1,2,3, 高橋雅春4, 清水健史1, 岩井俊介1, 島田ひかる1, 森田龍親1, 清水辰宣1, 岡本宏明4, 高内善1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 111-111, 2017. |
28. An example of the drug-related liver damage that assumed anabolic steroid a cause 辻本裕之1, 星本真弘1, 谷脇浩志2, 峠英樹1, 石井道治1, 北岡治子1, 樋口和秀3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 111-111, 2017. |
29. An example of primary bilious cholangitis that seemed to result in a drug-related liver damage by ursodeoxycholanic acid 宮崎博太1, 藤原新也1, 上嶋一也1, 福本真延1, 鈴鹿真理1, 中西吉彦1, 本合泰1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 112-112, 2017. |
30. The present conditions and problems of the IFN-free treatment for the C type chronic liver disease: From the examination of the treatment result in our hospital 羽生泰樹, 小松貴一, 松井淳, 松原揚典, 林啓至, 片山雅之, 野山裕揮, 土屋さやか, 高貴範 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 112-112, 2017. |
31. One case of becoming fulminant of the C type acute hepatitis 由利幸久, 坂井良行, 宮本優帆, 中野智景, 石井紀子, 長谷川国大, 高田亮, 楊和典, 石井昭生, 高嶋智之, 會澤信弘, 池田直人, 西村貴士, 西川浩樹, 岩田恵典, 榎本平之, 今西宏安, 飯島尋子, 西口修平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 112-112, 2017. |
32. One case of the primary biliary cirrhosis who had the abscess by paracentesis to repeat itself out of the peritoneum 岸野恭平1, 原直樹1, 森脇英一朗1, 中間昭弘1, 久保田真司1, 矢野浩司2, 田中純一2, 向井亮2, 加納繁照1, 西口修平3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 112-112, 2017. |
33. One case of the atypical extrahepatic part portal vein atresia 平野慎二1, 川村悦史2, 菊川佳菜子2, 湯川芳美2, 高田さゆり2, 松浦知香2, 寺西優雅2, 元山宏行2, 小塚立蔵2, 藤井英樹2, 城後篤志3, 山本晃3, 萩原淳司2, 打田佐和子2, 羽室雅夫3, 榎本大2, 田守昭博2, 藤原靖弘1, 河田則文2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 113-113, 2017. |
34. The intractable ascitic fluid which worsened after B-RTO, and was treated effectively with TIPS, an example of esophageal varices 中野智景1,2, 楊和典2, 西村貴士1,2, 宮本優帆2, 石井紀子2, 由利幸久2, 長谷川国大2, 高田亮2, 石井昭生2, 高嶋智之2, 坂井良行2, 會澤信弘2, 池田直人2, 西川浩樹2, 岩田恵典2, 榎本平之2, 山門亨一郎3, 廣田省三3, 飯島尋子1,2, 西口修平1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 113-113, 2017. |
35. One patient whom hepatic encephalopathy developed in for GI bleeding complicated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia 岩井孝史1, 霜野良弘1, 吉川昌平1, 山本晃久1, 山元哲雄1, 西口修平2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 113-113, 2017. |
36. One case of the histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (Kikuchi disease) with the liver damage that developed in super elderly people 下河邊嗣人1, 田中斉祐1, 森康二郎1, 北市智子1, 岸埜高明1, 福本晃平1, 北村陽子1, 金政和之1, 島田啓司2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 113-113, 2017. |
37. One case of the liver epithelioid hemangioendothelioma which led to a diagnosis by an examination for image and pathological examination 平山尚史, 仲原民夫, 肥後麻衣, 米倉伸彦, 來住優輝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 114-114, 2017. |
38. One case of chronic hepatitis C that increased a liver function level remarkably in ASV/DCV preparation administration one month 西内明子, 長島雅子, 安東まや, 笹生幹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 114-114, 2017. |
39. One case of Child-Pugh B/C which was available for the RFA enforcement by Lusutrombopag 田村公佑, 田中弘教, 菊地珠希, 川端一美, 井上祐真, 内橋孝史, 宮本勇人, 山崎之良, 柚木崎紘司, 李兆亮, 杉田光司, 宮崎純一, 阿部孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 114-114, 2017. |
40. Usefulness of the 3D-GPS marker in the RFA treatment 菊地珠希, 田中弘教, 中川泰樹, 井上祐真, 川端一美, 樋口博史, 内橋孝史, 宮本勇人, 山崎之良, 田村公佑, 柚木崎紘司, 李兆亮, 杉田光司, 宮崎純一, 阿部孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 114-114, 2017. |
41. One case of the hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma that pCR was obtained by TS-1 internal use in preoperation 赤塚昌子1, 中島隆善1, 生田真一1, 相原司1, 楠蔵人1, 光藤傑1, 北村優1, 一瀬規子1, 小野朋二郎1, 別府直仁1, 吉江秀範1, 木村文彦1, 柳秀憲1, 山中若樹1, 覚野綾子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 115-115, 2017. |
42. One case of the cyst type intrabiliary papillary tumor 宮川昌巳, 伊藤正浩, 岩破敏郎, 片岡滋貴, 高井孝治, 元好貴之, 高田久, 西方誠, 山下靖英, 桐島寿彦, 吉波尚美, 新谷弘幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 115-115, 2017. |
43. An example of gallbladder squamous cell carcinoma which needed the differentiation with the liver abscess 清裕生, 三重野将敏, 日並義統, 前田晃作, 大内佐智子, 藤澤貴史 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 115-115, 2017. |
44. One case of the IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis complicated with chronic pancreatitis 霜野良弘1, 吉川昌平1, 由利幸久2, 岩井孝史1, 山本晃久1, 岩田恵典2, 山元哲雄1, 西口修平2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 115-115, 2017. |
45. An example of the cyst in the bile duct wall where ultrasonic endoscope and oral cholangioscope were useful in a diagnosis 久松美友紀, 半野元, 依岡伸幸, 小柴良司, 間島行則, 益岡優, 上田栄寿, 中島ひろみ, 川村実里, 武田修身, 高柳成徳, 廣岡知臣, 土細工利夫, 廣岡大司 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 116-116, 2017. |
46. Spontaneous loss type pancreatic duct stent is hesitation example that does it, and caused retroperitoneal perforation containing for side nipple diverticulum 西脇聖剛1, 水野智恵美1, 矢野航太1, 木下直彦1, 高橋彩1, 上野智子1, 旭爪幸恵1, 山本康英1, 大矢寛久1, 天野一郎1, 松本淳子1, 光本保英1, 田中いずみ1, 澤井直樹1, 水野雅之1, 島俊英1, 岡上武1, 宮本好晴2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 116-116, 2017. |
47. An example of the pancreatic juice rhea that pancreatic duct drainage was effective 山口琢, 安岡貴之, 遠藤雄基, 真鍋繁雄, 碓井文隆, 松山竜三, 平田育大, 高橋周史 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 116-116, 2017. |
48. One patient who chemotherapy succeeded for unresectable pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma, and was able to remove surgically 岡山千尋1, 水田寛郎1, 神田暁博1, 伊藤明彦1, 五月女隆男2, 辻川知之1, 小島正継3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 116-116, 2017. |
49. Examination of the GEM+nabPTX therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital 小澤智美, 高井利恵子, 水越健太, 山川剛, 大村亜紀奈, 吉川貴章, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 117-117, 2017. |
50. An example of pancreas full-bloodedness-related tumor of cStageIA discovered by liver masses close inspection accidentally 清水健史1, 青木智子1,2,3, 坂本龍之介1, 岩井俊介1, 島田ひかる1, 森田龍親1, 清水辰宣1, 高内善1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 117-117, 2017. |
51. One case of the acute pancreatitis complicated with Churg-Strauss syndrome 北田隆起, 守口玲那, 河田奈都子, 田中敏雄, 村本理, 湯川雅彦, 中村秀次 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 117-117, 2017. |
52. One case that was treated endoscopic for residual pancreas pancreatic calculus after all stomach pylorus ring preservation pancreatoduodenectomy 北本博規1, 福島政司1, 豊永啓翔1, 青山直樹1, 奥村圭1, 畑森裕之1, 伊藤卓彦1, 松本一寛1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 117-117, 2017. |