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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 106 / 2016
English Article Japanese Article
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S1-01. Liver hardness change of the case that reached virologic complete response (SVR) after antivirus treatment for the hepatitis C 小泉洋平, 廣岡昌史, 徳本良雄, 渡辺崇夫, 石原暢, 今井祐輔, 中村由子, 行本敦, 吉田理, 阿部雅則, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 41-41, 2016. |
S1-02. Possibility of galectin -9 as the serum biomarker of liver fibrosis 藤田浩二1, 田所智子1, 大浦杏子1, 寒川英里1, 坂本鉄平1, 野村貴子1, 谷丈二1, 森下朝洋1, 米山弘人1, 樋本尚志2, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 41-41, 2016. |
S1-03. Examination of the prognostic factor after RFA for the first non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma 越智裕紀, 砂金光太郎, 青野通子, 武智俊治, 眞柴寿枝, 横田智行, 上甲康二 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 42-42, 2016. |
S1-04. It is usefulness of the S-1 adjuvant chemotherapy after a clinicopathologic characteristic and operation of the extrahepatic bile duct cancer 岡林雄大, 志摩泰生, 齋坂雄一, 住吉辰朗, 上月章史, 徳丸鉄平, 須井健太, 西岡豊, 福井康雄, 渋谷祐一, 尾崎和秀, 寺石文則, 大石一行, 坂本真樹, 高田暢夫, 谷岡信寿, 土居大介, 中村敏夫, 石川忠則, 大谷悠介 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 42-42, 2016. |
S1-05. Examination of the cancer-causing allied gene expression in the biliary tract epithelium of the childhood congenital biliary dilatation 岩橋衆一, 島田光生, 森根裕二, 居村暁, 池本哲也, 齋藤裕, 矢田圭吾, 森大樹, 石橋広樹 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 43-43, 2016. |
S1-06. How do exclude examination - chronic pancreatitis of the usefulness to a pancreatic cancer new diagnosis of blood exosome mRNA; -? 谷内恵介1, 坪井麻記子2, 耕崎拓大2, 岩崎信二2, 西原利治1,2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 43-43, 2016. |
S1-07. Serum biomarker of the pancreatic cancer: Identification of candidate molecules from 2,555microRNAs 山名浩喜, 山下拓磨, 小林聖幸, 藤森崇行, 加藤清仁, 鎌田英紀 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 44-44, 2016. |
S1-08. H.pylori sanitization in our hospital and examination of the gastric cancer case 兼光梢1, 長谷部昌1, 橋本悠1, 花山雅一1, 忽那茂1, 田中孝明1, 上杉和寛1, 木阪吉保1, 市川幹郎1, 松影昭一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 44-44, 2016. |
S1-09. Analysis (from an interim analysis) of the clinical picture judging from the base-line data of the long-term longitudinal study "Ehime UC follow-up study" for the ulcerative colitis 竹下英次1, 古川慎哉2, 八木専1, 池田宜央3, 日浅陽一4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 45-45, 2016. |
S1-10. Examination about the induction of remission maintenance effect of the Chinese medicine which assumes a penciled eyebrow a main ingredient on ulcerative colitis 萱嶋善行1, 藏原晃一1, 天野國幹2, 浅野光一3, 八板弘樹1, 平田敬1, 渕上綾子1, 亀田昌司1, 田中貴英1, 吉田雄一郎1, 森崎晋史1, 渕上忠彦1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 45-45, 2016. |
S1-11. Clinicopathologic examination of ulcerative colitis merger colon cancer, the dysplasia case 松永多恵1, 千代大翔1, 小林伸也1, 藤原新太郎1, 西山典子1, 綾木麻紀1, 谷内田達夫1, 小原英幹1, 森宏仁1, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 46-46, 2016. |
S1-12. Cancer chemoprevention size scale clinical study (J-CAPP StudyII) by aspirin (100mg/day) to a large intestine tumor 西出憲史1, 畔元信明1, 堀伸一郎1, 石川秀樹2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 46-46, 2016. |
S2-01. Examination of the endoscopic gallbladder drainage in the acute cholecystitis case 横田智行, 眞柴寿枝, 上甲康二 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 47-47, 2016. |
S2-02. Examination of the tube trouble in the preoperation drainage for the obstructive jaundice 山子泰加, 宮田英樹, 二宮朋之, 平岡淳, 壷内栄治, 岸田正人, 森健一郎, 須賀義文, 富田英臣, 宮本勇治, 奥平知成, 相引利彦, 植木秀太郎, 金藤美帆, 岩崎竜一郎, 北畑翔梧, 泉本裕文, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 47-47, 2016. |
S2-03. Sedative usefulness with the dexmedetomidine hydrochloride in the ERCP case of our hospital 榊原一郎, 和唐正樹, 豊澤惇希, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 佐々木宏樹, 岡本邦男, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 48-48, 2016. |
S2-04. Examination of the effectiveness of EUS for the cholangitis case due to the CT-negative calculus 大川良洋, 近森正康, 青野礼, 榮枝弘司 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 48-48, 2016. |
S2-05. Examination of the treatment result of Endoscopic papillary balloon dilation (EPLBD) for super elderly people in our hospital 大塚加奈子, 矢野充保, 北添健一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 49-49, 2016. |
S2-06. Examination of the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic pseudocyst drainage 麻植啓輔1, 耕崎拓大1, 久家直子1, 小笠原佑記1, 北川達也1, 吉岡玲子1, 木岐淳1, 坪井麻記子1, 谷内恵介2, 小野正文2, 西原利治1,2, 宗景匡哉3, 北川博之3, 花崎和弘3, 山上卓士4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 49-49, 2016. |
S2-07. Experience of effectiveness evaluation of treatment after BRTO by ultrasonic endoscopy 出田雅子1, 久保敦司1, 小川力1, 柴峠光成1, 外山芳弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 50-50, 2016. |
S2-08. Laparoscopic hepatectomy for the dome lower lesion 坂元克考, 高井昭洋, 小川晃平, 藤山泰二, 高田泰次 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 50-50, 2016. |
S2-09. Clinicopathologic characteristic, carcinogenesis of Serrated polyposis syndrome, analysis of the abnormality of the genes 藤野泰輝, 岡本耕一, 村山典聡, 六車直樹, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 51-51, 2016. |
S2-10. It is examined the range diagnosis ability of the NBI magnifying endoscope of gastric cancer and non-sanitization gastric cancer after the HP sanitization in the flatness type lesion 小島康司, 内多訓久, 川田愛, 岡崎三千代, 岩村伸一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 51-51, 2016. |
S2-11. Significance in the condition of a patient evaluation of the Crohn's disease of the small intestine capsule endoscopy 高橋索真, 山本久美子, 泉川孝一, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 52-52, 2016. |
S2-12. Examination of stomach MALT lymphoma that we diagnosed in our hospital 平田敬1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 八板弘樹1, 渕上忠彦1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 52-52, 2016. |
S2-13. Examination of the endoscopic duodenal stenting for the malignant stomach duodenal stricture 藤森崇行, 鎌田英紀, 小林聖幸, 加藤清仁, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 53-53, 2016. |
S2-14. Examination of the large intestine stent as bridge to surgery (BTS) in our hospital 壷内栄治, 二宮朋之, 宮田英樹, 森健一郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 53-53, 2016. |
S2-15. Treatment result of ESD for 10 mm or less rectal NETG1 綾木麻紀, 小原英幹, 千代大翔, 小林伸也, 松永多恵, 藤原新太郎, 西山典子, 谷内田達夫, 尾立磨琴, 森宏仁, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 54-54, 2016. |
S2-16. Use experience of the traction clip (S-O clip) for large intestine tumor 堀伸一郎1, 西出憲史2, 畔元信明2, 寺尾孝志2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 54-54, 2016. |
S2-17. Analysis of the fatty acid absorption change in the NASH patients using the endoscopy 宇都宮大貴1, 山本安則1, 竹下英次2, 池田宜央1, 日浅陽一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 55-55, 2016. |
MS-01. DAA treatment result in the HCV infection dialysis case 泉本裕文, 平岡淳, 植木秀太朗, 金藤美帆, 北畑翔吾, 相引利彦, 奥平知成, 岩崎竜一朗, 宮本勇治, 山子泰加, 富田英臣, 須賀義文, 森健一郎, 壷内栄治, 宮田英樹, 岸田正人, 二宮朋之, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 59-59, 2016. |
MS-02. Treatment result of the Sofosbuvir + ribavirin combination therapy for the Genotype type 2 hepatitis C in the Kagawa throughout the prefecture 5 institution 守屋昭男1, 谷丈二2, 出田雅子3, 小川力3, 出口章広4, 馬場伸介5, 筒井朱美5, 妹尾知典5, 永野拓也5, 高口浩一5, 正木勉2, 安東正晴1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 59-59, 2016. |
MS-03. Sofosbuvir / Ledipasvir in Ehime, treatment result of the Sofosbuvir + ribavirin 渡辺崇夫1, 徳本良雄1, 上甲康二2, 道堯浩二郎3, 堀池典生4, 田中良憲5, 多田藤政6, 木阪吉保7, 中西征司8, 野中卓9, 山内一彦10, 廣岡昌史1, 阿部雅則1, 日浅陽一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 60-60, 2016. |
MS-04. Treatment result of the Sofosbuvir Ledipasvir therapy in our hospital 青野礼, 榮枝弘司, 市川博源, 北岡真由子, 近森正康, 高松正宏 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 60-60, 2016. |
MS-05. Treatment result of the Ledipasvir / Sofosbuvir therapy for the type 1 hepatitis C in the Kagawa throughout the prefecture 5 institution 谷丈二1, 小川力2, 出口章広3, 守屋昭男4, 永野拓也5, 妹尾知典5, 高口浩一5, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 61-61, 2016. |
MS-06. Four clinical examination that recurred after Sofosbuvir / Ledipasvir completion of treatment 眞柴寿枝, 砂金光太郎, 青野通子, 越智裕紀, 武智俊治, 横田智行, 上甲康二 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 61-61, 2016. |
MS-07. Therapeutic results of Ombitasvir / Paritaprevi / Ritonavir for hepatitis C and identification of microRNAs involved in its viral clearance 森下朝洋, 藤田浩二, 坂本鉄平, 野村貴子, 谷丈二, 米山弘人, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 62-62, 2016. |
MS-08. Examination for HCC recurrence of the case given DAA treatment after DAA treatment result and HCC treatment in our hospital 面家敏宏, 柴田啓志, 松本早代, 大塚加奈子, 芳川敬功, 林真也, 森敬子, 高橋幸志, 鈴木康博, 青木秀俊, 矢野充保 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 62-62, 2016. |
MS-09. Examination of the cancer-causing predictor after chronic hepatitis C treatment by Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) 友成哲, 松本早代, 中村文香, 平尾章博, 田中宏典, 谷口達哉, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 63-63, 2016. |
MS-10. HCV cures after the liver transplant of the DAAs era 小川晃平1, 徳本良雄2, 藤山泰二1, 中村太郎1, 高井昭洋1, 井上仁1, 坂元克考1, 水本哲也1, 日浅陽一2, 高田泰次1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 63-63, 2016. |
01. Two cases that were able to make a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiole drainage tube the internal fistula by the rendezvous method after the custody to non-expansion bile duct 山田七海1, 今井祐輔2, 廣岡昌史2,3, 黒田太良2, 大野芳敬2, 中村光仁2, 小泉光仁2, 小泉洋平2, 徳本良雄2, 熊木天児2, 阿部雅則2, 小川晃平4, 高井昭洋4, 藤山泰二4, 高田泰次4, 日浅陽一2,3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 67-67, 2016. |
02. One case with suspected merger of multiple cancer and the hepatocellular carcinoma of the extrahepatic bile duct cancer detected during follow-up of the chronic hepatitis C 能津昌平1, 宮田英樹2, 泉本裕文2, 植木秀太朗2, 金藤美帆2, 北畑翔吾2, 奥平知成2, 相引利彦2, 富田英臣2, 宮本勇治2, 岩崎竜一朗2, 山子泰加2, 須賀義文2, 森健一郎2, 平岡淳2, 岸田正人2, 壷内栄治2, 二宮朋之2, 道堯浩二郎2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 67-67, 2016. |
03. An example of the ulcerative colitis merger primary sclerosing cholangitis diagnosed with fever 宮本佳彦1, 香川美和子1, 井本佳孝1, 四宮寛彦1, 常山幸一2, 和田哲1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 68-68, 2016. |
04. One case that was regarded as gallbladder squamous cell carcinoma 山本翔太1, 耕崎拓大2, 久家直子2, 木岐淳2, 麻植啓輔2, 谷内恵介3, 小野正文3, 西原利治2,3, 宗景匡哉4, 北川博之4, 花崎和弘4, 山上卓士5, 戸井慎6, 弘井誠6 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 68-68, 2016. |
05. An example of the portal vein thrombosis complicated during acute pancreatitis medical treatment 山崎美樹, 石川紋子, 根来裕二, 森下佐織, 山田高義, 森田雅範 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 69-69, 2016. |
06. Example that was relieved by spontaneous drainage by the stomach penetration of the pancreatic pseudocyst spontaneously 西川萌美, 畔元信明, 寺澤裕之, 日野佳織, 中舎晃男, 西出憲史, 浅木彰則, 梶原猛史, 寺尾孝志, 仁科智裕, 堀伸一郎, 灘野成人, 石井浩, 谷水正人 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 69-69, 2016. |
07. Pseudocyst ruptured pancreas-related ascitic example that acetic acid octreotide administration and pancreatic duct stenting were useful 清水嵩之, 村上英広, 佐々木千世, 奥嶋優介, 玉井惇一郎, 白石佳奈, 宮本裕也, 多田藤政, 梅岡二美, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明, 岡田武史 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 70-70, 2016. |
08. One excision case of the mass plasticity autoimmunity pancreatitis that had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreatic cancer 矢野慶太郎1, 北岡真由子1, 市川博源1, 近森正康1, 岡田光生1, 栄枝弘司1, 川本常喬2, 辻井茂宏2, 塚田暁3, 円山英昭4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 70-70, 2016. |
09. One case of the endoscopic lower duodenal papilla incision afterbleeding that suffered from hemostasis 荒川悠佑1, 住友弘幸1, 淺野間理仁1, 四方祐子1, 小笠原卓1, 黒田武志1, 三好孝典1, 日野直樹1, 三宅秀則1, 山崎眞一1, 惣中康秀2, 中村文香1, 岸和弘2, 岸史子2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 71-71, 2016. |
10. One excision case of the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor that somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was useful 中野憲仁1, 田中徹也1, 八木悠一郎1, 仙波尊教1, 酒井武則1, 古谷圭2, 渡邊裕策2, 中津宏基2, 的場勝弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 71-71, 2016. |
11. One case of the invasive cancer derived from nipple mucinous tumor IPMN in the pancreatic duct with the significant calcification 木岐淳1, 耕崎拓大1, 久家直子1, 麻植啓輔1, 谷内恵介2, 小野正文2, 西原利治1,2, 宗景匡哉3, 北川博之3, 花崎和弘3, 山上卓士4, 戸井慎5, 弘井誠5, 大崎純子6 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 72-72, 2016. |
12. It is two patients of the mesenteric vein thrombosis in the idiopathy that resulted in tardive small intestine stenosis 林真也, 矢野充保, 芳川敬功, 森敬子, 松本早代, 大塚加奈子, 高橋幸志, 面家敏宏, 鈴木康博, 青木秀俊, 柴田啓志, 片岡孝一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 72-72, 2016. |
13. Examination of six jejunal cancer in our hospital 石田正也, 山本久美子, 岡本邦男, 豊澤惇希, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 佐々木宏樹, 榊原一郎, 泉川孝一, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 73-73, 2016. |
14. An example of the small intestine anaplastic carcinoma given small intestine endoscopy 佐藤友理1, 小川明子2, 岡崎雄貴2, 國分勝仁2, 沼田結希2, 小田眞由2, 布井弘明2, 西山麻里2, 田中良憲2, 水上祐治2, 波多野浩明3, 大朏祐治4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 73-73, 2016. |
15. An example of Crohn disease which caused drug-related eosinophilic pneumonia by mesalazine 山田大輔1, 安原ひさ恵2, 木下翼2, 間嶋荘一郎2, 松浦宏樹2, 須藤梢2, 森藤由記2, 遠藤日登美2, 秋田光洋2, 神野秀基2, 守屋昭男2, 幡英典2, 中津守人2, 安東正晴2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 74-74, 2016. |
16. Examination of the ulcerative colitis surgery case in our hospital 橋本悠, 長谷部昌, 花山雅一, 兼光梢, 忽那茂, 田中孝明, 上杉和寛, 木坂吉保, 市川幹郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 74-74, 2016. |
17. 2 case of the ulcerative colitis that was an induction of remission possibility by single needle GMA 宮田好裕1, 岸史子2, 津保友香2, 中村文香2, 岸和弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 75-75, 2016. |
18. One case of the ulcerative colitis that occurred during aortitis syndrome treatment 宮阪啓, 松原稔, 萩原宏明, 松村周治, 鈴木誠祐 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 75-75, 2016. |
19. Examination about the radical chemoradiotherapy of the cancer of the esophagus in our hospital 岡本邦男1, 豊澤惇希1, 倉岡紗樹子1, 香川朋1, 石田正也1, 佐々木宏樹1, 榊原一郎1, 山本久美子1, 泉川孝一1, 高橋索真1, 田中盛富1, 石川茂直1, 和唐正樹1, 蓮井利実1, 田中則光3, 大橋龍一郎3, 川上公宏2, 稲葉知己1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 76-76, 2016. |
20. An example of esophagogastric junction neuroendocrine system cancer that paclitaxel was effective 曽我部公子1, 滝下誠1, 藤野ひかる1, 藤本美幸1, 答島章公1, 徳元善昭1, 上原久典2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 76-76, 2016. |
21. Two patients who showed Serious Adverse Event by oral pyrimidine drugs fluoride for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) slow-up 中舎晃男, 西川萌美, 寺澤裕之, 日野佳織, 西出憲史, 畔元信明, 梶原猛史, 浅木彰則, 仁科智裕, 寺尾孝志, 堀伸一郎, 灘野成人, 石井浩, 谷水正人 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 77-77, 2016. |
22. It is one patient who had breast cancer, small intestine gastrointestinal stromal tumor, the lung cancer for von Recklinghausen disease 中谷夏帆1, 森宏仁2, 小原英幹2, 小林伸也2, 千代大翔2, 松永多恵2, 藤原新太郎2, 西山典子2, 綾木麻紀2, 谷内田達夫2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 77-77, 2016. |
23. One case of the mantle cell lymphoma with the stomach permeation 樫本洋平1, 竹治智1, 川崎敬太郎1, 村上貴俊1, 上原貴秀1, 山口朋孝1, 宮池次郎1, 大本昌樹1, 恩地森一1, 堀池典生2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 78-78, 2016. |
24. An example of ATTR amyloidosis with the intractable pyloric stenosis 松塲瞳1, 蔵原晃一1, 亀田昌司1, 八板弘樹1, 平田敬1, 渕上綾子1, 萱嶋善行1, 田中貴英1, 吉田雄一朗1, 森崎晋史1, 大城由美2, 高橋郁雄3, 渕上忠彦1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 78-78, 2016. |
25. Two cases of stomach origin Glomus tumor 竹内桂子1,2, 石川茂直2, 豊澤惇希2, 石田正也2, 香川朋2, 倉岡紗樹子2, 佐々木宏樹2, 岡本邦男2,3, 榊原一郎2, 山本久美子2, 泉川孝一2, 高橋索真2, 田中盛富2, 松浦美穂子2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 79-79, 2016. |
26. Examination of the phosphorus acid lantern composure case to the upper gastrointestinal tract in the lanthanum carbonate user 豊澤惇希1, 田中盛富1, 石田正也1, 香川朋1, 倉岡紗樹子1, 佐々木宏樹1, 岡本邦男1, 榊原一郎1, 泉川孝一1, 山本久美子1, 高橋索真1, 松浦美穂子1, 石川茂直1, 和唐正樹1, 蓮井利実1, 安藤翠2, 岩室雅也3, 稲葉知己1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 79-79, 2016. |
27. Example that was able to accomplish treatment by steroid combination for the dermatopathy that resulted from Ledipasvir / Sofosbuvir therapy for hepatitis C treatment 香川雄亮1, 田所智子2, 大浦杏子2, 藤田浩二2, 坂本鉄平2, 野村貴子2, 谷丈二2, 森下朝洋2, 米山弘人2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 80-80, 2016. |
28. Alarm bell of example - antiviral therapy drinking risks of chronic hepatitis C during the Ledipasvir / Sofosbuvir treatment that high heat and arrhythmia appeared after drinking 植木秀太朗, 道堯浩二郎, 平岡淳, 壷内栄治, 森健一郎, 須賀義文, 富田英臣, 宮本勇治, 山子泰加, 岩崎竜一朗, 奥平知成, 相引利彦, 北畑翔吾, 金藤美帆, 泉本裕文, 宮田英樹, 二宮朋之, 岸田正人 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 80-80, 2016. |
29. HCV infection fact-finding in our hospital commuter pass dialysis case 本山明日香1, 平岡淳2, 藤方史郎3, 泉本裕文2, 金藤美帆2, 植木秀太朗2, 北畑翔吾2, 奥平知成2, 相引利彦2, 岩崎竜一朗2, 宮本勇治2, 山子泰加2, 富田英臣2, 須賀義文2, 森健一郎2, 壼内栄治2, 宮田英樹2, 岸田正人2, 二宮朋之2, 道堯浩二郎2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 81-81, 2016. |
30. Examination of the effect that interferon freelance treatment gives to carbohydrate metabolism on C type chronic liver disease 西山麻里1, 岡崎雄貴1, 國分勝仁1, 沼田結希1, 小川明子1, 布井弘明1, 田中良憲1, 水上祐治1, 新谷哲司2, 古川慎哉3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 81-81, 2016. |
31. One patient who complicated autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) during DAA (Direct Acting Antivirals) treatment for chronic hepatitis C 萩原宏明, 松村周治, 宮阪啓, 松原稔, 鈴木誠祐 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 82-82, 2016. |
32. One patient whom autoimmune hepatitis developed in after affection of the subacute thyroiditis 谷川和也, 上田弘, 石川洋一, 常風友梨, 高田昌史, 宮本敬子 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 82-82, 2016. |
33. One case of crisis type autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) that racked its brains about differentiation with drug induced hepatic injury (DILI) コルビン真梨子1, 筒井朱美2, 妹尾知典2, 永野拓也2, 馬場伸介3, 高口浩一2, 安藤翠4, 中村聡子4, 溝渕光一4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 83-83, 2016. |
34. One case of the acidophilic sclerosing cholangitis due to the idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome watching the long-term course and the colitis 田村恵理1, 岡田光生1, 市川博源1, 近森正康1, 高松正宏1, 青野礼1,2, 榮枝弘司1,3, 円山英昭2, 森田雅範3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 83-83, 2016. |
35. One case of the infected E type acute hepatitis horizontal between couples 古田聡, 廣岡可奈, 大蔵いずみ, 山内一彦, 久保義一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 84-84, 2016. |
36. One case of the hepatic tuberculosis that we were able to diagnose by aspiration biopsy 芳川敬功1, 柴田啓志1, 松本早代1, 大塚加奈子1, 林真也1, 森敬子1, 高橋幸志1, 面家敏宏1, 鈴木康博1, 青木秀俊1, 矢野充保1, 常山幸一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 84-84, 2016. |
37. One case of de novo hepatitis B that occurred three years after the autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation combination salvage chemotherapy end 佐藤香織1, 眞柴寿枝2, 砂金光太郎2, 青野通子2, 越智裕紀2, 武智俊治2, 横田智行2, 上甲康二2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 85-85, 2016. |
38. 1 autopsy case that Abiraterone was considered as a cause of the acute hepatic failure 行本敦, 奥嶋優介, 今井祐輔, 中村由子, 石原暢, 渡辺崇夫, 小泉洋平, 吉田理, 廣岡昌史, 徳本良雄, 竹下英次, 阿部雅則, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 85-85, 2016. |
39. An example of the decompensated cirrhosis with the fatty deposition improved by pancrelipase immediately 久家直子, 北川達也, 廣瀬享, 宗景玄祐, 越智経浩, 小笠原光成, 藤村靖子, 小野正文, 岩崎信二, 西原利治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 86-86, 2016. |
40. One case that the embolization using the plug was useful for the intractable hyperammonemia by portal vein circulation of blood shunts 宮本裕也1, 青野通子2, 多田藤政1, 佐々木千世1, 奥嶋優介1, 玉井惇一郎1, 白石佳奈1, 清水嵩之1, 梅岡二美1, 堀和子1, 村上英広1, 沖田俊司1, 宮岡弘明1, 岡田武志1, 城戸倫之3, 田中宏明3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 86-86, 2016. |
41. Present conditions -2016 age - of brain death liver transplant enrolled patients in Ehime University 藤山泰二1, 小川晃平1, 中村太郎1, 高井昭洋1, 井上仁1, 坂元克考1, 水本哲也1, 坂本ゆり2, 吉田理3, 徳本良雄3, 日浅陽一3, 高田泰次1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 87-87, 2016. |
42. An example of hematoma in the liver which had difficulty in hepatic bile-related cyst, differentiation with the liver abscess 玉井惇一郎, 多田藤政, 奥嶋優介, 白石佳奈, 宮本裕也, 清水嵩之, 海老沢理依子, 堀和子, 梅岡二美, 村上英広, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明, 岡田武志 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 87-87, 2016. |
43. An example of the liver origin neuroendocrine tumor which was thought to be transformed for Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP)-producing tumor in an episode of care 川口智之, 友成哲, 松本れいか, 福家慧, 平尾章博, 田中宏典, 谷口達哉, 坂東良美, 常山幸一, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 88-88, 2016. |
44. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma that Lusutrombopag was effective 出口章広1, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 88-88, 2016. |
45. One case of the juvenile hepatocellular carcinoma explosion that occurred in the normal liver 田島萌夢1, 富田秀春1, 高松正宏1, 榮枝弘司1, 辻井茂宏2, 上村直2, 塚田暁4, 円山英昭3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 89-89, 2016. |
46. An example of the asymptomatic appendix diverticulum diagnosed by large intestine CT accidentally 高原文治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 89-89, 2016. |
47. One case of rectal MALT lymphoma given laparoscopic low anterior resection 藻利優, 脇悠平, 白井信, 山本幸司, 高月秀典, 松田良一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 90-90, 2016. |
48. An example of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor detected for metastases to bone 須藤梢, 幡英典, 木下翼, 安原ひさ恵, 森藤由記, 遠藤日登美, 秋田光洋, 神野秀基, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 90-90, 2016. |
49. One case that performed endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique for a rectal neuroendocrine tumor detected in the pathology tissue of the transrectal prostate biopsy accidentally 津田尚子1, 矢野有佳里1, 北川達也1, 羽柴基1, 沖裕昌1, 水田洋2, 谷内恵介2, 岡本宣人1, 小野正文2, 西原利治1,2, 戸井慎3, 弘井誠3, 大崎純子4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 91-91, 2016. |
50. One case of the Lynch's syndrome who passed from first for ten years, and detected eight places of frequent occurrence multiplex cancer 秋田光洋, 木下翼, 間嶋荘一郎, 須藤梢, 安原ひさ恵, 森藤由記, 遠藤日登美, 神野秀基, 幡英典, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 91-91, 2016. |
51. An example of ileocecum cancer detected with arms deep vein thrombosis 鳥巣真幹, 岩村文貴, 岡清仁, 大森拓朗, 岡田眞一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 92-92, 2016. |
52. Short-term results of the operation under laparoscopy for super elderly people colon cancer 宇都宮大地, 大畠将義, 發知将規, 古手川洋志, 吉山広嗣, 原田雅光, 河崎秀樹 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 92-92, 2016. |
53. Examination about the molecular biologic characteristic and convalescence in progress, recurrent colon cancer 松本友里, 岡崎潤, 高岡慶史, 三井康裕, 末内辰尚, 藤本大策, 郷司敬洋, 木村哲夫, 北村晋二, 佐藤桃子, 仁木美也子, 岡本耕一, 三宮勝隆, 木村雅子, 宮本弘志, 六車直樹, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (106): 93-93, 2016. |