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The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 107 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 107th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology China Branch regular meeting holding
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 4-4, 2017.

Japanese Article For the intractable conquest of cancer
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 20-21, 2017.

Japanese Article After esophagus ESD with digestive organ endoscope study - cell sheet aiming at clinical practical use mainly on the stenosis prevention
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 22-24, 2017.

Japanese Article Of the endoscopic practice in the liver pancreatic disease is the highest
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 26-27, 2017.

Japanese Article The latest information and pit fall of the digestive organ infection practice
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 28-29, 2017.

Japanese Article New development ... new attempt ... of the term digestion ductal carcinoma practice of the chairmanship
永田信二, 西川潤
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 31-31, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-01. Pharynx, the cancer of the esophagus medical examination with the nasal endoscope and application to treatment
結城美佳, 駒澤慶憲, 小林祥也, 永岡誠, 雫稔弘
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-02. The present situation of esophagus wide area ESD in our hospital
柴垣広太郎1, 三上博信2, 石村典久2, 佐藤秀一1, 木下芳一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-03. Elucidation of the molecular base of the laser beam dynamic diagnosis for the early gastric cancer
菓裕貴1, 荻原久美2, 神田努1, 八島一夫1, 磯本一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-04. Mechanism of the PD-L1 expression in the EBV-related gastric cancer
佐々木翔1, 西川潤2, 岡本健志1, 山崎隆弘3, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-05. Can accomplish ESD only in attempt - Hook-J knife of ESD being aware of cost performance; or -
古立真一, 若槻俊之, 福本康史, 松下公紀, 山下晴弘
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-06. The present conditions and problems of cold polypectomy for small colorectal polyp less than 10mm
下立雄一, 水野元夫, 毛利裕一, 西村直之, 土井顕
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-07. Significance and possibility of ESD as the exeresis biopsy for large intestine cT1 cancer
山下賢1, 田中信治1, 岡志郎2, 田丸弓弦2, 茶山一影2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-08. It is the history of treatment of the stenosis cancellation operation using the Radial Incision and Cutting (RIC) method for the anastomotic stricture after colon cancer technique
朝山直樹1, 永田信二1, 青山大輝1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-09. Examination about the effectiveness and the safety of the new development expansion power reinforcement type 18mm Niti-S large intestine stenting
西村朋之, 桑井寿雄, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 39-39, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-10. Examination of the triple-drug therapy for unresectable colon cancer in our hospital
山本洋一郎, 那須淳一郎, 犬飼道雄, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 39-39, 2017.

Japanese Article WS-11. Lonsurf/CPT-11/Bmab combination therapy - clinical phase I study for patients with colon, rectal cancer of progress, the recurrence that is impossible of curative resection
安達智洋1, 向井正一朗2, 澤田絋幸2, 惠木浩之2, 大段秀樹2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 40-40, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-01. One case of acidophilic gastritis that presented an endoscopic image similar to early gastric cancer
片山哲也1, 田中彰一1, 小幡泰介1, 小川泰司1, 秋元悠1, 日吉智子1, 谷岡大輔1, 藤本剛1, 宮下真奈備1, 牧野泰裕1, 内海方嗣2, 高田晋一3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 75-75, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-02. The AFP-producing gastric cancer liver metastases case that obtained long-term survival by combined modality therapy of surgery, RFA, the chemotherapy
岸隆, 平原典幸, 藤井雄介, 宮崎佳子, 田島義証
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 75-75, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-03. An example of the sclerosing mesenteritis that we were able to diagnose by CT/US guide lower aspiration biopsy
上野真行, 西村直之, 岡田寛史, 角南智彦, 高山弘志, 下立雄一, 土井顕, 毛利裕一, 松枝和宏, 山本博, 水野元夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 76-76, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-04. One patient whom Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome developed in during progress colon cancer chemotherapy
岡田智之1, 斧山巧1, 濱本航1, 後藤大輔1, 三村憲一1, 満田朱理1, 田中久雄1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 76-76, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-05. Two cases of the 5-aminosalicylic acid preparation inflammatory bowel disease that developed myocarditis after administration
片岡祐俊, 川島耕作, 石原俊治, 坂本詩恵, 山下詔嗣, 園山浩紀, 福庭暢彦, 三島義之, 大嶋直樹, 飛田博史, 石村典久, 佐藤秀一, 木下芳一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 77-77, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-06. One case of the metronidazole encephalopathy that occurred during medical treatment of the Clostridium difficile enterocolitis
高砂健, 桑井寿雄, 隅田ゆき, 宮迫由季, 西村朋之, 飯尾澄夫, 今川宏樹, 山口敏紀, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 77-77, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-07. Three cases of the E type acute hepatitis which we experienced in our hospital
山下由美子1, 高木慎太郎1, 松本能里1, 久留島仁1, 森奈美1, 毛利律生1, 齋宏1, 坂野文香1, 本田洋士1, 宮本明香1, 辻恵二1, 古川善也1, 中村利夫2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 78-78, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-08. 1 autopsy case of the acute hepatic failure due to achromasia malignant melanoma liver metastases
伊藤駿介, 石川剛, 前田雅喜, 岩本拓也, 佐伯一成, 日高勲, 高見太郎, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 78-78, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-09. One patient who underwent transcatheter artery embolization for a hepatic artery proper false lump
濱田晋太郎, 的野智光, 永原蘭, 松木由佳子, 山根昌史, 岡本敏明, 三好謙一, 大山賢治, 法正恵子, 岡野淳一, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 79-79, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-10. One case of the G-CSF-producing gallbladder cancer
隅岡昭彦, 藤本佳史, 村田愛, 末廣洋介, 野中裕広, 兵庫秀幸, 相坂康之, 小松弘尚, 徳毛宏則, 古土井明
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 79-79, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-11. An example of the multiple pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
福原基允1, 花田敬士1, 池本珠莉1, 中土井鋼一1, 岡崎彰仁1, 南智之1, 片村嘉男1, 宍戸孝好1, 小野川靖二1, 平野巨通1, 天野始1, 日野文明1, 天野尋暢2, 米原修治3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-12. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor that somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was useful for a diagnosis
大里俊樹1, 藤井雅邦1, 山本洋一郎1, 亀高大介1, 岡寿紀1, 坂口智紘1, 石原裕基1, 矢部俊太郎1, 金藤光博1, 齊藤俊介1, 児島亨2, 伊藤守1, 石山修平1, 藤原明子1, 那須淳一郎1, 仁熊健文2, 吉岡正雄1, 塩出純二1, 山本和秀1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-13. One case of epidermoid cyst which occurred in the accessory spleen in the pancreas
池田愛璃1, 松本和幸1, 加藤博也1, 田中顕之2, 皿谷洋祐1, 高田斎文1, 水川翔1, 室信一郎1, 内田大輔1, 友田健1, 堀口繁1, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 81-81, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-14. One case of the micropancreatic cancer with the extension in a wide range of pancreatic ducts
友清せらみ1, 小道大輔2, 大谷里奈2, 佐伯翔2, 花田麻衣子1, 東山真1, 佐々木民人2, 平賀裕子1, 北本幹也2, 渡邉千之1, 山田博康2, 隅岡正昭1, 末岡智志3, 大下彰彦3, 眞次康弘3, 倉岡正嗣4, 西阪隆4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 81-81, 2017.

Japanese Article SR-15. It is one patient of male pancreas SPN with the calcification in the center
下原康嗣1, 行武正伸2, 桑原健一2, 玉理太覚2, 小川裕太郎2, 朝山直樹2, 青山大輝2, 村上英介2, 福本晃1, 向井伸一2, 脇浩司1, 上田裕之1, 大森一郎3, 金子真弓4, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 82-82, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-01. One case of the bulky pedunculated cancer of the esophagus sarcoma given laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery (LECS)
松原由佳1, 佐野村洋次1, 田中信治1, 黒木一峻2, 栗原美緒2, 水本健2, 吉福良公2, 卜部祐司2, 岡志郎2, 日山亨3, 上野義隆1, 伊藤公訓2, 吉原正治3, 堀田龍一4, 田邊和照4, 大段秀樹4, 有廣光司5, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-02. Two cases of the stomach intramucosal carcinoma which was lymphatic vessel invasive positive
本郷智拡, 井上雅文, 佐藤亮介, 上田英次郎, 姫井人美, 稲生祥子, 橋本健二, 安井稔博, 永原照也, 原田亮, 小橋春彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-03. One case of the gastric cancer perforation by the ramucirumab
坪井一朗1, 堀井城一朗1, 槇野貴文1, 松枝克典1, 安井七々子2, 坂田雅浩1, 上田祐也1, 濱野亮輔2, 藤田勲生1, 豊川達也1, 村上敬子1, 大塚眞哉2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-04. One case of the duodenal GIST complicated with von Recklinghausen disease
津田亜由美1, 林暁洋1, 枝野未來1, 前田和範1, 柳谷淳志1, 田中究1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-05. A lithogenous example in the Meckel diverticulum
田野口梨奈1, 景山宏之1, 三宅望1, 森本光作1, 大西理乃1, 土肥雄紀1, 湧田暁子1, 喜多雅英1, 西村守1, 狩山和也1, 能祖一裕1, 岩室雅也2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-06. An example of the invagination of intestine by ileal Inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP) reducible endoscopically
戸田光紀, 畑山智哉, 北村正輔, 長崎直子, 堀内敦史, 菊川千尋, 門田紘樹, 毛利輝生, 実綿倫宏, 沼田義弘, 久賀祥男, 守屋尚, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-07. It is an example who had the IgA vasculitis during treatment of ulcerative colitis and Castleman disease
石黒美佳子, 岡上昇太郎, 竹本浩二, 佐藤友紀, 竹井健介, 河合大介, 竹中龍太, 柘野浩史, 藤木茂篤
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-08. Example that we were able to completely close by polyglycolic acid felt filling using a colonoscope for large intestine skin fistula by the wound part infection after an operation
有吉美紗1, 児玉寛治2, 清下裕介2, 吉岡京子2, 畠山剛2, 野間文次郎2, 岡本志朗2, 山口修司2, 前田佳之3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-09. One case of the type 4 large intestine seal basalioma definitively diagnosed by EMR combination bowling biopsy
平田嘉人1, 菅野啓司1, 友田真司1, 伊藤やよいこ1, 亀谷貴浩1, 正木龍太郎1, 木村一紀1, 小林知貴1, 菊地由花1, 石田亮子1, 宮森大輔1, 岸川暢介1, 横林賢一1, 溝岡雅文1, 田妻進1, 岡志郎2, 田中信治3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-10. Two cases of the necrotic type ischemic enteritis that required surgical excision
伊藤慶昭1, 谷口英明1, 谷悠真2, 大石正博2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-11. An example of the Budd-Chiari syndrome that responded to left hepatic vein expansion technique
菅野令子1, 大山淳史1, 高木章乃夫1, 川野誠司1, 安藤智子1, 榮浩行1, 安中哲也1, 竹内康人1, 桑木健志1, 大西秀樹1, 中村進一郎1, 白羽英則1, 楳田祐三2, 藤原寛康3, 八木孝仁2, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 88-88, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-12. One case of the iliopsoas muscle abscess complicated with the decompensated cirrhosis that high atmospheric pressure oxygen inhalation therapy was effective
圓山聡1, 高木慎太郎2, 本田洋士2, 宮本明香2, 坂野文香3, 齋宏2, 毛利律生2, 森奈美2, 久留島仁3, 松本能里3, 岡信秀治2, 田利晶4, 辻恵二2, 古川善也2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 88-88, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-13. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which caused the secondary plethora due to erythropoietin-producing tumor
有馬和志1, 三好謙一2, 永原蘭2, 松木由佳子2, 山根昌史2, 岡本敏明2, 的野智光2, 大山賢治2, 法正恵子2, 岡野淳一2, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-14. 1 excision case of the liver sclerosing hemangioma which racked its brains about a diagnosis in preoperation
津山高典1, 浦田洋平1, 一杉知毅1, 播磨陽平1, 中村陽平1, 飯田武1, 戒能美雪1, 小野田雅彦2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article JR-15. One excision case of MCN which presented atypical image views, and developed acute pancreatitis
大道俊介, 藤井雅邦, 矢部俊太郎, 齊藤俊介, 伊藤守, 石山修平, 藤原明子, 那須淳一郎, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二, 山本和秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 90-90, 2017.

Japanese Article O-01. One case of the desquamative esophagitis by the dabigatran
井上美砂, 原田亮, 佐藤亮介, 上田英次郎, 稲生祥子, 姫井人美, 橋本健二, 安井稔博, 永原照也, 歳森淳一, 井上雅文, 小橋春彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article O-02. One case of the progress cancer of the esophagus with the induction desquamative esophagitis by the dabigatran
松下浩志, 岩室雅也, 大林由佳, 榮浩行, 三浦公, 川野誠司, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article O-03. One case of the esophagus superficial cancer which presented a specific endoscopic image
小川亮1, 岡本健志2, 秀浦栄三郎1, 永尾未怜1, 佐々木翔1, 五嶋敦史1, 西川潤3, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 92-92, 2017.

Japanese Article O-04. One case of esophagus gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) which was under the medical treatment in ESD
本多飛将1, 柳井秀雄2, 千原大典3, 中鉢龍徳3, 原野恵3, 坂口栄樹3, 村上知之4, 小畑伸一郎5
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 92-92, 2017.

Japanese Article O-05. Three cases of abdominal viscera aneurysms which we experienced in our hospital
清下裕介, 野間文次郎, 吉岡京子, 畠山剛, 児玉寛治, 岡本志朗, 山口修司
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article O-06. An example of the isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection with celiac artery region of origin stenosis and the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery lump which occurred for acute abdomen
藤本祐子1, 田島邦彦1, 矢野愛恵1, 西村純一1, 山下裕章1, 山下修2, 木村輝昭1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article O-07. A case of a fixed drug eruption caused by Gastrografin [Meglumine Sodium Amidotrizoate solution]
大谷正史1, 浜本哲郎1, 福嶋祐子1, 松本栄二1, 堀立明1, 鶴原一郎1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 94-94, 2017.

Japanese Article O-08. Example that a transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy was useful in improvement of the quality of life for dysphagia due to aspiration pneumonia, Forestier disease
中村晴菜, Wong Toh Yoon, 久保田洋平, 西原一樹
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 94-94, 2017.

Japanese Article O-09. Examination of the digestive organ medical disease association suit example that practice guidelines were associated with
日山亨1, 岡志郎2, 伊藤公訓3, 田中信治2, 茶山一彰3, 吉原正治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 95-95, 2017.

Japanese Article O-10. An example of the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis that was able to observe a diachronic image change
沖健太朗, 原田亮, 佐藤亮介, 上田英次郎, 稲生祥子, 姫井人美, 橋本健二, 安井稔博, 永原照也, 歳森淳一, 井上雅文, 小橋春彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 95-95, 2017.

Japanese Article O-11. One case of the cholecystitis that had difficulty in differentiation with the gallbladder cancer
福井洋介1, 坂田雅浩1, 槇野貴文1, 松枝克典1, 上田祐也1, 藤田勲生1, 堀井城一朗1, 豊川達也1, 村上敬子1, 北田浩二2, 稲垣優2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 96-96, 2017.

Japanese Article O-12. One case of the tuberculous lymphadenitis that we were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA
關藤剛, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 清水晃典, 壷井智史, 栗原啓介, 辰川裕美子, 宮木英輔, 河村良太, 津島健, 齋藤裕平, 中村真也, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 96-96, 2017.

Japanese Article O-13. One case of the intraabdominal mass which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
天野彰吾, 戒能聖治, 仙譽学, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article O-14. An example of the pancreas bile duct junction abnormality, gallbladder cancer which coexisted for pancreas divisum
西山千尋, 田尻和也, 渡邉行人, 野坂英樹, 浅野基, 太田恭子, 白髭明典, 清水慎一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article O-15. One patient who complicated yellow granulation tissue kind-related cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer for cholangiectasis type pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality
神垣充宏, 中野誠, 田中美和子, 青木信也, 津賀勝利, 伊藤博之, 國田哲子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article O-16. Examination of the therapy with stenting and ultrasonic endoscope lower biliary tract drainage technique duodenal for malignant biliary tract stenosis with the duodenal stricture
谷川朋弘, 浦田矩代, 岡好仁, 中村純, 西野謙, 末廣満彦, 川中美和, 春間賢, 河本博文
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article O-17. One patient whom cholangiocarcinoma developed in during follow-up of the IgG4 associated diseases
上田善之, 柘野浩史, 竹井健介, 佐藤友紀, 岡上昇太郎, 河合大介, 高山裕基, 竹本浩二, 竹中龍太, 平良明彦, 藤木茂篤
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article O-18. One case of the renal carcinoma gallbladder metastasis that presented characteristic contrasting echogram
若槻俊之, 福本康史, 古立真一, 松下公紀, 山下晴弘
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article O-19. One case of the ischemic pancreatitis that occurred by having stopped an antithrombotic drug for diverticula of colon bleeding
中村由貴1, 坂口琢紀1, 木科学1, 能美隆啓1, 佐々木祐一郎1, 村脇義和1, 藤井容子2, 佐々木宏之2, 磯本一3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article O-20. 3 cases of the severe acute pancreatitis due to the significant hypertriglyceridemia
園山浩紀, 福庭暢彦, 片岡祐俊, 坂本詩恵, 松田佳世, 石原俊治, 木下芳一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article O-21. Two patients who received endoscopic treatment of the accessory nipple for the iterative pancreatitis that came from pancreas divisum
西向栄治1, 今本龍1, 角田宏昭1, 大谷英之1, 向山智之1, 前田直人1, 謝花典子1, 岸本幸廣1, 磯本一2, 山崎慎3, 中村純3, 河本博文3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article O-22. One case of the atraumatic duodenal intramural hematoma which occurred after the acute pancreatitis that was able to be under the medical treatment conservatively
多田育賢1, 尾上歩美1, 齋藤宰1, 花岡拓哉1, 結城崇史1, 串山義則1, 内田靖2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article O-23. One case of the SCN which was able to observe a form change with an image in the long-term course
松枝克典, 豊川達也, 槙野貴文, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 藤田勲夫, 堀井城一朗, 村上敬子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article O-24. One case of the pancreatic acinus basalioma which was able to observe a diachronic image change for 5 years
安井稔博1, 原田亮1, 山野寿久3, 田村麻衣子4, 佐藤亮介1, 稲生祥子1, 上田英次郎1, 姫井人美1, 橋本健二1, 永原照也1, 歳森淳一2, 井上雅文1, 小橋春彦1,2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article O-25. Three patients who had a diagnosis of a pancreas mucinous cyst tumor preoperatively
斧山巧, 後藤大輔, 濱本航, 岡田智之, 三村憲一, 満田朱理, 田中久雄
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article O-26. An example of pancreas head SPN which developed in middle-age men
孝田博輝, 武田洋平, 木下英人, 藤井政至, 山下太郎, 菓裕貴, 上田直樹, 森尾慶子, 岩本拓, 細田康平, 澤田慎太郎, 松本和也, 河口剛一郎, 原田賢一, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article O-27. Treatment result of mFOLFIRINOX for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in the Okayama University Hospital
堀口繁1, 加藤博也2, 水川翔2, 室信一郎2, 内田大輔2, 友田健2, 松本和幸2, 澤原大明2, 岡田裕之2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article O-28. An example of the pancreas microinvasive carcinoma detected with pancreatic duct expansion with follow image after hepatocellular carcinoma technique
日置絋二朗1, 中島義博2, 三宅智雄3, 北川貴之3, 西紋禮士3, 時岡峻三3, 青木啓純3, 佐々木恭3, 富山恭行3, 仁科惣治3, 吉岡奈穂子3, 原祐一3, 伊禮功4, 吉田浩司2, 日野啓輔3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article O-29. One case of the small intestine accessory pancreas discovered for massive bleeding
後藤田達洋1, 川野誠司1, 馬場雄巳1, 大林由佳1, 榮浩行1, 河野吉泰1, 神崎洋光1, 岩室雅也1, 河原祥朗2, 岡田裕之1, 香川哲也3, 黒田新士3, 西崎正彦3, 田中健大4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article O-30. One case of the intractable small intestine bleeding that racked its brains about the identification of the bleeding part
山岡祐子1, 橋本真一1, 海野まどか1, 秀浦栄三郎1, 小川亮1, 河郷亮1, 五嶋敦史1, 岡本健志2, 西川潤3, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article O-31. An example of the NSAIDs origin-related bowel lesion which caused multiple small intestine stenosis
堀江聡1, 竹田和希1, 加藤順1, 谷村隆志1, 村脇義之1, 三浦将彦1, 河野通盛1, 吉村禎二1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 106-106, 2017.

Japanese Article O-32. One case of the penetrating peritonitis due to the small intestine-prone diverticulum
若井雅貴1, 上野義隆2, 田中信治2, 熊田純子1, 藤田朗1, 佐上晋太郎1, 林亮平2, 岡志郎1, 矢野雷太3, 嶋田徳光3, 繁本憲文3, 渡谷祐介3, 大毛宏喜3, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 106-106, 2017.

Japanese Article O-33. One case of metastatic small intestine tumor diagnosed after renal cell carcinoma technique in OGIB opportunity in the seventh year
國原紗代子1, 岡志郎2, 田中信治1, 壷井章克2, 大谷一郎2, 熊田純子2, 野村元宣2, 瀧川英彦2, 保田智之1, 弓削亮1, 茶山一彰2, 有廣広司3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 107-107, 2017.

Japanese Article O-34. One case of the small intestinal cancer that Cetuximab succeeded
福本康史, 須藤和樹, 坂林雄飛, 若槻俊之, 古立真一, 松下公紀, 山下晴弘
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 107-107, 2017.

Japanese Article O-35. It is ... from the results of the multicenter observational study of diagnosis, treatment strategy - origin-related small intestinal cancer for the primary small intestinal cancer
榮浩行1, 神崎洋光1, 那須淳一郎2, 藤原俊義3, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 108-108, 2017.

Japanese Article O-36. Two cases of small intestine Gastrointestinal stromal tumor which caused peritonitis perforative
小坂祐未, 讃岐英子, 神野大輔, 児玉美千世, 杉山真一郎, 谷本達郎, 吉良臣介, 小林博文, 隅井浩治, 角田幸信
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 108-108, 2017.

Japanese Article O-37. H. by the gastritis Kyoto classification in the measures type stomach cancer endoscope examination Pylori infected person pickup and inductive attempt to a medical institution
古林麻美, 水野元夫, 下立雄一, 土井顕, 西村直之, 毛利裕一, 松枝和宏, 山本博
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article O-38. Young people stomach cancer risk diagnosis to devise from serum antiHelicobacter pylori antibody titers in this school student
木曽まり子1, 伊藤公訓1, 保田智之2, 小刀崇弘1, 益田和彦1, 畑幸作1, 松尾泰治3, 吉原正治4, 田中信治2, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article O-39. H. Examination of the sanitization rate with an innovator drug and the generic drug of the antibiotic in the pylori sanitization therapy
吉岡京子, 清下裕介, 畠山剛, 野間文次郎, 児玉寛治, 岡本志朗, 山口修司
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article O-40. About third sanitization therapy of Helicobacter pylori in our hospital
河村徹, 河村譲
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article O-41. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis (eosinophilic gastroenteritis) that we experienced in our hospital
香田正晴1, 樽本亮平1, 長谷川隆1, 松岡宏至1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article O-42. An example of the hemorrhagic stomach hyperplastic polyp which became the hemorrhagic shock during apixaban internal use for non-valve-related atrial fibrillation
白澤友宏, 檜垣真吾, 浜辺崇衣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article O-43. One patient who complicated duodenal lymphangiectasia after the radiotherapy for stomach MALT lymphoma
榮浩行1, 岩室雅也1, 大林由佳1, 馬場雄己1, 後藤田達洋1, 河野吉泰1, 神崎洋光1, 川野誠司1, 河原祥朗2, 岡田裕之1,2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article O-44. Examination of the gastric cancer case complicated with stomach MALT lymphoma
内藤聡雄1, 弓削亮2, 瀧川英彦1, 北台靖彦3, 田中信治2, 安井弥4, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article O-45. One case of the early gastric cancer given ESD under Dual Red Imaging (DRI) observation
黒木一峻1, 佐野村洋次1, 田中信治1, 水本健2, 栗原美緒2, 吉福良公2, 二宮悠樹2, 岡志郎2, 伊藤公訓2, 茶山一彰3, 有廣光司3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article O-46. Exploratory examination about the usefulness of the Tegafur uracil administration for the EMR/ESD non-curative resection early gastric cancer, colon cancer case
吉福良公1, 岡志郎2, 田中信治1, 水本健2, 弓削亮2, 保田智之2, 佐野村洋次1, 卜部祐司3, 日山亨4, 上野義隆2, 伊藤公訓2, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article O-47. Two cases of the Helicobacter pylori-negative unresectable progress gastric cancer
岩本拓, 八島一夫, 木下英人, 孝田博輝, 藤井政至, 山下太郎, 菓裕貴, 森尾慶子, 細田康平, 澤田慎太郎, 武田洋平, 河口剛一郎, 原田賢一, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article O-48. One case of the FAP that showed the increase of fundic gland polyps by PPI administration
中村耕樹1, 卜部祐司2, 平野大樹3, 益田和彦3, 弓削亮1, 林奈那1, 保田智之1, 林亮平1, 松尾泰治1, 佐野村洋次1, 岡志郎3, 上野義隆1, 伊藤公訓3, 田中信治1, 茶山一彰3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article O-49. Effect of treatment of the laparoscopic sleeve-formed gastrectomy for the adiposity patients
佐伯吉弘, 田邊和照, 山本悠司, 柳川泉一郎, 堀田龍一, 大段秀樹
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article O-50. An example of the hypothyroidism that a high CEA blood symptom was detected after gastric cancer radical excision and was hard to differentiate from gastric cancer recurrence
宮崎佳子, 藤井雄介, 岸隆, 石飛一成, 谷浦隆仁, 平山昂仙, 百留亮治, 山本徹, 平原典幸, 田島義証
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article O-51. One patient who underwent ESD for recurrent large intestine adenoma after EMR excision in acknowledgment of the permeation in the diverticulum
藤井博之, 桑井寿雄, 隅田ゆき, 高砂健, 宮迫由季, 西村朋之, 飯尾澄夫, 今川宏樹, 山口敏紀, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article O-52. One case of microlarge intestine T1 (SM) cancer which resulted in lymph node metastases after an operation in the first year
二宮悠樹1, 田中信治1, 岡志郎2, 保田和毅2, 山下賢2, 住元旭2, 平野大樹2, 田丸弓弦2, 林奈那1, 伊藤公訓1, 惠木浩之2,3, 大段秀樹3, 茶山一彰2, 有廣光司4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article O-53. Examination of the effect of the antithrombotic drug to give large intestine ESD afterbleeding
福本晃1, 永田信二2, 小川裕太郎2, 下原康嗣2, 玉理太覚2, 朝山直樹2, 青山大輝2, 村上英介2, 行武正伸2, 上田裕之1, 向井伸一2, 脇浩司2, 桑原健一1,2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article O-54. Examination - Hiroshima gastrointestinal tract endoscope research group multicenter prospective study interim report - about the effectiveness and the safety of large intestine ESD in the Hiroshima area
中土井鋼一, 田中信治, 岡志郎, 保田和毅, 永田信二, 國弘真己, 東玲治, 桑井寿雄, 平賀裕子, 古土井明, 金尾浩幸, 寺崎元美, 岡信秀治, 東山真, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article O-55. An example of the ulcerative colitis that resulted in drug-related pneumonia with 5-ASA preparation
熊田純子1, 林亮平2, 田中信治2, 野村元宣1, 檜山雄一1, 藤田朗1, 瀧川英彦1, 佐上晋太郎1, 影本賢一1, 弓削亮2, 卜部裕司1, 上野義隆2, 北台靖彦3, 益田武4, 服部登4, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article O-56. One case of the ulcerative colitis who had the rectal stenosis
安藤雄和, 隅井雅晴, 山本隆一, 阿座上隆広, 木村茂, 田村忠正, 城戸総一郎, 江口紀章
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article O-57. Primary sclerosing cholangitis merger that presented pulmonary disease, one case of the ulcerative colitis
高原政宏1, 平岡佐規子1, 高嶋志保1, 井口俊博1, 竹井大介1, 杉原雄策1, 原田馨太2, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-58. An example of the Campylobacter enterocolitis who had the liver damage
城戸聡一郎, 田村忠正, 木村茂, 林晴奈, 安藤雄和, 山本隆一, 阿座上隆広, 江口紀章, 隅井雅晴
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-59. One case of the cholestasis type drug induced hepatic injury that occurred after the long-term internal use of the antihypertensive agent
金谷崇史, 高畠弘行, 萱原隆久, 守本洋一, 山本博, 水野元夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-60. One case that presented drug fever, drug induced hepatic injury with acetaminophen
三好謙一, 永原蘭, 松木由佳子, 山根昌史, 岡本敏明, 的野智光, 大山賢治, 法正恵子, 岡野淳一, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-61. An example of calorie disease that had a medical examination with fever, abdominal pain again
西田祐乃, 平松憲, 大上加奈, 寺岡雄吏, 稲垣有希, 盛生慶, 小林知樹, 中原隆志, 長沖祐子, 河岡友和, 柘植雅貴, 今村道雄, 川上由育, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article O-62. One case of the elderly people Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome where abdominal ultrasonography was useful in a diagnosis
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article O-63. An example of the huge hepatic artery aneurysm detected with endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract
鳥飼勇介1, 長谷川亮介1, 永原天和1, 野口直哉1, 佐藤徹1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-64. One case of SFTS which had the onset for a digestive organ symptom, and followed the sudden course in five days
小川裕太郎1, 村上英介1, 脇浩司1, 玉理太覚1, 下原康嗣1, 朝山直樹1, 青山大輝1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃1,2, 向井伸一1, 上田裕之2, 桑原健一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-65. Examination of the treatment result of the direct action type antiviral drug in our hospital
最上文子, 鍋島由宝, 鳩岡正浩, 金宣眞, 河村寛
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article O-66. One case that effective increased number of platelets was obtained by readministration of the Lusutrombopag
福本実希子1, 古谷聡史2, 塚野航介3, 小川さや香3, 山之内智志3, 楠龍策3, 相見正史3, 宮岡洋一2, 藤代浩史3, 高下成明3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article O-67. One case of the hereditary hemochromatosis
峠香苗, 河野博孝, 飯尾澄夫, 隅田ゆき, 高砂健, 宮迫由季, 西村朋之, 今川宏樹, 山口敏紀, 山口厚, 桑井寿雄, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article O-68. A Case of Elderly C Type Cirrhosis with Hip Synovitis in Daklinza / Sunvepra Treatment
木村泰彦, 大野勝志, 日向眞
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article O-69. One case of the hemangiosarcoma of the liver that we conducted a perflubutane contrasting supersonic wave
花岡拓哉, 内田靖, 尾上歩美, 齋藤宰, 多田育賢, 結城崇史, 串山義則
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article O-70. One case of the liver origin leiomyosarcoma
児玉健一郎1, 河岡友和1, 内川慎介1, 西田祐乃1, 稲垣有希1, 盛生慶1, 中原隆志1, 柘植雅貴1, 平松憲1, 今村道雄1, 川上由育1, 相方浩1, 小林剛2, 大段秀樹2, 田妻進3, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article O-71. The liver tumor case that RFA using RTBi combination Double triangle method was effective
福井悠美, 佐伯一成, 宮地隆史, 松浦桂司, 仁志麻衣子, 佐々木嶺, 西村達朗, 前田雅喜, 岩本拓也, 日高勲, 石川剛, 高見太郎, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article O-72. An example of liver origin mucinous cyst tumor that racked its brains about differentiation with the retroperitoneal primary tumor
緒続麻梨子1, 高畠弘行1, 石田悦嗣1, 萱原隆久1, 守本洋一1, 橋田和樹2, 山本博1, 水野元夫1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article O-73. One case of the amoebic liver abscess introduced as a liver abscess of the antimicrobial invalidity
大海宏暢1, 富山恭行2, 佐々木恭2, 吉岡奈穂子2, 仁科惣治2, 原裕一2, 日野啓輔2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article O-74. One case of the drug-induced lupus which occurred during infliximab treatment for the Crohn's disease
福嶋真弥1, 石井学1, 藤田穣1, 松本啓志1, 村尾高久1, 大澤元保1, 中藤流以1, 平井伸典1, 葉祥元1, 勝又諒1, 角百世1, 近石昌也1, 黒崎奈美2, 佐藤元紀3, 塩谷昭子1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article O-75. The effect that a non-alcoholic lipid liver disease in the Crohn's disease gives for the perioperative period
矢野雷太1, 大毛宏喜1, 渡谷祐介1, 上神慎之介1, 繁本憲文1, 嶋田徳光1, 岡本暢之1, 上村健一郎1, 村上義昭1, 佐上晋太郎2, 上野義隆3, 田中信治3, 兵庫秀幸4, 茶山一彰2, 末田泰二郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 128-128, 2017.

Japanese Article O-76. One case of the Behcet's disease diagnosed with intestinal perforation
竹原悠大, 古土井明, 隅岡昭彦, 村田愛, 末廣洋介, 野中裕広, 藤本佳史, 兵庫秀幸, 相坂康之, 小松弘尚, 徳毛宏則
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 128-128, 2017.

Japanese Article O-77. One case of the intestinal tract cysts state emphysematosa complicated with acute myeloid leukemia after the bone marrow transplantation between HLA half agreement relatives
毛利律生, 宮本明香, 稲垣克哲, 羽田裕, 後藤久美子, 本田洋士, 坂野文香, 齋宏, 金尾浩幸, 井上基樹, 高木慎太郎, 森奈美, 辻恵二, 久留島仁, 松本能里, 古川善也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 129-129, 2017.

Japanese Article O-78. One case of rectal NET with the multiple liver metastases that Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was useful for a diagnosis
森尾慶子, 武田洋平, 的野智光, 木下英人, 孝田博輝, 藤井政至, 山下太朗, 岩本拓, 菓裕貴, 細田康平, 澤田慎太郎, 河口剛一郎, 松本和也, 原田賢一, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 129-129, 2017.

Japanese Article O-79. One patient who was treated effectively with DEB-TAE for the multiple liver metastases of the gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor
大山淳史1, 竹内康人1, 和田望1, 安中幸1, 澤原大明1, 高原政宏1, 安中哲也1, 大西秀樹1, 中村進一郎1, 白羽英則1, 高木章乃夫1, 河合毅2, 永坂岳司2, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 130-130, 2017.

Japanese Article O-80. An example of the adult intussusception due to the acute appendicitis that occurred as acute abdomen
藤本康人1, 近石昌也2, 角百世2, 葉祥元2, 福嶋真弥2, 平井伸典2, 大澤元保2, 村尾高久2, 石井学2, 藤田穣2, 松本啓志2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 130-130, 2017.

Japanese Article O-81. Treatment strategy of our hospital for local progress lower part rectal cancer
寿美裕介, 惠木浩之, 安達智洋, 向井正一朗, 矢野琢也, 河内雅年, 佐田春樹, 田口和浩, 中島一記, 大段秀樹
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 131-131, 2017.

Japanese Article O-82. One case of StageIV anal canal squamous cell carcinoma that long-term survival is obtained by combined modality therapy
末光信介1, 小川さや香1, 藤原文1, 塚野航介1, 古谷聡史2, 山之内智志1, 楠龍策1, 相見正史1, 宮岡洋一2, 藤代浩史1, 高下成明1, 今岡友紀1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 131-131, 2017.

Japanese Article O-83. One patient who received rectal amputation and interferon maintenance therapy for a rectal malignant melanoma
甲斐あずさ1, 中土井鋼一1, 福原基允1, 池本珠莉1, 宍戸孝好1, 小野川靖二1, 花田敬士1, 中原雅浩2, 柳瀬哲至3, 米原修治4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 132-132, 2017.

Japanese Article O-84. One case of the cecum arterio-venous malformation (wide sense) that presented a special form, and racked its brains about a diagnosis
松岡宏至1, 樽本亮平1, 長谷川隆1, 香田正晴1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 132-132, 2017.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of ulcerative colitis merger cancer
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 138-140, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of condition of a patient and conversion therapy of the Stage IV gastric cancer
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 142-145, 2017.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the functional gastrointestinal disease
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 146-148, 2017.

Japanese Article Progress and the future prospects of the hepatitis practice
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 150-151, 2017.

Japanese Article Over the revision of battle front pancreatic cancer practice guidelines on liver pancreatic disease practice
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 152-154, 2017.