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The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 107 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 107th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Kyushu Branch regular meeting greetings
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 2-2, 2016.

Japanese Article The 101st Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kyushu Branch regular meeting greetings
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 3-3, 2016.

Japanese Article A nonspecific multiple small intestine ulcers symptom: From Kyushu to the whole world
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article Mainly on Functional dyspepsia medical therapy
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article To bring up a good doctor; about - Japan and American medical education -
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article 1. The basic tone lecture "digestive organ endoscopic usefulness of the remote education in the field of"
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. The present situation of large intestine ESD judging from a database study
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article 3. The present conditions and the future prospects of ESD for large intestine tumor: Usefulness of Pocket Creation Method
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article 4. As for scissors forceps type knife alone and the comparison best tip system of the scissors forceps type knife combination of tip origin, scissors forceps type knife combination in large intestine ESD, can it be standard therapies of large intestine ESD?
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article 5. A lymph node metastatic risk after the treatment with early colon cancer endoscope and medium-and-long term convalescence
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article 6. The present conditions and the future prospects of the ESD our hospital for large intestine tumor
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article 7. The present conditions of large intestine ESD in our hospital
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-01 (消). Experience of the new radiofrequency wave cauter therapy using the variableness-type radiofrequency wave cauter system
荒川光江, 所征範, 遠藤美月, 織部淳哉, 本田浩一, 清家正隆, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-02 (消). Comparison of treatment results and safety of DEB-TACE and Lipiodol-TACE in our hospital
蒲池紗央里1), 有尾啓介1), 竹内祐樹1), 池田圭1), 澤瀬寛典1), 河内祥子1), 冨永直之1), 森崎智仁1), 福田雅敏2), 牧野謙二2), 福井健一郎2), 網田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-03 (消). About significance of Sorafenib for unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
玉井努1), 伊集院翔1), 室町香織1), 大重彰彦1), 小田耕平1), 椨一晃2), 最勝寺晶子3), 橋口正史4), 呉建1,5), 平峯靖也5), 森内昭博1), 桜井一宏3), 長谷川将4), 堀剛2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-04 (消). Significance of the ketone body measurement out of the venous blood before and after the hepatic artery chemistry embolus therapy / liver intraarterial injection therapy
佐々木龍, 田浦直太, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-05 (消). Examination of the effectiveness and the convalescence predictor of the sorafenib administration for the hepatocellular carcinoma
溝部敬子, 束野奈津己, 岩下博文, 宮瀬志保, 藤山重俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-06 (消). New FP therapy for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma with the vascular invasion
小岡洋平1), 永松洋明1), 新関敬2), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-07 (消). Minimally invasive treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma: Comparison of therapeutic efficacy and safety of Cyberknife (CK) treatment and radiofrequency ablation treatment
本吉康英1), 木下梨華子1), 峯彩子1), 植原亮平1), 本田徹郎1), 赤星浩1), 南和徳2), 市川辰樹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-08 (消). Experience of the carbon ionic rays treatment for the hepatocellular carcinoma
村山賢一郎1), 大塚大河1), 五反田香1), 荒木紀匡1), 磯田広史1), 古賀風太1), 戸山真吾2), 塩山善之2), 江口有一郎1), 安西慶三1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-09 (消). Surgical treatment results of the progress liver cancer in our hospital
濱田剛臣, 矢野公一, 土持有貴, 今村直哉, 旭吉雅秀, 大内田次郎, 藤井義郎, 七島篤志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-10 (消). Therapeutic strategy for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma - Examination of laparoscopic recurrent hepatectomy -
井手貴雄, 河野博, 三宅修輔, 平木将紹, 上田純二, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-11 (消). Portal pressure affects short- and long-term results after hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma
日高匡章, 曽山明彦, 足立智彦, 大野慎一郎, 夏田孔史, 原貴信, 今村一歩, 岡田怜美, 濱田隆志, 山之内孝彰, 小林和真, 金高賢悟, 藤田文彦, 高槻光寿, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-12 (消). Results of the live donor liver transplant for the liver cancer in the Milan standard
吉住朋晴, 池上徹, 播本憲史, 伊藤心二, 原田昇, 本村貴志, 別城悠樹, 王歓林, 吉田佳弘, 下川雅弘, 坂田一仁, 島垣智成, 内山秀昭, 副島雄二, 前原喜彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-01 (inner). Examination of the hemorrhagic stomach duodenal ulcer during the antithrombotic drug internal use in our institution
冨永直之, 竹内祐樹, 池田圭, 澤瀬寛典, 蒲池紗央里, 河内祥子, 森崎智仁, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-02 (inner). Examination about GI bleeding and the antithrombotic drug in our hospital
須古信一郎, 江口洋之, 宇野綾, 田中健太郎, 糸島尚, 村岡正武, 吉田健一, 上原正義, 今村治男
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-03 (inner). Examination of the NOAC-related GI bleeding of our hospital
仁保宏二郎, 吉村大輔, 永松諒介, 西岡慧, 岩尾梨沙, 水谷孝弘, 落合利彰
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-04 (inner). Examination of the endoscopic treatment afterbleeding, complications for the antithrombotic drug internal use patients
武田輝之1), 宗祐人1), 大津健聖1), 野田哲裕1), 酒見亮介1), 寺部寛哉1), 丸岡浩人1), 下河邉正行2), 佐々木英2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-05 (inner). About safety of cold polypectomy in the anti-platelet agent remedy case
藤井宏行1,2), 芥川宗樹1,2), 秋吉遥子1,2), 松本一秀1,2), 田代茂樹1,2), 和田将史1,2), 田中ゆき1,2), 樋口野日斗1,2), 藤森尚1,2), 井星陽一郎1,2), 隅田頼信1,2), 國府島庸之1,2), 吉本剛志1,2), 福泉公仁隆1,2), 有田好之1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 中牟田誠1,2), 中村和彦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-06 (inner). Safe examination of the esophageal mucosa lower layer detachment technique for the antithrombotic drug remedy patients
江崎充, 糸永周一, 林康代, 横山梓, 大野彰久, 安部周壱, 岩崎綾, 細川泰三, 新名雄介, 萩野治栄, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-07 (inner). The present conditions of endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) for the antithrombotic drug user in our hospital
田中志歩1), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史2), 長濱孝1), 久部高司1), 小野陽一郎1), 山岡梨乃1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-08 (inner). In stomach ESD in approximately the guidelines publication is hemorrhagic, examination about the thrombo embolic accident
貫陽一郎, 森山智彦, 平野敦士, 梅野淳嗣, 前畠裕司, 鳥巣剛弘, 江崎幹宏, 北園孝成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-09 (inner). Examination of the stomach ESD afterbleeding after the guidelines announcement
岩尾俊昭1), 仲谷朋久1), 野口地塩1), 豊田亮1), 後藤康彦1), 香川浩一1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-10 (inner). About association with examination - about the risk of the stomach ESD afterbleeding in our hospital particularly the dialysis
藤岡審1), 平川克哉1), 原裕一1), 平田敬1), 工藤哲司1), 江崎幹宏2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-11 (inner). Examination of the afterbleeding prevention by the vonoprazan internal use after stomach ESD
首藤充孝, 村上和成, 本田俊一郎, 福田昌英, 福田健介, 岡本和久, 小川竜, 水上一弘, 沖本忠義, 兒玉雅明
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-12 (inner). Safe examination of the large intestine ESD treatment after the antithrombotic drug guidelines revision in our hospital
樋之口真, 那須雄一郎, 藤田俊浩, 坂江貴弘, 濱元ひとみ, 矢野弘樹, 前田英仁, 鉾之原基, 有馬志穂, 佐々木文郷, 田口宏樹, 橋元慎一, 瀬戸山仁, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-13 (inner). Afterbleeding protective efficacy of the PGA felt + fibrin paste investing method for antithrombotic drug continuously lower ESD and the limit
塩田純也1), 山口直之1,2), 中鋪卓1), 福田浩子1), 南ひとみ1), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 大仁田賢1,2), 竹島史直1), 宿輪三郎1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-14 (inner). The present conditions of the use of antithrombotic drug in the ERCP-related maneuver in our hospital
谷口育洋, 堀麻美, 橋本さつき, 東郷政明, 橋口慶一, 村岡徹, 大場一生
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-15 (inner). The present conditions of ERCP for the antithrombotic drug user in our hospital
中下俊哉, 吉岡航, 桑代卓也, 秋山巧, 河口康典
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-16 (inner). Examination of the endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) afterbleeding under the use of antithrombotic drug
永山林太郎1), 植木敏晴1), 丸尾達1), 伊原諒1), 畑山勝子1), 土居雅宗1), 松村圭一郎1), 野間栄次郎1), 光安智子1), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-17 (inner). Efforts and problem of the digestive organ endoscope for the antithrombotic drug user in our hospital
仲地紀哉, 金城譲, 豊見山良作
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 84-84, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-01 (inner). Examination of the visibility of the endoscopic mucous membrane atrophy border using Linked Color Imaging (LCI)
水上一弘, 児玉紘祐, 安部雄治, 廣島康子, 本田俊一郎, 福田昌英, 川原義成, 平下有香, 矢田美佳, 園田光, 橋永正彦, 首藤充孝, 福田健介, 松成修, 岡本和久, 小川竜, 沖本忠義, 兒玉雅明, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-02 (inner). Possibility of FICE, BLI in upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope screening
藤瀬剛弘1), 坂田資尚2), 下田良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-03 (inner). Comparison with the surface ultrastructure of the stomach epithelial neoplasm-related lesion using the Narrow-band imaging combination extended observation and the histopathological construction image
中馬健太1), 八尾建史1), 小島俊樹1), 今村健太郎1), 藤原昌子1), 山岡梨乃2), 高橋晴彦2), 石原裕士2), 長浜孝2), 植木敏晴2), 太田敦子3), 田邉寛3), 池田圭祐3), 原岡誠司3), 岩下明徳3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-04 (inner). Examination - of clinicopathologic examination - histologic degree of differentiation in the WOS (White Opaque substance)-positive stomach epithelial neoplasm and the viscous liquid form and essence
井上翔太郎1), 上尾哲也1), 米増博俊2), 石田哲也1), 八尾建史3), 本田秀穂1), 和田蔵人1), 柳井優香1), 本村充輝1), 成田竜一1), 村上和成4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-05 (inner). Usefulness of the BLI combination extended observation in the range diagnosis of the early gastric cancer and examination of the limit
原口和大1), 松坂浩史1), 鳴尾涼子1), 佐々木泰介1), 荒殿ちほ子1), 西嶋健一1), 富田洋介1), 中村典資1), 兼城三由紀1), 千々岩芳春1), 河野眞司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-06 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of IEE for the Barrett esophagus superficial cancer
中村義孝1), 船川慶太1), 那須雄一郎2), 佐々木文郷2), 矢野弘樹1,2), 桑水流康介1), 谷山央樹1), 椨一晃1), 中澤潤一2), 岩下祐司1), 堀剛1), 井戸章雄2), 坪内博仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-07 (inner). Examination about tumor in average, the hypopharynx epithelium except the papilloma which discovered it by routine endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract, and was able to chase the course
中屋照雄, 木庭郁朗, 廣田和彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-08 (inner). Usefulness of the NBI combination endoscopy in the cancer of the esophagus practice
柴田智隆1), 平塚孝宏1), 田島正晃1), 上田貴威2), 當寺ヶ盛学1), 白下英史1), 衛藤剛1), 白石憲男2), 猪股雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-09 (inner). Examination for the usefulness of the color change (Background colerlation) between the abnormal blood vessel in the endoscopic diagnosis of the esophageal tumor
前村幸輔, 三池忠, 安倍弘生, 田原良博, 山本章二朗, 下田和哉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 87-87, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-10 (inner). Examination about the detection of cancer by the computer support video diagnosis
坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 岩切龍一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 87-87, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-11 (inner). Availability experience of the JNET classification in the large intestine ESD preoperation diagnosis
矢野弘樹, 佐々木文郷, 坂江貴弘, 濱元ひとみ, 前田英仁, 鉾之原基, 有馬志穂, 那須雄一郎, 橋元慎一, 田口宏樹, 上村修司, 瀬戸山仁, 森内昭博, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 87-87, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-12 (inner). Fecal marker (calprotectin, lactoferrin, hemoglobin) and Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES) in patients with clinical remission ulcerative colitis, examination about the association with magnifying endoscope views
三根祥一郎1), 竹島史直1), 松島加代子1), 南ひとみ1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之1), 大仁田賢1), 磯本一2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 87-87, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-01 (消). Problems about technique and introduction of laparoscopic gastric cancer surgery in our hospital
黨和夫, 福嶋絢子, 田上幸徳, 村上豪志, 荒井淳一, 稲村幸雄, 重政有, 石川啓
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 88-88, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-02 (消). Adaptation of the laparoscopic supporting lower pylorus preservation gastrectomy for the stomach central part early cancer
当間宏樹, 江口徹, 藤井圭, 小原井朋成, 成富元, 廣田伊千夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 88-88, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-03 (消). Positioning of the laparoscopic gastrectomy for the gastric cancer judging from a short-term treatment result
衛藤剛1), 田島正晃1), 柴田智隆1), 上田貴威2), 當寺ヶ盛学1), 白下英史1), 白石憲男2), 猪股雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 88-88, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-04 (消). Positioning of the operation under laparoscopy for the gastric cancer judging from a short term, a long term prognosis
難波江俊永, 目井孝典, 荻野利達
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 88-88, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-05 (消). Examination of the operation under laparoscopy for progress colon cancer in our hospital
井上悠介, 藤田文彦, 中山正彦, 峯由華, 甲拡子, 小林慎一朗, 小林和真, 山之内孝彰, 金高賢悟, 高槻光寿, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 89-89, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-06 (消). Invention of the technique for colon cancer in our hospital
内山周一郎1), 真方寿人1), 末田秀人1), 佐野浩一郎1), 金丸幹郎1), 七島篤志1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 89-89, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-07 (消). Selection of colorectal cancer surgery according to the degree of progression - From conventional laparoscopic surgery to single hole laparoscopic surgery to personalized treatment using TAMIS
野中隆, 福田明子, 前川恭一郎, 永吉茂樹, 徳永隆幸, 高槻光寿, 北島知夫, 谷口堅, 前田茂人, 藤岡ひかる
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 89-89, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-08 (消). Endoscopic surgery for lower rectal cancer - Laparoscopic surgery, Robot-assisted surgery, Transanal endoscopic surgery -
野村明成, 古賀靖大, 三宅修輔, 與田幸恵, 岩崎寛智, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 89-89, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-09 (消). Surgery results of the laparoscopic hepatectomy for the liver cancer high risk case
内田博喜, 岩下幸雄, 嵯峨邦裕, 高山洋臣, 平下禎二郎, 遠藤裕一, 太田正之, 猪股雅史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 90-90, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-10 (消). Progress of the laparoscopic hepatectomy for the hepatocellular carcinoma and adaptation expansion to the liver head side domain
伊藤心二1), 吉住朋晴1), 池田哲夫1,2), 下川雅弘1), 坂田一仁1), 島垣智成1), 冨野高広1), 吉田佳弘1), 別城悠樹1), 王歓林1), 木村光一1), 岡部弘尚1), 播本憲史1), 池上徹1), 内山秀昭1), 前原喜彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 90-90, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-11 (消). Current status and future of endoscopic surgery in pancreatic diseases
橋本大輔, 梅崎直紀, 山尾宣暢, 山村謙介, 有馬浩太, 甲斐田剛圭, 中川茂樹, 今井克憲, 山下洋市, 近本亮, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 90-90, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-12 (消). Efforts of our hospital for the laparoscopic caudalis pancreatectomy aiming at a safe and invasive decrease
前村公成1), 又木雄弘1), 蔵原弘1), 川崎洋太1), 盛真一郎1), 南幸次1), 飯野聡1), 迫田雅彦1), 上野真一2), 新地洋之3), 夏越祥次1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 90-90, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-01 (消). The present conditions of the antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis C in Saga
大枝敏1), 岩根紳治1), 吉原大介2), 江口有一郎1), 安西慶三3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 91-91, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-02 (消). Examination about a treatment result of the Daclatasvir Asunaprevir combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C in our hospital and the drug-resistant acquisition of the non-success
井手康史, 小平俊一, 武富啓展, 藤本洋, 宮原貢一, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 91-91, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-03 (消). The presence or absence of NS5A Y93 mutation and gender affect the therapeutic effect of Daclatasvir + Asunaprevir combination therapy
森原大輔1,2), 野間栄次郎3), 光安智子3), 櫻井邦俊4), 岩下英之5), 福田祥1), 山内涼1), 福田洋美1), 福永篤志1), 高田和英1), 田中崇1), 猪俣慎二郎1), 花野貴幸1), 横山圭二1), 阿南章1), 竹山康章1), 入江真1), 釈迦堂敏1), 早田哲郎1), 植木敏晴3), 向坂彰太郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 91-91, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-04 (消). Effect of treatment of the DCV / ASV therapy in the decreased renal function case
馬渡誠一, 森内昭博, 大重彰彦, 伊集院翔, 室町香織, 小田耕平, 玉井努, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 91-91, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-05 (消). Examination of the Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) therapy for the C type chronic liver disease in our hospital
井出達也, 有永照子, 宮島一郎, 緒方啓, 桑原礼一郎, 天野恵介, 鳥村拓司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 92-92, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-06 (消). Examination of the clinical usefulness of the Sofosbuvir combination therapy for the C type chronic liver disease
蓮池悟1), 永田賢治1,2), 高石優佳1), 山田優里1), 大園芳範3), 土持舞衣1,2), 中村憲一1), 岩切久芳1), 末田光恵1), 楠元寿典4), 落合俊雅4), 加藤順也5), 駒田直人5), 赤須郁太郎6), 弘野修一7), 黒木和男8), 重平正文9), 下田和哉1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 92-92, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-07 (消). About chronic hepatitis C, the effect of treatment of the her Bonney combination lock for the cirrhosis
石井邦英1), 田口順1), 則松宏1), 中根智幸1), 馬場真二1), 上野隆登1), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 92-92, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-08 (消). Treatment result of Sofosbuvir+Ledipasvir for the C type chronic liver disease including our hospital and genotype 1a in the affiliated hospital
前城達次1), 新垣伸吾1), 外間昭1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 92-92, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-09 (消). Examination of the lipid metabolism marker in the LDV / SOF therapy
長田和義, 釘山有希, 戸次鎮宗, 内田信二郎, 橋元悟, 佐伯哲, 長岡進矢, 阿比留正剛, 山崎一美, 小森敦正, 八橋弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 93-93, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-10 (消). About an adipose change in the HCV2 type DAA treatment
佐々木聖奈, 赤星浩, 本吉康英, 本田徹郎, 植原亮平, 峯彩子, 木下梨華子, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 93-93, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-11 (消). Therapeutic effect of Daclatasvir + Asnaprevir combination therapy - Effects of combination of drug resistance mutation and statin and EPA -
国府島庸之, 本村健太, 小柳年正, 多田靖哉, 山下尚毅, 佐藤丈顕, 永瀬章二, 杉本理恵, 横田昌樹, 内村浩太郎, 酒井浩徳, 東宣彦, 森園周祐, 國吉政美, 加藤正樹, 古藤和浩, 中牟田誠
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 93-93, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-12 (消). Examination about the change of the liver fibrosis marker with a treatment result and the virus exclusion of DAA
本田浩一, 清家正隆, 岩尾正雄, 所征範, 荒川光江, 遠藤美月, 織部淳哉, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 93-93, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-13 (消). Examination about the follow up system after the hepatitis healing with the IFN freelance treatment
山下信行, 谷本博徳, 林由浩, 宮城友豪, 野村秀幸
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 94-94, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-14 (消). Examination of the case that developed a hepatocellular carcinoma in an interferon free oral formulation episode of care for the HCV
森田俊1), 永松洋明1), 小岡洋平1), 徳重貴彦1), 堤翼1), 平井真吾1), 立石秀夫1), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 94-94, 2016.

Japanese Article W3-15 (消). It is the actual situation of the liver cancer after SVR in our hospital
吉丸洋子, 田中基彦, 徳永尭之, 川崎剛, 瀬戸山博子, 渡邊丈久, 立山雅邦, 佐々木裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 94-94, 2016.

Japanese Article 001 (消). Hepatic resection under epidural anesthesia alone: 91 years old case report
山元謙太郎1), 福森大介2), 山元章生1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 95-95, 2016.

Japanese Article 002 (消). A case of the early hepatocellular carcinoma which we were able to detect by ICG fluorescence method during hepatectomy newly
北川瑞希1), 日高匡章1), 曽山明彦1), 足立智彦1), 大野慎一郎1), 夏田孔史1), 原貴信1), 今村一歩1), 岡田怜美1), 濱田隆志1), 山之内孝彰1), 小林和真1), 金高賢悟1), 藤田文彦1), 高槻光寿1), 江口晋1), 田畑和宏2), 安倍邦子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 95-95, 2016.

Japanese Article 003 (消). Status of Occult HBV infection in surgically resected cases of non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma
山地康大郎1,2), 甲斐敬太3), 相島慎一2,3), 古賀浩木1), 井手貴雄1), 上田純二1), 能城浩和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 95-95, 2016.

Japanese Article 004 (消). Non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma and smoking habits: Examination in the operation case
甲斐敬太1), 古賀浩木2), 相島慎一1,3), 山地康大郎2,3), 井手貴雄2), 上田純二2), 能城浩和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 95-95, 2016.

Japanese Article 005 (消). A case that caused haemoperitoneum after TACE for huge HCC
小平俊一, 井手康史, 武富啓展, 藤本洋, 宮原貢一, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 96-96, 2016.

Japanese Article 006 (消). One case who had the liver abscess that is serious after the transcatheter arterial embolization using the spherical embolus material
荒木紀匡, 古賀風太, 五反田香, 村山賢一郎, 磯田広史, 大塚大河, 江口有一郎, 安西慶三
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 96-96, 2016.

Japanese Article 007 (消). One case of the multiple hepatocellular carcinoma that TS-1 administration after the hepatic artery chemistry embolus therapy succeeded
佐野有哉1), 荒木俊博1), 鶴田耕三1), 豊増靖1), 森田拓1), 河野克俊1), 田宮芳孝1), 重松聡江1), 坂田研二1), 野口和典1), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 96-96, 2016.

Japanese Article 008 (消). Contrasting echo law Parametric Imaging in the liver tumor
小野尚文1), 窪津洋仁1), 濱岡和宏1), 江口尚久1), 大枝敏2), 江口有一郎2), 安西慶三3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 96-96, 2016.

Japanese Article 009 (消). One case of the breast cancer that presented a diffuse infiltrating type lesion in stomach large intestine
井原勇太郎1), 檜沢一興1), 池田陽一2), 藤田恒平1), 松野雄一1), 佐久間努1), 峰真理3), 江崎幹宏4), 飯田三雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 97-97, 2016.

Japanese Article 010 (消). One case that progress rectal cancer which needed chemotherapy during recurrent GIST medical treatment developed in
宮崎充啓, 久松雄一, 山懸基維, 園田孝志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 97-97, 2016.

Japanese Article 011 (消). One case of the carcinoma of the appendix which invaded the ascending colon
渕上忠史1), 藤澤聖1), 飯田真大1), 池田浩治1), 塩月一生1), 池田祥記1), 上平幸史1), 一木康則1), 笹栗毅和1), 石川幹真1), 相良亜希子1), 江崎幹宏2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 97-97, 2016.

Japanese Article 012 (消). One case of intra-peritoneal abscess and the ileocecum anaplastic adenocarcinoma which it was hard to differentiate
山田浩平, 鮫島隆一郎, 古賀智子, 鶴安浩, 神谷尚彦, 酒井正, 井久保丹, 田渕正延, 湯ノ谷誠二
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 97-97, 2016.

Japanese Article 013 (消). One case of anal canal squamous cell carcinoma which caused an intractable anal fistula after chemoradiotherapy
城後友望子, 沖英次, 中西良太, 杉山雅彦, 中島雄一郎, 大垣吉平, 園田英人, 佐伯浩司, 前原喜彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 98-98, 2016.

Japanese Article 014 (消). A case of rectal cancer which resulted in metastasis to synchronism anus
石川奈美, 田辺嘉高, 水内祐介, 末原伸泰, 西原一善, 中野徹, 光山昌珠
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 98-98, 2016.

Japanese Article 015 (消). One case of unresectable progress colon cancer who had the aortic aneurysm infectious during chemotherapy fourth treatment
座覇修, 浜比嘉一直, 吉村美優, 石川真, 崎原正基, 石原健二, 安座間欣也, 知念隆之, 石原淳, 石原昌清
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 98-98, 2016.

Japanese Article 016 (消). One case that caused cholecystoduodenal fistula during the PTGBD tube custody for a gallbladder stone, xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis
山口俊介1), 向井伸介2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 98-98, 2016.

Japanese Article 017 (inner). It is an example of the perforation after the papillotomy of the endoscopic mirror which healed conservatively
西田宏二, 大山隆
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 99-99, 2016.

Japanese Article 018 (inner). One case that suffered from bile duct plastic stent withdrawal
本村充輝1), 成田竜一1), 上尾哲也2), 石田哲也2), 柳井優香2), 和田蔵人2), 井上翔太郎2), 本田秀穂2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 99-99, 2016.

Japanese Article 019 (inner). Usefulness of the metallic stent for the EST afterbleeding
階子俊平, 千代永卓, 小畑雅寛, 瀧川有記子, 松野健司, 成田礼, 具嶋亮介, 宮本英明, 小林起秋, 小山真一郎, 山田裕希, 庄野孝, 村尾哲哉, 直江秀昭, 田中基彦, 佐々木裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 99-99, 2016.

Japanese Article 020 (inner). An example of the carcinoma cholangiocellulare which occurred after choledochojejunostomy in the course of approximately 40 years
丸尾達, 植木敏晴, 松村圭一郎, 土居雅宗, 畑山勝子, 永山林太郎, 伊原諒, 野間栄次郎, 光安智子, 八尾建史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 99-99, 2016.

Japanese Article 021 (inner). It is examination about the endoscopic lower treatment for the liver pancreatic disease with the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation
藤本崇聡1), 森泰寿1), 後藤佳登1), 中島陽平1), 伊達健治朗1), 木村英世1), 松永壮人1), 仲田興平1), 宮坂義浩1), 深浦啓太2), 小副川敬2), 麻生暁2), 岩佐勉2), 伊原栄吉2), 中村和彦2), 大塚隆生1), 中村雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 100-100, 2016.

Japanese Article 022 (inner). Examination of the endoscopic treatment for the choledocholithiasis of elderly people
後藤佳登, 森泰寿, 松永壮人, 中島陽平, 伊達健治朗, 藤本崇聡, 木村英世, 仲田興平, 宮坂義浩, 大塚隆生, 中村雅史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 100-100, 2016.

Japanese Article 023 (inner). The present situation in our hospital of the gallbladder drainage of the endoscopic transnipple for the acute cholecystitis
下川雄三, 宮ヶ原典, 稲田浩気, 横田昌樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 100-100, 2016.

Japanese Article 024 (inner). One case of ERCP for the common bile duct stone complicated with a heterotaxia symptom
梶本展明1), 福地聡士1), 得丸智子1), 新関修1), 山下勉1), 室豊吉1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 100-100, 2016.

Japanese Article 025 (inner). Examination in the carcinogenesis of the biliary cancer after the common bile duct stone removal by the endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST)
上田城久朗1), 明石隆吉2), 三井貴博1), 原岡克樹1), 山之内健伯1), 中原和之1), 陣内克紀1), 田村文雄1), 清住雄昭1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 101-101, 2016.

Japanese Article 026 (消). One case that thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura developed in during medical treatment of the severe acute pancreatitis
下津浦康隆1), 杉山元1), 久賀征一郎1), 堀まいさ1), 吉田奈央2), 橋口道俊2), 鳥村拓司3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 101-101, 2016.

Japanese Article 027 (消). A case of the autoimmune pancreatitis that presented a rare form
野口地塩, 岩男俊昭, 仲谷朋久, 豊田亮, 後藤康彦, 香川浩一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 101-101, 2016.

Japanese Article 028 (消). Examination of procedure - Tornado method - to collect samples with a small number of strokes in EUS-FNA
原岡克樹1), 中原和之1), 上田城久朗1), 三井貴博1), 山之内健伯1), 陣内克紀1), 田村文雄1), 清住雄昭1), 蔵野良一2), 明石隆吉3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 101-101, 2016.

Japanese Article 029 (消). Salinomycin enhances pancreatic cancer cell autophagy and suppresses cancer cell proliferation
遠藤翔1), 仲田興平1), 大内田研宙1,2), 武居晋1), 中山宏道1), 阿部俊也1), 肥川和寛1), 奥村隆1), 森山大樹1), 宮坂義浩1), 大塚隆生1), 水元一博1), 中村雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 102-102, 2016.

Japanese Article 030 (消). Examination of pancreatic cancer natural occurrence mouse model KPCL
中山宏道, 大内田研宙, 遠藤翔, 武居晋, 阿部俊也, 肥川和寛, 厳子龍, 奥村隆志, 森山大樹, 仲田興平, 宮坂義浩, 真鍋達也, 大塚隆生, 永井英司, 水元一博, 中村雅史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 102-102, 2016.

Japanese Article 031 (消). Operation under laparoscopy for the upper gastrointestinal tract ulcer perforation case using Knotless barbed suture
村上聡一郎, 難波江俊永, 相良亜希子, 江口大樹, 荻野利達, 川本雅彦, 梅田修洋, 石川幹真, 内山明彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 102-102, 2016.

Japanese Article 032 (消). One case that underwent laparoscopic supporting lower total gastrectomy for early relapse after the chemotherapy of the stomach malignant lymphoma
田上幸徳1), 黨和夫1), 福嶋絢子1), 村上豪志1), 荒井淳一1), 稲村幸雄1), 重政有1), 田口正剛2), 岩崎啓介3), 石川啓1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 102-102, 2016.

Japanese Article 033 (消). A jejunum oesophageal hiatus part becomes constricted in a fist after the laparoscopic total gastrectomy
江川紀幸, 河野博, 岩崎寛智, 平木将紹, 與田幸恵, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 103-103, 2016.

Japanese Article 034 (消). The present conditions and the prospects of the robot support poorness operation for the gastric cancer
與田幸恵, 三宅修輔, 岩崎寛智, 井手貴雄, 古賀靖大, 野村明成, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 103-103, 2016.

Japanese Article 035 (消). Examination of decompression measures for the malignant large intestinal stricture
福田浩子1), 村田朋哉1), 後藤高介1), 東俊太朗1), 野中隆2), 西山仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 103-103, 2016.

Japanese Article 036 (消). Usefulness of the large intestine stent for the colon cancer ileus
三宅修輔, 古賀靖大, 中村宏彰, 野村明成, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 103-103, 2016.

Japanese Article 037 (inner). Examination of the large intestine stenting for the malignant large intestinal stricture in our hospital
福田健介, 村上和成, 兒玉雅明, 沖本忠義, 水上一弘, 小川竜, 岡本和久, 首藤充孝, 福田昌英, 本田俊一郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article 038 (inner). Usefulness and problems of the transanal ileus pipe for the colon cancer ileus
北田英貴, 久木山直貴, 園田隆賀, 今村美幸, 野田香菜, 石田隼一, 南信弘, 吉本和仁, 浦田孝広, 吉岡律子, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article 039 (inner). Is limited to stomach; and an example of granulomatous gastritis with the sarcoid-like lesion
坂本圭1,3), 小林広幸1), 遠藤伸悟1), 守永晋1), 秋吉大輔1), 恒吉正澄2), 江崎幹宏3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article 040 (消). A case of Collagenous Gastritis which developed in a young man
松口崇央1), 徳丸佳世1), 木下展克3), 久保川賢1), 赤星和也1), 大屋正文2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 104-104, 2016.

Japanese Article 041 (inner). One case of the stomach hyperplastic polyp in acknowledgment of spontaneous loss
松永圭司1), 竹下枝里1), 行元崇浩2), 山口りか1), 坂田奈津子3), 下田良3), 坂田祐之3), 西山雅則1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article 042 (inner). One case of the stomach lipoma which presented a specific form endoscopically
蓑田洋介1), 麻生暁1,2), 白暁鵬1), 小副川敬1), 後藤綾子1), 岩佐勉1), 伊原栄吉1), 中村和彦1), 伊藤鉄英1), 永井英司3), 大久保文彦4), 中野佳余子5), 小田義直5), 二宮一郎6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article 043 (inner). One case of ball valve syndrome due to the early gastric cancer
坂田泰志1), 福田佳代子1), 下田悠一郎2), 松永圭司3), 水口昌伸4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article 044 (inner). An example of the stomach lesion approved for symptomatic myeloma
田口奈留美1), 伊牟田真功1), 河野和2), 上野志貴子2), 満屋裕明2), 本田由美3), 三上芳喜3), 村上晴彦4), 村上友佳4), 土亀直俊4), 山下康行1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 105-105, 2016.

Japanese Article 045 (inner). One case of stomach origin-related calcifying fibrous tumor complicated with a stomach GIST
行元崇浩, 松浦聡子, 伊東陽一郎, 中山敦史, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article 046 (消). A case of the megalogastria GIST with the intractable ascitic fluid
石神純也1), 柳田茂寛1), 恵浩一1), 橋口真征1), 平野拓郎1), 上之園芳一2), 有上貴明2), 夏越祥次2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article 047 (消). One case of the familial adenomatous polyposis who had the duodenal cancer that they presented with obstructive jaundice, and extended to lower bile duct
普久原朝史, 勝田充重, 仲松元二郎, 寺本彰, 清水佐知子, 木村典世, 伊良波淳, 松川しのぶ, 小橋川嘉泉, 仲村将泉, 仲吉朝邦, 金城福則
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article 048 (消). One case that was able to be under the medical treatment for duodenal diverticulum retroperitoneum penetration conservatively
富田洋介, 松坂浩史, 鳴尾涼子, 佐々木泰介, 荒殿ちほ子, 西嶋健一, 原口和大, 中村典資, 千々岩芳春
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 106-106, 2016.

Japanese Article 049 (消). One case of the anaphylactoid peliosis diagnosed with black stools
冨永直之, 竹内祐樹, 池田圭, 澤瀬寛典, 蒲池紗央里, 河内祥子, 森崎智仁, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 107-107, 2016.

Japanese Article 050 (消). One case of the IgA vasculitis who had ileus
高橋俊介, 高橋誠, 宮田誠一, 野崎哲史, 多田隈博, 東宣彦, 坂本茂
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 107-107, 2016.

Japanese Article 051 (消). One case of the duodenal accessory pancreas which caused active bleeding
長友謙三1), 甲斐真弘1), 和田敬1), 甲斐健吾1), 田中俊一1), 小板裕之2), 七島篤志3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 107-107, 2016.

Japanese Article 053 (inner). One case of duodenal NET in acknowledgment of multiple liver metastases
相馬渉1), 阿部寿徳1), 有田桂子1), 小森陽子1), 二宮繁生1), 脇坂昌紀1), 有田毅1), 坂東登志雄2), 加藤有史2), 水上一弘3), 沖本忠義3), 兒玉雅明3), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article 054 (消). Results of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization treatment using the vonoprazan in our hospital
遠藤広貴, 高良吉迪, 田中賢一, 中野良, 柳田公彦, 千布裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article 055 (消). Comparison with vonoprazan in the Helicobacter pylori sanitization therapy and the existing PPI
川久保洋晴1), 山口太輔1), 田中雄一郎1), 宮原貢一2), 冨永直之3), 山内康平4), 澁木太郎1), 曲渕裕樹1), 川副広明1), 水田敏彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article 056 (消). The parallel intergroup trial for the ulcer artificial after ESD: Comparison of the effectiveness of esomeprazole and the Rabeprazole
赤星和也, 久保川賢, 宜保淳也, 長田繁樹, 徳丸佳世, 池田浩子, 山口恵梨子, 宮本和明, 佐藤孝生
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 108-108, 2016.

Japanese Article 057 (inner). The vonoprazan internal use can expect the effect that is equivalent to a PPI IV infusion as the afterbleeding prevention after stomach ESD
宮原貢一, 武富啓展, 藤本洋, 井手康史, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 109-109, 2016.

Japanese Article 058 (消). Characteristics of gastric environment indicated by hematin appearance - Hematin adhesion in endoscopic findings indicates that gastric pH is low -
上尾哲也1), 井上翔太郎1), 本田秀穂1), 和田蔵人1), 柳井優香1), 本村充輝1), 成田竜一1), 石田哲也1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 109-109, 2016.

Japanese Article 059 (inner). An example of the gastric cancer which caused a form change in a short term, and showed a calcified ingredient in a tumor
大谷響1), 片岡文1), 松本浩一1), 松下郁雄1), 西村淳2), 高野理恵子2), 木村正美2), 佐藤敏美2), 高瀬ゆかり3), 三浦浩美1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 109-109, 2016.

Japanese Article 060 (inner). An example in acknowledgment of all-at-onceness with AFP-producing early gastric cancer and the early canalicular adenoma
川崎寛子1), 吉田亮1), 黨和夫2), 岩崎啓介3), 山本浩之1), 日野直之1), 福島真典1), 吉川大介1), 山尾拓史1), 大仁田賢4), 竹島史直4), 中尾一彦4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 109-109, 2016.

Japanese Article 061 (消). A case of laryngeal cancer and AFP producing gastric cancer found after chronic hepatitis C SVR
岡田倫明1,2), 白井慎平4), 竹下枝里4), 岩根紳治3), 江口有一郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article 062 (消). A resected case of HBV-positive metachronous multiple cancer of gastric cancer, malignant lymphoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
古賀智子, 神谷尚彦, 井久保丹, 鶴安浩, 山田浩平, 酒井正, 鮫島隆一郎, 田渕正延, 加藤雅人, 湯ノ谷誠二
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article 063 (消). One case of the stomach origin embryo cellular tumor out of the gonad
宮ケ原典, 下川雄三, 多喜研太郎, 横田昌樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article 064 (inner). Examination of the adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus which we experienced in our hospital
金城徹1), 古賀絵莉香2), 山田圭介2), 武島翔2), 川満美和2), 藤田茜2), 大石有衣子2), 田中照久1), 大平哲也2), 海田正俊2), 東新川実和1), 平田哲生1), 金城渚2), 外間昭2), 藤田次郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 110-110, 2016.

Japanese Article 065 (消). One case of the G-CSF-producing squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus
山口峻, 小林慎一朗, 金高賢悟, 夏田孔史, 大野慎一郎, 足立智彦, 曽山明彦, 日高匡章, 井上悠介, 藤田文彦, 高槻光寿, 黒木保, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 111-111, 2016.

Japanese Article 066 (消). One case of the cancer of the esophagus sarcoma that chemoradiotherapy succeeded
藤澤聖1), 渕上忠史1), 池上幸治1), 赤嶺摩依1), 池田祥記1), 塩月一生1), 上平幸史1), 一木康則1), 笹栗毅和1), 江崎幹宏2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 111-111, 2016.

Japanese Article 067 (inner). One case of the cancer of the esophagus sarcoma
村木俊夫1), 鶴丸大介1), 宮坂光俊1), 西牟田雄祐1), 浅山良樹1), 本田浩1), 沖英次2), 中司悠2,3), 平橋美奈子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 111-111, 2016.

Japanese Article 068 (消). One case of the cStage IVb cancer of the esophagus which was able to be given radical excision by complete response of the chemotherapy
西垣大志, 狩俣弘幸, 下地英明, 西巻正
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 111-111, 2016.

Japanese Article 069 (消). One case of Upside-down stomach which repeated upper gastrointestinal bleeding
澤野美由紀1), 中村滋郎1), 今津愛介1), 保利喜史1), 浦岡尚平1), 近沢信人2), 山田大輔2), 江崎幹宏3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article 070 (inner). One case of the acidophilic esophagitis that chest pain was discovered in main complaint
石川智士1), 二宮風夫1), 小野陽一郎1), 八尾建史2), 松井敏幸1), 植木敏晴1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article 071 (消). 1 case of the achalasia (type III) which had the onset with fever, and accompanied pyloric part of stomach functional stricture
濱田匠平1), 伊原栄吉1), 北川祐介1), 西原佑一郎1), 白暁鵬1), 深浦啓太1), 田中義将1), 向井康二1), 牟田和正1), 小森圭司1), 小副川敬1), 麻生暁1), 岩佐勉1), 後藤綾子1), 志賀典子1), 中村和彦1), 平橋美奈子2), 中野佳余子2), 鶴田伸一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article 072 (消). One case that became mediastinitis by extensive tardive mucous membrane injury after POEM
岡田浩樹1), 塩飽洋生1), 山下兼史1), 大宮俊啓1), 武野慎祐1), 佐々木隆光1), 井上晴洋2), 山下裕一1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 112-112, 2016.

Japanese Article 073 (消). Treatment strategy for post-corrosive esophagitis scarring stenosis - Laryngeal preservation by esophagoplasty -
伊藤孝太朗, 與田幸恵, 岩崎寛智, 平木将紹, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article 074 (消). A case of leiomyoma originating in the supradiaphragm esophagus diverticulum resected laparoscopically
信藤由成, 大垣吉平, 中西良太, 中島雄一郎, 杉山雅彦, 園田英人, 佐伯浩司, 沖英次, 前原喜彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article 075 (inner). Usefulness of the capsule endoscopy in the abdominal pain case
二宮風夫, 山岡梨乃, 高田康道, 金城健, 大門裕貴, 佐藤祐邦, 平井郁仁, 八尾建史, 松井敏幸, 植木敏晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article 076 (inner). One case of the small intestine GIST detected with severe anemia
佐々木泰介, 松坂浩史, 鳴尾涼子, 荒殿ちほ子, 西嶋健一, 富田洋介, 原口和大, 中村典資, 千々岩芳春, 河野眞司, 江口徹, 藤井圭
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 113-113, 2016.

Japanese Article 077 (消). One case of the Crohn's disease that resulted in painful thyroidal swelling
藤澤聖1), 渕上忠史1), 池上幸治1), 池田祥記1), 塩月一生1), 上平幸史1), 一木康則1), 笹栗毅和1), 江崎幹宏2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article 078 (消). One case of the alimentary ileus
中野暖1), 有川俊二1), 吉村哲広1), 黒木淳一1), 福嶋博文1), 成富一哉2), 川畑方博2), 西村浩3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article 079 (消). One autopsy case of the gastrointestinal perforation due to bladder cancer metastases to small intestine
南真平1), 渡邉裕次郎1), 草場喜雄1), 白地美紀1), 梶原雅彦1), 光山慶一2), 鶴田修2), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article 080 (消). One excision case of polyps which occurred in the ileal pouch of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis after the large intestine complete removal
水内祐介1), 田辺嘉高1), 石川奈美1), 江崎充2), 安部周壱2), 西原一善1), 田宮貞史3), 豊島里志3), 中野徹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 114-114, 2016.

Japanese Article 081 (消). A case of the ileal angiolipoma which occurred for ileus
松尾達也, 萩原淳
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article 082 (消). One case that underwent laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis with the complete situs inversus
内野馨博, 北里雄平, 白濱貴久, 清松和光
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article 083 (消). One case that underwent complete laparoscopic ileocecum resection by Reduced Port for the Crohn's disease that formed an abscess
松藤寛, 井上悠介, 藤田文彦, 中山正彦, 峯由華, 甲拡子, 小林慎一朗, 小林和真, 山之内孝彰, 金高賢悟, 高槻光寿, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article 084 (消). A case of administration of Ledipasvir (LDV) + Sofosbuvir (SOF) for chronic hepatitis C of Mix Genotype
田中賢一, 柳田公彦, 高良吉迪, 中野良, 遠藤広貴, 千布裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 115-115, 2016.

Japanese Article 085 (消). An example of the Daclatasvir + Asunaprevir C type cirrhosis which caused esophageal varices explosion after curing, and having become SVR
谷本博徳1), 宮城友豪2), 林由浩2), 山下信行1), 野村秀幸1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article 086 (消). Results of the Daclatasvir / Asnaprevir combination therapy in our hospital
濱岡和宏1), 小野尚文1), 窪津祥仁1,3), 江口尚久1), 江口有一郎2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article 087 (消). A case that accepted erythema multiforme after a Daclatasvir Asunaprevir combination therapy start for chronic hepatitis C
財前友貴1), 吉村荘平1), 中山昌之1), 中野聖士2), 福森一太1), 井手達也2), 黒松亮子2), 矢野洋一1), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article 088 (消). Efforts for the in-hospital pickup of the viral hepatitis in our hospital
松永滝平1), 平儀佐知子1), 尾形徹1), 田渕和雄1), 岩根紳治2), 江口有一郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 116-116, 2016.

Japanese Article 089 (消). One case of the abscess in the direct intestinal wall which occurred after ALTA therapy for internal hemorrhoids having metastasis to rectal cancer lymph node and differentiation
新海健太郎1), 真鍋達也1), 佐伯潔2), 巣山久実1), 永吉絹子1), 永井俊太郎1), 梁井公輔1), 植木隆1), 小田義直2), 中村雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 117-117, 2016.

Japanese Article 090 (消). One case that underwent operation under laparoscopy for the sigmoid diverticulitis with the colovesical fistula
松山悟1), 田中亮介2), 橋口一利2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 117-117, 2016.

Japanese Article 091 (消). A case that was carried out, and was able to save left hemicolectomy and construction of artificial anus for a non-obstructive intestinal ischaemia symptom
岡山卓史, 野口浩司, 渡邉雄介, 水内祐介, 山方信茂, 石川奈美, 斎村道代, 田辺嘉高, 渡部雅人, 末原伸泰, 岩下俊光, 中野徹, 光山昌珠
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 117-117, 2016.

Japanese Article 092 (消). Primary tumor precedent ablative significance for unresectable Stage4 colon cancer
古賀靖大, 野村明成, 三宅修輔, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 117-117, 2016.

Japanese Article 093 (消). Convalescence index of Onodera as the prognostic factor of radical excision inability progress colon cancer
野口忠昭, 緒方俊二, 山田一隆, 岩本一亜, 佐伯泰慎, 福永光子, 田中正文
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article 094 (消). The case that you should warn that it is inferred that we cause a fatal side effect in adjuvant chemotherapy CapeOX therapy after colon cancer technique
巣山久実1), 真鍋達也1), 在田修二2), 中村雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article 095 (消). 1 case that led to ulcerative colitis from Collagenous colitis
伊志嶺真達1), 神谷雅明1), 仲舛拓1), 林貴徳1), 川原康祐1), 国島睦意2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article 096 (消). One case of the ulcerative colitis that suffered from treatment
藤原利成1), 山本章二朗2), 駒田直人1), 加藤順也1), 井口厚司1), 下田和哉2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 118-118, 2016.

Japanese Article 097 (消). An example of aplastic anemia complicated with ulcerative colitis
富永哲郎1), 野中隆1), 久永真1), 飛永修一1), 國崎真己1), 角田順久1), 日高重和1), 澤井照光2), 永安武1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article 098 (inner). An example of colitis associated cancer which presented interesting pathology histology
星子新理1), 野崎良一1), 後藤英世1), 大湾朝尚1), 野口忠昭2), 深見賢作2), 中村寧2), 田中正文2), 福永光子2), 佐伯泰慎2), 岩本一亜2), 久野三朗2), 辻順行2), 山田一隆2), 高野正博2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article 099 (inner). One case of the ulcerative colitis with the cardiac tamponade
竹下枝里1), 松浦聡子2), 白井慎平2), 川久保洋晴2), 山内康平1), 鶴岡ななえ2), 坂田資尚2), 下田良1), 古賀靖大3), 野村明成3), 坂田祐之2), 岩切龍一1), 藤本一眞2), 岩下明徳4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article 100 (消). Accumulation case in the family of the inflammatory bowel disease that led to induction of remission in infliximab
藤田恒平1), 檜沢一興1), 井原勇太郎1), 松野雄一1), 佐久間努1), 甲斐貴大1), 江崎幹宏2), 飯田三雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 119-119, 2016.

Japanese Article 101 (消). One case of the median arcuate ligament compression syndrome that developed pulmonary embolism from the inferior vena cava hematoma pressure by the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery lump explosion
工藤康一1), 塩屋公孝1), 上川健太郎1), 今村治男1), 生田義明2), 高森啓史2), 田口英詞3), 中尾浩一3), 米永和真4), 木下浩一5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 120-120, 2016.

Japanese Article 102 (消). Treatment result of TAPP for the inguinal hernia patients during antithrombotic drug internal use
中村淳, 岩崎寛智, 上田純二, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 120-120, 2016.

Japanese Article 103 (消). A surgery case of the male obturator hernia that caused ileus
久松雄一, 宮崎充啓, 山懸基維, 園田孝志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 120-120, 2016.

Japanese Article 104 (消). Treatment result of the ileus given high atmospheric pressure oxygen inhalation therapy in our hospital
松倉史朗, 北川浩, 中城博見
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 120-120, 2016.

Japanese Article 105 (消). A case of laparoscopic-assisted splenectomy for hypersplenism due to idiopathic portal hypertension in our hospital
大坪一浩, 西牟田雅人, 若田幸樹, 村上豪志, 橋迫美貴子, 安部邦子, 角田順久, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article 106 (inner). Use experience of EMARO (Endoscope MAnipulator RObot) in our hospital
池田祐子, 草野徹, 倉光絵梨奈, 波呂祥, 上原英雄, 永松敏子, 甲斐成一郎, 福山康朗, 岸原文明
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article 107 (消). One excision case of the pancreas mucinous cystadenoma of the sarcoidosis merger that racked its brains about a diagnosis
寺部寛哉1), 松垣諭1), 佐々木優4), 武田輝之1), 丸岡浩人1), 大津健聖1), 酒見亮介1), 野田哲裕1), 岡部義信4), 宗祐人1), 久保保彦1), 下河邉正行1), 竹谷園生2), 和田義人2), 谷脇智2), 森光洋介3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article 108 (inner). An example of pancreas neuroendocrine system cancer detected with acute pancreatitis
山筋章博1), 岩屋博道2), 紙屋康之1), 田ノ上史郎3), 有馬志穂4), 田口宏樹4), 橋元慎一4), 井戸章雄4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 121-121, 2016.

Japanese Article 109 (消). A case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which had difficulty with a preoperation diagnosis with pancreatic calculus and the caudalis pancreatic duct expansion in the pancreatic duct
中村義孝1), 岩下祐司1), 桑水流康介1), 谷山央樹1), 椨一晃1), 中澤潤一1), 船川慶太1), 堀剛1), 本高浩徐2), 中村登2), 濱田信男2), 末吉和宜3), 橋元慎一4), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article 110 (消). A case that the natural history of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor had a glimpse and obtained
山元謙太郎1), 福森大介2), 山元章生1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article 111 (消). A case of the SCN which had difficulty in differentiation with IPMN in acknowledgment of a multilocular cyst-related lesion and significant pancreatic duct expansion
藤山隆1), 立花雄一1), 安永浩平1), 三木正美1), 鈴木俊幸1), 田中琢磨1), 植田圭二郎1), 李倫學1), 河邉顕1), 大塚隆生2), 中村雅史2), 持留直希3), 小田義直3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article 112 (消). One case of Intraductal oncocytic papillary carcinoma
浦田孝広, 久木山直貴, 園田隆賀, 今村美幸, 野田香菜, 石田隼一, 吉本和仁, 南信弘, 吉岡律子, 北田英貴, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 122-122, 2016.

Japanese Article 113 (消). Two cases of pancreatic cancer with pancreatic ductal fusion failure
立花雄一1), 橋本理沙1), 李倫學1), 三木正美1), 安永浩平1), 鈴木俊幸1), 田中琢磨1), 植田圭二郎1), 藤山隆1), 河邉顕1), 五十嵐久人1), 大塚隆生2), 中村雅史2), 小田義直3), 伊藤鉄英1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 123-123, 2016.

Japanese Article 114 (inner). The present conditions of the transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy for elderly people (80 years old or older) in our hospital
長濱正吉, 金城泉, 宮里浩
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 123-123, 2016.

Japanese Article 115 (消). Danger of hiding in gastrostomy exchange: Experience of intragastric bridging case
山元謙太郎, 武富啓能, 山元麻美, 山元章生
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 123-123, 2016.

Japanese Article 116 (inner). CT gastrography of the scirrhous gastric carcinoma: Examination about image views and the convalescence
鶴丸大介1), 宮坂光俊1), 村木俊夫1), 西牟田雄祐1), 浅山良樹1), 本田浩1), 中司悠2,3), 沖英次2), 平橋美奈子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 123-123, 2016.

Japanese Article 117 (消). A case of duodenal jejunal anastomotic ulcer perforation 4 years after pylorus ring-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy
中島弘治, 松村尚美, 大久保仁, 円城寺昭人, 山口淳三
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article 118 (inner). One case that endoscopic stenting was useful for afferent loop atresia due to the stump cancer after the Billroth-II method rebuilding
澤瀬寛典, 池田圭, 竹内祐樹, 蒲池紗央里, 河内祥子, 冨永直之, 森崎智仁, 有尾啓介, 網田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article 119 (inner). Clinical characteristic of the Helicobacter pylori non-infection gastric cancer discovered by our hospital clinical survey
秋吉大輔1), 小林広幸1), 坂本圭1), 守永晋1), 遠藤伸悟1), 恒吉正澄2), 江崎幹宏3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article 120 (inner). Narrow-band imaging (NBI) combination magnifying endoscope is one case of the early gastric cancer after the Helicobacter pylori (HP) sanitization that it was useful in a qualitative diagnosis, a border diagnosis
小島俊樹1), 今村健太郎1), 長浜孝2), 八尾建史1), 高橋晴彦2), 藤原昌子1), 植木敏晴2), 中馬健太3), 田邉寛3), 原岡誠司3), 岩下明徳3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 124-124, 2016.

Japanese Article 121 (消). Examination of gastric cancer after eradication in our hospital
和田蔵人1), 上尾哲也1), 米増博俊2), 本田秀穂1), 井上翔太郎1), 柳井優香1), 垣迫陽子2), 本村充輝1), 成田竜一1), 石田哲也1), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article 122 (消). A Case of Gastric Adenoma Disappeared by H. pylori Eradication, and a New Early Stage Gastric Cancer Developing Later
北川祐介, 西原佑一郎, 白暁鵬, 深浦啓太, 濱田匠平, 田中義将, 向井康二, 小森圭司, 牟田和正, 小副川敬, 麻生暁, 岩佐勉, 伊原栄吉, 中村和彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article 123 (inner). One case of the early gastric cancer which was thought to perform carcinogenesis from the hyperplastic polyp which occurred in the ESD enforcement part
松野健司1), 二口俊樹1), 市川亮1), 柚留木秀人1), 本原利彦1), 松山太一1), 石井将太郎1), 中田成紀1), 杉和洋1), 佐々木裕2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article 124 (消). One case of gastric endocrine cells cancer including the rhabdoid cells which caused liver metastases recurrence early
倉田加奈子1), 末原伸泰1), 石川奈美1), 渡部雅人1), 西原一善1), 岩下俊光1), 中野徹1), 光山昌珠1), 田宮貞史2), 豊島里志2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 125-125, 2016.

Japanese Article 125 (消). A case of the progress gastric cancer that histologic CR was obtained by the S-1 monotherapy only for 1 course as preoperative chemotherapy
森山大樹1), 永井英司1), 大内田研宙1), 永井俊太郎1), 宮坂義浩1), 真鍋達也1), 大塚隆生1), 清水周次1,2), 中村雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 126-126, 2016.

Japanese Article 126 (消). One case of the progress gastric cancer that chemotherapy succeeded, and histologic Complete Response was obtained
今村祥子1), 池田圭1), 竹内祐樹1), 澤瀬寛典1), 蒲池沙央里1), 冨永直之1), 森崎智仁1), 有尾啓介1), 網田誠司1), 中尾一彦2), 田場充3), 内藤慎二3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 126-126, 2016.

Japanese Article 127 (消). Hepatic arterial infusion therapy for locally recurrent cases of gastric cancer after liver metastasis
柏田知美1), 能城浩和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 126-126, 2016.

Japanese Article 128 (消). A case of the metachronous gastric cancer liver metastases with the portal vein tumor stopper which we were complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis, and CR was got from by liver arterial infusion chemotherapy
久保洋1,3), 柏田知美2), 志田雅明1,3), 辻博治1), 小林弘美4), 能城浩和3), 北島吉彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 126-126, 2016.

Japanese Article 129 (inner). One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome that was available for the differentiation with multiple large intestine adenoma by NBI extended observation
山口太輔1), 田中雄一郎1), 川久保洋晴1), 山崎真希子2), 芥川剛至2), 相島慎一2), 澁木太郎1), 曲渕裕樹1), 川副広明1), 藤邑俊克3), 水田敏彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article 130 (inner). Example that was able to close the gastrocolic fistula which occurred after chemoradiotherapy for the unresectable progress gastric cancer in the colic Covered Stent custody
和田将史1), 芥川宗樹1,2), 秋吉遥子1,2), 松本一秀1,2), 田代茂樹1,2), 藤井宏行1,2), 井星陽一郎1,2), 樋口野日斗1,2), 藤森尚1,2), 田中ゆき1,2), 隅田頼信1,2), 國府島庸之1,2), 吉本剛1,2), 福泉公仁隆1,2), 有田好之1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 中牟田誠1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article 131 (消). One case of the rectal schwannoma
弓削浩太郎, 村上英嗣, 衣笠哲史, 赤木由人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article 132 (inner). One case of the malignant melanoma of the large intestine origin
脇幸太郎, 楢原哲史, 本田宗倫, 吉成元宏, 浦田昌幸, 倉本正文, 吉松眞一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 127-127, 2016.

Japanese Article 133 (消). Operation under laparoscopy for the large intestine diverticulitis
中村宏彰, 古賀靖大, 三宅修輔, 野村明成, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 128-128, 2016.

Japanese Article 134 (消). A case of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis with diverticulitis
酒見亮介, 宗祐人, 野田哲裕, 丸岡浩人, 大津健聖, 武田輝之, 寺部寛哉, 下河邉正行
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 128-128, 2016.

Japanese Article 135 (消). One case of the Sjogren's syndrome which presented protein losing gastroenteropathy
糸島尚1), 小島範大1), 上原正義1), 須古信一郎1), 村岡正武1), 吉田健一1), 江口洋之1), 今村治男1), 神尾多喜浩2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 128-128, 2016.

Japanese Article 136 (inner). One case of collagenous colitis with lansoprazole which presented various endoscopic images
大森薫, 吉田加奈子, 姜正広
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 128-128, 2016.

Japanese Article 137 (inner). The endoscopic image which was seen in 1 case of the dysentery amoeba diagnosed with medical examination
丸山祐二1), 宿輪三郎1), 冨崎真一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article 138 (消). A case of fish bone ulcer that was difficult to distinguish from sigmoid colon cancer
北川浩1), 松倉史朗1), 中城博見1), 鶴安浩2), 湯ノ谷誠二2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article 139 (消). 1 family of the familial adenomatous polyposis who had the hereditary spherocytosis
沖本隆司, 菊池祐太, 荒瀬光一, 皆川紀剛, 鳥越貴行, 柴尾和徳, 平田敬二
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article 140 (inner). One case of the diverticulum bleeding that obtained hemostasis in EBL
渡邊聡, 川内孝次郎, 後藤祐大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 129-129, 2016.

Japanese Article 141 (inner). Examination of a treatment result of Cold Polypectomy for the polyp of colon and the histopathological stump evaluation
澁木太郎1), 川久保洋晴1), 山口太輔1), 田中雄一郎1), 芥川剛至2), 曲渕裕樹1), 川副広明1), 相島慎一2), 水田敏彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article 142 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of Pocket Creation Method for the lesion which the degree of difficulty of the large intestine ESD maneuver is high in
吉田亮1), 川崎寛子1), 山本浩之1), 日野直之1), 吉村映美1), 吉川大介1), 山尾拓史1), 大仁田賢3), 竹島史直1), 中尾一彦1), 岩崎啓介2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article 143 (消). A case of the ileocecal tumor which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
山方伸茂, 渡邉雄介, 水内祐介, 石川奈美, 齋村道代, 田辺嘉高, 末原伸泰, 西原一善, 阿部祐治, 中野徹, 光山昌珠
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article 144 (消). Analysis of NAFLD, FIB-4 Index judging from medical examination center data
裴成寛1), 具嶋敏文1), 高崎智子2), 高橋和弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 130-130, 2016.

Japanese Article 145 (消). Experience of hepatitis C treatment in haemodialysis patients
柳田公彦, 田中賢一, 高良吉迪, 中野良, 遠藤広貴, 千布裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article 146 (消). Aggravation prophylactic possibility of the liver disease by the collaboration of the local hepatitis coordinator and diabetes medical treatment instruction person
泉夏美1), 永渕美樹2), 藤井純子2), 岩根紳治1), 大枝敏1), 岡田倫明3), 江口有一郎1), 安西慶三3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article 147 (消). One case of the type A acute hepatitis that infection spread through in a family through infants
成田竜一1), 本村充輝1), 本田秀穂2), 井上翔太郎2), 和田蔵人2), 柳井優香2), 上尾哲也2), 石田哲也2,3), 古藤和浩3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article 148 (消). One case of chronic hepatitis B that resulted in fanconi syndrome by long-term adefovir (ADV) administration
杉山元1), 下津浦康隆1), 久賀征一郎1), 堀まいさ1), 江口洋幸2), 満崎健志2), 廣松雄治2), 鳥村拓司3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 131-131, 2016.

Japanese Article 149 (消). One case of iliopsoas muscle hematoma complicated with alcoholic cirrhosis
岡嶋智也, 小坂聡太郎, 田崎貴子, 井上邦光, 小野英樹, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article 150 (消). A case of the autoimmune hepatitis that developed in acute hepatitis, and steroid was effective, and was able to inhibit aggravation
野田香菜, 久木山直貴, 園田隆賀, 今村美幸, 石田隼一, 吉本和仁, 南信弘, 浦田孝広, 北田英貴, 吉岡律子, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article 151 (消). A case of the drug-related liver damage with tranilast
谷本博徳, 山下信行, 野村秀幸
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article 152 (消). One case of the C type cirrhosis after SVR which liver residual function improved after splenectomy
早田哲郎1), 山内涼1), 土屋直壮1), 田中崇1), 横山圭二1), 森原大輔1), 阿南章1), 竹山康章1), 入江真1), 釈迦堂敏1), 石井文規2), 山内靖2), 山下裕一2), 向坂彰太郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 132-132, 2016.

Japanese Article 153 (消). A case of ciliated hepatic foregut cys and pancreatic lipoma
相馬渉1), 阿部寿徳1), 有田桂子1), 小森陽子1), 二宮繁生1), 脇坂昌紀1), 有田毅1), 水上一弘2), 沖本忠義2), 兒玉雅明2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article 154 (消). One case that a hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed at the onset, but was regarded as portal vein thrombosis by follow-up
波多野充明1), 田中一雄1), 和田達郎2), 鳥村拓司3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article 155 (消). One case of the Stage4B progress intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which chemotherapy succeeded, and became available for curative resection
中川裕, 白石祐之, 西巻正
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article 156 (消). One excision case of the cancer of the esophagus liver metastases with the portal vein tumor stopper
立石昌樹, 高見裕子, 龍知記, 御鍵和弘, 和田幸之, 才津秀樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 133-133, 2016.

Japanese Article 157 (消). A case of liver reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in which differentiation from metastatic liver tumor was difficult after surgery for sigmoid colon cancer and metastatic liver tumor
満吉将大1), 田村利尚1), 工藤遊山1), 又吉信貴1), 荒瀬光一1), 井上譲1), 皆川紀剛1), 村山良太1), 勝木健文1), 鳥越貴行1), 佐藤典宏1), 柴尾和徳1), 日暮愛一郎2), 平田敬治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article 158 (消). A case that could be rescued by soluble thrombomodulin administration for DIC developed after brain dead liver transplantation
木村光一, 吉住朋晴, 坂田一仁, 下川雅弘, 吉田佳弘, 別城悠樹, 王歓林, 伊藤心二, 播本憲史, 池上徹, 内山秀昭, 前原喜彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article 159 (消). A case of the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer treated effectively with FOLFIRINOX therapy
楠元大岳1), 新原亨1), 飯福沙織1), 馬場由紀子1), 豊田真理1), 岩木宏介1), 政幸一郎1), 川畑拓也1), 田代光太郎1), 島岡俊治1), 松田彰郎1), 仁王辰幸1), 西俣嘉人1), 堀雅英1), 西俣寛人1), 田中貞夫2), 北薗正樹3), 末永豊邦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article 160 (消). Examination of the interstitial pneumonia with the GEM+nab-PTX therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer in our hospital
飯福沙織, 新原亨, 馬場由紀子, 楠元大岳, 豊田真理, 岩木宏介, 政幸一郎, 川畑拓也, 田代光太郎, 島岡俊治, 松田彰郎, 仁王辰幸, 西俣嘉人, 堀雅英, 西俣寛人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 134-134, 2016.

Japanese Article 161 (消). A case of the progress pancreatic cancer with the peritoneum dissemination that long-term survival is obtained
古賀浩木, 三好篤, 堀田千恵子, 松藤祥平, 久保洋, 姉川剛, 池田貯, 隅健次, 田中聡也, 北原賢二, 佐藤清治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article 162 (消). Examination of the prognostic impact of major complication after pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer
渡邉雄介, 西原一善, 阿部祐治, 中野徹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article 163 (消). The present conditions and problem of Quality of Life in patients with radical excision inability progress pancreatic cancer
柴山薫1), 西岡千佳2), 吉岡航2), 桑代卓也2), 古賀風太2), 中下俊哉2), 秋山巧2), 河口康典2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article 164 (消). One case of the traumatic hepatic cyst explosion that we followed up conservatively
高橋孝輔1), 吉川大介1), 山本浩之1), 日野直之1), 吉村映美1), 吉田亮1), 山尾拓史1), 大仁田賢2), 竹島史直2), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 135-135, 2016.

Japanese Article 165 (消). A case of right hepatic vein reconstruction using the internal jugular vein in a case of right hepatic vein combined liver resection case
川崎淳司, 吉住朋晴, 伊藤心二, 木村光一, 岡部弘尚, 播本憲史, 池上徹, 内山秀昭, 島垣智成, 下川雅弘, 坂田一仁, 吉田佳弘, 王歓林, 別城悠樹, 本村貴志, 原田昇, 副島雄二, 前原喜彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 136-136, 2016.

Japanese Article 166 (消). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the cholecystolithiasis with the overlap cystic duct
藤井昌志, 平木将紹, 江川紀幸, 河野博, 井手貴雄, 上田純二, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 136-136, 2016.

Japanese Article 167 (消). Choledochojejunostomy in the laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy
河野博, 藤井昌志, 井手貴雄, 上田純二, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 136-136, 2016.

Japanese Article 168 (消). One case of the biliary atresia that presented a cystic lesion by fetal video diagnosis
波多江文俊, 小坂太一郎, 山之内孝彰, 小林和真, 金高賢悟, 藤田文彦, 高槻光寿, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 136-136, 2016.

Japanese Article 169 (消). A case of the pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom that suffered from a diagnosis
寺本彰1), 新里雅人2), 島袋耕平1), 嘉数雅也2), 滝上なお子1), 松村敏信1), 伊佐山浩通3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article 170 (消). One case of lower cholangiocarcinoma and the IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis that it was hard to differentiate
米村祐輔1), 栗山直剛1), 松本佳大1), 神代竜一1), 梅田健二1), 平林康宏1), 板東登志雄1), 宇都宮徹1), 卜部省吾2), 和田純平2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article 171 (消). Two cases of the gallbladder twisting symptom
山口友範, 大高和真, 佐藤建, 伊山明宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article 172 (inner). Two patients who made the extension range diagnosis of biliary tract tumor using oral disposable biliary tract endoscope (Spyglass(TM)DS)
大中祐太郎1), 加藤功大1), 小林幹生1), 林涼子1), 大城拓巳1), 石原祐史1), 真喜志知子1), 峯松秀樹1), 喜友名正也2), 與儀竜治3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 137-137, 2016.

Japanese Article 173 (消). Examination of the usefulness of the EUS-rendezvous method in our hospital
坂口将文1), 古賀毅彦1), 門野義弘1), 尾崎徹2), 上川健太郎1), 浦田淳資1), 近澤秀人1), 今村治男1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 138-138, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 01 (消). Examination about the usefulness of H. pylori eradication treatment using Vonoprazan in our hospital
林康代, 江崎充, 糸永周一, 横山梓, 大野彰久, 安部周壱, 岩崎綾, 細川泰三, 新名雄介, 荻野治栄, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article 専02 (内). Clinical examination of the hemorrhagic stomach duodenal ulcer in our hospital
田辺太郎, 石橋英樹, 向坂秀人, 松岡賢, 中山景一郎, 萱嶋善行, 阿部光市, 渡邉隆, 冨岡禎隆, 青柳邦彦, 向坂彰太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 03 (消). Clinical examination of type A gastritis (autoimmune gastritis) in our hospital
島松裕1), 菅偉哉1), 平塚潤1), 垣内誠也1), 於保和彦1), 鶴田修2), 鳥村拓司3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article 専04 (内). A case in acknowledgment of a stomach lesion by the systemic sarcoidosis
片岡文1), 三浦浩美1), 松本浩一1), 松下郁雄1), 大谷響2), 山本修太郎3), 松下芳雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 139-139, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 05 (消). A case of Gastritis cystica polyposa (GCP) which caused intractable bleeding
石原光, 久米井伸介, 渡邊龍之, 久米恵一郎, 芳川一郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 06 (消). A case of the palatine tonsil diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma thought to be the transformation high-grade during the follow-up of stomach MALT lymphoma
大石篤美1), 平野敦士1), 池上幸治2), 樋田理沙3), 熊谷好晃3), 平林美奈子4), 升谷耕介1), 古後龍之介5), 福嶋晴太5), 江崎幹宏1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 07 (消). A case of the familial adenomatous polyposis that was complicated with a stomach type adenocarcinoma in fundic gland polyposis, and was given ESD
末永文彦1), 前畠裕司1), 森山智彦1), 平野敦士1), 樋田理沙2), 熊谷好晃2), 平橋美奈子3), 江崎幹宏1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 08 (消). One case of the severe progression HER2-positive gastric cancer treated effectively with S1+CDDP+ trastuzumab
中村廉, 廣橋喜美, 川嶋裕資, 浅井雅子, 田中雅之, 下西智徳, 檜垣賢作
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 140-140, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 09 (消). Autopsy case of the NSAID small intestine ulcer which a bloody bowel discharge aggravated for sepsis due to the purulent spondylitis after small intestine stay of the PTP
甲斐貴大1), 檜沢一興2), 藤田恒平2), 井原勇太郎2), 松野雄一2), 佐久間努2), 峰真理3), 江崎幹宏4), 飯田三雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 10 (消). One case of the infliximab next invalidity intestinal tract Behcet's disease that a methotrexate combination was effective
樋口梢, 梅野淳嗣, 江崎幹宏, 北園孝成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 11 (消). A case of the small intestine intramural hematoma during the anticoagulant internal use that occurred with abdominal pain
鳴尾涼子1), 和田将史1,2), 藤井宏行1,2), 井星陽一郎1,2), 隅田頼信1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 中村和彦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 12 (消). One case of portal vein, the thrombosis of cranial mesenteric vein due to the antiphospholipid syndrome that occurred in ascites and ileus in large quantities
丸山圭三郎, 野々村遼, 上原智仁, 野口純也, 山吉隆友, 新山新, 井上征雄, 木戸川秀生, 岡本好司, 伊藤重彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 141-141, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 13 (inner). A case of the afferent loop syndrome that art of endoscopic expansion was useful
三島朋徳1,2), 和田将史1,2), 藤井宏行1,2), 井星陽一郎1,2), 隅田頼信1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 中村和彦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 142-142, 2016.

Japanese Article 専14 (内). A case of esophagogastric junction cancer which had difficulty in Invasion depth diagnosis
森田宗新1), 宮本英明1), 庄野孝1), 小畑雅寛1), 山崎明1), 千代永卓1), 成田礼1), 小林起秋1), 山田裕希1), 小山真一郎1), 階子俊平1), 村尾哲哉1), 直江秀昭1), 田中基彦1), 岩槻政晃2), 馬場秀夫2), 佐々木裕1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 142-142, 2016.

Japanese Article 専15 (内). Examination of the steroid administration method for the stenosis prevention after esophagus ESD
永松雅朗1), 赤司太郎1), 南ひとみ1), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之2), 大仁田賢2), 竹島史直1), 宿輪三郎1), 磯本一3), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 142-142, 2016.

Japanese Article 専16 (内). Examination of esophageal cancer salvage endoscopic resection in our hospital
山本浩之1), 吉田亮1), 川寛子1), 日野直之1), 吉村映美1), 吉川大介1), 山尾拓史1), 岩崎啓介2), 南ひとみ3), 山口直之3), 大仁田賢3), 竹島史直3), 中尾一彦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 142-142, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 17 (消). One case of the progress cancer of the esophagus treated effectively with preoperative chemotherapy
白石斗士雄, 國崎真己, 日高重和, 若田幸喜, 竹下浩明, 富永哲郎, 角田順久, 村上豪志, 澤井照光, 安武亨, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 18 (消). A case of endoscopic dissection and dissection for complete occlusion of the free jejuno-esophageal anastomosis
山根大侍1), 志垣博信1), 徳永竜馬1), 藏重淳二1), 岩槻政晃1), 馬場祥史1), 坂本快郎1), 庄野孝2), 吉田直矢1), 馬場秀夫1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 19 (消). A case of endoscopic extraction under the Sato type-fold direct type laryngoscope assistance for a fish bone with both ends inserted into the esophagus entrance
池田圭1), 森崎智仁1), 河内祥子1), 桂資泰2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 20 (消). A case of the chronic active EB virus infection that led to a diagnosis from a liver damage to be prolonged after the duodenal ulcer hemorrhage
松岡慧1), 伊集院翔1), 馬渡誠一1), 谷山央樹1), 坂江遥1), 椨恵理子1), 椨一晃1), 室町香織1), 大重彰彦1), 小田耕平2), 玉井努1), 森内昭博1), 有馬直佑3), 吉満誠3), 石塚賢治3), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 143-143, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 21 (消). A case of Sjogren syndrome and the overlap syndrome that we diagnosed with neurologic symptoms of primary biliary cirrhosis and the autoimmune hepatitis who had the systemic lupus erythematosus
家城宇希人, 小畑雅寛, 立山雅邦, 徳永尭之, 泉和寛, 藤江里美, 川崎剛, 吉丸洋子, 瀬戸山博子, 渡邊丈久, 福林光太郎, 田中基彦, 佐々木裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 22 (消). A case of acute liver failure caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection
森智崇, 堤康志郎, 藤冨真吾, 庄司寛之, 高木崇, 西村大介, 加藤有史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 23 (消). A case that Daclatasvir Asunaprevir combination therapy was discontinued by a side effect for two weeks, but got SVR
西岡千佳, 中下俊哉, 古賀風太, 桑代卓也, 河口康典
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 24 (消). One case of the sclerosing hemangioma which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
向坂健佑1), 瀬戸山博子1), 徳永尭之1), 泉和寛1), 藤江里美1), 川崎剛1), 吉丸洋子1), 渡邊丈久1), 福林光太郎1), 立山雅邦1), 田中基彦1), 今井克憲2), 別府透2), 馬場秀夫2), 三上芳喜3), 佐々木裕1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 144-144, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 25 (消). A case of liver MCN which caused a cyst explosion
児島一成, 前田英仁, 湯通堂和樹, 坂江貴弘, 濱元ひとみ, 矢野弘樹, 鉾之原基, 有馬志穂, 佐々木文郷, 那須雄一郎, 橋元慎一, 田口宏樹, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 26 (消). One case of the Vv3 hepatocellular carcinoma which obtained 5 tremendous catches recurrent survival by combined modality therapy including Sorafenib
森永剛司, 近本亮, 山尾宣暢, 梅崎直紀, 中川茂樹, 美馬浩介, 今井克憲, 橋本大輔, 山下洋市, 別府透, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 27 (消). One case of multiple liver anaplastic carcinoma detected with fever
福田祥, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 國本英雄, 高田和英, 田中崇, 森原大輔, 横山圭二, 阿南章, 竹山康章, 入江真, 釈迦堂敏, 早田哲郎, 向坂彰太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 28 (消). One case of liver metastases of the cholangiocarcinoma which we were able to diagnose by the Amplitude modulation method of the contrasting sonography
田中健太郎1), 中垣貴志1), 門野義弘1), 塩屋公孝1), 上川健太郎1), 浦田淳資1), 近澤秀人1), 今村治男1), 生田義明2), 高森啓史2), 神尾多喜浩3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 145-145, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 29 (消). A case that hepatectomized it by a diagnosis in the preoperation of ascending colon cancer liver metastases, and was given a pathologic diagnosis of intraabdominal Schwannoma
冨野高広1), 伊藤心二1), 王観林1,2), 下川雅弘1), 坂田一仁1), 島垣智成1), 吉田佳弘1), 別城悠樹1), 木村光一1), 岡部弘尚1), 播本憲史1), 池上徹1), 内山秀昭1), 沖英次1), 孝橋賢一2), 小田義直2), 吉住朋晴1), 前原喜彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 30 (消). 2 excision case of small intestine tumor with the invagination of intestine
田中太, 古賀靖大, 野村明成, 三宅修輔, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 31 (消). An example of the primary appendix intussusception invagination
堀田千恵子, 池田貯, 松藤祥平, 久保洋, 古賀浩木, 姉川剛, 三好篤, 隅健次, 田中聡也, 北原賢二, 佐藤清治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 32 (消). A case of spleen metastasis after colorectal cancer surgery
藤田拓郎1), 井上悠介1), 藤田文彦1), 峯由華1), 甲拡子1), 小林慎一朗1), 山之内孝彰1), 金高賢悟1), 小林和真1), 黒木保1), 木下直江2), 江口晋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 146-146, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 33 (消). A case of the cancer of descending colon which became clear with the peritonitis that complicated septic shock
原洋平1), 森敦1), 福永秀平1), 山内亨介1), 山崎博1), 吉岡慎一郎1), 竹田津英稔1), 江森啓悟1), 光山慶一1), 鶴田修1), 鳥村拓司1), 田中俊光2), 野田悠2), 赤木由人3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 147-147, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 34 (消). Point of TAPP for the inguinal hernia recurrent after TAPP
前田佐知子, 中村淳, 岩崎寛智, 上田純二, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 147-147, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 35 (消). A case of the spontaneous eosinophilic gastroenteritis that passed
重橋周1), 園田悠紀1), 福田浩子1), 村田朋哉1), 後藤高介1), 東俊太朗1), 西山仁1), 和泉泰衛2), 伊東正博3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 147-147, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 36 (消). A case of Whipple disease which made a definite diagnosis by the biopsy pathology histology of the duodenal white villus mucous membrane and PCR
新垣康, 石原昌清, 座覇修, 石原淳, 知念隆之, 安座間欣也, 石原健二, 崎原正基, 吉村美優, 石川真, 浜比嘉一直
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 147-147, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 37 (消). Two cases of the fish bone duodenum implant
武富啓展, 藤本洋, 小平俊一, 宮原貢一, 井手康史, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article 専38 (内). A case of Vater's papillary NET that could be completely resected endoscopically without endoscopic duodenal papillectomy
伊藤傑1,3), 蒲田淳資1), 今村治男1), 上川健太郎1), 坂口将文1), 古賀毅彦1), 門野義弘1), 江口洋之1), 上原正義1), 吉田健一1), 近澤秀人1), 神尾多喜浩2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article 専39 (内). A case that obtained hemostasis for intractable recurrent duodenal haemorrhage by OTSC
秋吉遥子1,2), 和田将史1,2), 藤井宏行1,2), 井星陽一郎1,2), 隅田頼信1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 安森弘太郎3), 國木康久4), 中村和彦5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article 専40 (内). A case that underwent OTSC for jejunal perforation in a progress gastric cancer postoperative fist
勝田充重1), 寺本彰1), 仲松元二郎1), 木村典世1), 清水佐知子1), 普久原朝史1), 近藤章之1), 伊良波淳1), 松川しのぶ1), 小橋川嘉泉1), 仲村将泉1), 仲吉朝邦1), 金城副則1), 堀義城2), 宮里恵子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 148-148, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 41 (消). One case of the jejunal cancer who had the hemorrhagic shock that a capsule endoscope was useful
小島範大1), 糸島尚1), 須古信一郎1), 村岡正武1), 吉田健一1), 上原正義1), 江口洋之1), 今村治男1), 小川克大2), 生田義明2), 梅崎直紀2), 高森啓史2), 神尾多喜浩3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 42 (消). One case of preoperation, the small intestine GIST that a serum CEA level showed high level postoperatively
津留俊昭, 下村晋, 溝部智亮, 衣笠哲史, 赤木由人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 43 (消). One case of Von Recklinghausen disease which caused invagination of intestine for a small intestine GIST
久木山直貴, 吉本和仁, 北田英貴, 園田隆賀, 今村美幸, 野田香菜, 石田隼一, 南信弘, 浦田孝広, 吉岡律子, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 44 (消). A case of the multiple enteric intussusception due to the metastases to small intestine of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer
安達保尋, 勝木健文, 又吉信貴, 荒瀬光一, 田村利尚, 井上譲, 皆川紀剛, 村山良太, 鳥越貴行, 佐藤典宏, 柴尾和徳, 平田敬治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 149-149, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 45 (消). A case of small intestine adenoma which occurred in invagination of intestine
池田翔大1), 神谷尚彦1), 古賀智子1), 山田浩平1), 鮫島隆一郎1), 酒井正1), 井久保丹1), 田渕正延1), 湯ノ谷誠二1), 木戸伸一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 150-150, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 46 (消). One case that was able to confirm natural history until the gallstones-related ileus onset with an endoscope
宇野綾, 工藤康一, 田中健太郎, 古賀毅彦, 坂口将文, 門野義弘, 塩屋公孝, 上川健太郎, 浦田淳資, 近澤秀人, 今村治男, 生田義明, 土居浩一, 高森啓史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 150-150, 2016.

Japanese Article 専47 (内). One case that caused ileus by the endometriosis of intestine that occurred in terminal ileum
向坂誠一郎, 田中俊行, 淀江賢太郎, 板場壮一, 加来豊馬
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 150-150, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 48 (消). One case of the severe ulcerative colitis that resulted in diffuse peritonitis due to the jejunal perforation
川上裕史1), 小林起秋1), 山崎明1), 村尾哲哉1), 直江秀昭1), 坂本快郎2), 宮本裕士2), 吉田直矢2), 安里嗣晴3), 清住雄昭4), 蔵野良一5), 田中基彦1), 馬場秀夫2), 佐々木裕1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 150-150, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 49 (消). Case in acknowledgment of endoscopic evidence ulcerative colitis-like in an episode of care of Crohn's disease
生駒今日子1), 大井秀久1), 前田仁美1), 小林生弥子1), 鮫島洋一1), 徳元攻1), 衣裴勝彦2), 中島三郎2), 中馬豊2), 帆北修一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article 専50 (内). A case of multiple infections that helped diagnose amoeba enteritis
高良吉迪, 田中賢一, 中野良, 遠藤広貴, 千布裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 51 (消). A case of colonic malignant lymphoma and CMV enteritis complicated with AIDS patients
木村勇祐1), 久保川賢1), 赤星和也1), 本村廉明1), 長田繁樹1), 徳丸佳世1), 池田浩子1), 細川泰三1), 松口崇央1), 山口恵梨子1), 宮本和明1), 宇都宮蘭1), 宮垣亜紀1), 木村真大1), 佐藤孝生1), 三隈史郎1), 大屋正文1), 大島孝一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article 専52 (内). A case of early abscess disappearance with ultrasound endoscopic guided transrectal single puncture drainage for pelvic abscess
木村真大, 赤星和也, 徳丸佳世, 久保川賢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 151-151, 2016.

Japanese Article 専53 (内). One case of the acute occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery that transabdominal wall sonography was useful for a diagnosis
竹内祐樹, 森崎智仁, 池田圭, 澤瀬寛典, 蒲池紗央里, 河内祥子, 冨永直之, 有尾啓介, 網田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article 専54 (内). A case of acute cholangitis due to invagination of Vater's papilla of pancreatic stone with EST
草津工喜1), 永井敬之1), 勝田真琴1), 都甲和美1), 安部高志1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 55 (消). A case of the IgG4 associated diseases that we diagnosed with a gastric varices explosion
平田亮介, 峯彩子, 木下梨華子, 植原亮平, 本田徹郎, 本吉康英, 赤星浩, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article 専56 (内). A case of the pancreatic acinus basalioma which obtained a diagnosis by EUS-FNA
二宮由佳里1), 加来豊馬1), 向坂誠一郎1), 田中俊行1), 淀江賢太郎1), 板場壮一1), 槇原康亮2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 152-152, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 57 (消). One case that was relieved by the drainage technique of the transnipple and the right transverse colon construction of artificial anus for a pancreatic pseudocyst colonic fistula
森野加帆里1), 本間雄一1), 松岡英彦1), 田口雅史1), 荒瀬光一2), 平田敬治2), 原田大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 58 (消). 2 excision case of the pancreas carcinoma mucoides
松本一秀1), 藤森尚1), 有田好之1), 和田将史1), 田代茂樹1), 田中ゆき1), 藤井宏行1), 井星陽一郎1), 樋口野日斗1), 隅田頼信1), 國府島庸之1), 吉本剛志1), 福泉公仁隆1), 原田直彦1), 中牟田誠1), 龍知記2), 高見裕子2), 才津秀樹2), 林博之3), 桃崎征也3), 伊藤鉄英4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article 専 59 (消). The effectiveness of the surgical treatment for the pulmonary independent metastasis after the pancreatic cancer curative operation
松村和希, 橋本大輔, 梅崎直紀, 山尾宣暢, 山村謙介, 有馬浩太, 甲斐田剛圭, 中川茂樹, 今井克憲, 山下洋市, 近本亮, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 153-153, 2016.

Japanese Article 研01 (内). A symptom is one case of the achalasia recurrence after the surgery that we improved in POEM
湧川林, 奥島憲彦, 林祐樹, 尾下陽大, 国吉史雄, 阿嘉裕之, 野村寛徳, 花城直次, 梁英樹, 宮平工, 西原実
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 155-155, 2016.

Japanese Article 研02 (内). A case of Keratinous inclusion cyst which led to a diagnosis in ESD
福岡裕貴1), 橋口慶一1), 堀麻美1), 橋本さつき1), 東郷政明1), 村岡徹1), 大場一生1), 中島正洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 155-155, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 03 (消). One case of the cancer of the esophagus that anginal attacks were frequent during chemoradiotherapy containing 5-FU
興梠貴俊1), 仮屋暢人2), 米澤玲美2), 宮後冴2), 黒石頌子2), 原口大2), 増田稔2), 中島孝治2), 芦塚伸也2), 稲津東彦2), 北村和雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 155-155, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 04 (消). A case of salvage ESD of the cancer of the esophagus affected by the chemoradiotherapy of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma
市成直樹, 前村幸輔, 三池忠, 坂元一樹, 中津留佳菜子, 平田智也, 野田貴穂, 鈴木翔, 夏田朱一郎, 橋本神奈, 山路卓巳, 安倍弘生, 田原良博, 山本章二朗, 下田和哉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 155-155, 2016.

Japanese Article 研05 (内). One case that was able to improve quality of life by double stenting for esophagobronchial fistula due to the progress cancer of the esophagus
財部愛菜1), 原口大2), 宮後冴2), 米澤玲美2), 黒石頌子2), 仮屋暢人2), 増田稔2), 芦塚伸也2), 中島孝治2), 稲津東彦2), 北村和雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article 研06 (内). A case that accepted lantern composure to a gastric mucosa
米澤瑛美1), 米澤玲美2), 宮後冴2), 黒石頌子2), 仮屋暢人2), 原口大2), 増田稔2), 中島孝治2), 芦塚伸也2), 稲津東彦2), 北村和雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article 研07 (内). One case of stomach MALT lymphoma with the bleeding
横手章人1), 澤野美由紀2), 中村滋郎2), 今津愛介2), 長末智寛2), 下釜達朗3), 江崎幹宏4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 08 (消). A case of Schonlein Henoch purpura that abdominal pain was preceded by for eruption
冨岡勇也1), 楠元大岳1), 西俣伸亮2), 飯福沙織1), 馬場由紀子1), 豊田真理1), 岩木宏介1), 政幸一郎1), 川畑拓也1), 田代光太郎1), 島岡俊治1), 松田彰郎1), 仁王辰幸1), 新原亨1), 西俣嘉人1), 堀雅英1), 西俣寛人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 156-156, 2016.

Japanese Article 研09 (内). One case of the microscopic polyangiitis who had the intractable hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer
酒井陽玄1), 檜沢一興1), 藤田恒平2), 井原勇太郎2), 松野雄一2), 佐久間努2), 江崎幹宏3), 飯田三雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article 研10 (内). A case of the idiopathic portal hypertension that presented duodenal varicose vein ruptured
嶋倉茜1), 山島美緒1), 佐々木龍1), 宮副由梨1), 山道忍1), 高木裕子1), 中鋪卓1), 末廣智之1), 柴田英貴1), 三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 石丸英樹2), 田浦直太1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 11 (消). One case of the Blind-loop syndrome discovered with long-term hypoalbuminemia
島内浩太1), 白井慎平1), 竹下枝里2), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 坂田祐之1), 岩切龍一2), 藤本一眞1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 12 (消). A case of advanced gallbladder cancer complicated by multiple cerebral infarction considered to be Trousseau syndrome
吉田百合香1), 五反田香2), 村山賢一郎2), 荒木紀匡2), 磯田広史2), 古賀風太2), 大塚大河2), 江口有一郎3), 安西慶三2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 157-157, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 13 (消). One case that presented with obstructive jaundice by duodenal metastasis of cervical cancer
吉野恭平, 戸次鎮宗, 釘山有希, 内田信二郎, 橋元悟, 佐伯哲, 長岡進矢, 阿比留正剛, 山崎一美, 小森敦正, 八橋弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article 研14 (内). A case of successful coverage of covered metallic stent for hemorrhage after endoscopic papillectomy with difficult hemostasis
田代美由紀, 卜部繁俊, 楠本浩一郎, 竹下茂之, 重野賢也, 加治屋勇二, 鶴田正太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article 研15 (内). One case of the gallbladder ductal carcinoma which we were able to diagnose by various video diagnosis including the ultrasonic endoscope
松尾諭, 東郷政明, 谷口育洋, 堀麻美, 橋本さつき, 橋口慶一, 村岡徹, 大場一生
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 16 (消). Two case that underwent cholangiectasis technique for benign bile duct stricture after an operation
松永知世1), 五反田香2), 村山賢一郎2), 荒木紀匡2), 磯田広史2), 古賀風太2), 大塚大河2), 江口有一郎3), 安西慶三2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 158-158, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 17 (消). A case of surgery for adult congenital biliary dilatation
砂川珠輝, 今給黎和幸, 川本研一郎, 大磯陽子, 吉永英希, 水流弘文
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 18 (消). A case of the slight lesser pancreas ductal carcinoma in acknowledgment of pancreas wall living-in-lymph node metastases
小島加奈子1), 堀麻美1), 谷口育洋1), 橋本さつき1), 東郷政明1), 橋口慶一1), 村岡徹1), 濱崎恵子2), 山口広之2), 関根一郎3), 中島正洋3), 大場一生1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 19 (消). One case of the progress pancreatic cancer which needed urgent IVR hemostasis for Crisp aneurysm bleeding due to a pancreatic pseudocyst
伊東山舞1), 工藤康一1), 田中健太郎2), 宇野綾2), 古賀毅彦2), 門野義弘2), 坂口将文2), 上川健太郎2), 浦田淳資2), 近澤秀人2), 今村治男2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 20 (消). One case of the explosion in the pancreatic pseudocyst of the false aneurysm that artery embolization and drainage technique of the ultrasonic endoscope bottom transstomach succeeded
岡村誠司1), 山内康平2), 松浦聡子1), 川久保洋晴1), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 岩切龍一2), 藤本一眞1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 159-159, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 21 (消). One case of SPN which obtained a diagnosis in EUS-FNA in preoperation, and performed laparoscopic splenic preservation body of pancreas tailpiece excision
赤城和優1), 佐々木龍2), 小澤栄介2), 大仁田賢2), 中尾一彦2), 曽山明彦3), 北里周3), 黒木保3), 江口晋3), 田畑和宏4), 安倍邦子4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 22 (消). One case of the acidophilic enterocolitis complicated for Evans syndrome
當銘大吾郎1), 大平哲也2), 山田圭介1), 武島翔2), 古賀絵莉香2), 川満美和2), 藤田茜2), 大石有衣子2), 田中照久1), 海田正俊2), 東新川実和1), 金城徹1), 金城渚2), 平田哲生1), 外間昭2), 藤田次郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article 研23 (内). One case of the Heyde syndrome which obtained the improvement of the symptom by aortic valve replacement for repeated small intestine bleeding
平田静香1), 山内康平1), 芥川剛至3), 鶴岡ななえ2), 坂田資尚2), 下田良1), 岩切龍一1), 藤本一眞2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article 研24 (内). One case of the olmesartan-related sprue-like intestinal disease
岡田奈央子1), 高橋和弘1), 山家覚1), 尾石義謙2), 金本孝樹2), はい成寛1), 具嶋敏文1), 本下潤一3), 瀬尾充2), 松浦隆志4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 160-160, 2016.

Japanese Article 研25 (内). One case of the idiopathic ischemic enteritis that presented severe ileal stenosis
新屋琴子1), 宮後冴2), 米澤玲美2), 黒石頌子2), 仮屋暢人2), 原口大2), 増田稔2), 中島孝治2), 芦塚伸也2), 稲津東彦2), 北村和雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 26 (消). One case of ileus by the frequent occurrence jejunum true diverticulum
土屋りみ1), 橋本敏章1), 松本亮1), 三好敬之1), 北島正親1), 中尾康彦2), 松本耕輔2), 岡本健太2), 福島伸良2), 村瀬邦彦2), 長置健司3), 伊藤裕司4), 古井純一郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 27 (消). One case of the tetanus that ileus developed postoperatively
竹下一生, 廣橋喜美, 檜垣賢作, 下西智徳, 田中雅之, 川嶋裕資, 浅井雅子, 中村廉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 28 (消). One case that lupus syndrome developed in during infliximab administration for ulcerative colitis
穂原貴裕1,2), 楠元大岳1), 仁王辰幸1), 飯福沙織1), 豊田真理1), 馬場由紀子1), 岩木宏介1), 政幸一郎1), 川畑拓也1), 田代光太郎1), 島岡俊治1), 松田彰郎1), 西俣嘉人1), 堀雅英1), 新原亨1), 西俣寛人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 161-161, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 29 (消). One case of the ulcerative colitis that developed herpes zoster after administration in the adalimumab first time
植野尭1), 山本章二朗2), 平田智也2), 坂元一樹2), 中津留佳菜子2), 野田貴穂2), 野田裕子2), 鈴木翔2), 竹田幸子2), 坂口舞2), 夏田朱一郎2), 橋本神奈2), 前村幸輔2), 山路卓巳2), 安倍弘生2), 三池忠2), 田原良博2), 下田和哉2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 30 (消). One case of the Crohn's disease who had the intestinal tract cyst-like emphysematosa
岩崎あや香1), 米澤玲美2), 宮後冴2), 黒石頌子2), 仮屋暢人2), 原口大2), 増田稔2), 三木吾郎2), 中島孝治2), 芦塚伸也2), 稲津東彦2), 北村和雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 31 (消). One case that an intestinal tract cytomegalovirus infection developed in during diabetic ketoacidosis medical treatment
田島和昌1), 加茂泰広1), 岩津伸一1), 時村郁子1), 松崎寿久1), 小田英俊1), 木下昇1), 富永雅也1), 山本美保子2), 米満伸久2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 32 (消). One case that raised caecum perforation by APC cauter for the cecum angiotelectasia
酒村勇太, 岡村卓真, 徳満純一, 大谷正史, 門司恵, 秋山祖久, 江島英理, 尾関伸一郎, 島正義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 162-162, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 33 (消). One case of the multiple myeloma that resulted in multiple GI bleeding
中谷公彦1), 大津健聖1), 宗祐人1), 武田輝之1), 野田哲裕1), 酒見亮介1), 寺部寛哉1), 丸岡浩人1), 森光洋介3), 下河邉正行2), 佐々木英2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 163-163, 2016.

Japanese Article 研34 (内). One case of the diverticula of colon bleeding that was complicated with intestinal tract necrosis after artery embolization, and racked its brains about treatment
謝柯智1), 檜沢一興2), 北川大3), 藤田恒平2), 井原勇太郎2), 松野雄一2), 佐久間努2), 江崎幹宏4), 飯田三雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 163-163, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 35 (消). One case of the mesentery panniculitis relieved by conservative medical treatment
松永拓也1), 竹下枝里2), 松浦聡子1), 白井慎平1), 川久保洋晴1), 山内康平2), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 坂田祐之1), 岩切龍一2), 藤本一眞1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 163-163, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 36 (消). Examination of 11 superior mesenteric artery dissection in our hospital
谷野友美1), 永井敬之1), 草津工喜1), 勝田真琴1), 都甲和美1), 安部高志1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 163-163, 2016.

Japanese Article 研37 (内). One case of the recurrent transverse colon axis rotation change symptom that was able to perform reposition endoscopically
福田純也, 山崎智子, 伊東陽一郎, 山本甲二, 中山敦史, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article 研38 (内). A colon stent was useful for decompression of obstructive colorectal cancer - Including examination of 25 cases of colonic stent in this hospital -
首藤俊樹1), 永井敬之1), 草津工喜1), 勝田真琴1), 都甲和美1), 安部高志1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article 研39 (内). One case of obstructive colon cancer which caused perforation after the large intestine stent insertion
折本大樹1), 平塚孝宏1), 赤木智徳3), 田島正晃1), 柴田智隆3), 上田貴威2), 當寺ヶ盛学1), 白下英史1), 衛藤剛1), 白石憲男2), 村上和成4), 猪股雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 40 (消). One case that the components separation method was effective for abdominal incisional hernia postoperative mesh infection
瀧井稔1), 池田拓人1), 西田卓弘1), 濱田朗子1), 中尾大伸1), 田代耕盛1), 河野文彰1), 守永圭吾3), 大石王3), 七島篤志2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 164-164, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 41 (消). One case that underwent a single foramen-style laparoscopic supporting lower resection for a recurrent sigmoid colon axis rotation change symptom of young people
久保顕博, 前山良, 谷口隆之, 大坪慶志輝, 安蘇鉄平, 池永直樹, 松本耕太郎, 植木隆, 許斐裕之, 大城戸政行, 一宮仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 42 (消). A case of the C type compensation-related cirrhosis which caused a liver damage by the HBV reactivation during IFN free treatment
香月比加留1), 河野聡1), 重松宏尚1), 三木幸一郎1), 下田慎治2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 43 (消). Severe form alcoholic hepatitis who had the toxic epidermal necrolysis
江崎珠里1), はい成寛1), 具嶋敏文1), 高橋和弘1), 平田泰彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 44 (消). A case of DIHS which occurred for a rash and severe jaundice during hospitalizing for cholelithiasis
佐藤文明, 中村憲一, 平田智也, 野田貴穂, 山田優里, 竹田幸子, 土持舞衣, 橋本神奈, 前村幸輔, 山路卓巳, 安倍弘生, 三池忠, 岩切久芳, 末田光恵, 田原良博, 山本章二朗, 蓮池悟, 永田賢治, 下田和哉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 165-165, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 45 (消). One case of the Budd-Chiari syndrome that was discovered with a large quantity of ascitic fluid, and was relieved by angioplasty
塩月洋子1), 荒川光江1), 所征範1), 遠藤美月1), 織部淳哉1), 本田浩一1), 清家正隆1), 村上和成1), 丸野美由希2), 田上秀一2), 清末一路2), 森宣2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 166-166, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 46 (消). A case of the multiple liver abscess by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis which had a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis as an onset opportunity
中村俊貴, 橋元悟, 長田和義, 釘山有希, 戸次鎮宗, 内田信二郎, 佐伯哲, 長岡進矢, 阿比留正剛, 山崎一美, 小森敦正, 八橋弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 166-166, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 47 (消). One case of the liver abscess explosion by streptococcus milleri group which occurred with tooth extraction
牧角倫之介1), 谷口育洋1), 堀麻美1), 橋本さつき1), 東郷政明1), 橋口慶一1), 村岡徹1), 大場一生1), 木村正剛2), 二川榮2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 166-166, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 48 (消). One case of the pancreatic cancer detected with a hepatobiliary enzyme rise
牟田宏樹1), 柴田大介1), 仲本学1), 宮城純1), 折田均1), 佐久川廣1), 梁英樹2), 西原実2), 国吉史雄2), 前城達次3), 外間昭4), 藤田次郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 166-166, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 49 (消). One case of the ectopic splenic symptom which had difficulty in hepatocellular carcinoma and differential diagnosis
萩原秀祐, 高見裕子, 御鍵和弘, 立石昌樹, 龍知記, 和田幸之, 才津秀樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 50 (消). 1 excision case of the intrabiliary papillary tumor that FDG-PET-CT was useful for a diagnosis
平野七津美, 高見裕子, 立石昌樹, 龍知記, 御鍵和弘, 和田幸之, 才津秀樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 51 (消). One excision case of the liver origin adenosquamous carcinoma
福田純也, 三好篤, 久保洋, 姉川剛, 池田貯, 田中聡也, 北原賢二, 佐藤清治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 167-167, 2016.

Japanese Article 研 52 (消). One case of the colon cancer portal vein tumor stopper sigmoid after the operation without liver metastases
佐藤航平1), 宮副由梨1), 佐々木龍1), 成田翔平1), 山道忍1), 山島美緒1), 中鋪卓1), 高木裕子1), 末廣智之1), 本田琢也1), 柴田英貴1), 小澤栄介1), 三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 木下直江2), 山崎拓也3), 田浦直太1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (107): 167-167, 2016.