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- > The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 108 / 2018
English Article Japanese Article
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S1-1. Usefulness of adalimumab for the ulcerative colitis 宮嵜孝子, 木田裕子, 樋田信幸, 中村志郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 55-55, 2018. |
S1-2. A treatment result of adalimumab for the intractable ulcerative colitis and examination of the convalescence predictor 柿本一城, 平田有基, 川上研, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 55-55, 2018. |
S1-3. Use experience of Infliximab biosimilar for the inflammatory bowel disease in our hospital 北本博規, 松浦稔, 山本修司, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 55-55, 2018. |
S1-4. Use experience of the cyclosporine for the steroid-resistant ulcerative colitis 河野匡志, 櫻井俊治, 工藤正俊, 樫田博史 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 55-55, 2018. |
S1-5. Comparison of the maintenance therapy with antiTNF α antibody preparation and immunomodulator in the steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis 細見周平, 大平美月, 山上博一, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 56-56, 2018. |
S1-6. The present conditions and problem of the tuberculosis onset during biological drug administration for IBD 中内脩介, 大川清孝, 上田渉, 青木哲哉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 56-56, 2018. |
S1-7. Clinical background of the surgical treatment shift case in patients with ulcerative colitis after the biological drug introduction 皆川優季, 高木智久, 内山和彦, 内藤裕二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 56-56, 2018. |
S1-8. Examination of the effect by the use of biological drug in the ulcerative colitis surgery case 植木智之, 園田寛道, 清水智治, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 56-56, 2018. |
S1-9. Examination about the clinical course after antiTNF - α treatment cancellation in patients with intractable ulcerative colitis 浜田健輔1, 吉野琢哉2, 山下大生1, 八隅秀二郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 57-57, 2018. |
S1-10. Clinical course of the Crohn's disease that discontinued antiTNF α antibody preparation after confirming mucous membrane healing 河村卓二, 碕山直邦, 上田悠揮, 宇野耕治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 57-57, 2018. |
S1-11. Treatment and problem of the Crohn's disease anus lesion in the biological drug era 橋本可成, 植田成, 松尾雅司, 加藤祥穂 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 57-57, 2018. |
S1-12. The effectiveness of the biological drug for the Crohn's disease to be complicated with an anal lesion 守屋圭1, 井上隆2, 小山文一2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 57-57, 2018. |
S1-13. The blood level of the biological drug in the Crohn's disease, tissue concentrations and effect of treatment 良原丈夫, 新崎信一郎, 飯島英樹, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 58-58, 2018. |
S1-14. Use experience of the Ustekinumab for the Crohn's disease in our hospital 西田淳史, 高橋憲一郎, 馬場重樹, 安藤朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 58-58, 2018. |
S2-1. Examination of the gastric cancer ESD non-curative resection case in our hospital 占野尚人, 福島政司, 森田周子, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 58-58, 2018. |
S2-2. Examination of the horizontal stump-positive case in stomach ESD 吉崎哲也, 小畑大輔, 山下博司, 岡田明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 58-58, 2018. |
S2-3. About ESD in the residual stomach anastomotic region suture line and the complications 賀来英俊, 森田圭紀, 豊永高史, 梅垣英次 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 59-59, 2018. |
S2-4. Surveillance periodical in our hospital and outcome of SPS performing thorough endoscopic polyps exeresis 江田裕嗣1, 應田義雄1,2, 松田育雄3, 三輪洋人1,2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 59-59, 2018. |
S2-5. How do you think about an endoscopic treatment adaptive limit of rectal neuroendocrine tumor (NET)? 中津川善和1, 奥山祐右1, 吉田憲正1, 浦田洋二2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 59-59, 2018. |
S2-6. Treatment result of endoscopic extirpated pT1 (SM) colon cancer 中田俊朗1, 伴宏充2, 杉本光繁2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 59-59, 2018. |
S2-7. Examination about the large intestine T1 carcinosis case in our hospital 芦田宗宏1, 山口真二郎1, 村田幸平2, 萩原秀紀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 60-60, 2018. |
S2-8. Examination of the additional treatment that is the low infestation for lymph node metastatic high-risk rectal T1 cancer 西川佳孝1,2, 堀松高博1, 坂井義治3, 妹尾浩4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 60-60, 2018. |
S2-9. Examination about the perforation of large intestine ESD 岩坪太郎, 竹内洋司, 石原立 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 60-60, 2018. |
S2-10. Treatment result of Pocket-creation method in large intestine ESD 吉田直久, 内藤裕二, 安田律, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 60-60, 2018. |
S2-11. Proposal of predictive - EUS-MR sign (E-MRs) of muscular layer traction views (MR sign) by EUS and usefulness - 木下真樹子1, 木下幾晴1, 山本佳司2, 薮内以和夫2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 61-61, 2018. |
S2-12. Usefulness of the convex screening ultrasonic endoscope for muscular layer traction views 滝原浩守1, 馬場慎一1, 中野佳子2, 豊永高史2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 61-61, 2018. |
W1-1. Examination of the usefulness of PillCam software version 8.3 in the capsule endoscopy interpretation of radiogram 中路幸之助, 中江遵義, 淀澤美樹子, 熊本光孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 65-65, 2018. |
W1-2. The present conditions of the OGIB case of our hospital 向井理英子, 半田修, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 65-65, 2018. |
W1-3. Examination of the rebleeding case in the unidentified GI bleeding of our hospital 三重尭文, 山口真二郎, 有本雄貴, 萩原秀紀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 65-65, 2018. |
W1-4. Examination about the convalescence of OGIB which occurred during NSAIDs, low-dose aspirin remedy 中田晃暢, 島田直, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 65-65, 2018. |
W1-5. The present conditions of the small intestine endoscopy for the unidentified GI bleeding in our hospital 阿部哲之, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 66-66, 2018. |
W1-6. Comparison of the lesion depiction ability of the examination for each of the small intestine malignant neoplastic disease diagnosed with OGIB 能田貞治1,2, 柿本一城2, 竹内利寿2, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 66-66, 2018. |
W1-7. A diagnosis and clinical picture of the small intestine malignant tumor in our hospital 福島政司1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲朗1, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 66-66, 2018. |
W1-8. About the present conditions of the disease of small bowel diagnosis in our hospital 三上栄, 板井良輔, 安村聡樹, 山下幸政 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 66-66, 2018. |
W1-9. Examination of the factor about amylase rise after the oral single balloon small intestine endoscope 高橋憲一郎1, 馬場重樹2, 辻川知之3, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 67-67, 2018. |
W1-10. The deep part insertion technique that applied the expansion balloon for the small intestine lesion of the Crohn's disease 辻川知之1, 神田暁博1, 馬場重樹2, 高橋憲一郎2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 67-67, 2018. |
W1-11. Examination of the endoscopic balloon expansion technique with the balloon small intestine endoscope for the Crohn's disease small intestine stenosis 上小鶴孝二, 佐藤寿行, 渡辺憲治, 中村志郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 67-67, 2018. |
W1-12. Examination about the endoscopic expansion technique for the Crohn's disease intestinal stenosis 岡部誠, 山本修司, 松浦稔, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 67-67, 2018. |
W1-13. After an operation about the usefulness of the small intestine endoscope in ERCP of the rebuilding intestinal tract 村本雄哉, 稗田信弘, 三宅直樹, 河南智晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 68-68, 2018. |
W1-14. It is usefulness of the endoscopic treatment using the Short-type single balloon endoscope for the bile duct calculus disease with the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation 永松晋作, 中谷敏也, 菊池英亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 68-68, 2018. |
W1-15. After an operation the endoscopic approach to a rebuilding intestinal tract case, Liver pancreas endoscope treatment with double balloon endoscope 光山俊行, 島谷昌明, 高岡亮, 岡崎和一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 68-68, 2018. |
W2-1. About an episode of care and the re-treatment of various oral drugs of HCV Genotype1 in our hospital 藤井秀樹1,2, 南祐仁3, 安居幸一郎1, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 68-68, 2018. |
W2-2. The actual situation of the DAA treatment for the chronic hepatitis C in our hospital 大崎理英1, 藤本剛英1, 杉本光繁2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 69-69, 2018. |
W2-3. A treatment result of the DAA therapy for chronic hepatitis C and change of the biomarker 相坂龍哉, 澤井良之, 福田和人, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 69-69, 2018. |
W2-4. It is examined the liver cancer onset case after a treatment result and treatment of DAA for the hepatitis C in our hospital 辻裕樹, 浪崎正, 守屋圭, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 69-69, 2018. |
W2-5. Hepatitis C treatment in our hospital for the decreased renal function patients, patients on dialysis 松浦敬憲, 廣畑成也, 尹聖哲, 戎谷力 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 69-69, 2018. |
W2-6. Change of lipid metabolism, the body composition after the HCV exclusion by the comparison of IFN treatment and the DAA treatment 楊和典, 西川浩樹, 西口修平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 70-70, 2018. |
W2-7. Point - that you should be careful about the courses after the DAAs treatment for the hepatitis C in our hospital in - clinical practice 西村健, 木村浩之, 藤井秀樹, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 70-70, 2018. |
W2-8. A vital prognosis and other organs carcinogenesis of the DAA treatment SVR case 勝島慎二, 中野重治, 米田俊貴, 笠原勝宏 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 70-70, 2018. |
W2-9. Direct Acting Antivirals (DAA) has much clinical significance in the liver cancer practice 光本保英, 水野雅之, 島俊英, 岡上武 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 70-70, 2018. |
W2-10. It is carcinogenesis after DAA treatment result and SVR for the hepatitis C in our hospital 鄭浩柄, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 71-71, 2018. |
W2-11. It is examined the liver carcinogenesis case after hepatitis C virus exclusion with the DAA treatment 菊川佳菜子, 打田佐和子, 田守昭博, 河田則文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 71-71, 2018. |
W2-12. Liver fibrosis score with the DAAs treatment, a change of the liver hardness and examination of the liver carcinogenesis 宮川昌巳, 桐島寿彦, 吉波尚美, 新谷弘幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 71-71, 2018. |
W3-1. Examination of safety, the effectiveness of the Pegfilgrastim2 next prophylaxis for the mFOLFIRINOX therapy 山雄健太郎1, 竹中完1, 竹山宜典2, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 71-71, 2018. |
W3-2. Treatment result of the GEM+nab-PTX therapy in our hospital 太田高志1, 清水聡1, 武田裕2, 萩原秀紀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 72-72, 2018. |
W3-3. Of pancreatic cancer treatment in our hospital, actually 山田大作, 江口英利, 森正樹, 土岐祐一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 72-72, 2018. |
W3-4. Examination of Conversion surgery for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital 村瀬貴昭, 松本逸平, 亀井敬子, 竹山宜典 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 72-72, 2018. |
W3-5. About significance of the combination chemotherapy in the unresectable elderly people pancreatic cancer 園田文乃1, 稲富理1, 谷眞至2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 72-72, 2018. |
W3-6. We look at the rear of the Gemcitabine+nab-Paclitaxel combination therapy for the elderly people progress pancreatic cancer impossible of excision and examine a mark 津村英隆, 三木生也, 津田政広 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 73-73, 2018. |
W3-7. Fluorescence diagnosis of the pancreatic cancer peritoneum dissemination using the 5-aminolevulinic acid 生駒久視, 森村玲, 村山康利, 大辻英吾 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 73-73, 2018. |
F1-1. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which occurred for extrahepatic part portal vein atresia 田中千智1, 城正泰2, 杉本博子2, 木村英憲2, 田中順子2, 中島潤2, 寄木浩行2, 全圭夏2, 益澤明2, 松本尚之2, 高見史朗2, 若林直樹2, 大江秀典3, 光吉明3, 益澤尚子4, 片岡慶正2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 77-77, 2018. |
F1-2. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that EmboGuide was useful at TACE treatment 伊藤智彦1, 奥田英之1, 秦康倫1, 木下大輔1, 高山政樹1, 川崎正憲1, 岡崎能久1, 川崎俊彦1, 水野成人2, 朝戸信行3, 工藤正俊4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 77-77, 2018. |
F1-3. An example of the progress hepatocellular carcinoma which presented extensive necrosis of tumor at the intraarterial injection reservoir system custody 藤井佳奈子1, 岡本彩那2, 半田康平2, 高田隆太郎2, 福永朋洋2, 南知宏2, 河野匡志2, 千品寛和2, 有住忠晃2, 田北雅弘2, 南康範2, 依田広2, 上嶋一臣2, 西田直生志2, 工藤正俊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 77-77, 2018. |
F1-4. One case of the liver tumor which was hard to be diagnosed, and had a hard time 春名健伍, 太田高志, 山崎春香, 須永紘史, 山岡祥, 三重尭文, 芦田宗宏, 水本塁, 有本雄貴, 戸田万生良, 清水聡, 山口真二郎, 伊藤善基, 萩原秀紀, 林紀夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 77-77, 2018. |
F1-5. 1 excision case of angiomyolipoma which was complicated with hepatitis B, and needed the differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 吉村昂平, 三井康裕, 高尾雄二郎, 勝谷誠, 久保川修, 菅原安章 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 78-78, 2018. |
F1-6. One patient who had a diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma of the liver by the aggravation of the condition after follow-up as hemangioma of liver by a screening test 岡副佑城, 松本正憲, 野村雄大, 藤井康和, 西崎朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 78-78, 2018. |
F1-7. An example of the hemangioma of liver which resulted in intratumoral bleeding 杉尾諒, 小来田幸世, 澤井良之, 井倉技, 福田和人, 大工和馬, 酒井優希, 高智恵, 上村駿太, 相坂龍哉, 増田与也, 山口典高, 松本康史, 中原征則, 今井康陽, 篠村泰久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 78-78, 2018. |
F2-1. An example who had liver origin MALT lymphoma and the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma 平田惟子, 東良亮, 三嶋眞紗子, 西川義浩, 宇座徳光, 高橋健, 山本修司, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 78-78, 2018. |
F2-2. An example of the autoimmune hepatitis with suspected exacerbation of the liver function with azathioprine (AZA) 脇啓太1, 木下直彦1, 島俊英1, 矢野航太1, 高橋彩1, 安福智子1, 山本康英1, 西脇聖剛1, 大矢寛久1, 天野一郎1, 松本淳子1, 光本保英1, 酒井恭子2, 田中いずみ1, 澤井直樹1, 水野智恵美1, 水野雅之1, 岡上武1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 79-79, 2018. |
F2-3. It is one patient who had the pulmonary hypertension for cirrhosis due to the autoimmune hepatitis 上林嘉孝1, 井上博登2, 横田佳大2, 佐藤祐斗2, 新谷修平2, 田辺浩喜2, 馬場弘道2, 駒井康伸2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 79-79, 2018. |
F2-4. An example of the autoimmune hepatitis who had the blood corpuscle poverty syndrome autoimmunity-related all over the course 森田英男1, 安岡秀高2, 西川知宏2, 横濱桂介3, 中村憲4, 土本雄亮2, 朝井章2, 福西新弥2, 三好拓児5, 田代圭太郎6, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 79-79, 2018. |
F2-5. One case who had lipid hepatitis (NASH) non-alcoholic in primary bilious cholangitis (PBC) 山本賢, 金子景弘, 福山俊彦, 井元裕子, 礒野彩甫子, 西原圭一郎, 緒方俊介, 吉見健太郎, 石原禎子, 的場是篤, 花房正雄, 山東功佳, 森健次, 久保公了 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 79-79, 2018. |
F3-1. Example that caused a drug-related liver damage by regorafenib therapy for colon cancer 出野りか子, 向井香織, 富田涼, 樋垣優, 島越洋美, 下田彬允, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 高橋啓, 中松大, 松原徳周, 山本政司, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 80-80, 2018. |
F3-2. An example of the type B hepatitis fulminant that we were able to save by using on-line HDF together with plasma exchange 佐藤将嗣1, 岡嶋亮1, 安岡貴之1, 眞鍋繁雄1, 碓井文隆1, 松山竜三1, 平田育大1, 高橋周史1, 伊藤義人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 80-80, 2018. |
F3-3. One case of the Alcoholic liver disease which caused unidentified haemoperitoneum 小川将司1, 土本雄亮1, 安岡秀高1, 西川知宏1, 朝井章1, 福西新弥1, 津田泰宏1, 山本和宏2, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 80-80, 2018. |
F3-4. Example that they presented with a portal vein clot, a portal vein abscess from terminal ileum neighborhood abscess, and was relieved by conservative medical treatment 佐藤達也1, 大槻晋士2, 中田俊朗2, 藤本剛英2, 大崎理英2, 今枝広丞2, 伴宏充3, 西田淳史2, 園田文乃2, 稲富理2, 馬場重樹2, 杉本光繁3, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 81-81, 2018. |
F3-5. Example that hepatic encephalopathy improved by transvenous short circuit road embolization remarkably for a portal vein circulation of blood short circuit road 川田翔己1, 岩田恵典2, 井上美奈子2, 宮本優帆2, 石井紀子2, 由利幸久2, 長谷川国大2, 高田亮2, 楊和典2, 石井昭生2, 高嶋智之2, 坂井良行2, 曾澤信弘2, 池田直人2, 西村貴士3, 榎本平之2, 飯島尋子2,3, 西口修平2, 加古泰一4, 山門享一郎4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 81-81, 2018. |
F3-6. An example of the portal vein thrombosis that it was thought that it was caused by subclinical polycythaemia vera 伊藤亮, 高田良平, 中内脩介, 桑田光, 池田敦史, 東内雄亮, 小野寺健介, 堂垣美樹, 菅もも子, 畑中宏史, 田中秀憲, 脇信也, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 81-81, 2018. |
F4-1. One case of the invagination of intestine due to the cecal cancer 片山勇人, 杉原康介, 井戸垣融, 大橋康廣, 北澤孝三, 張暁雲, 坂井昇道, 車清悟, 糸原孟則, 小野山裕彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 81-81, 2018. |
F4-2. It is one patient of metastases to large intestine after gastric cancer technique detected in ileus 永田明弘1, 大原美幸1, 木下和郎1, 櫻井有香1, 中村玲佳1, 笹井保孝1, 西田直浩1, 阪本めぐみ1, 上ノ山直人1, 土井喜宣1, 玉川浩司2, 有馬良一3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 82-82, 2018. |
F4-3. An example of the rectal signet ring cell adenocarcinoma which resulted in obstructive colitis 岡原一樹1, 南野弘明1, 寺田良太1, 阿部菜海1, 伊東君好1, 河内屋友宏1, 原順一1, 木下春人2, 寺岡均2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 82-82, 2018. |
F4-4. Example that mFOLFOX6 was effective for bone marrow carcinosis merger recurrence-related rectal cancer diagnosed with a disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome 宮武秀匡1, 上田啓介2, 大塚武人2, 高橋憲一郎3, 藤本剛英2, 今枝広丞2, 大崎理英2, 伴宏光3, 西田淳史2, 園田文乃2, 稲富理2, 馬場重樹2, 杉本光繁3, 目片英治4, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 82-82, 2018. |
F4-5. One case of S lock colon cancer with the unresectable liver metastases that Complete Response was obtained by mFOLFOX6+Cetuximab combination therapy pictorially 大塚康生1, 永井知行2, 櫻井俊治2, 福永明洋2, 半田康平2, 高田隆太郎2, 岡元寿樹2, 木下淳2, 河野匡志2, 山田光成2, 米田頼晃2, 松井繁長2, 渡邉智裕2, 汐見幹夫2, 樫田博史2, 工藤正俊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 82-82, 2018. |
F4-6. It is an example of the metastasis in the direct intestinal wall after the cancer of transverse colon technique which we were able to diagnose preoperatively in EUS-FNA 柴田学1, 新井正弘1, 冨江晃1, 川端利博1, 田邉利朗1, 今井昭人1, 糸川嘉樹2, 柳澤昭夫3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 83-83, 2018. |
F4-7. An example of the intestinal tract cysts-like emphysematosa who had the intussusception 五十嵐友輔1, 若林直樹2, 杉本博子2, 木村英憲2, 田中順子2, 中島潤2, 寄木浩行2, 全圭夏2, 城正泰2, 益澤明2, 松本尚之2, 高見史朗2, 片岡慶正2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 83-83, 2018. |
F5-1. One case of sporadic fundic gland polyps of the dysplasia coexistence that came by long-term observation 横江遼一1, 福田昌英2, 大井雅之3, 高橋憲一郎4, 藤本剛英3, 今枝広丞3, 大崎理英3, 伴宏充4, 西田淳史3, 園田文乃3, 稲富理3, 馬場重樹3, 杉本光繁4, 九嶋亮治2, 安藤朗3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 83-83, 2018. |
F5-2. One case of intractable GERD with fundic gland polyps increasing rapidly all over the course 小森奈津子, 辻川知之, 茶谷元春, 水田寛郎, 神田暁博, 伊藤明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 83-83, 2018. |
F5-3. One patient who received preoperative chemotherapy for gastric glands squamous cell carcinoma 横尾拓樹, 井上裕太, 二井諒子, 三木美香, 阿部哲之, 阿部晶平, 木下雅登, 佐々木綾香, 田中克英, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 84-84, 2018. |
F5-4. An example of the stomach origin follicular lymphoma 田村証司1, 阿部洋文2, 梅垣英次2, 横崎宏3, 藤尾誓4, 迫智也2, 賀来英俊2, 阪口博哉2, 有吉隆佑2, 小原佳子2, 田中心和2, 鷹尾俊達2, 石田司2, 森田圭紀2, 豊永高史2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 84-84, 2018. |
F5-5. An example of the stomach origin extramedullary plasmacytoma 西村英里香1, 笹川廣和1, 谷口マリア1, 里本祐一1, 檀直樹1, 酒井彩子1, 小山秀和1, 湯口清徳1, 長生幸司1, 吉田雄一1, 内藤雅文1, 玉井皓己2, 山村憲幸2, 岡村修2, 戎井力2, 大石一人3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 84-84, 2018. |
F6-1. One case of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and acute cholangitis 長谷川千紘, 島越洋美, 富田涼, 樋垣優, 下田彬允, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 高橋啓, 中松大, 向井香織, 松原徳周, 山本政司, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 84-84, 2018. |
F6-2. One case of the early duodenal cancer that we were discovered by small intestine capsule endoscopy accidentally and were able to resect endoscopically 菊谷聡1, 太田和寛1, 菅原徳瑛1, 尾崎晴彦1, 原田智1, 小嶋融一1, 能田貞治1,2, 竹内利寿1, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 85-85, 2018. |
F6-3. One patient who presented with obstructive jaundice, duodenal stricture by a recurrence after duodenal cancer EMR 仁木貴美子, 山本政司, 富田涼, 樋垣優, 島越洋美, 下田彬允, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 高橋啓, 中松大, 向井香織, 松原徳周, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 85-85, 2018. |
F6-4. An example of the duodenal cancer with localized stenosis that racked its brains about a diagnosis 石川翔也1, 糸井啓之2, 中田俊朗2, 村田雅樹2, 田辺理恵2, 大塚武人2, 藤本剛英2, 高橋憲一郎2, 大崎理英2, 今枝広丞2, 伴宏充3, 西田淳史2, 園田文乃2, 稲富理2, 馬場重樹2, 杉本光繁3, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 85-85, 2018. |
F6-5. An example of the duodenal cancer that presented an atypical extension style or the small intestinal cancer 冬野貴之1, 後藤知之2, 中山真之介2, 向あかね2, 上田康祐2, 栗山勝利2, 貴田雅也2, 石原真紀2, 藤本昌澄2, 松村和宜2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 85-85, 2018. |
F7-1. One case of the Bruuner gland hamartoma which caused a form change by an endoscopic cauter hemostasis operation 横谷勇佑1, 河野孝一朗1, 新井憂1, 増田重人1, 小畠寛子1, 正木幸作1, 荒木康宏1, 伏見洋子1, 河野玲子1, 加藤隆夫1, 西勝久1, 加島志郎2, 伊藤智雄3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 86-86, 2018. |
F7-2. One case of the duodenal schwannoma that showed abnormal accumulation in FDG-PET 平松恵梨1, 池浦司2, 高岡亮2, 内田一茂2, 島谷昌明2, 森茂生2, 三好秀明2, 楠田武生2, 光山俊行2, 池田正俊2, 加納真孝2, 島田崇広2, 高折綾香2, 小坂久3, 柳本泰明3, 里井壯平3, 岡崎和一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 86-86, 2018. |
F7-3. A case of self-organized spider nematodes developed after eating raw Watasenia scintillans 黒田諒子1, 小嶋和絵2, 常松日奈子2, 向井章2, 江崎久男2, 岸田修2, 山田晃2, 王康義3, 杉山広4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 86-86, 2018. |
F7-4. One case of the malrotation that it was come of age, and was detected 竹本俊旭, 大原真理子, 米倉伸彦, 島本和巳, 小林遊, 中村文泰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 86-86, 2018. |
F7-5. Two cases of localized upper gastrointestinal tract amyloidosis 唐渡修一郎, 井上聡子, 大久保佑樹, 文原大貴, 青山直樹, 豊永啓翔, 井上貴裕, 谷口洋平, 福島政司, 和田将弥, 占野尚人, 森田周子, 鄭浩柄, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 87-87, 2018. |
F8-1. Two cases of the young superior mesenteric artery syndrome that abdominal pain was diagnosed with vomiting 須藤智之, 檀直樹, 長生幸司, 谷口マリア, 里本祐一, 酒井彩子, 小山秀和, 笹川廣和, 湯口清徳, 吉田雄一, 内藤雅文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 87-87, 2018. |
F8-2. Two cases of the ileal endometriosis that occurred in ileus 長尾宗一郎1, 井上聡子1, 大久保佑樹1, 文原大貴1, 青山直樹1, 豊永啓翔1, 奥村圭1, 畑森裕之1, 井上貴裕1, 谷口洋平1, 福島政司1, 和田将弥1, 占野尚人1, 森田周子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1', 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 87-87, 2018. |
F8-3. An example of small intestine amyloidosis detected with bleeding during treatment of the multiple myeloma 滝本晴生, 酒井浩明, 小川智也, 碕山直邦, 上田悠揮, 白川敦史, 岡田雄介, 真田香澄, 萬代晃一朗, 中瀬浩二朗, 鈴木安曇, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 田中聖人, 宇野耕治, 安田健治朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 87-87, 2018. |
F8-4. An example of the systemic lupus erythematosus which formed a fistula of the duodenum and jejunum, and caused perforation 松山祥, 木村勇斗, 高井利恵子, 水越健太, 山川剛, 小澤智美, 松本淳, 南竜城, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 88-88, 2018. |
F8-5. One case of the Meckel diverticulum which had difficulty in differentiation with the intestinal tract overlap symptom 横内隆, 佐竹真, 前田真吾, 那須文香, 梅田大介, 三浦由雄, 富永恒平, 荻山秀治, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穗, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作, 飯石浩康 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 88-88, 2018. |
F8-6. One patient whom intestinal tract emphysematosa developed in during molecular target medicine administration 武本渚, 平田珠希, 青木領太, 柏木貴雄, 来住稔, 堀順子, 宮田恵吉, 木村祥子, 小出亮, 岩井正秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 88-88, 2018. |
F9-1. One case of Aeromonas hydrophila sepsis that followed a rapid outcome after pancreaticoduodenectomy 村本圭史, 前平博充, 飯田洋也, 北村直美, 寺田好孝, 森治樹, 谷総一郎, 貝田佐知子, 三宅亨, 山口剛, 園田寛道, 清水智治, 植木智之, 竹林克士, 新田信人, 全有美, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 88-88, 2018. |
F9-2. Examination about the initial choice of culture results and the antimicrobial of the acute cholangitis 伊藤友佳, 三浦翔, 藤田光一, 平海優香, 吉田晋也, 津留真理, 野口千彰, 羽鳥広隆, 浦上聡, 西川倫子, 西尾昭宏, 印藤直彦, 北村泰明, 平山貴視, 阿南隆洋, 松井佐織, 渡辺明彦, 菅原淳, 向井秀一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 89-89, 2018. |
F9-3. One case of obstructive cholangitis due to the listeria infection 高橋遼, 前川祐樹, 熊崎秀祐, 佐々木陽一, 伊藤翔, 清水健史, 横山恵信, 俵誠一, 井上拓也, 石井修二, 春名能通, 藥師神崇行, 井上敦雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 89-89, 2018. |
F9-4. An example of cholelithiasis who had the gallbladder colonic fistula 花谷望都子, 新井正弘, 冨江晃, 川端利博, 田邉利朗, 今井昭人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 89-89, 2018. |
F9-5. An example of the schistosomiasis due to schistosoma mansoni that became clear postoperatively of the intrahepatic stone 弘部頌1, 大原真理子1, 米倉伸彦1, 島本和巳1, 小林遊1, 中村文泰1, 大江康光2, 小座本雄軌2, 戸川剛2, 山本寛2, 萩原明於2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 89-89, 2018. |
F10-1. An example of gallbladder origin MANEC 福井由美1, 並川実桜1, 西岡靖幸1, 福田弘武1, 正木翔1, 山崎友裕1, 菱谷英里子1, 出田雅子1, 南尚希1, 野本大介1, 森澤利之1, 梅田誠1, 松村毅1, 木村利幸1, 青木光2, 北條雄大2, 牧淳彦2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 90-90, 2018. |
F10-2. One case that the self-expansion type metallic stent custody was effective for benign biliary tract stenosis after the radiotherapy 曽莉莎, 松原徳周, 西田勉, 樋垣優, 富田涼, 島越洋美, 下田彬允, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 高橋啓, 中松大, 向井香織, 山本政司, 林史郎, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 90-90, 2018. |
F10-3. One case of the pancreas microinvasive carcinoma with extended high-grade PanIN 豊田文興, 南竜城, 高井利恵子, 水越健太, 山川剛, 小澤智美, 松本淳, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 90-90, 2018. |
F10-4. An example of pancreas tail pancreatic duct cancer which racked its brains about differentiation with the SCN (serous cystic neoplasm) 渕上淳也, 糸永昌弘, 川路祐輝, 清水遼, 田村崇, 奴田絢也, 吉田悟, 幡丸景一, 吉田岳一, 井田良幸, 前北隆雄, 井口幹嵩, 加藤順, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 90-90, 2018. |
F10-5. An example of the pancreas mucinous cyst-related tumor (MCN) infection 友藤清爾, 山本淳史, 田中雄志, 山田恭孝, 江崎健, 那賀川峻, 酒井新, 小林隆, 塩見英之, 増田充弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 91-91, 2018. |
F10-6. One case of the oligemia-related pancreas neuroendocrine tumor of the young onset 冨永真央1,2, 根引浩子1, 木岡清英2, 川崎靖子2, 佐野弘治1, 佐々木英二1, 中井隆志2, 山崎智朗1, 末包剛久1, 平田直人1, 寺西優雅2, 木村明恵1,2, 落合正1,2, 坂田侑平1,2, 周防舞仁1,2, 安井悠1,2, 山本圭以1,2, 崎山菜穂子1,2, 佐久間彩音1,2, 中平昌雄1,2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 91-91, 2018. |
F11-1. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which formed a cyst, and racked its brains about a diagnosis 西田彩香1, 舟山玲奈2, 稲富理2, 村田雅樹2, 中田俊朗2, 大塚武人2, 田辺理恵2, 高橋憲一郎3, 藤本剛英2, 今枝広丞2, 大崎理英2, 伴宏充3, 西田淳史2, 園田文乃2, 馬場重樹2, 杉本光繁3, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 91-91, 2018. |
F11-2. One case of pancreas which presented interesting EUS image-prone Myeloid Sarcoma 吉田早希1, 三長孝輔2, 竹中完2, 石川嶺2, 岡本彩那2, 中井敦史2, 大本俊介2, 宮田剛2, 鎌田研2, 山雄健太郎2, 今井元2, 井上宏昭3, 松村到3, 清水重喜4, 佐藤隆夫4, 工藤正俊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 91-91, 2018. |
F11-3. One case of the pancreas liver malignant lymphoma which we diagnosed with the acute pancreatitis onset 澤田凌1, 辻俊史1, 杉野敏志1, 原田大司3, 井上健1, 奥田隆史1, 中村英樹1, 小牧稔之1, 上辻由里2, 香川惠造1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 92-92, 2018. |
F11-4. An example of the drug-related pancreatitis by the capecitabine 荻野元生, 藤原幹夫, 加藤優花里, 永田健, 井関隼也, 河路光介, 慶元正洋, 東恵史朗, 池田一毅, 魚瀬優, 染田仁, 中村武史, 千葉勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 92-92, 2018. |
F11-5. One case that endoscopic drainage by fully covered self-expandable metal stent was useful for intractable WON 湊口仁史, 高尾政輝, 田村崇, 川路祐輝, 奴田絢也, 幡丸景一, 糸永昌弘, 吉田岳市, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 加藤順, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 92-92, 2018. |
F11-6. One patient whom limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis developed in after steroid maintenance therapy cancellation for the IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis 松浦恭平1, 才川宗一郎2, 森仁志2, 尾山雅文2, 西村尚起2, 井上雄太2, 小堤隆広2, 久保卓也2, 古川政統2, 北川洸2, 鍛治孝祐2, 瓦谷英人2, 美登路昭2, 山尾純一3, 吉治仁志2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 92-92, 2018. |
F12-1. 1 excision case of stomach lesser curvature part Castleman's disease 前川毅1, 貝田佐知子2, 竹林克士2, 山口剛2, 清水智治2, 園田寛道2, 飯田洋也2, 三宅亨2, 植木智之2, 前平博充2, 森治樹2, 寺田好孝2, 谷眞至2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 93-93, 2018. |
F12-2. One case of the retroperitoneal de-well differentiated type liposarcoma discovered accidentally by traffic injury 中村遼太1, 常俊保夫1, 森田祐史1, 大西孝典1, 村田淳1, 藤永哲治1, 栗山大輔1, 松本仁1, 赤松晴樹1, 川西裕子1, 小林一三1, 辻井正彦1, 津田雄二郎2, 山田晃正2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 93-93, 2018. |
F12-3. An example of unknown primary cancer which AFP, PIVKA-II showed significant high level, and racked its brains about a diagnosis, treatment 高橋佑輔1, 楳村敦詩1, 岡山哲也1, 石川剛1, 伊藤義人1, 松島洋2, 小西英一3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 93-93, 2018. |
F12-4. An example of the superior mesenteric artery embolism that we were able to save by IVR treatment to a diagnosis with endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract 大岡直哉, 置塩伸也, 澤井裕貴, 冨田侑里, 渡邊直人, 茂森賢太, 間嶋淳, 森沢剛, 楊孝治, 石川博己, 赤松尚明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 93-93, 2018. |
F12-5. One case of classic Hodgkin lymphoma detected with biliary system enzyme high level 村上瑛基1, 戸祭直也1, 朝枝興平1, 角埜徹1, 小林玲央1, 吉田拓馬1, 小山友季1, 梶原真理子1, 榊田智喜1, 土井俊文1, 川上巧1, 中津川善和1, 山田真也1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 佐藤秀樹1, 奥山祐右1, 木村浩之1, 吉田憲正1, 川路悠加2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 94-94, 2018. |
Y1-1. An example of the neuroendocrine tumor of the bile duct origin that occurred in complete situs inversus 孝橋信哉, 名生諭史, 大西紘平, 田中太郎, 中井達也, 生田由佳子, ベンスレイマンヤハヤ, 佐々木一就, 池澤伸明, 古松恵介, 安藤純哉, 門卓生, 吉田俊一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 97-97, 2018. |
Y1-2. One case of the bile duct in situ cancer which presented significant intrahepatic bile duct dilatation 水越健太, 上尾太郎, 高井理恵子, 山川剛, 小澤智美, 松本淳, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 97-97, 2018. |
Y1-3. One patient who did exclusion of stones for a persistence common bile duct stone after an operation percutaneously through T-tube lumen 中山真之介, 向あかね, 後藤知之, 上田康佑, 栗山勝利, 貴田雅也, 石原真紀, 藤本真澄, 松村和宜 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 97-97, 2018. |
Y1-4. A clip of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed 20 years ago is hesitation example that does it, and caused cholangitis containing to common bile duct 河端悠介1, 中井謙之1, 道上祐己3, 孫学炳1, 波多野悦朗2, 藤元治朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 97-97, 2018. |
Y1-5. An example of the gallbladder twisting of the young onset 角埜徹1, 山田真也1, 朝枝興平1, 小林玲央1, 吉田拓馬1, 小山友季1, 梶原真理子1, 榊田智喜1, 土井俊文1, 川上巧1, 中津川善和1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 下村克己2, 佐藤秀樹1, 奥山祐右1, 木村浩之1, 谷口史洋2, 吉田憲正1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 98-98, 2018. |
Y1-6. One patient who presented with hematobilia after the metallic stent custody for malignant biliary tract stenosis 大久保佑樹, 谷口洋平, 文原大貴, 豊永啓翔, 青山直樹, 畑森裕之, 奥村圭, 井上貴裕, 福島政司, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 98-98, 2018. |
Y1-7. Two cases of the congenital biliary dilatation 西口恭平, 巽信之, 谷口舞子, 中村孝彦, 朝倉亜希子, 森麻奈加, 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 齊木浩二, 澤村真理子, 大西良輝, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 日山智史, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 98-98, 2018. |
Y2-1. One case of the esophagus anisakis 佐藤祐斗, 横田佳大, 新谷修平, 井上博登, 田辺浩喜, 馬場弘道, 駒井康伸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 98-98, 2018. |
Y2-2. One case of the spontaneous esophageal rupture that was able to be treated conservatively 二井諒子, 井上裕太, 阿部哲之, 三木美香, 阿部晶平, 木下雅登, 佐々木綾香, 田中克英, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 99-99, 2018. |
Y2-3. One case of the cancer of the esophagus diagnosed with a bony lesion due to the multiple myeloma 中西貴士, 北山嘉隆, 戸澤勝之, 三浦昂, 三重野将敏, 中井啓介, 布施由佳, 清裕生, 江田裕嗣, 田村彰朗, 小川智広, 河野友彰, 近藤隆, 富田寿彦, 應田義雄, 大島忠之, 福井広一, 渡二郎, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 99-99, 2018. |
Y2-4. Example that the gastric juice drainage with the double ED tube and enteral feeding were effective for fistula periadenitis of the gastric fistula 元川雄貴, 松尾英城, 芝本彰彦, 友岡文優, 藤本優樹, 石田光志, 相原洋祐, 永松晋作, 上嶋昌和, 中谷敏也, 菊池英亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 99-99, 2018. |
Y2-5. Two cases of the adult volvulus of stomach 吉田晋也1, 渡辺明彦1, 平海優香1, 津留真理1, 野口千彰1, 羽鳥広隆1, 浦上聡1, 松岡里紗1, 西川倫子1, 西尾昭宏1, 三浦翔1, 印藤直彦1, 杤谷四科子1, 北村泰明1, 藤田光一1, 松井佐織1, 阿南隆洋1, 菅原淳1, 向井秀一1, 金光聖哲2, 植野望2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 99-99, 2018. |
Y2-6. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that developed in elderly people, and racked its brains about a diagnosis 霜野良弘1, 吉川昌平1, 岩井孝史1, 山本晃久1, 山元哲雄1, 西口修平2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 100-100, 2018. |
Y2-7. One case of the gastric arteries lump which occurred for upper gastrointestinal bleeding 新井憂1, 河野孝一朗1, 増田重人1, 小畠寛子1, 正木幸作1, 荒木康宏1, 伏見洋子1, 河野玲子1, 加藤隆夫1, 西勝久1, 魚谷健祐2, 宮本勝文3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 100-100, 2018. |
Y3-1. Example that accepted paralytic gastric dilatation after the Cryoballoon ablation enforcement for the atrial fibrillation 並川実桜, 西岡靖幸, 福田弘武, 正木翔, 山崎友裕, 菱谷英里子, 出田雅子, 南尚希, 野本大介, 森澤利之, 梅田誠, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 100-100, 2018. |
Y3-2. An example of the stomach focal amyloidosis 郡山隆志, 比江森晶子, 長尾佳映, 田中沙苗, 宮崎はる香, 嶋本有策, 横山祐二, 黒田浩平, 白坂大輔, 藤井正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 100-100, 2018. |
Y3-3. Examination of the fundic gland type gastric cancer treated with our hospital 枝川剛也, 中谷泰樹, 我妻信和, 原田宜幸, 吉川智恵, 谷泰弘, 岡田圭次郎, 池ノ内真衣子, 梅村壮一郎, 林佑樹, 石井達也, 中井智己, 益田朋典, 松本久和, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 浦井俊二, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 101-101, 2018. |
Y3-4. One case of the stomach GIST that we increased rapidly in one year and had a diagnosis in EUS-FNA, and imatinib succeeded 小泉有利, 沢井正佳, 岩田臣弘, 岩井聡始, 榎本壮秀, 大谷絵美, 堀内葉月, 明石陽介, 森安博人, 松本昌美 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 101-101, 2018. |
Y3-5. One case of the scirrhous gastric carcinoma which led to a diagnosis in ultrasonic endoscope lower suction cytodiagnosis (EUS-FNA) 高田隆太郎, 米田頼晃, 櫻井俊治, 福永朋洋, 半田康平, 木下淳, 河野匡志, 岡元寿樹, 山田光成, 永井知行, 松井繁長, 渡邉智裕, 樫田博史 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 101-101, 2018. |
Y3-6. Hyperprogression in the radiation field after the nivolumab single dose for patients with gastric cancer given radiotherapy, Case report 緒方貴次, 佐竹悠良, 緒方美里, 籏智幸政, 安井久晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 101-101, 2018. |
Y4-1. 1 coexistence case of stomach origin choriocarcinoma (PGC) and the AFP-producing gastric cancer 猪股典子, 太田匠悟, 原和也, 瀧本郁久, 高田裕, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 102-102, 2018. |
Y4-2. One patient who underwent ESD for a stomach neuroendocrine system cancer 我妻信和, 赤松拓司, 枝川剛也, 原田宜幸, 吉川智恵, 岡田圭次郎, 谷泰弘, 池ノ内真衣子, 梅村壮一郎, 林佑樹, 石井達也, 中井智己, 益田朋典, 松本久和, 中谷泰樹, 瀬田剛史, 浦井俊二, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 102-102, 2018. |
Y4-3. One case of the stomach follicular lymphoma which obtained a definitive diagnosis in ESD 井上裕太1, 阿部哲之1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 阿部晶平1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 大瀬貴之1, 佐貫毅1, 山本侑毅2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 102-102, 2018. |
Y4-4. One case of stomach pyogenic granuloma with the massive bleeding that we urgently resected under an endoscope 加藤優花里, 池田一毅, 永田健, 井関隼也, 河路光介, 慶元正洋, 東恵史朗, 藤原幹夫, 魚瀬優, 中村武史, 染田仁, 千葉勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 102-102, 2018. |
Y4-5. An example of stomach neuroendocrine system cancer which responded to etoposide + Carboplatin therapy 児玉紘幸1, 島本福太郎1, 蘆田潔1, 伊藤孝助1, 松野潤1, 中田智之1, 竹村嘉人1, 飯沼昌二1, 喜多貞彦2, 粟根雅章2, 安井寛3, 樋口和秀4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 103-103, 2018. |
Y4-6. 1 excision case of the duodenal GIST which showed a special form 川井祐弥, 渡邊幸太郎, 川本雄也, 尾松万悠紀, 秋山慎介, 山下大生, 濱田健輔, 山川康平, 園誠, 西村聡, 森義治, 東俊二郎, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 栗田亮, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 103-103, 2018. |
Y5-1. An example of the familial mediterranean fever that we experienced in our hospital 山根慧己, 堀田祐馬, 山口勝利, 竹村圭祐, 大阿久達郎, 山田展久, 世古口悟, 磯崎豊, 長尾泰孝, 小山田裕一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 103-103, 2018. |
Y5-2. An example of the ischemic jejunitis that resulted in a stenosis 森口明宣, 西田裕, 水野雄貴, 灘谷祐二, 福永周生, 湯川知洋, 杉森聖司, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 田中史生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 鎌田紀子, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 103-103, 2018. |
Y5-3. One case of the ileal intestinal tract symptom association T-cell lymphoma which had the onset by ascitic fluid in large quantities 浅田翔平, 村田晃児, 堂原彰敏, 簗瀬公嗣 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 104-104, 2018. |
Y5-4. An example of small intestine tumor which they presented with GI bleeding, and racked its brains about a diagnosis 泉谷龍, 竹田一博, 大石嘉恭, 玉置大, 藤永陽介, 柏敦文, 松山希一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 104-104, 2018. |
Y5-5. One case of the small intestine GIST which needed emergency surgery for bleeding control 豊永啓翔, 福島政司, 大久保佑樹, 文原大貴, 青山直樹, 奥村圭, 畑森裕之, 井上貴裕, 谷口洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 杉之下与志樹, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 104-104, 2018. |
Y5-6. One case of the false mesenterial cyst which we resected under a laparoscopic adjuvant 全有美, 三宅亨, 寺田好孝, 清水智治, 園田寛道, 植木智之, 山口剛, 貝田佐知子, 飯田洋也, 北村直美, 谷総一郎, 竹林克士, 前平博充, 森治樹, 新田信人, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 104-104, 2018. |
Y5-7. An example of the intestinal tract emphysematosa with the intraabdominal free gas 岡本典大, 百瀬健次, 青木康浩, 橋村弘毅, 加納千勢, 松下萌未, 松本慶, 金森厚志, 辻前正弘, 吉崎哲也, 江口考明, 小畑大軸, 奥山俊介, 山下博司, 藤田幹夫, 岡田明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 105-105, 2018. |
Y6-1. One case that a biological drug succeeded for the elderly people Crohn's disease that developed in HBV carrier 枩本一祐, 大倉康志, 浪崎正, 北出光輝, 錦織麻衣子, 関建一郎, 佐藤慎哉, 藤永幸久, 高見昌義, 増田泰之, 守屋圭, 山尾純一, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 105-105, 2018. |
Y6-2. An example of the bacillary dysentery of the domestic onset 池田京平1, 小木曽聖1, 横溝千尋1, 上島浩一1, 高島英隆1, 富岡秀夫1, 伊藤正2, 奥田佳一郎1, 松村晋矢1, 福田亘1, 梅原康湖1, 清水香代子1, 平山哲也1, 森敬弘1, 水野成人1, 眞嵜武3, 清水誠治1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 105-105, 2018. |
Y6-3. One patient who was treated effectively with a transdermal endoscopic sigmoid fistering operation for an intractable sigmoid intestinal pseudo-obstruction symptom 松尾健司, 淺井哲, 竹下宏太郎, 加納由貴, 一ノ名巧, 赤峰瑛介, 藤本直己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 105-105, 2018. |
Y6-4. Example that caused intestinal tract necrosis as background for eosinophilic gastroenteritis 三木美香1, 井上裕太1, 二井諒子1, 阿部哲之1, 阿部晶平1, 木下雅登1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 大瀬貴之1, 佐貫毅1, 阿部智喜2, 黒田大介2, 山本侑毅3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 106-106, 2018. |
Y6-5. A case of venous inflammatory colitis due to long-term administration of kami-syoyosan 竹田紹泰, 藤井善憲, 星智子, 星晋, 田中裕一, 宮島真治, 木村昇, 高谷晴夫, 梶村幸三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 106-106, 2018. |
Y6-6. One case that presented intestinal tract empyema during gefitinib internal use 山下典亮, 中浦玄也, 中村一貴, 森田康大, 山本剛司, 三好薫人, 八木勇紀, 南部卓三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 106-106, 2018. |
Y6-7. Example that caused pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage with an anticancer agent containing cetuximab 福永朋洋, 岡本寿樹, 櫻井俊治, 半田康平, 高田隆太郎, 木下淳, 石川嶺, 河野匡志, 山田光成, 永井知行, 米田頼晃, 松井繁長, 渡邊智裕, 汐見幹夫, 樫田博史, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 106-106, 2018. |
Y7-1. One case of progress colon cancer which presented stoma mucous membrane loss and neighboring skin ulcers in ramucirumab 田中智英子, 平良高一, 灘谷祐二, 平野慎二, 中村吉宏, 田上光治郎, 山村匡史, 沢田明也, 鋳谷成弘, 坂井大志, 加藤邦洋, 福永周生, 細見周平, 永見康明, 杉森聖司, 湯川知洋, 田中史生, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 107-107, 2018. |
Y7-2. Two cases of progress colon cancer that culture results were a diagnosis opportunity 茶谷元晴1, 神田暁博1, 水田寛郎1, 伊藤明彦1, 五月女隆男1,2, 辻川知之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 107-107, 2018. |
Y7-3. One case that we were able to stop bleeding of by embolization for internal iliac artery bleeding after the chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer 江口大樹, 宮崎啓, 森田竜一, 竹田善哉, 伏木邦博, 田中信, 片山政伸, 田中基夫, 重松忠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 107-107, 2018. |
Y7-4. It is the examination about the risk factor of the metastasis to pSM colon cancer lymph node after endoscopic exeresis 新田信人, 三宅亨, 全有美, 植木智之, 園田寛道, 森治樹, 竹林克士, 貝田佐知子, 山口剛, 寺田好孝, 谷総一郎, 前平博充, 北村直美, 飯田洋也, 森毅, 清水智治, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 107-107, 2018. |
Y7-5. Present an endoscopic naked eye form similar pictorially, H. Two cases of rectal MALT lymphoma that pylori sanitization therapy succeeded 中嶋紀元1, 星本真弘1, 峠英樹1, 辻本裕之1, 植野紗緒里1, 北岡治子1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 108-108, 2018. |
Y7-6. One case of the pars analis recti malignant melanoma detected with a lumbar vertebrae bone fracture 原和也1, 太田匠悟1, 猪股典子1, 瀧本郁久1, 高田裕1, 安達神奈1, 島田友香里1, 林幹人1, 井谷智尚1, 石原美佐2, 橋本公夫2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 108-108, 2018. |
Y8-1. An example of the drug induced hepatic injury that resulted from vonoprazan administration after early cancer of esophagus ESD 青木康浩, 百瀬健次, 岡田明彦, 藤田幹夫, 山下博司, 奥山俊介, 小畑大輔, 江口考明, 吉崎哲也, 辻前正弘, 金森厚志, 松本慶, 松下萌未, 加納千勢, 橋村弘毅, 岡本典大 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 108-108, 2018. |
Y8-2. Use of Lusutrombopag experience in our hospital 朝枝興平, 藤井秀樹, 角埜徹, 小林玲央, 梶原真理子, 小山友季, 吉田拓馬, 榊田智喜, 土井俊文, 川上巧, 中津川善和, 山田真也, 西村健, 戸祭直也, 佐藤秀樹, 奥山祐右, 木村浩之, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 108-108, 2018. |
Y8-3. An example of the pustular psoriasis that liver function abnormality preceded 森田竜一1, 片山政伸1, 宮崎啓1, 江口大樹1, 竹田善哉1, 伏木邦博1, 田中信1, 田中基夫1, 重松忠1, 馬場正道2, 山口寛二1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 109-109, 2018. |
Y8-4. An example of the liver damage with the erythropoietic porphyria that bloodletting therapy succeeded 吉田晃浩, 萩原智, 南知宏, 千品寛和, 河野匡, 田北雅弘, 依田広, 上嶋一臣, 南康範, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 109-109, 2018. |
Y8-5. It is one patient with suspected merger of the splenic rupture for primary biliary cirrhosis 池田正俊, 山口隆志, 島田崇広, 高折綾香, 加納真孝, 上嶋貴之, 佐野泰樹, 四十万谷卓也, 西紋周平, 吉田勝紀, 池田広記, 岡崎和一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 109-109, 2018. |
Y8-6. An example of chronic hepatitis C that showed atrial flutter in the Ledipasvir / Sofosbuvir combination therapy start twelfth week 谷口舞子, 巽信之, 中村孝彦, 西口恭平, 朝倉亜希子, 森麻奈加, 川崎洋輔, 徳田貴昭, 齊木浩二, 澤村真理子, 大西良輝, 河合知代, 濱野美奈, 日山智史, 千葉三保, 山本克己, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 109-109, 2018. |
Y9-1. One patient whom autoimmune hepatitis developed in after direct action type antiviral drug (DAA) treatment for the chronic hepatitis C 文原大貴, 杉之下与志樹, 大久保佑樹, 青山直樹, 豊永啓翔, 奥村圭, 畑森裕之, 井上貴裕, 谷口洋平, 福島政司, 和田将弥, 占野尚人, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 110-110, 2018. |
Y9-2. An example of the kidney lungs eyes sarcoidosis that occurred after DAA treatment for the hepatitis C 金子三紀1, 堂原彰敏2, 小川裕之1, 中谷聡1, 塩山えりか1, 竹田幸祐1, 吉川雅章1, 上田重彦1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 110-110, 2018. |
Y9-3. One case of liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer which led to a diagnosis with compression syndrome of the spinal cord 濱田聖子, 赤松友梨, 筑後孝紀, 中野重治, 下釜翼, 太田義之, 江坂直樹, 岩本諭, 笠原勝宏, 滝本見吾, 水本吉則, 島伸子, 勝島慎二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 110-110, 2018. |
Y9-4. A preoperation diagnosis is one case of the liver tumor including the fat ingredient in the mass which had difficulty 青木謙太郎1, 池田敦之1, 河村柾仁1, 寺村茉利1, 中村武晴1, 大岩容子1, 田中秀行1, 糸川芳男1, 楠本聖典1, 山口大介1, 田中泰敬1, 中井喜貴1, 藤井茂彦1, 畦地英全1, 日下利広1, 國立裕之1, 寺島剛2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 110-110, 2018. |
Y9-5. Benign hepatocellular nodose one case that increased during follow-up of the portal vein aplasia, and had difficulty in differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 安井悠1,2, 寺西優雅1, 山本圭以1,2, 坂田侑平1,2, 周防舞仁1,2, 落合正1,2, 木村明恵1,2, 平田直人2, 末包剛久2, 山崎智朗2, 中井隆志1, 佐々木英二2, 佐野弘治2, 川崎靖子1, 木岡清英1, 根引浩子2, 村田哲洋3, 清水貞利3, 金沢景繁3, 福島裕子4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 111-111, 2018. |
Y9-6. - that security, the certain technical acquisition is possible in training - non-high volume center of percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauter therapy (RFA) of the latter term resident 高井利恵子, 岡野明浩, 山川剛, 水越健太, 小澤智美, 松本淳, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 111-111, 2018. |
Y10-1. One case of solid-pseudopapillary neoplasma which occurred in middle-age men 横田佳大1, 佐藤祐斗1, 新谷修平1, 井上博登1, 田辺浩喜1, 馬場弘道1, 駒井康伸1, 塩見尚礼2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 111-111, 2018. |
Y10-2. An example of Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm which is the huge which we diagnosed in EUS-FNA 木下直彦1, 大矢寛久1, 矢野航太1, 高橋彩1, 安福智子1, 西脇聖剛1, 山本康英1, 天野一郎1, 松本淳子1, 光本保英1, 酒井恭子2, 田中いずみ1, 澤井直樹1, 水野智恵美1, 水野雅之1, 島俊英1, 岡上武1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 111-111, 2018. |
Y10-3. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis 森山榮治, 田上光治郎, 杉森聖司, 中村吉宏, 木下陽亮, 林克平, 山村匡史, 坂井大志, 加藤邦洋, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 田中史生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 山上博一, 谷川徹也, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 112-112, 2018. |
Y10-4. One case that a pancreatic duct cancer and a pancreas neuroendocrine tumor coexisted 西田広志, 鈴村和大, 波多野悦朗, 末岡英明, 岡田敏弘, 麻野泰包, 宇山直樹, 中村育夫, 多田正晴, 飯田健二郎, 裴正寛, 岩間英明, 栗本亜美, 伊藤礼, 藤元治朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 112-112, 2018. |
Y10-5. An example of pancreas glucagonoma with the liver metastases that presented a hypoglycemia symptom 酒井浩明, 小川智也, 上田悠揮, 碕山直邦, 白川敦史, 岡田雄介, 真田香澄, 中瀬浩二朗, 萬代晃一朗, 鈴木安曇, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 田中聖人, 宇野耕治, 安田健治朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 112-112, 2018. |
Y10-6. The pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which suffered from a degree of differentiation diagnosis, an example of multiple liver metastases 澤田賢治, 山内雄揮, 川上沙耶, 北本博規, 津田喬之, 高井淳, 上田佳秀, 宇座徳光, 高橋健, 三澤晶子, 南口早智子, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 112-112, 2018. |
Y11-1. An example of NEC (neuroendocrine carcinoma) where EUS-FNA was useful for the differentiation with conventional pancreatic duct cancer 青山直樹1, 谷口洋平1, 大久保佑樹1, 文原大貴1, 豊永啓翔1, 奥村圭1, 畑森裕之1, 井上貴裕1, 福島政司1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 杉之下与志樹1, 猪熊哲朗1, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 113-113, 2018. |
Y11-2. Pancreatic ascitic example that was diagnosed by paracentesis abdomen at initial diagnosis, and needed various kinds of treatment 平佐貴弘, 三上栄, 平川旭人, 植村久尋, 星充, 横出正隆, 丸尾正幸, 板井良輔, 安村聡樹, 池田英司, 高田真理子, 住友靖彦, 山下幸政 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 113-113, 2018. |
Y11-3. An example of the intestinal tract membrane origin diffuse large B-cell lymphoma diagnosed with ascites 森仁志, 瓦谷英人, 高見昌義, 尾山雅文, 西村尚起, 井上雄太, 小堤隆広, 久保卓也, 古川政統, 中西啓祐, 才川宗一郎, 鍛治孝祐, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 113-113, 2018. |
Y11-4. One case of the mesentery lymphangioma of adults with suspected infection in the cyst 太田匠悟, 猪股典子, 原和也, 瀧本郁久, 高田裕, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 113-113, 2018. |
Y11-5. One case of protein C deficiency which presented portal vein, superior mesenteric vein thrombosis 北代隼, 孝橋道敬, 織田大介, 平田祐一, 久禮泉, 當銘成友, 田村勇, 宮地英行, 鈴木志保, 西澤昭彦, 山城研三, 岡部純弘, 寺尾秀一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 114-114, 2018. |
Y11-6. One case of the celiac artery region of origin compression syndrome 山田真規1, 佐野村誠1, 森下文乃1, 山本嘉太郎1, 岡本紀夫1, 横濱桂介1, 西谷仁1, 佐々木有一1, 重里親太朗2, 大住渉2, 川崎浩資2, 豊田昌夫2, 樋口和秀3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 114-114, 2018. |
Y11-7. One case of HIV-related Burkitt lymphoma that needed differentiation with the IgG4 associated diseases 秋山慎介, 東俊二郎, 栗田亮, 川井祐弥, 川本雄也, 尾松万悠紀, 山下大生, 濱田健輔, 山川康平, 薗誠, 西村聡, 森義治, 渡邉幸太郎, 渡辺昌樹, 工藤寧, 山内淳嗣, 吉野琢哉, 福永豊和, 川口清隆, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 114-114, 2018. |
1. One case that gave chemotherapy for an esophagus neuroendocrine system cancer, and was able to confirm a significant change before and after the treatment endoscopically 福岡誠, 新崎信一郎, 辻井芳樹, 川井翔一朗, 古田訓丸, 重川稔, 林義人, 阪森亮太郎, 巽智秀, 飯島英樹, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 117-117, 2018. |
2. Examination of the risk factor of the sarcopenia onset in the esophagus dyskinesia 阿部洋文, 田中心和, 河原史明, 有吉隆佑, 豊永高史, 賀来英俊, 阪口博哉, 小原佳子, 鷹尾俊達, 石田司, 森田圭紀, 梅垣英次 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 117-117, 2018. |
3. Search of the new cancer of the esophagus development risk factor found in esophageal mucosa 松野健司, 石原立 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 117-117, 2018. |
4. One case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that occurred in small intestine ileus 梶本衣里奈, 小島邦行, 田中美彩子, 西村義明, 野口隆一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 117-117, 2018. |
5. One case of the simple ileus by mesodiverticular band of the Meckle diverticulum 中浦玄也, 山下典亮, 中村一貴, 森田康大, 山本剛司, 三好薫人, 八木勇紀, 南部卓三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 118-118, 2018. |
6. One case of the ileal origin neuroendocrine tumor with the multiple liver metastases that continuously administer an octreotide acetate single agent for four years, and maintain a condition and lymph node metastases 中村一貴, 山下典亮, 中浦玄也, 森田康大, 山本剛司, 三好薫人, 八木勇紀, 南部卓三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 118-118, 2018. |
7. Example that the endoscopic wall of stomach fixation with the Funada expression wall of stomach fixture was effective for recurrent volvulus of stomach with the mental retardation 榊田智喜, 山田真也, 朝枝興平, 角埜徹, 小林玲央, 梶原真理子, 小山友季, 吉田拓馬, 土井俊文, 川上巧, 中津川善和, 西村健, 藤井秀樹, 戸祭直也, 佐藤秀樹, 奥山祐右, 木村浩之, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 118-118, 2018. |
8. One case that was treated a diagnosis in consideration of radiation exposure for the volvulus of stomach that developed in a pregnant woman 水田寛郎1, 辻川知之1,3, 伊藤明彦1,3, 神田暁博1, 茶谷元春1, 五月女隆男2,3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 118-118, 2018. |
9. An example of the splenic artery loss with the hemorrhagic stomach Dieulafoy ulcer 佐藤悠, 新崎信一郎, 辻井芳樹, 川井翔一朗, 古田訓丸, 重川稔, 林義人, 阪森亮太郎, 巽智秀, 飯島英樹, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 119-119, 2018. |
10. One case of the stomach aberrant pancreas which we resected to a diagnosis by mucous membrane incision biopsy in laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) 河原史明1,4, 安田貴志2, 後藤直大2, 千堂宏義2, 稲垣智子1, 福永馨1, 森田宗孝1, 谷聡1, 山崎隆3, 具英成2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 119-119, 2018. |
11. One adult with Henoch-Schonlein peliosis case of the after giving birth onset that a digestive organ symptom preceded 大原真理子, 米倉伸彦, 島本和巳, 小林遊, 中村文泰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 119-119, 2018. |
12. A diagnosis and problems of autoimmune gastritis in our hospital 森直子1, 中島滋美2, 椿本由紀1, 長谷川大1, 早藤清行1, 山本和雄1, 藤山佳秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 119-119, 2018. |
13. Examination of the stenting case for Gastric Outlet Obstruction (GOO) due to the malignant tumor in our hospital 椿本由紀1, 森直子1, 長谷川大1, 早藤清行1, 山本和雄1, 藤山佳秀1, 中島滋美2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 120-120, 2018. |
14. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis complicated in the esophagus, stomach, large intestine 加納由貴, 淺井哲, 松尾健司, 竹下宏太郎, 一ノ名巧, 赤峰瑛介, 藤本直己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 120-120, 2018. |
15. One case of the ulcerative colitis who had the autoimmune hepatitis 藤森絢子1, 横山陽子1, 高嶋智之2, 小柴良司1, 藤本晃士1, 佐藤寿行1, 河合幹夫1, 上小鶴孝二1, 高川哲也1, 木田裕子1, 宮嵜孝子1, 樋田信幸1, 渡辺憲二1, 西口修平2, 中村志郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 120-120, 2018. |
16. Two cases of the identical twins Crohn's disease that occurred at the same time 田中太郎, 大西紘平, 中井達也, 生田由佳子, 孝橋信哉, ベンスレイマンヤハヤ, 佐々木一蹴, 池澤伸明, 古松恵介, 安藤純哉, 門卓生, 明生諭史, 吉田俊一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 120-120, 2018. |
17. Examination about mesalazine preparation and the renal function in the elderly people ulcerative colitis case of our hospital 田中信, 宮崎啓, 森田竜一, 江口大樹, 竹田善哉, 伏木邦博, 片山政伸, 田中基夫, 重松忠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 121-121, 2018. |
18. Presence or absence of proton pump inhibitor internal use in patients with ulcerative colitis and revival, examination of the hospitalization 柏木里織, 高木智久, 豊川優季, 土肥統, 岡山哲也, 吉田直久, 堅田和弘, 鎌田和浩, 内山和彦, 十亀義生, 半田修, 石川剛, 保田宏明, 阪上順一, 小西英幸, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 121-121, 2018. |
19. One case of the stenosis type ischemia-related right-sided colitis that caused perforation 平山尚史, 肥後麻衣, 森田幸弘, 仲原民夫, 來住優輝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 121-121, 2018. |
20. One case of the prostate cancer rectum permeation that was complicated with ischaemic colitis, and presented all circumferences-related rectal stenosis 尾花貴志1, 竹内正春2, 岩崎明3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 121-121, 2018. |
21. Example that caused intestinal tract necrosis by cytomegalovirus infection 藤井友実1, 金秀基1, 金致完2, 音野由美2, 田村知子2, 井本勉1, 狛雄一朗3, 金守良1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 122-122, 2018. |
22. Two cases of the omental appendices flame which we experienced in our hospital 川本雄規, 藤野誠司, 宮脇喜一郎, 小西知佳, 奥田孝太郎, 大門由紀子, 光藤章二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 122-122, 2018. |
23. An example of the mesenterial vein sclerosis that occurred during internal use for a Chinese medicine long term 森田康大, 山下典亮, 中浦玄也, 中村一貴, 山本剛司, 三好薫人, 八木勇紀, 南部卓三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 122-122, 2018. |
24. One case of rectal mucosal prolapse syndrome caused severe anemia 平山尚史, 肥後麻衣, 森田幸弘, 仲原民夫, 來住優輝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 122-122, 2018. |
25. An example of the large intestine schwannoma 米倉伸彦, 大原真理子, 島本和巳, 小林遊, 中村文泰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 123-123, 2018. |
26. An example of the pars analis recti malignant lymphoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis 山本和雄1, 椿本由紀1, 森直子1, 長谷川大1, 早藤清行1, 中島滋美2, 藤山佳秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 123-123, 2018. |
27. Examination of the achievement quotient of clean colon after the endoscopic exeresis for the polyp of colon 長谷川大1, 馬場重樹2, 高橋憲一郎2, 藤本剛英2, 大崎理英2, 今枝広丞2, 伴宏充3, 西田淳史2, 園田文乃2, 稲富理2, 杉本光繁3, 山本和雄1, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 123-123, 2018. |
28. One case of stomach origin choriocarcinoma which showed extrinsic growth 織田大介, 北代隼, 平田祐一, 考橋道敬, 久禮泉, 當銘成友, 田村勇, 宮地英行, 鈴木志保, 西澤昭彦, 山城研三, 岡部純弘, 寺尾秀一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 123-123, 2018. |
29. One case of stomach neuroendocrine system cancer with multiple liver metastases 小林遊, 大原真理子, 米倉伸彦, 島本和巳, 中村文泰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 124-124, 2018. |
30. One case of the progress gastric cancer with the multiple liver metastases that a hypoglycemia symptom was the opportunity of the diagnosis 猪上尚徳, 宮田正年, 河端秀明, 人見美鈴, 岡崎裕二, 川勝雪乃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 124-124, 2018. |
31. An example of remote lymph node metastases and the progress gastric cancer who had the sarcoid response 井上博登1, 横田佳大1, 佐藤祐斗1, 新谷修平1, 田辺浩喜1, 馬場弘道1, 駒井康伸1, 谷口正典2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 124-124, 2018. |
32. One case of duodenal non-Vater's papilla adenoma which a neoplastic change cleared up by follow-up of the half a year endoscopically 前田篤史1, 新崎信一郎1, 辻井芳樹1, 林義人1, 川井翔一朗1, 古田訓丸1, 重川稔1, 阪森亮太郎1, 本山雄一2, 本間圭一郎2, 巽智秀1, 飯島英樹1, 森井英一2, 竹原徹郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 124-124, 2018. |
33. We think about the present conditions of the alimentary division gastrointestinal division medical care of the local core hospital troubled with a doctor shortage from the experience that acquired child care reduced working hours as a male physician and the work-life balance in a child care physician generation 木下幾晴1, 木下真樹子1, 月元友厚1, 山本佳司2, 薮内以和夫2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 125-125, 2018. |
34. One case of the peritoneal mesothelioma which was able to observe natural history for long terms seven years or more 澁川成弘1, 大内祥平1, 若松周司1, 若原佑平1, 野中亮児2, 金子晃1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 125-125, 2018. |
35. Two cases of the superior mesenteric artery dissociation relieved by conservative medical treatment 森田幸弘, 平山尚史, 肥後麻衣, 仲原民夫, 來住優輝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 125-125, 2018. |
36. 2 cases that PTEG was effective in gastric cancer for a multiple gastrointestinal stenosis, afferent loop syndrome by the peritoneal dissemination after the R-Y rebuilding 島本和巳, 大原真理子, 米倉伸彦, 小林遊, 中村文泰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 125-125, 2018. |
37. Example that caused middle colon aneurysm ruptured by Segmental arterial mediolysis 松本淳, 高井利恵子, 水越健太, 山川剛, 小澤智美, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 126-126, 2018. |
38. Example that a hepatitis C virus became negative after gefitinib administration spontaneously 中野智景1,2, 西村貴士1,2, 井上美奈子2, 宮本優帆2, 石井紀子2, 由利幸久2, 長谷川国大2, 高田亮2, 楊和典2, 石井昭生2, 高嶋智之2, 坂井良行2, 曾澤信弘2, 池田直人2, 岩田恵典2, 榎本平之2, 西口修平2, 飯島尋子1,2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 126-126, 2018. |
39. The present conditions and a problem of the IFN-free treatment for the C type chronic liver disease in the true clinical practice: Examination of the treatment result in our hospital 羽生泰樹, 小松貴一, 松本浩尚, 松井淳, 松原揚典, 南川健, 片山雅之, 野山裕揮, 土屋さやか, 高貴範 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 126-126, 2018. |
40. On the experience of using Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate (TAF) in our hospital 西川知宏1, 朝井章1,2, 安岡秀高1, 土本雄亮1, 福西新弥1, 津田泰宏3, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 126-126, 2018. |
41. One case that switched over from non-alcoholic lipid hepatitis to a hepatocirrhosis 西内明子, 筋師徹夜, 長島雅子, 安東まや, 笹生幹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 127-127, 2018. |
42. One case of the metronidazole encephalopathy that occurred during the treatment of the liver abscess 神田暁博1, 陌間大輔2, 茶谷元晴1, 水田寛郎1, 伊藤明彦1, 五月女隆男2, 辻川知之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 127-127, 2018. |
43. An example of the adult onset type 2 citrullinemia 仲原民夫, 平山尚史, 肥後麻衣, 森田幸弘, 來住優輝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 127-127, 2018. |
44. An example of the spontaneous hepatocellular carcinoma which resolved 仲原民夫, 肥後麻衣, 平山尚史, 森田幸弘, 來住優輝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 127-127, 2018. |
45. One patient who presented with metastasis to uterus, vagina in the episode of care of the hepatocellular carcinoma 横濱桂介1, 佐野村誠1, 森下文乃1, 山本嘉太郎1, 山田真規1, 岡本紀夫1, 西谷仁1, 佐々木有一1, 田中理恵2, 長田憲和3, 樋口秀和4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 128-128, 2018. |
46. Treatment result of the laparoscopic hepatectomy and radiofrequency wave cauterization for the first liver cancer 中野重治, 勝島慎二, 米田俊貴, 赤松友梨, 濱田聖子, 筑後孝紀, 下釜翼, 太田義之, 江坂直樹, 遠藤文司, 岩本諭, 笠原勝宏, 滝本見吾, 水本吉則, 島伸子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 128-128, 2018. |
47. One case of the liver mucinous cyst-related adenocarcinoma that perflubutane contrasting sonography was useful for a preoperation diagnosis 新谷修平1, 横田佳大1, 佐藤祐斗1, 井上博登1, 田辺浩喜1, 馬場弘道1, 駒井康伸1, 深見保之2, 金岡裕次2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 128-128, 2018. |
48. One case of the focal nodular hyperplasia of the projecting type out of the liver 北田隆起1, 有坂好史1, 八木洋輔1, 河田奈都子1, 田中敏雄1, 村本理1, 湯川雅彦1, 中村秀次1, 小関萬里2, 城光寺龍3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 128-128, 2018. |
49. An example of the liver origin CD5-positive diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma that suffered from a diagnosis 赤松友梨, 中野重治, 濱田聖子, 筑後孝紀, 下釜翼, 太田義之, 江坂直樹, 岩本諭, 笠原勝宏, 滝本見吾, 水本吉則, 米田俊貴, 勝島慎二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 129-129, 2018. |
50. Two cases of the portal vein thrombosis complicated with acute cholangitis 竹内庸浩1,2, 野村祐介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 129-129, 2018. |
51. An example of the hematobilia by the false aneurysm explosion that we seemed to form after bile duct stenting 正木翔, 並川実桜, 西岡靖幸, 福田弘武, 山崎友裕, 菱谷英里子, 出田雅子, 南尚希, 野本大介, 森澤利之, 梅田誠, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 129-129, 2018. |
52. Effect on myocardium of urgent ERCP 安食元1, 門元優1, 土井久和1, 吉川邦生1, 蔦本尚慶2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 129-129, 2018. |
53. One case of the severe progress gallbladder cancer which was able to be given Conversion surgery 橋本悠, 上野公彦, 味木徹夫, 津川大介, 秋田真之, 椋棒英世, 小松昇平, 木下秘我, 寺井祥雄, 田中基文, 外山博近, 木戸正浩, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 130-130, 2018. |
54. One patient who presented with acute pancreatitis by renal cell carcinoma metastases to pancreas 小澤智美, 南竜輝, 高井利恵子, 水越健太, 山川剛, 松本淳, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 130-130, 2018. |
55. One case that they presented with cholangitis by viscous liquid from nipple viscous liquid tumor (IPMN) in the pancreatic duct, and suffered from treatment 三好薫人, 山下典亮, 中村一貴, 中浦玄也, 森田康大, 山本剛司, 八木勇紀, 南部卓三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 130-130, 2018. |
56. One case who had a pancreatic duct cancer and the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor invasive during follow-up of mixed type IPMN 平田祐一, 北代隼, 織田大介, 孝橋道敬, 當銘成友, 久禮泉, 田村勇, 宮地英行, 鈴木志保, 西澤昭彦, 山城研三, 岡部純弘, 寺尾秀一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 130-130, 2018. |
57. One patient whom it passed after colon cancer technique for three years, and metachronous pancreatic cancer developed in 早藤清行1, 椿本由紀1, 森直子1, 長谷川大1, 山本和雄1, 中島滋美2, 藤山佳秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 131-131, 2018. |
58. An example of pancreas body cancer complicated with autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) that had the onset for acute pancreatitis, and racked its brains about a diagnosis 清水貴, 山下博成, 外山博近, 寺井祥雄, 椋棒英世, 白川幸代, 南野佳英, 水本拓也, 上田悠貴, 李東河, 粟津正英, 津川大介, 小松昇平, 木下秘我, 田中基史, 上野公彦, 木戸正浩, 楠信也, 味木徹夫, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 131-131, 2018. |
59. Examination of the DAA treatment for patients with hepatitis C with a history of hepatocellular carcinoma treatment 飯田洋也1, 大崎理英2, 藤本剛英2, 前平博充1, 森治樹1, 北村直美1, 安藤朗2, 谷眞至1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 131-131, 2018. |
60. It is examination about the liver carcinogenesis after a treatment result and achievement of DAAs for the C type chronic liver disease of SVR 石田光志, 中谷敏也, 元川雄貴, 友岡文優, 芝本彰彦, 藤本優樹, 相原洋祐, 永松晋作, 上嶋昌和, 松尾英城, 菊池英亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 131-131, 2018. |
61. The DAA treatment after the hepatocellular carcinoma radical cure resection: Effect of treatment in our hospital, effect on cancer recurrence 田井謙太郎, 田中基文, 木戸正浩, 木下秘我, 小松昇平, 粟津正英, 権英寿, 中馬正志, 荒井啓輔, 保原祐樹, 西沢祐樹, 南野佳英, 山下博成, 白川幸代, 津川大介, 椋棒英世, 寺井祥雄, 外山博近, 上野公彦, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 132-132, 2018. |