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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 108 / 2017
English Article Japanese Article
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(消) S1-01. Usefulness of background gastric mucosa diagnosis in countermeasure type gastric X-ray examination and future problems 青木利佳, 本田浩仁 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 37-37, 2017. |
(消) S1-02. Strategy for the early diagnosis in functional dyspepsia (FD) 河野知樹1,2, 尾立磨琴1,2, 角直樹1, 小塚和博1,2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 37-37, 2017. |
It is S1-03. (inner) Clinicopathologic examination of the duodenal epithelial neoplasm: For improvement of the pickup diagnosis ability 平田敬, 蔵原晃一, 大城由美, 八板弘樹, 浦岡尚平 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 38-38, 2017. |
It is S1-04. (inner) Examination of the capsule small intestine endoscopy in the Lynch syndrome 萱嶋善行1, 蔵原晃一1, 八板弘樹1, 大城由美2, 浦岡尚平1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 38-38, 2017. |
It is S1-05. (inner) Usefulness of image enhancement endoscope (IEE) in the Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) observation 影本開三, 岡本耕一, 三井康裕, 中村文香, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 39-39, 2017. |
It is S1-06. (inner) Examination of initial supersonic wave views in the early gallbladder cancer which was available for a preoperation diagnosis 植木秀太朗, 宮田英樹, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 39-39, 2017. |
(消) S1-07. About efforts for the pancreatic cancer early detection in our hospital 須藤梢, 幡英典, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 40-40, 2017. |
(消) S1-08. Efforts to pancreatic cancer early diagnosis in our hospital 川田愛, 岡崎三千代, 大家力矢, 岩崎丈紘, 小島康司, 内多訓久, 岩村伸一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 40-40, 2017. |
(消) S1-09. The present conditions and problems of the pancreatic cancer practice in our hospital 小林聖幸, 鎌田英紀, 波間大輔, 山名浩喜, 山下拓磨, 藤森崇行, 加藤清仁, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 41-41, 2017. |
(消) S1-10. The effect that the hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance that patients with viral chronic liver disease receive gives to a diagnosis of the pancreatic cancer 田中良憲5,8, 木阪吉保6,8, 芝田直純7,8, 丹下和洋3,8, 行本敦6,8, 宮田英樹4,8, 西山麻里5,8, 黒田太良2,8, 小泉光仁2,8, 大野芳敬2,8, 石井浩1,8, 日浅陽一2,8 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 41-41, 2017. |
(消) S1-11. Importance of the early diagnosis from a point of view that is biological for the resectable pancreatic cancer 岡林雄大, 志摩泰生, 住吉辰朗, 須井健太 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 42-42, 2017. |
(消) S1-12. Identification of the pancreatic cancer convalescence rule factor which is useful for a pancreatic cancer postoperative follow-up 谷内恵介1,2, 長沼誠二3, 耕崎拓大1, 坪井麻記子1, 木岐淳1, 吉岡玲子1, 降幡睦夫3, 西原利治1,2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 42-42, 2017. |
It is S2-01. (inner) About usefulness of the plastic stent (PS) in ultrasonic endoscope lower cholangiogastrostomy (EUS-HGS) 幡英典, 須藤梢, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 43-43, 2017. |
(消) S2-02. Experience of the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic pseudocyst drainage in our hospital 耕崎拓大1, 高田昌史1, 吉岡玲子1, 木岐淳1, 坪井麻記子1, 谷内恵介1, 小野正文1, 西原利治1, 藤沢和音2, 上村直2, 北川博之2, 岡本健2, 並川努2, 花崎和弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 43-43, 2017. |
It is S2-03. (inner) It is examined double balloon endoscope (DBE) lower biliary tract measures for the bile duct calculus disease of the rebuilding intestinal tract case after an operation 波間大輔, 鎌田英紀, 加藤清仁, 藤森崇行, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 44-44, 2017. |
It is S2-04. (inner) Endoscopic lower measures in the small intestine endoscopy, examination of the treatment 八木専1, 宇都宮大貴2, 竹下英次1, 池田宜央2, 日浅陽一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 44-44, 2017. |
(消) S2-05. Realization of antithrombotic drug-free ESD in super aging society - Development of device delivery station system - 森宏仁, 小林伸也, 合田康弘, 千代大翔, 西山典子, 谷内田達夫, 小原英幹, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 45-45, 2017. |
(消) S2-06. Elucidation of examination of the usefulness of the endoscopic treatment for rectal neuroendocrine tumor (NET-G1) and the metastatic mechanism 三好人正, 村山典聡, 高橋早代, 岡本耕一, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 45-45, 2017. |
It is S2-07. (inner) A preoperation tissue diagnosis and significance of the endoscopic submucosal tunnel biopsy for submucosal tumor 尾立磨琴1,2, 小原英幹2, 森宏仁2, 河野知樹1,2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 46-46, 2017. |
It is S2-08. (inner) Invention of introduction and the maneuver of cold-polypectomy for large intestine adenoma 今川敦 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 46-46, 2017. |
It is S2-09. (inner) Pharynx ESD which noted nerve-sparing 桑山泰治1, 辻真一郎1, 野々木理子1, 佐藤幸一1, 片岡孝一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 47-47, 2017. |
It is S2-10. (inner) Usefulness of the counter traction method using the ring thread in cecum ESD 小林伸也, 森宏仁, 小原英幹, 西山典子, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 47-47, 2017. |
(消) S2-11. Reduced port surgery in the upper gastrointestinal tract domain 山井礼道1, 内多訓久2, 岡崎三千代2, 岩村伸一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 48-48, 2017. |
(消) S2-12. Dissection precedence pneumoscope lower esophagectomy mediastinal in the mediastinoscope lower left for the cancer of the esophagus 北川博之1, 並川努1, 岩部純1, 上村直1, 藤澤和音1, 小林道也2, 花崎和弘1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 48-48, 2017. |
(消) S2-13. Trend of laparoscopic gastrectomy in our hospital - Current status and future prospects from the viewpoint of local education - 尾崎和秀, 古北由仁, 住吉辰朗, 岡林雄大, 志摩泰生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 49-49, 2017. |
(消) S2-14. Examination of peritoneoscope, endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) for the stomach GIST 西正暁, 島田光生, 吉川幸造, 東島潤, 徳永卓哉, 柏原秀也, 高須千絵, 石川大地, 徳永卓哉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 49-49, 2017. |
It is S2-15. (inner) Low invasive approach depending on the localization of duodenal tumor 橋田真輔, 田中則光, 鈴木優之, 大橋龍一郎, 小野田裕士 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 50-50, 2017. |
It is S2-16. (inner) Development of all endoscopic layer excision using original OTSC system which targeted rectal NET 西山典子, 森宏仁, 小原英幹, 谷内田達夫, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 50-50, 2017. |
It is S2-17. (inner) Examination of the digestive organ endoscopic alien substance exclusion method for the alien substance mis-deglutition of children in our hospital 松中寿浩, 柴峠光成, 野田展世, 小川力, 玉置敬之 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 51-51, 2017. |
It is S2-18. (inner) An effect and limit of Over-The-Scope-Clip system for the iatrogenic gastrointestinal perforation 小林伸也, 森宏仁, 小原英幹, 西山典子, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 51-51, 2017. |
(消) S3-01. Diachronic correlation of drinking and fatty liver in our hospital clinical survey 守屋昭男, 間嶋荘一郎, 須藤梢, 安原ひさ恵, 秋田光洋, 遠藤日登美, 神野秀基, 幡英典, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 52-52, 2017. |
(消) S3-02. Examination of the effectiveness for the liver function level improvement of the SGLT2 inhibitor 面家敏宏, 柴田啓志, 松本友里, 山本貴之, 大塚加奈子, 香川美和子, 林真也, 森敬子, 高橋幸志, 鈴木康博, 青木秀俊 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 52-52, 2017. |
(消) S3-03. Liver function improvement effect with the Sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT) 2 inhibitor 筒井朱美1, 妹尾知典1, 永野拓也1, 馬場伸介2, 高口浩一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 53-53, 2017. |
(消) S3-04. Examination about clinical features of the non-pycnic type who showed CAP high level in Fibroscan 今井祐輔1, 廣岡昌史1,2, 阿部雅則1, 古川慎哉3, 日浅陽一1,2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 53-53, 2017. |
(消) S3-05. Effect of BCAA in the quantity of muscular strength, line of patients with chronic liver disease 平岡淳1, 泉本裕文1, 植木秀太朗1, 北畑翔吾1, 相引利彦1, 奥平知成1, 山子泰加1, 岩崎竜一朗1, 富田英臣1, 森健一郎1, 宮田英樹1, 岸田正人1, 壷内英治1, 二宮朋之1, 日浅陽一1, 道堯浩二郎1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 54-54, 2017. |
(消) S3-06. Consideration of Skeletal muscle loss and cramp of liver disease patients in our hospital 多田藤政, 山田瑞穂, 佐々木千世, 奥嶋優介, 玉井惇一郎, 白石佳奈, 宮本裕也, 清水嵩之, 梅岡二美, 村上英広, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 54-54, 2017. |
(消) S3-07. Study of carnitine administration to patients with liver cirrhosis with hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy 坂本鉄平1, 大浦杏子1, 田所智子1, 藤田浩二1, 三村志麻1, 野村貴子1, 森下朝洋1, 米山弘人1, 樋本尚志2, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 55-55, 2017. |
(消) S3-08. The new perioperative nourishment evaluation that added an index in the abdominal surgery of immunity 寺奥大貴, 齋藤裕, 島田光生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 55-55, 2017. |
01. One patient who underwent PTGBD for the emphysematous cholecystitis that it was hard to operate for by apex clot 水尾孝章1, 森田翼1, 龍田美和1, 小林三善1, 安田貢2, 前田剛3, 厚井文一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 59-59, 2017. |
02. One case that a cause of sepsis was regarded as bile duct hamartoma 芳賀俊介1, 小泉光仁2, 今村良樹2, 黒田太良2, 大野芳敬2, 竹下英次2, 阿部雅則2, 熊木天児2, 日浅陽一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 59-59, 2017. |
03. 1 excision case of the gallbladder cancer which resulted in obstructive jaundice by the intrabiliary fall of the tumor stopper 荒川悠佑1, 住友弘幸1, 近藤愛貴美1, 淺野間理仁1, 四方祐子1, 宇山攻1, 小笠原卓1, 黒田武志1, 日野直樹1, 三宅秀則1, 岸和弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 60-60, 2017. |
04. One patient who was treated effectively with percutaneous drainage for Walled-off necrosis (WON) after the necrotising pancreatitis that spread through the retroperitoneum broadly 岩野祥子1, 小川明子2, 田中良憲2, 平田雅昭3, 浦岡大知1, 佐藤友理1, 岡崎雄貴2, 國分勝仁2, 沼田結希2, 橋本悠2, 小田眞由2, 西山麻里2, 水上祐治2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 60-60, 2017. |
05. Two cases of the acute pancreatitis with L-asparaginase 林亨1, 手束一博1, 福田直子1, 岩井艶子2, 岩井朝幸2, 石原慎一3, 土屋貴愛4, 糸井隆夫4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 61-61, 2017. |
06. One patient whom we produced hypertriglyceridemia during tamoxifen administration, and acute pancreatitis developed in 田村瑤子, 榊原一郎, コルビン真梨子, 豊澤惇希, 青山祐樹, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 岡本邦男, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 61-61, 2017. |
07. One case of the pancreas lymph epithelium-related cyst that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis 山本翔太, 耕崎拓大, 高田昌史, 羽柴基, 吉岡玲子, 木岐淳, 坪井麻記子, 谷内恵介, 小野正文, 西原利治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 62-62, 2017. |
08. One case of ramified IPMN which performed a body of pancreas tailpiece resection 大川良洋1, 近森正康1, 榮枝弘司1, 塚田暁2, 円山英昭3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 62-62, 2017. |
09. Example that was regarded as pancreas Solid-Pseudopapillary Neoplasm discovered at advanced age 間嶋荘一郎, 幡英典, 須藤梢, 安原ひさ恵, 遠藤日登美, 秋田光洋, 神野秀基, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 63-63, 2017. |
10. It is one patient of the pancreatic cancer with the definitive diagnosis by surgical excision for the first time 宮本亮太1, 林真也2, 大塚加奈子2, 青木秀俊2, 松本友里2, 山本貴之2, 香川美和子2, 高橋幸志2, 面家敏宏2, 鈴木康博2, 柴田啓志2, 工藤英治3, 佐竹宣法3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 63-63, 2017. |
11. One case of collision cancer of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer and pancreas neuroendocrine system cancer which controlled the condition of a patient by origin excision and Everolimus therapy 浅木彰則, 西川萌美, 日野佳織, 中舎晃男, 西出憲史, 畔元信明, 梶原猛史, 仁科智裕, 寺尾孝志, 堀伸一郎, 灘野成人, 石井浩 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 64-64, 2017. |
12. One case that we gave FOLFILINOX therapy for unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer, and adjuvant surgery was enabled 香川朋1, 岡本邦男1,2, コルビン真梨子1, 豊澤惇希1, 青山祐樹1, 石田正也1, 倉岡紗樹子1, 榊原一郎1, 泉川孝一1, 山本久美子1, 高橋索真1, 田中盛富1, 松浦美穂子1, 石川茂直1, 和唐正樹1, 蓮井利実1, 稲葉知己1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 64-64, 2017. |
13. Examination of the antitumor effect to neuroendocrine tumor cells by antidiabetic drug Metformin 山名浩喜, 鎌田英紀, 波間大輔, 山下拓磨, 小林聖幸, 藤森崇行, 加藤清仁, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 65-65, 2017. |
14. We look at the rear of the Irinotecan+Cisplatin combination therapy for unresectable progress neuroendocrine system cancer and examine a mark 津保友香, 高橋拓, 横山怜子, 三井康裕, 福家慧, 影本開三, 高岡慶史, 岡崎潤, 岡田泰行, 高橋早代, 三好人正, 中村文香, 田中久美子, 藤野泰輝, 北村晋志, 岡本耕一, 宮本弘志, 佐藤康史, 六車直樹, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 65-65, 2017. |
15. Three patients who conducted stenting for afferent loop atresia with the peritoneal dissemination 相引利彦, 壷内栄治, 泉本裕文, 植木秀太朗, 北畑翔吾, 奥平知成, 山子泰加, 富田英臣, 岩崎竜一朗, 森健一郎, 平岡淳, 宮田英樹, 岸田正人, 二宮朋之, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 66-66, 2017. |
16. The present conditions of the faecal incontinence practice in our hospital 田中盛富, コルビン真梨子, 豊澤惇希, 青山祐樹, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 岡本邦男, 榊原一郎, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 66-66, 2017. |
17. Two cases of the explosion in the bacterial liver abscess abdominal cavity which caused septic shock, and was able to be under the medical treatment conservatively 白石佳奈, 村上英広, 山田瑞穂, 佐々木千世, 奥嶋優介, 玉井惇一郎, 宮本裕也, 清水嵩之, 多田藤政, 梅岡二美, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 67-67, 2017. |
18. One case of the alcoholic cirrhosis that we were able to observe a liver hypervolemic nature nodule in for a long term 村田紘子, 久家直子, 市川麻由, 宗景玄祐, 越智経浩, 小笠原三成, 廣瀬享, 野崎靖子, 小野正文, 岩崎信二, 西原利治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 67-67, 2017. |
19. Example that combined Peg-IFNα-2a with chronic hepatitis B during nucleic acid analog preparation administration, and led to HBs antigen negative conversion 佐々木洸太1, 藤田浩二1, 喜田惠治1,2, 中原麻衣1, 大浦杏子1, 田所智子1, 坂本鉄平1, 野村貴子1, 米山弘人1, 森下朝洋1, 樋本尚志3, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 68-68, 2017. |
20. One case of the type B acute hepatitis severe form (genotypical A) given nucleic acid analog, interferon and steroid pulse therapy 富田優香1, 田島萌夢2, 前田真佐2, 久雅行2, 矢野慶太郎2, 北岡真由子2, 佐竹朋美2, 市川博源2, 大川良洋2, 近森正康2, 高松正宏2, 岡田光生2, 青野礼2, 榮枝弘司2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 68-68, 2017. |
21. 2 cases thought to be acute autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) 柴田啓志1, 面家敏宏1, 松本友里1, 山本貴之1, 大塚加奈子1, 香川美和子1, 林真也1, 森敬子1, 高橋幸志1, 鈴木康博1, 青木秀俊1, 常山幸一2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 69-69, 2017. |
22. Liver function improvement effect with the Sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT) 2 inhibitor 筒井朱美1, 妹尾知典1, 永野拓也1, 馬場伸介2, 高口浩一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 69-69, 2017. |
23. Examination about the origin of the hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital 秋田理恵1, 坂本鉄平2, 大浦杏子2, 田所智子2, 藤田浩二2, 三村志麻2, 野村貴子2, 森下朝洋2, 米山弘人2, 樋本尚志3, 正木努2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 70-70, 2017. |
24. One case of hepatocytes cancer which suffered from treatment by the development of large number of liver outside bypasses 森川紳之祐1, 今井祐輔2, 廣岡昌史2,3, 小泉洋平2, 行本敦2, 中村由子2, 渡辺崇夫2, 吉田理2, 田中宏明4, 阿部雅則2, 日浅陽一2,3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 70-70, 2017. |
25. Examination of the results of the sorafenib administration case in our hospital 面家敏宏, 柴田啓志, 松本友里, 山本貴之, 大塚加奈子, 香川美和子, 林真也, 森敬子, 高橋幸志, 鈴木康博, 青木秀俊 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 71-71, 2017. |
26. One case of the progress hepatocellular carcinoma which developed a keratoacanthoma during sorafenib administration 三宅孝典1, 友成哲1, 近藤由香1, 田中宏典1, 宮本佳彦1, 田中貴大1, 谷口達哉1, 岡本耕一1, 宮本弘志1, 曽我部正弘1, 六車直樹1, 村尾和俊2, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 71-71, 2017. |
27. The hepatocellular carcinoma which obtained remission by grain treatment and chemotherapy, an example of the splenic malignant lymphoma 田中育太1, 友兼毅1, 樫原孝典1, 六車直樹2, 佐藤康史2, 岡崎潤2, 小田修治3, 和田大助4, 福田洋4, 尾形頼彦4, 金村普史4, 熊谷久治郎5 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 72-72, 2017. |
28. Two cases of O-IIb lesion of early gastric cancer in which the color change and blood vessel see-through disappear 合田康宏, 小原英幹, 森宏仁, 西山典子, 小林伸也, 松井崇矩, 千代大翔, 谷内田達夫, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 72-72, 2017. |
29. One case of the fundic gland type gastric cancer followed up for approximately seven years 澤井健治1, 杵川文彦1, 加藤清仁2, 伊藤智美2, 松永多恵3, 舟木利治1, 渡邊精四郎1, 正木勉2, 竿尾光祐4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 73-73, 2017. |
30. The gastric cancer case which resulted in Ollivier's disease 川口智之1, 井本佳孝1, 末内辰尚1, 四宮寛彦1, 小川博久2, 和田哲1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 73-73, 2017. |
31. It is an example of the anastomotic region stump cancer after an operation with Gastritis cystica polyposa 中村賢史, 西山典子, 森宏仁, 合田康宏, 松井崇矩, 千代大翔, 小林伸也, 谷内田達夫, 小原英幹, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 74-74, 2017. |
32. Two cases of the gastric perforation due to the fish bone 竹内雄亮, 田中盛富, コルビン真梨子, 豊澤惇希, 青山祐樹, 石田正也, 香川朋, 倉岡紗樹子, 岡本邦男, 榊原一郎, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 74-74, 2017. |
33. One patient who was under the medical treatment for duodenal diverticulitis perforation conservatively 久雅行, 北岡真由子, 岡田光生, 栄枝弘司, 青野礼, 高松正宏, 近森正康, 市川博源, 佐竹朋美, 大川良洋, 田島萌夢, 矢野慶太郎, 前田真佐 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 75-75, 2017. |
34. One case of non-exposure type duodenum Vater's papilla cancer that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis 川西竜輔1, 鎌田英紀2, 山下拓磨2, 小林聖幸2, 藤森崇行2, 加藤清仁2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 75-75, 2017. |
35. One case that an examination for contrasting CT was useful in a diagnosis of the Meckel diverticulum bleeding 橋本悠1, 田中良憲1, 岡崎雄貴1, 國分勝仁1, 沼田結希1, 小田眞由1, 小川明子1, 水上祐治1, 上平裕樹2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 76-76, 2017. |
36. An example of ileal Peutz-Jeghers type polyps which we were able to resect endoscopically 藤原佑太1, 川崎敬太郎2, 津田直樹1, 樫本洋平2, 竹治智2, 上原貴秀2, 山口朋孝2, 村上貴俊2, 宮池次郎2, 大本昌樹2, 恩地森一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 76-76, 2017. |
37. An example of the 30s onset small intestinal cancer detected with ileus 岡本恵暢1, 藤本美幸2, 森本佳奈2, 曽我部公子2, 藤野ひかる2, 答島章公2, 滝下誠2, 田上誉史2, 上原久典3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 77-77, 2017. |
38. An example of all APC gene deletion type familial adenomatous polyposis who had cholangiocarcinoma and the multiple duodenal cancer 近藤由香, 藤野泰輝, 田中久美子, 三井康祐, 中村文香, 三好人正, 北村晋志, 岡本耕一, 宮本弘志, 佐藤康史, 六車直樹, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 77-77, 2017. |
39. One case of the autoimmune enterocolitis by the nivolumab which presented the endoscopic image that closely resembled ulcerative colitis 金森大樹1, 安原ひさ恵2, 間嶋荘一郎2, 須藤梢2, 山内健司2, 吉田泰成2, 秋田光洋2, 遠藤日登美2, 神野秀基2, 守屋昭男2, 幡英典2, 中津守人2, 安東正晴2, 山地康文3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 78-78, 2017. |
40. One case of gastrointestinal confinement AL amyloidosis that we were able to diagnose with sigmoid perforation 松塲瞳1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 財津瑛子3, 八板弘樹1, 浦岡尚平1, 平田敬1, 萱嶋善行1, 吉田雄一朗1, 森崎晋史1, 佐藤香織1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 78-78, 2017. |
41. Four cases of the endometriosis of intestine that presented various kinds of forms 小塚和博1, 尾立磨琴1,2, 高野実子1,2, 河野知樹1,2, 角直樹1, 西山典子2, 小原英幹2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 79-79, 2017. |
42. An example of the sigmoid colon giant diverticulum 木下翼1, 間嶋荘一郎2, 松浦宏樹2, 須藤梢2, 山内健司2, 安原ひさ恵2, 遠藤日登美2, 秋田光洋2, 神野秀基2, 守屋昭男2, 幡英典2, 中津守人2, 安東正晴2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 79-79, 2017. |
43. One case that caused sigmoid perforation during conservative medical treatment of the acute large intestine false-related atresia 國分勝仁1, 水上祐治1, 岡崎雄貴1, 沼田結希1, 橋本悠1, 小田眞由1, 小川明子1, 田中良憲1, 加賀城安2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 80-80, 2017. |
44. One patient who presented with haemolysis urine and acute renal failure by rectal injury due to glycerin enema 樫原孝典1, 友兼毅1, 岡崎潤1, 田中育太1, 野田和克2, 六車直樹2, 佐藤康史2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 80-80, 2017. |
45. One case of the IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis diagnosed with rectal stenosis 大櫛聖子, 藤澤明彦, 堀北実 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (108): 81-81, 2017. |