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Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui

Volume , Issue 11 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "- for change - function preservation of the gynecologic malignancy surgery and low invasiveness"
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 2-2, 2019.

Japanese Article "- for healthy longevity of initiative medical care - mother from the perinatal period and healthy next-generation upbringing"
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 5-5, 2019.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of the preliminary remark adhesion placenta which effectively utilized a hybrid operating room
山内諒子, 川村裕士, 白藤文, 品川明子, 折坂誠, 黒川哲司, 吉田好雄
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 6-6, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of placenta tumor with fetal anemia
伊藤太郎, 田中良明, 冨士井杏子, 岡秀明, 鈴木秀文
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 7-7, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of the pregnant woman who caused polyhydramnios in our hospital in the past 5 years
荒木皓光, 飯藤弘光, 杉田元気, 小林寛人, 堀芳秋, 加藤じゅん, 田中政彰, 加藤三典, 土田達
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 8-8, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases of the solid ovarian tumor which was more pedunculated than the normal ovary, and grew, and twisted
福田真, 井上大輔, 佐藤久美子, 服部克成, 辻博隆, 田嶋公久
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 9-9, 2019.

Japanese Article Colon cancer merger pregnant example that became clear for an ileus symptom in early pregnancy, and was able to save a mother
高橋望1), 熊谷亜矢子1), 三屋和子1), 河野久美子1), 里見裕之1), 細川久美子1), 金嶋光夫1), 紙谷尚之1), 天谷優介2), 藤原清香2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 10-10, 2019.

Japanese Article For the examination pregnancy-related breast cancer early detection of 28 pregnancy-related breast cancer
加藤栄一1), 塚尾麻由1), 折坂誠2), 前田浩幸2), 伊藤正裕3), 久保真4), 笠原善郎5), 堀田幸次郎5), 大田浩司6), 杉田元気6), 堀芳秋6), 田中文恵7), 田嶋公久7)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 11-11, 2019.

Japanese Article "Topics of ovarian cancer treatment"
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 15-15, 2019.

Japanese Article It is ... through an example of management - puerperal psychosis of the expectant mothers with the mental disorder
大西拓人, 白藤文, 玉村千代, 折坂誠, 吉田好雄
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 16-16, 2019.

Japanese Article An example of the fetal intraabdominal umbilical cord varix
田中良明, 伊藤太郎, 冨士井杏子, 岡秀明, 鈴木秀文, 山本宝
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 17-17, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination of patients with ovarian cancer in our hospital
辻隆博, 杉田元気, 佐藤久美子, 福田真, 田嶋公久
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 18-18, 2019.

Japanese Article Two cases of the rectal cancer postoperative complications rectum vagina fistula
土田達, 荒木皓光, 飯藤弘光, 小林寛人, 堀芳秋, 加藤じゅん, 田中政彰, 加藤三典
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 19-19, 2019.

Japanese Article Fukui women athlete luna control project activities report
福井県女性アスリート・ルナコントロールプロジェクトワーキンググループ, 細川久美子1), 宇賀治真紀2), 打波郁子3), 折坂早苗4), 加藤じゅん5), 佐藤久美子6), 鈴木綾子7), 知野陽子8)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 20-20, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation and the prospects of intraabdominal hyperthermia (HIPEC) in the gynecologic malignancy
井上大輔, 加藤優里, 山内諒子, 金井貴弘, 山田しず佳, 白藤文, 玉村千代, 川村裕士, 山本真, 宮崎有美子, 大沼利通, 津吉秀昭, 品川明子, 知野陽子, 折坂誠, 黒川哲司, 吉田好雄
Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (11): 21-21, 2019.