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The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 112 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article H. It is the condition of a patient and endoscopic diagnosis of the gastric cancer after pylori sanitization
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article About autonomic nervous system disorders and a digestive organ symptom mainly on knowledge obtained from - Parkinson's disease practice -
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article Expectation to importance and Ustekinumab of the long-term remission maintenance effect in the treatment with CD
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article We teach an art of the guide wire operation
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 54-54, 2019.

Japanese Article We teach an art of the stenting
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 55-55, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-01. Examination of the duodenal stenting for the stomach duodenum malignant stenosis in our hospital
堀口繁, 加藤博也, 友田健, 松本和幸, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 59-59, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-02. Examination about the effectiveness and the safety of the new Niti-S MD type stent for the large intestine malignant stenosis
楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 田丸弓弦, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 59-59, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-03. The anticoagulant continuation cold snare polypectomy for the small polyp of colon does not gain serious bleeding
下立雄一1, 竹内洋司2, 河村卓二3, 太田高志4, 水野元夫1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-04. Comparison of a current situation - scissors type knife of the endoscopic mucosa of large intestine lower layer detachment technique and the knife of tip origin
藤田穣1, 村尾高久2, 大澤元保2, 眞部紀明1, 塩谷昭子2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-05. What kind of lesion should the large intestine ESD inexperienced endoscopic medicine challenge large intestine ESD from? It is ... from ... Hiroshima gastrointestinal tract endoscope research group multicenter study
保田和毅1, 田中信治1, 岡志郎2, 永田信二3, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-06. Examination - about the effectiveness of a polyglycolic acid sheet and the fibrin adhesive for accident measures - perforation for the endoscopic treatment of gastrointestinal tumor
万波智彦1,3, 藤原延清2,3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-07. Treatment result of the muscular layer resection for lower rectal tumor
鴫田賢次郎1, 永田信二2, 朝山直樹2, 福本晃1, 向井伸一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 62-62, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-08. Cancer of the esophagus exacerbation risk after the cetuximab combination radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
五嶋敦史1, 岡本健志2, 浜辺功一1, 橋本真一1, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 62-62, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-09. Examination of the effective case of Nivolumab for the gastric cancer in our hospital
矢鍋之照, 那須淳一郎, 金藤光博, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 63-63, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-10. Usefulness, management for the safe examination and adverse event based on use experience of Lenvatinib
永原天和1, 的野智光1, 杉原誉明1, 三好謙一2, 磯本一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 63-63, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-11. After the marketing of the Lenvatinib for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma multicenter study - in treatment result - Hiroshima liver study group
河岡友和, 相方浩, 安藤雄和, 内川慎介, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article WS1-12. Examination of the case that performed the human trunk part normal position radiotherapy which used the marker custody for the hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital Kim together
矢崎友隆1, 飛田博史1, 石原俊治2, 玉置幸久3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-01. The impact that DAA treatment result for the hepatitis C and virus exclusion give for liver fibrosis and the liver carcinogenesis
小坂祐未, 今村道雄, 河岡友和, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 67-67, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-02. It is examined the carcinogen after liver carcinogenesis inhibitory effect and SVR of the DAA treatment in the hepatitis C
大野高嗣1, 日高勲2, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 67-67, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-03. Examination of the liver carcinogenesis after the DAA treatment for patients with C type chronic liver disease with the liver cancer history
三浦崚一, 高野弘嗣, 河野博孝
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-04. It is evaluated the serum oxidative stress marker by recurrent case associated with the poor prognosis after the liver cancer radical radiofrequency wave
室泰子1, 高木章乃夫1, 中村進一郎2, 大西秀樹1, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-05. H. Examination of the gastric cancer protective efficacy that we saw from gastric cancer after the generations of the pylori sanitization therapy, the treatment result and the sanitization according to the drug
向井伸一1, 永田信二1, 朝山直樹1, 青山大輝1, 福本晃2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-06. Reactivity of the Non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacters (NHPHs) infection situation and the sanitization therapy in Helicobacter pylori in our hospital-negative stomach MALT lymphoma
瀧川英彦1,2, 弓削亮3, 田中信治3, 茶山一彰1, 北台靖彦4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-07. In follow-up of the familial adenomatous polyposis
小林沙代1, 藤澤智雄1, 名和徹1, 植木亨1, 黒瀬洋平2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article WS2-08. Diagnosis of the cholangiocarcinoma complicated with primary sclerosing cholangitis
石井康隆, 芹川正浩, 壷井智史, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article JR01. One case of the superior mesenteric arteriovenous malformation with the portal hypertension
坂田周治郎, 松下浩志, 能祖一裕, 西村守, 藤原寛康
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article JR02. Molecular biologic examination in one of glycogen storage disease type IV that was able to live long
美野正彰1, 辻恵二1, 初鹿佳輝1, 山下由美子1, 豊島元1, 上平祐輔1, 宮木英輔1, 福原崇之1, 河野友彦1, 岡崎彰仁1, 毛利律生1, 高木慎太郎1, 森奈美1, 岡信秀治1, 安達昌功2, 古川善也1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article JR03. One patient who received thrombolytic therapy after EIS precedence for the portal vein clot merger esophagus gastric varices
清原敬一郎, 長沖祐子, 赤羽麻樹, 平田大三郎, 福原達磨, 黒田剛, 田村徹
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article JR04. One case of lead poisoning that occurred in a housebreaker
村田大樹, 河野博孝, 森内里歩, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 三浦崚一, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 山口厚, 桑井寿雄, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article JR05. One case that CR was obtained for the hepatocellular carcinoma which increased rapidly in Sorafenib
甘崎誠史, 守屋尚, 岸雄太郎, 松原由佳, 山崎慎太郎, 中村一樹, 実綿倫宏, 毛利輝生, 北村正輔, 沼田義弘, 久賀祥男, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article JR06. One case of the clear cells intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which suffered from a diagnosis in preoperation, and led to a definitive diagnosis by diagnostic treatment
山本卓哉1, 松本望1, 奥田康博1, 矢野成樹1, 池田守登1, 横出正隆1, 栗原啓介1, 清水晃典1, 中土井鋼一1, 片村嘉男1, 宍戸孝好1, 小野川靖二1, 平野巨通1, 花田敬士1, 天野尋暢2, 米原修治3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article JR07. An example of the bile duct infiltrating type intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis
赤木晃久1, 西野謙1, 末廣満彦1, 石井克憲1, 谷川朋弘1, 浦田矩代1, 中村純1, 笹井貴子1, 川中美和1, 物部泰昌2, 河本博文1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article JR08. One case of lipomatous pseudohypertrophy of the pancreas complicated with premature senility treated effectively with pancrelipase
高見理恵, 池田愛璃, 山本洋一郎, 織田崇志, 根岸慎, 小林沙代, 藤澤智雄, 名和徹, 小川恒由, 植木亨
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article JR09. Two cases of abdominal viscera aneurysms which we were able to save in Interventional radiology (IVR)
皆木仁志1, 石原裕基1, 矢吹隆行2, 加藤諒1, 豊澤惇希1, 秋元悠1, 藤本剛1, 田中彰一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article JR10. One patient who was complicated with a left gastric artery false aneurysm explosion to a pancreatic pseudocyst, and presented with intragastric bleeding
城本真佑, 福本康史, 須藤和樹, 永原華子, 佐柿司, 坂林雄飛, 若槻俊之, 古立真一, 清水慎一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article JR11. Type 4 progress gastric cancer detected with a diffuse pancreatomegaly size, an example of metastases to pancreas
釜木信行1, 東山真1, 小道大輔2, 星野正賢1, 飯島徳章2, 白根佑樹1, 古川大1, 山本紀子2, 佐野村洋次1, 佐々木民人2, 平本智樹1, 平賀裕子1, 北本幹也2, 渡邉千之1, 山田博康2, 西阪隆3, 隅岡正昭4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article JR12. Two cases of the small bowel intestinal duplication intestinal tract which we were able to diagnose in our hospital in preoperation
梶山彩加1, 半田修2, 宇治恵美子2, 門田修蔵2, 笹田真由2, 三澤拓2, 笹平百世2, 近石昌也2, 葉祥元2, 福嶋真弥2, 半田有紀子2, 合田杏佑2, 大澤元保2, 村尾高久2, 松本啓志2, 梅垣英次2, 塩谷昭子2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article JR13. An example of the genuine intestinal calculus complicated with small intestine stenosis due to the Crohn's disease
田中駿二朗1, 井上雅文1, 筒井智章1, 服部直1, 佐藤亮介1, 吉村恵美子1, 甲斐華恵1, 安井稔博1, 難波真太郎1, 秋田光洋1, 原田亮1, 歳森淳一2, 小橋春彦1,2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article JR14. Sprue-like intestinal disease by the olmesartan which we experienced in our hospital
赤塚陸, 齊藤俊介, 西脇聖剛, 岩藤恭昌, 木山健太, 大道莉子, 大里俊樹, 河村玲央奈, 亀高大介, 原田亮一, 野島智子, 水川翔, 金藤光博, 藤井雅邦, 伊藤守, 石山修平, 藤原明子, 那須淳一郎, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article JR15. An example of the primary small intestine carcinoma mucoides that postoperative chemotherapy was effective
中山博誉1, 難波真太郎2, 服部直2, 佐藤亮介2, 安井稔博2, 原田亮2, 秋田光洋2, 歳森淳一3, 小橋春彦3, 井上雅文2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article JR16. One case of the Clostridium perfringens enterocolitis after the course that was good by early antimicrobial medical treatment
田中裕輔, 吉岡京子, 有吉美紗, 畠山剛, 野間文次郎, 児玉寛治, 岡本志朗, 山口修司
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article JR17. Two cases of the drug-related enterocolitis due to nivolumab
岡本悠佑, 表静馬, 門脇由華, 原友太, 伏見崇, 上田裕也, 野間康宏, 藤田勲生, 堀井城一朗, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article JR18. It is one patient who had the drug-related enterocolitis with the amoxicillin for ulcerative colitis
網岡祐生1, 二宮悠樹1, 田中信治1, 下原康嗣2, 西村朋之2, 稲垣克哲2, 岡本由貴2, 田中秀典2, 松本健太2, 保田和毅2, 山下賢2, 小刀崇弘1, 保田智之1, 林亮平1, 岡志郎2, 日山亨3, 上野義隆4, 北台靖彦5, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article JR19. An example of the severe pseudomembranous enteritis that repeated a recurrence
藤田亮1, 河合良成2, 宮部欽生2, 大城勝2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article JR20. One case of the omental appendices flame which presented characteristic CT views
片岡慶, 井川敦, 平野大樹, 苗代典昭, 石垣尚志, 南智之, 濱田博重
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article JR21. A case of cytomegalovirus enteritis following resuscitation and emphysema and intestinal pseudolipomatosis as a complication
山内菜緒1, 岩室雅也2, 田中健大3, 中島有理4, 和田嵩平4, 高原政宏2, 川野誠司2, 平岡佐規子2, 河原祥朗2, 岡田裕之2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article JR22. Is curing as ulcerative colitis, H. One case of cap polyposis where pylori sanitization succeeded
見越正礼1, 宮原孝治1, 森藤由記1, 河野吉泰1, 高田齋門1, 平尾謙1, 國弘真己1, 植松周二1, 中川昌浩2, 大西信彦3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article JR23. An example of unknown primary cancer that the immunostaining of the ascitic cell block was useful in identification of the primary tumor
戸川文子1, 上野真行2, 守本洋一2, 萱原隆久2, 高畠弘行2, 水野元夫2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article SR01. One case of the 16 years old gastric cancer
星野正賢1, 平賀裕子1, 飯島徳章1, 古川大1, 白根佑樹1, 山本紀子1, 東山真1, 佐野村洋次1, 小道大輔1, 佐々木民人1, 平本智樹1, 北本幹也1, 渡邉千之1, 山田博康1, 新田朋子2,3, 篠崎勝則2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article SR02. An example of neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) where ESD was useful for a diagnosis and stomach Mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MiNEN) consisting of normal differentiation type adenocarcinomas
和泉屋勇太1, 柳井秀雄1,2, 千原大典1, 原野恵1, 坂口栄樹1, 矢原昇3, 村上知之4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article SR03. Example that infliximab was effective for an intractable duodenal ulcer associated with the ulcerative colitis
笹田真由, 半田修, 宇治恵美子, 門田修蔵, 三澤拓, 笹平百世, 近石昌也, 葉祥元, 福嶋真弥, 半田有紀子, 合田杏佑, 大澤元保, 村尾高久, 松本啓志, 梅垣英次, 塩谷昭子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article SR04. Association of helicobacter pylori and the inflammatory bowel disease
河村玲央奈, 伊藤守, 塩出純二, 吉岡正雄, 那須淳一郎, 藤原明子, 石山修平, 藤井雅邦, 斎藤俊介, 金藤光博, 水川翔, 野島智子, 亀高大介, 大里俊樹, 大道莉子, 木山健太, 岩藤恭昌
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article SR05. One case of the protein losing gastroenteropathy that showed improvement after the ablation for the atrial flutter
浜本佳織1, 橋本真一1, 藤村寛之1, 伊藤駿介1, 海野まどか1, 山岡祐子1, 秀浦栄三郎1, 白澤友宏1, 五嶋敦史1, 浜辺功一1, 岡本健志2, 西川潤3, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article SR06. As a cause of the repeated small intestine bleeding an example with suspected Heyde syndrome
荻原諒平1, 三村憲一1, 濱田晋太郎1, 寶意翔太郎1, 山本宗平1, 満田朱理1, 田中久雄1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article SR07. One case that needed surgical resection for the saw tooth appearance carcinoma in adenoma which occurred in the right large intestine
水野純一, 西山宗望, 國原紗代子, 阿座上隆広, 江口紀章, 城戸聡一郎, 赤木盛久
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article SR08. One case of secondary gastrointestinal amyloidosis that we diagnosed with chronic diarrhea
安井翔1, 松岡宏至1, 香田正晴1, 原田賢一1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article SR09. One case of the ulcerative colitis that revival became clear with pyostomatitis vegetans
永原華子, 若槻俊之, 佐柿司, 須藤和樹, 坂林雄飛, 福本康史, 古立真一, 清水慎一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article SR10. An example of the Crohn's disease of the infliximab first invalidity that Ustekinumab succeeded
平大地, 下立雄一, 須江真彦, 花岡辰行, 住谷知紀, 武澤梨央, 土井顕, 西村直之, 毛利裕一, 水野元夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article SR11. Fecal calprotectin measurement is effective for the condition of a patient evaluation of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
青山将司1, 沖田幸祐1, 松本怜子1, 白築祥吾1, 中村宗剛1, 植木谷俊之1, 末永成之1, 桑代紳哉1, 近藤哲1, 横山雄一郎1, 斎藤満1, 新藤正喜2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article SR12. One case that laparotomy lower embolization succeeded for an elevation jejunum varix associated with the duodenal cancer postoperative portal vein obstruction
山下由美子1, 福原崇之1, 初鹿佳輝1, 上平祐輔1, 豊島元1, 宮木英輔1, 岡崎彰仁1, 河野友彦1, 毛利律生1, 高木慎太郎1, 森奈美1, 岡信秀治1, 辻恵二1, 柿沢秀明2, 柾木慶一3, 古川善也1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article SR13. Histories of treatment of the amoebic liver abscess of the foreign worker who was thought to be infected in a mother country
加藤輝士1, 飛田博史2, 園山浩紀1, 山下詔嗣1, 岸加奈子1, 石原俊治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article SR14. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that a complete response was obtained in Lenvatinib
橋本健志1, 三好謙一1, 鳥飼勇介1, 細田康平1, 野口直哉1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article SR15. One case of the rectal cancer merger hepatocellular carcinoma that Ramucirumab succeeded
野村理紗1, 柾木慶一1, 益田啓志1, 竹内友香理1, 竹元裕紀1, 森豪1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 朝山直樹1, 青山大輝1, 本田洋士1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article SR16. One case of the pancreas schwannoma that racked its brains about differentiation with the pancreas cystic disease
草加裕康1, 佐々木啓壮1, 大海宏暢1, 三宅智雄1, 北川貴之1, 西紋禮士1, 時岡峻三1, 青木啓純1, 佐藤辰貴2, 中島義博2, 吉田浩司2, 上野富雄3, 神吉昭彦4, 佐貫史明5, 日野啓輔1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article SR17. One case of the diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma complicated with the IgG4 associated diseases that suffered from a diagnosis
森内里歩, 山口厚, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 三浦崚一, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article SR18. An example of the pancreas carcinoma mucoides which racked its brains about differentiation with IPMC
奥田康博1, 花田敬士1, 矢野成樹1, 横出正隆1, 池田守登1, 松本望1, 栗原啓介1, 清水晃典1, 中土井鋼一1, 片村嘉男1, 宍戸孝好1, 小野川靖二1, 平野巨通1, 天野尋暢2, 米原修治3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article SR19. One case of glucagonoma which we were able to diagnose preoperatively in EUS-FNA
田中晋作1, 生田幸広1, 岸本健一1, 高橋佑典1, 張優美1, 永井聡2, 栗栖泰郎2, 大嶋直樹1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article SR20. One case that partial splenic artery embolization was effective for a gastric varices explosion associated with the left-sided portal hypertension complicated with a pancreas tail cancer
筒井智章, 原田亮, 服部直, 佐藤亮介, 安井稔博, 難波真太郎, 秋田光洋, 歳森淳一, 小橋春彦, 井上雅文
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 94-94, 2019.

Japanese Article SR21. One case of Hemosuccus Pancreaticus which caused false aneurysm bleeding in IPMN
中島由紀奈1, 田中究1, 柳谷淳志1, 前田和範1, 林暁洋1, 岡本敏明1, 岩本拓1, 紙谷悠1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 94-94, 2019.

Japanese Article SR22. Four cases of lead poisoning that came to the hospital for main complaint for a digestive organ symptom
松原由佳, 実綿倫宏, 岸雄太郎, 山崎慎太郎, 中村一樹, 毛利輝生, 北村正輔, 久賀祥男, 沼田義弘, 守屋尚, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 95-95, 2019.

Japanese Article 01. One case that became CR in an image by the liver arterial infusion chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma with the portal vein tumor stopper of Vp3
石川順一, 伏見崇, 門脇由華, 原友太, 表静馬, 上田裕也, 野間康宏, 藤田勲生, 堀井城一朗, 豊川達也, 金吉俊彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 95-95, 2019.

Japanese Article 02. Three cases that were able to inhibit progress of the sarcopenia during the Lenvatinib treatment for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma
隅岡昭彦, 平松憲, 山岡賢治, 安藤雄和, 末廣洋介, 小坂祐未, 内川慎介, 盛生慶, 藤野初江, 中原隆志, 村上英介, 山内理海, 河岡友和, 柘植雅貴, 今村道雄, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 96-96, 2019.

Japanese Article 03. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which developed stenosis type ischemic enteritis during sorafenib medical treatment
山崎慎太郎, 守屋尚, 岸雄太郎, 松原由佳, 中村一樹, 実綿倫宏, 毛利輝生, 北村正輔, 沼田義弘, 久賀祥男, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 96-96, 2019.

Japanese Article 04. One case of the unknown primary malignant melanoma detected with a multiple liver tumor
加藤順1,2, 鳥飼勇介2, 細田康平2, 野口直哉2, 磯本一3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 97-97, 2019.

Japanese Article 05. An example of the progress cecal cancer which presented nephrotic syndrome in Ramcirumab (Rmab)
里見拓也1, 榮浩行1, 岡上昇太郎1, 岡本雄貴1, 大林由佳1, 濱田健太1, 馬場雄己1, 安部真1, 神崎洋光1, 岩室雅也1, 川野誠司1, 河原祥朗2, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 97-97, 2019.

Japanese Article 06. One case of the Fournier gangrene by the rectal cancer penetration which succeeded by combined modality therapy
細田康平1, 橋本健志1, 鳥飼勇介1, 三好謙一1, 野口直哉1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 98-98, 2019.

Japanese Article 07. Examination of the effectiveness of the golimumab for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital
高砂健1, 林亮平2, 上野義隆2, 門田紘樹1, 内藤聡雄1, 中村耕樹1, 若井雅貴1, 保田智之2, 弓削亮2, 卜部祐司3, 岡志郎1, 北台靖彦4, 田中信治2, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 98-98, 2019.

Japanese Article 08. An example of the malignant lymphoma which was able to start early diagnosis and treatment by liver biopsy specimen flow cytometry
河原聡一郎, 坂田雅浩, 大山淳史, 足立卓哉, 和田望, 安中哲也, 大西秀樹, 白羽英則, 高木章乃夫, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 99-99, 2019.

Japanese Article 09. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma detected with a liver abscess
高橋芳子1, 佐藤秀一1, 石飛ひとみ1, 永岡真1, 福庭暢彦1, 福原寛之2, 結城美佳1, 駒澤慶憲1, 雫稔弘1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 99-99, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma bile duct permeation that resulted in hematobilia
圓山聡1, 鎌田耕治1, 藤井久美子1, 本田清昌1, 服部彩佳1, 橋本直樹1, 宮本亮1, 瀧川英彦2, 吉福良公2, 舛田裕道1, 服部宜裕1, 中島浩一郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 100-100, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. One case of the Meckel diverticulum perforation
趙成大1, 金宣眞1, 野村元宣1, 鍋島由宝1, 河村寛1, 小出圭2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 100-100, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. An example of the small intestine pyogenic granuloma which was discovered with GI bleeding, and was complicated with Cowden disease
片岡祐俊1, 末光信介1, 藤原文1, 塚野航介1, 小川さや香1, 山之内智志1, 田中雅樹2, 宮岡洋一2, 三宅達也3, 藤代浩史1, 高下成明3, 大沼秀行4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 101-101, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. 5 cases of the ulcerative colitis to be under the medical treatment in Vedolizumab
檜垣真吾, 浜辺崇衣, 西村達郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 101-101, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. Example that caused sigmoid peritonitis perforative after the examination of X-ray with contrast upper gastrointestinal tract with barium of the examination
紙谷悠1, 柳谷淳志1, 中島由紀奈1, 岩本拓1, 岡本敏明1, 林暁洋1, 前田和範1, 田中究1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 102-102, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Examination of the meningeal carcinoma in the gastrointestinal carcinoma
齊藤俊介, 吉岡正雄, 西脇聖剛, 矢鍋之照, 岩藤恭昌, 木山健太, 大道莉子, 大里俊樹, 河村玲央奈, 亀高大介, 原田亮一, 野島智子, 水川翔, 金藤光博, 藤井雅邦, 伊藤守, 石山修平, 藤原明子, 那須淳一郎, 塩出純二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 102-102, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. About the characteristic of the civil affair medical lawsuit that chylopoietic disease was associated with from the examination of the medical lawsuit example of the -36 year -
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 103-103, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. Example that caused ball valve syndrome with a balloon button type gastric fistula catheter
小川朝子1, 畠山剛2, 有吉美紗2, 吉岡京子2, 野間文次郎2, 児玉寛治2, 岡本志朗2, 山口修司2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 104-104, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. During chemotherapy an ulcer deep; an example of the gastric cancer which dug it, and did
河村知彦1, 大谷正史1, 浜本哲郎1, 松本英二1, 堀立明1, 鶴原一郎1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 104-104, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. An example of the gastric cancer which recurred for disseminated bone marrow carcinosis nine years after early gastric cancer radical excision
池田有希1, 土井顕2, 山岡満里2, 水野元夫2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 105-105, 2019.

Japanese Article 21. An example of the stomach GIST which recurred for a metastatic liver tumor after the operation in the eighth year
合馬若那, 播磨陽平, 一杉知毅, 浦田洋平, 中村陽平, 戒能美雪
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 105-105, 2019.

Japanese Article 22. An example of the signet ring cell adenocarcinoma which progressed rapidly, and resulted in duodenal stricture
森元晋, 影本賢一, 宮田康史, 石飛朋和
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 106-106, 2019.

Japanese Article 23. An example of the gallbladder cancer complicated with porcelain gallbladder
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 106-106, 2019.

Japanese Article 24. One case of pancreatic duct type IPMN diagnosed with recurrent acute pancreatitis
松枝真由, 内田大輔, 上田英次郎, 松三明宏, 宮本和也, 皿谷洋祐, 山崎辰洋, 藤井佑樹, 友田健, 松本和幸, 堀口繁, 堤康一郎, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 107-107, 2019.

Japanese Article 25. Example that coexistence pancreatic cancer was discovered in the course of IPMN during follow
中西彬, 野間康宏, 門脇由華, 原友太, 伏見崇, 表静馬, 上田祐也, 堀井城一朗, 藤田勲生, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 107-107, 2019.

Japanese Article 26. One case that caused metastases to pancreas recurrence after the renal cell carcinoma technique after the long-term course
原田亮一, 水川翔, 藤井雅邦, 大里俊樹, 金藤光博, 西脇聖剛, 齊藤俊介, 伊藤守, 石山修平, 藤原明子, 那須淳一郎, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二, 山本和秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 108-108, 2019.

Japanese Article 27. An example of the severe acute pancreatitis due to the hypertriglyceridemia that LDL Apheresis succeeded
津山高典, 戒能聖治, 矢田祥子, 藤本祐子, 天野彰吾, 播磨博文, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 108-108, 2019.

Japanese Article 28. An example of duodenal Vater's papilla tumor which was squamous cell carcinoma
江種真穂, 小川亮, 花園忠相, 森健治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 109-109, 2019.

Japanese Article 29. An example of the pancreatic cancer which we were able to diagnose by repeating US-FNA
西山夏子, 小川亮, 花園忠相, 森健治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 109-109, 2019.

Japanese Article 30. One case of pancreas origin MALT lymphoma
宮本明香, 津島健, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 齋藤祐平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔, 田村陽介, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 110-110, 2019.

Japanese Article 32. Examination about the frequency of the acidophilic esophagitis in the medical examination consultation case
野津巧, 三代知子, 足立経一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 111-111, 2019.

Japanese Article 33. Examination of the clinical manifestations of 36 gastric anisakiasis that we experienced in our hospital and the endoscopic image
木下英人1, 木原琢也1, 角田宏明1, 向山智之1, 西向栄治1, 前田直人1, 謝花典子1, 岸本幸廣1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 111-111, 2019.

Japanese Article 34. It is examined the serum gastrin level before and after the acid-secreting antagonist administration of patients with early gastric cancer after ESD
Maidina Abuduwaili1, 保田智之2, 伊藤公訓1, 小刀崇弘2, 木曽まり子1, 畑幸作1, 頼田尚樹1, 長崎直子1, 黒木一峻1, 栗原美緒1, 岡志郎2, 北台靖彦3, 田中信治2, 茶山一彰1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 112-112, 2019.

Japanese Article 35. One case of the rheumatoid arthritis that accepted HBV re-activity by adalimumab administration
内田靖1, 花田健2, 渡辺美恵子3, 坂本絵美子4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 112-112, 2019.

Japanese Article 36. One case with hepatic dysfunction severe in thyroidal pressure crises
竹内友香理1, 柾木慶一1, 野村理紗1, 益田啓志1, 竹元裕紀1, 森豪1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 朝山直樹1, 青山大輝1, 本田洋士1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 113-113, 2019.

Japanese Article 37. One case of the erythropoietic porphyria that presented a liver damage
岡寿紀1, 安中哲也1, 荒木俊江2, 高木章乃夫1, 大山淳史1, 足立卓哉1, 和田望1, 坂田雅浩1, 大西秀樹1, 白羽英則1, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 113-113, 2019.

Japanese Article 38. An example of the hepatic artery portal vein fistula which accepted the improvement of the symptom after the embolization
菊川千尋, 盛生慶, 村上英介, 安藤雄和, 末廣洋介, 山岡賢治, 小坂祐未, 内川慎介, 藤野初江, 中原隆志, 山内理海, 河岡友和, 柘植雅貴, 平松憲, 今村道雄, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 114-114, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR01. One case of steroid refractoriness irAE cholangitis that presented characteristic image, pathological finding, and showed improvement by azathioprine introduction
豊田裕介1, 秋元悠2, 工藤健一郎3, 加藤諒2, 豊澤惇季2, 石原裕基2, 藤本剛2, 田中彰一2, 加藤博也4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 117-117, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR02. One case of acidophilic cholangitis diagnosed with cholecystitis
河本翔一1, 河合大介1, 矢杉賢吾1, 山本高史1, 平田翔一郎1, 小幡泰介1, 倉岡紗樹子1, 平井伸典1, 下村泰之1, 柘野浩史1, 竹中龍太1, 藤木茂篤1, 三宅孝佳2, 松本和幸3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 117-117, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR03. Use experience of Hot AXIOSTM system which is the new fistulation device for the pancreatic pseudocyst which had the onset after the treatment of the malignant lymphoma
越智清暁, 織田崇志, 池田愛璃, 山本洋一郎, 根岸慎, 小林沙代, 藤澤智雄, 名和徹, 小川恒由, 植木亨
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 118-118, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR04. One case of infectious walled off necrosis where the drainage with the Hot AXIOS system was effective
赤池夏樹1, 上野真行2, 森本光作2, 辻川尊之2, 清輔良江2, 石田悦嗣2, 水野元夫2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 118-118, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR05. One patient whom early gastric cancer and pancreas in situ cancer repeated, and they developed in
張越, 南智之, 井川敦, 平野大樹, 苗代典昭, 石垣尚志, 濱田博重
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 119-119, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR06. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine system basalioma (NEC) that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis
濃野優, 藤井雅邦, 大里俊樹, 水川翔, 金藤光博, 齊藤俊介, 伊藤守, 石山修平, 藤原明子, 那須淳一朗, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二, 山本和秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 119-119, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR07. An example of the testicular tumors which resulted in the retroperitoneal metastasis that we definitively diagnosed by EUS-FNA
丹京雄也1, 岡崎彰仁1, 山下由美子1, 上平祐輔1, 豊島元1, 宮木英輔1, 福原崇之1, 河野友彦1, 毛利律生1, 高木慎太郎1, 森奈美1, 岡信秀治1, 辻恵二1, 藤原恵2, 古川善也1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 120-120, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR08. One case of the acidophilic esophagitis that caused esophageal mucosa laceration during endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract
平岡悠飛, 古立真一, 佐柿司, 永原華子, 須藤和樹, 坂林雄飛, 若槻俊之, 福本康史, 清水慎一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 120-120, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR09. An example of the gastrolues that needed scirrhous gastric carcinoma and differentiation
高木彬宏1, 大原英司2, 山科敬太郎2, 吉田成人2, 峠誠司2, 三重野寛2, 堀内賢二3, 中山宏文4, 伊達秀二5
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 121-121, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR10. One case of the gastric rupture after the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract
中元健太1, 堀井城一朗2, 門脇由華2, 原友太2, 伏見崇2, 表静馬2, 上田祐也2, 野間康宏2, 藤田勲生2, 豊川達也2, 金吉俊彦2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 121-121, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR11. An example of gastric glands squamous cell carcinoma which grew to submucosal tumor which occurred for pyloric stenosis
市瀬仁1, 児玉寛治2, 有吉美紗2, 吉岡京子2, 畠山剛2, 野間文次郎2, 岡本志朗2, 山口修司2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 122-122, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR12. One case in acknowledgment of an undifferentiated cancer consisting of the Invasion depth different to Helicobacter pylori non-infection stomach
河原倫彦1, 小刀崇弘1, 伊藤公訓2, 保田智之1, 二宮悠樹1, Madina Abuduwaili2, 長崎直子2, 頼田尚樹2, 畑幸作2, 黒木一峻2, 田邊和照3, 岡志郎1, 日山亨4, 吉原正治4, 品川慶5, 三宅弘明5, 北台靖彦6, 田中信治1, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 122-122, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR13. One case of the chronic idiopathic large intestine intestinal pseudo-obstruction symptom that needed surgery
辻谷直哉1, 池淵雄一郎2, 坂本有里2, 濱本航2, 枝野未來2, 岡田智之2, 樽本亮平2, 山下太郎2, 長谷川亮介2, 斧山巧2, 武田洋平2, 吉田亮2, 河口剛一郎2, 八島一夫2, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 123-123, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR14. One case of the mesenterial vein sclerosis improved by Chinese medicine internal use cancellation remarkably
田嶋宏一郎, 田丸弓弦, 桑井寿雄, 森内里歩, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 三浦崚一, 楠龍策, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 123-123, 2019.

Japanese Article E-JR15. An example of the old onset ulcerative colitis that a shift from diverticulum-related colitis was able to confirm
宇田昴弘1, 國弘真己1, 平田一成1, 菊池達也1, 水島秀崇1, 中村岳夫1, 清水大輔1, 片山哲也1, 小坂正成1, 植村久尋1, 平田晢1, 高田斎文1, 河野吉泰1, 森藤由記1, 宮原孝治1, 平尾謙1, 植松周二1, 中川昌浩2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 124-124, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR01. One case of the systemic lupus erythematosus that enterocolitis during pregnancy was the opportunity of the diagnosis
峠香苗, 楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 森内里歩, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 三浦崚一, 田丸弓弦, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 124-124, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR02. An example of the severe loose bowels that sprue-like intestinal disease by the olmesartan was able to be diagnosed
山本一太, 佐々木翔, 石垣賀子, 原田稔也, 花田浩
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 125-125, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR03. One case of rectal mucosal prolapse syndrome (MPS) which racked its brains about a diagnosis
原友太, 藤田勲生, 門脇由華, 伏見崇, 表静馬, 上田祐也, 野間康宏, 堀井城一朗, 豊川達也, 金吉俊彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 125-125, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR04. One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome which showed a polyposis coli-like change in a short term, and led to a diagnosis
竹原悠大, 永井健太, 松原直矢, 土谷江奈, 谷野文昭, 水本健, 益田和彦, 齋宏, 濱田敏秀, 中西敏夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 126-126, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR05. One case that long-term survival was obtained by large intestine stenting
石橋一樹, 古土井明, 進藤源太朗, 山下未紗, 野中裕広, 藤本佳史, 兵庫秀幸, 相坂康之, 小松弘尚, 徳毛宏則
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 126-126, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR06. One case of the bowel type adenocarcinoma which occurred frequently in Helicobacter pylori non-infection stomach at the same time
岸本健一1, 柴垣広太郎2, 高橋佑典1, 田中晋作1, 張優美1, 生田幸広1, 長崎真琴3, 大嶋直樹1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 127-127, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR07. Two cases of the fundic gland type gastric cancer which occurred in a Helicobacter pylori-negative gastric mucosa
門田修蔵1, 福嶋真弥1, 三澤拓1, 笹田真由1, 笹平百世1, 近石昌也1, 葉祥元1, 大澤元保1, 村尾高久1, 東田正陽2, 半田修1, 松本啓志1, 梅垣英次1, 藤原由規2, 塩谷昭子1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 127-127, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR08. H. One case that crypt epithelium type gastric cancer and fundic gland mucous membrane type gastric cancer complicated to pylori non-infection gastric mucosa
野々村早弥, 柴垣広太郎, 古谷聡史, 三代剛, 石村典久, 石原俊治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 128-128, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR09. It is an example who had the neuroendocrine tumor for synchronism-prone progress gastric cancer
矢野成樹1, 宍戸孝好1, 奥田康博1, 池田守登1, 横出正隆1, 松本望1, 栗原啓介1, 清水晃典1, 中土井鋼一1, 片村嘉男1, 小野川靖二1, 平野巨通1, 花田敬士1, 日野文明1, 米原修治2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 128-128, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR10. One case of the bleeding from the metastasis to hepatocellular carcinoma duodenum lesion which we were able to stop bleeding of using Over-The-Scope Clip
中村克彦1, 岡本健志2, 佐伯一成1, 宮地隆史1, 秀浦栄三郎1, 五嶋敦史1, 日高勲1, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 129-129, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR11. One case of Plasmablastic lymphoma which presented the various extranodal disease including the gastrointestinal lesion
佐柿司, 清水慎一, 永原華子, 須藤和樹, 坂林雄飛, 若槻俊之, 福本康史, 古立真一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 129-129, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR12. One case of emphysematous gastritis with the portal vein gas relieved by conservative medical treatment
益田啓志1, 朝山直樹1, 野村理紗1, 竹内友香理1, 竹元裕紀1, 森豪1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 柾木慶一1, 本田洋士1, 青山大輝1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 130-130, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR13. Example that formed false aneurysm after biliary tract drainage by the Side-by-side (SBS) law
平田翔一郎1, 室信一郎1, 松本和幸2, 矢杉賢吾1, 山本高史1, 小幡泰介1, 倉岡紗樹子1, 平井伸典1, 後藤田達洋1, 下村泰之1, 河合大介1, 竹中龍太1, 柘野浩史1, 川端隆寛3, 藤木茂篤1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 130-130, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR14. One case of the cut stone Mirrizzi syndrome McSherryll type which we were able to do complete only by endoscopic treatment
石井克憲, 谷川朋弘, 浦田矩世, 中村純, 西野謙, 末廣満彦, 笹井貴子, 川中美和, 春間賢, 河本博文
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 131-131, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR15. One patient who applied the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage method, and received pancreatic calculus treatment
古川大1, 佐々木民人2, 星野正賢1, 飯島徳章2, 白根佑樹1, 山本紀子2, 東山真1, 佐野村洋次1, 小道大輔2, 平本智樹1, 平賀裕子1, 北本幹也2, 渡辺千之1, 山田博康2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 131-131, 2019.

Japanese Article E-SR16. One patient who was able to save an advanced intraabdominal malignant lymphoma rapidly
坂本有里, 武田洋平, 濱本航, 樽本亮平, 枝野未來, 岡田智之, 長谷川亮介, 山下太郎, 斧山巧, 池淵雄一郎, 河口剛一郎, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 132-132, 2019.

Japanese Article E-01. An example of autoimmune gastritis that atrophy views became clear by Helicobacter pylori sanitization
角直樹1, 春間賢2,4, 井上和彦3, 市場俊雄3, 近藤裕子3, 内田純一3, 萱嶋英三3, 藤田英行3, 久本信實4, 眞部紀明5, 高尾俊弘1, 鎌田智有1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 132-132, 2019.

Japanese Article E-02. One case of the outer layer expansion type early gastric cancer that occurred in Helicobacter pylori non-infection stomach
山本紀子1, 佐野村洋次2, 星野正賢2, 飯島徳章1, 白根佑樹2, 古川大2, 東山真2, 小道大輔1, 平本智樹2, 佐々木民人1, 平賀裕子2, 北本幹也1, 渡邉千之2, 山田博康1, 西阪隆3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 133-133, 2019.

Japanese Article E-03. H. which was able to chase the natural history of at least seven years An example of the pylori non-infection undifferentiated type gastric cancer
河野友彦1, 岡信秀治1, 初鹿佳輝1, 上平祐輔1, 豊島元1, 山下由美子1, 宮木英輔1, 岡崎彰仁1, 坂野文香2, 田中美和子2, 毛利律生1, 辻恵二1, 越智秀典2, 古川善也1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 133-133, 2019.

Japanese Article E-04. One case of the en bloc lymphocytic infiltration stomach cancer that we extirpated by ESD
藤井久美子1, 吉福良公2, 本田清昌1, 橋本直樹1, 服部彩佳1, 圓山聡1, 宮本亮1, 瀧川英彦2, 舛田裕道1, 服部宜裕1, 鎌田耕治1, 中島浩一郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 134-134, 2019.

Japanese Article E-05. One case of the amebic colitis that needed a large intestine tumor and differentiation
初鹿佳輝1, 岡信秀治1, 上平雄輔1, 豊島元1, 山下由美子1, 宮木英輔1, 福原崇之1, 岡崎彰仁1, 河野友彦1, 毛利律生1, 森奈美1, 高木慎太郎1, 辻恵二1, 古川善也1, 笹尾昌悟2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 134-134, 2019.

Japanese Article E-06. One case that adalimumab succeeded for intestinal tract Behcet's disease
樽本亮平, 池淵雄一郎, 坂本有里, 濱本航, 枝野未來, 岡田智之, 長谷川亮介, 山下太郎, 長谷川隆, 斧山巧, 武田洋平, 吉田亮, 河口剛一郎, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 135-135, 2019.

Japanese Article E-07. An example of diverticular colitis which shifted to all large intestines type ulcerative colitis
向山智之1, 木原琢也1, 木下英人1, 角田宏明1, 西向栄治1, 前田直人1, 謝花典子1, 岸本幸廣1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 135-135, 2019.

Japanese Article E-08. One case that we resected endoscopic for the mucous membrane bridge formation after Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH)
泉大輔, 池田傑, 加藤順, 村脇義之, 三浦将彦, 堀江聡, 吉村禎二, 河野通盛
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 136-136, 2019.

Japanese Article E-09. Three patients who underwent the drainage of the ultrasonic endoscope bottom transgastrointestinal tract by Hot AXIOSTM
濱本航, 武田洋平, 坂本有里, 山下太郎, 斧山巧, 枝野未来, 岡田智之, 樽本亮平, 長谷川隆, 長谷川亮介, 池淵雄一郎, 吉田亮, 河口剛一郎, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 136-136, 2019.

Japanese Article E-10. One patient who conducted pancreatic duct stenting using the EUS rendezvous method for a pancreatic duct stenosis after the endoscopic papillectomy
小川泰司, 友田健, 加藤博也, 宮本和也, 松三明宏, 上田英次郎, 藤井祐樹, 皿谷洋祐, 山崎辰洋, 内田大輔, 松本和幸, 堀口繁, 堤康一郎, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 137-137, 2019.

Japanese Article E-11. Examination about the PEP protective efficacy of early precut for the selective bile duct deep part difficulty with intubation case
谷川朋弘, 石井克憲, 浦田矩代, 中村純, 西野謙, 末廣満彦, 笹井貴子, 川中美和, 春間賢, 河本博文
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 137-137, 2019.

Japanese Article E-12. One patient who underwent Underwater endoscopic papillectomy for duodenal Vater's papilla adenoma with the rebuilding intestinal tract after the total gastrectomy
山崎辰洋, 内田大輔, 山崎泰史, 宮本和也, 松三明宏, 藤井佑樹, 皿谷洋祐, 友田健, 松本和幸, 堀口繁, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 138-138, 2019.

Japanese Article E-13. One case of the pancreas hamartoma which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
塚野航介1, 三宅達也2, 末光信介1, 片岡祐俊1, 藤原文1, 小川さや香1, 山之内智志1, 田中雅樹3, 宮岡洋一3, 藤代浩史1, 高下成明1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 138-138, 2019.

Japanese Article E-14. An example of invasive pancreatic duct cancer diagnosed with a pancreatic cyst internal hemorrhage
山下太郎, 武田洋平, 坂本有里, 濱本航, 斧山巧, 松本和也, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 139-139, 2019.

Japanese Article E-15. One case of the small pancreatic cancer diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis
上垣内由季, 芹川正浩, 茶山一彰, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 河村良太, 津島健, 齊藤裕平, 關藤剛, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 吹上綾美, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 佐伯翔
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 139-139, 2019.

Japanese Article E-16. One case of the pancreatic pseudocyst which we performed ultrasonic endoscope guide lower drainage technique in using fistulation prosthesis materials for the pancreas
多田育賢1, 板倉由幸1, 齋藤宰1, 花岡拓哉1, 結城崇史1, 串山義則1, 内田靖2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 140-140, 2019.

Japanese Article E-17. 3 cases that detained LAMS for PPC/WON
藤本祐子, 戒能聖治, 天野彰吾, 播磨博文, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 140-140, 2019.

Japanese Article E-18. Example that produced intestinal perforation during chemotherapy of colon cancer using the molecular target medicine
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 141-141, 2019.

Japanese Article E-19. One case of the patients during the DOAC internal use that suffered from hemostasis with large intestine ESD afterbleeding
稲垣克哲1, 田中信治1, 岡志郎2, 下原康嗣2, 西村朋之2, 岡本由貴2, 田中秀典2, 松本健太2, 保田和毅2, 山下賢2, 二宮悠樹1, 北台靖彦3, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 141-141, 2019.

Japanese Article E-20. Examination of the large intestine ESD perforation case
朝山直樹1, 永田信二1, 益田啓志1, 野村理紗1, 竹内友香理1, 竹本裕紀1, 森豪1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 柾木慶一1, 本田洋士1, 青山大輝1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 142-142, 2019.

Japanese Article E-21. An example of the stomach neuroendocrine system basalioma receiving the nivolumab
木南貴博, 神野大輔, 児玉美千世, 杉山真一郎, 國弘佳代子, 谷本達郎, 吉良臣介, 小林博文, 讃岐英子, 隅井浩治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 142-142, 2019.

Japanese Article E-22. One case that accepted significant pneumoperitoneum just after gastrostomosis
城戸聡一郎, 水野純一, 國原紗代子, 西山宗希, 江口紀章, 赤木盛久
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 143-143, 2019.

Japanese Article E-23. Gender investigation of the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract doctor attending desired
結城美佳, 駒澤慶憲, 石飛ひとみ, 永岡真, 高橋芳子, 福庭暢彦, 福原寛之, 中島さやか, 雫稔弘
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 143-143, 2019.

Japanese Article E-24. Two patients who were able to undergo solidification hemostasis for duodenal diverticulum bleeding safely
山崎慎太郎, 実綿倫宏, 岸雄太郎, 松原由佳, 中村一樹, 毛利輝生, 北村正輔, 沼田義弘, 久賀祥男, 守屋尚, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 144-144, 2019.

Japanese Article E-25. An example of the small intestine inflammatory fibroid polyp detected with GI bleeding
邉田健一1, 田中雅樹2, 末光信介3, 片岡祐俊3, 藤原文3, 塚野航介3, 小川さや香3, 山之内智志3, 宮岡洋一2, 三宅達也4, 藤代浩史3, 高下成明3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 144-144, 2019.

Japanese Article E-26. Two cases of the haemodialysis patients that produced hemorrhagic small intestine ulcer later in the point sumi part at the double balloon endoscopy
飯尾澄夫1, 岡志郎2, 田中信治1, 壷井章克2, 大谷一郎2, 二宮悠樹2, 小刀崇弘2, 保田智之2, 北台靖彦3, 茶山一彰2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 145-145, 2019.

Japanese Article E-27. Two patients who underwent capsule endoscopy for Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
枝野未來, 坂本有里, 濱本航, 樽本亮平, 岡田智之, 山下太郎, 長谷川亮介, 長谷川隆, 斧山巧, 池淵雄一郎, 武田洋平, 吉田亮, 河口剛一郎, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 145-145, 2019.

Japanese Article E-28. One case of the rectal granular cell myoblastoma (Granular Cell Tumor)
深田悠史1, 衣笠秀明1, 山本俊平1, 平井麻美1, 安富絵里子1, 岡昌平1, 山崎泰史1, 井口俊博1, 高原政宏1, 原田馨太1, 平岡佐規子1, 田中健大2, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 146-146, 2019.

Japanese Article E-29. One case of the endometriosis of intestine that led to a definitive diagnosis by biopsy
國原紗代子1, 赤木盛久1, 水野純一1, 西山宗希1, 阿座上隆弘1, 江口紀章1, 城戸聡一郎1, 谷山清己2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 146-146, 2019.

Japanese Article E-30. Two cases of the mesenterial vein sclerosis by the Chinese medicine long-term use that we experienced in our hospital recently
福井洋介, 豊川達也, 門脇由華, 原友太, 表静馬, 上田裕也, 野間康弘, 藤田勲生, 堀井城一朗, 金吉俊彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 147-147, 2019.

Japanese Article E-31. SB Knife Jr. One case of the Zenker diverticulum given diverticulum partition incision of the soft endoscope using this
田丸弓弦, 桑井寿雄, 森内里歩, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 三浦崚一, 楠龍策, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 147-147, 2019.

Japanese Article E-32. Three cases of the esophagus epithelial neoplasm and the diagnosed acidophilic esophagitis
大林由佳1, 神崎洋光1, 岡上昇太郎1, 岡本雄貴1, 馬場雄己2, 濱田健太2, 榮浩行1, 安部真1, 岩室雅也1, 川野誠司1, 田中健大3, 河原祥朗4, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 148-148, 2019.

Japanese Article E-33. About the current situation of our hospital which received difficulty in swallowing for main complaint
杉原雄策1,2, 榮浩行1, 岡本雄貴1, 濱田健太1, 馬場雄貴1, 川野誠司1, 河原祥朗1, 眞部紀明3, 岡田裕之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 148-148, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Recent topics of the autoimmune pancreatitis
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 152-152, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Topics of the upper gastrointestinal tract
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 153-153, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. It is ... mainly on topics - benign disorder of the lower digestive tract disease
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 154-154, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Liver cancer practice update
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (112): 155-155, 2019.