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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 113 / 2020
English Article Japanese Article
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The 113th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Shikoku Branch regular meeting greetings 六車直樹 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 2-2, 2020. |
S1-01. Possibility of association and the meta rag mixture of reflux oesophagitis and a lifestyle, life-style related diseases, the qualitative offal fat in the metabolic syndrome 曽我部正弘1,2, 岡久稔也1,2, 六車直樹1, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 23-23, 2020. |
S1-02. The endoscopic views of Gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of the stomach (GAPPS) 3 families and clinicopathologic examination 川口智之, 平尾章博, 喜田慶史, 三井康裕, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 24-24, 2020. |
S1-03. Examination of the Taxane+ ramucirumab combination therapy in the unresectable progress, recurrent gastric cancer second chemotherapy 中舎晃男, 梶原猛史, 仁科智裕, 井上知謙, 吉松萌美, 坂口智紘, 日野佳織, 西出憲史, 浅木彰則, 寺尾孝志, 長谷部昌, 堀伸一郎, 灘野成人 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 25-25, 2020. |
S1-04. Clinical features of the epithelial neoplasm complicated with type A gastritis 池上幸治1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 八板弘樹1, 村田征喜1, 和智博信1, 末永文彦1, 清森亮祐1, 平田敬1, 浦岡尚平1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 26-26, 2020. |
S1-05. About a treatment result of LECS for stomach duodenum tumor in our hospital 高橋幸志1, 青木秀俊1, 岩佐修平1, 三宅孝典1, 横山怜子1, 辻友里1, 山本貴之1, 大塚加奈子1, 鈴木康博1, 中本次郎1, 柴田啓志1, 松下健太2, 四方祐子2, 川下陽一郎2, 近清素也2, 東島潤2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 27-27, 2020. |
S1-06. Summary of Cancer in SSA/P which we experienced in our hospital or SSA/P with cytological dysplasia 山本英司1, 佐藤幸一1, 原田英嗣1, 桑山泰治1, 片岡孝一3, 野々木理子1, 辻眞一郎1, 鵜飼俊輔1, 今倉佳代1, 田口愛弓1, 藤井義幸2, 渡邊俊介2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 28-28, 2020. |
S1-07. Examination of the saw tooth appearance lesion including the Superficially serrated adenoma - disease concept proposed newly 田村恵理1,2, 田村智1, 九嶋亮治3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 29-29, 2020. |
S1-08. Multicenter retrograded study on effectiveness of a polyglycolic acid (PGA) seat and the fibrin adhesive for the perforation of the treatment with lower digestive tract endoscope 堀伸一郎1,6, 小原英幹2,6, 平澤欣吾3,6, 松浦倫子4,6, 滝本見吾5,6 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 30-30, 2020. |
S1-09. It is usefulness of Over-The-Scope Clip for the intractable anastomotic region fistula of the failure of the sutures after the surgical operation 谷内田達夫1, 小原英幹2, 扇喜智寛3, 内多訓久4, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 31-31, 2020. |
S1-10. Usefulness of the polyglycolic acid (PGA) seat fibrin paste plombage for the gastrointestinal fistula: Multicenter retrograded study 小原英幹1, 松浦倫子2, 堀伸一郎3, 滝本見吾4, 小野裕之5 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 32-32, 2020. |
S1-11. It is an incidence, mortality and examination about the length of stay of the failure of the sutures after the gastrointestinal operation 小島康司1, 内多訓久1, 岩崎丈紘1, 小原英幹2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 33-33, 2020. |
S1-12. Usefulness of the transanal endoscopic low price mesentery resection TaTME combination robot support low price enterectomy 高須千絵, 柏原秀也, 吉川幸造, 宮谷知彦, 徳永卓哉, 西正暁, 良元俊昭, 武原悠花子 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 34-34, 2020. |
S1-13. Early experience of the examination for oncogene panel for gastrointestinal cancer in our hospital 奥山浩之, 羽床琴音, 村上あきつ, 大北仁裕, 西内崇将, 辻晃仁 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 35-35, 2020. |
S2-01. Caput Medusae new concept in the portal hypertension and urgent hybrid approach 近森文夫1, 山井礼道1, 内多訓久2, 伊藤悟志3, 大西一久1, 谷田信行1, 植田康司1, 浜口伸正1, 松岡久1, 行重佐和香1, 甫喜本憲弘1, 岡崎三千代2, 岩崎丈紘2, 小島康司2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 36-36, 2020. |
S2-02. Cancer-causing Potential is high, and the SVR case is involved after DAA treatment for progress stage 齋藤裕, 森根裕二, 居村暁, 池本哲也, 山田眞一郎, 宮崎克己, 島田光生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 37-37, 2020. |
S2-03. Treatment result of the SOF/VEL treatment for the C type decompensated cirrhosis in our hospital 渡辺崇夫, 徳本良雄, 行本敦, 砂金光太郎, 中村由子, 田中孝明, 石原暢, 小泉洋平, 吉田理, 廣岡昌史, 阿部雅則, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 38-38, 2020. |
S2-04. An evaluation of the DAA treatment for the decompensated cirrhosis that we conducted in Kagawa Uchida institution and the problem that we were left for to an HCV infected person 谷丈二1, 坂本鉄平2, 小川力3, 守屋昭男4, 出口章広5, 小林三善6, 尾立磨琴7, 筒井朱美8, 高口浩一8, 中原麻衣1, 大浦杏子1, 田所智子1, 藤田浩二1, 三村志麻1, 野村貴子3, 米山弘人1, 森下朝洋1, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 39-39, 2020. |
S2-05. Examination of the efficacy and safety of tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF) for chronic liver disease type B 岸和弘1, 佐々木沙紀1, 松村圭一郎1, 福野天1, 岸史子1, 堀口英久2, 野田利紀3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 40-40, 2020. |
S2-06. Efforts to the early image evaluation method in the Lenvatinib effect of treatment judgment of the hepatocellular carcinoma 野村貴子1,2, 小川力1,3, 野田晃世1, 久保敦司1, 松中寿浩1, 玉置敬之1, 柴峠光成1, 正木勉2, 工藤正俊3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 41-41, 2020. |
S2-07. Treatment result of Conversion therapy using Lenvatinib in the unresectable progress liver cancer 友成哲1, 田中宏典1, 田中貴大1, 谷口達哉1, 宮本弘志1, 六車直樹1, 齋藤裕2, 島田光生2, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 42-42, 2020. |
S3-01. It is examined the usefulness of double balloon endoscope EI-580BT for the case after Roex-en-Y reconstruction 今村良樹, 熊木天児, 黒田太良, 小泉光仁, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 43-43, 2020. |
S3-02. Two patients who underwent EUS guide lower drainage for the abscess in the pelvis after the operation transrectally 横山怜子, 大塚加奈子, 高橋幸志, 中本次郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 44-44, 2020. |
S3-03. The effectiveness and safety of the endoscopic treatment for the super elderly people common bile duct stone-related cholangitis case in our hospital 小林聖幸1, 赤岩譲1, 大宮久美子1, 扇喜智寛1, 扇喜真紀1, 石川賀代1, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 45-45, 2020. |
S3-04. Examination of the endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) afterbleeding for the use of antithrombotic drug case in our hospital 辻真一郎, 鵜飼俊輔, 桑山泰治, 野々木理子, 佐藤幸一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 46-46, 2020. |
S3-05. Precision Medicine - using cancer genomic medicine - next-generation sequencer for the pancreatic cancer 藤野泰輝1, 武原正典1, 影本開三1, 宮本佳彦1,2, 岡田泰行1,3, 喜田慶史1, 田中宏典1, 平尾章博1, 寺前智史1, 岡本耕一1, 宮本弘志1, 六車直樹1, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 47-47, 2020. |
01. Histories of treatment of the spontaneous esophageal rupture 菊池聡, 谷川和史, 吉田素平, 古賀繁宏, 秋田聡, 石丸啓, 大西一穂, 桑原淳, 渡部祐司 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 51-51, 2020. |
02. Example that caused acute dilatation of stomach after the catheter ablation for the atrial fibrillation 新居徹, 林亨, 仁木敏之, 藤澤一俊, 村山典聡, 竹谷善雄, 手束一博 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 52-52, 2020. |
03. Examination of the treatment result of the Nivolumab therapy for the unresectable progress, recurrent gastric cancer in our hospital 稲生祥子1, 岡本邦男1,2, 谷口綾乃1, 平野佑一1, 原田圭1, 香川朋1, 青山祐樹1, 河井裕介1, 榊原一郎1, 山本久美子1, 泉川孝一1, 高橋索真1, 田中盛富1, 石川茂直1, 松浦美穂子1, 和唐正樹1, 蓮井利実1, 稲葉知己1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 53-53, 2020. |
04. Five examination that were given FOLFOX therapy for the unresectable recurrent gastric cancer that it was poor in oral intake 田中育太1, 友兼毅1, 門田美由香1, 小田修治2, 六車直樹3, 野田和克3, 佐藤康史4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 54-54, 2020. |
05. One case of the duodenal ectopic pancreatic cancer which we detected during follow-up after ESD of the early gastric cancer 妹尾知哉1, 榊原一郎2, 香川朋2, 稲生祥子2, 岡本邦男2, 泉川孝一2, 山本久美子2, 高橋索真2, 田中盛富2, 松浦美穂子2, 石川茂直2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 55-55, 2020. |
06. Examination of the duodenal NET10 case which we diagnosed in our hospital 清森亮祐1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 浦岡尚平1, 池上幸治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 56-56, 2020. |
07. An example of the alimentary ileus due to the burdock 香川美和子1, 栗原健士1, 柴昌子1, 田代善彦2, 宮内隆行2, 松山和男2, 石川正志2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 57-57, 2020. |
08. An example of the superior mesenteric artery syndrome of elderly women 井坂円香, 中園雅彦 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 58-58, 2020. |
09. Examination of the background of patients with diverticula of colon bleeding in our hospital 村田征喜, 蔵原晃一, 池上幸治, 浦岡尚平, 和智博信, 末永文彦, 清森亮祐, 平田敬 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 59-59, 2020. |
10. One case of Crohn disease which presented an allergy to mesalazine 島本豊伎1, 小川明子1, 曹芳1, 栗原渉1, 野崎加那子1, 平岡亜弥1, 小田眞由1, 田鶴谷奈友1, 木阪吉保1, 武智俊治1, 田中良憲1, 水上祐治1, 飛田陽2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 60-60, 2020. |
11. One case of the ulcerative colitis that they presented with agranulocytosis by mesalazine, and remitted subsequently 三宅孝典, 鈴木康博, 岩佐修平, 横山怜子, 辻友里, 山本貴之, 大塚加奈子, 高橋幸志, 中本次郎, 青木秀俊, 柴田啓志 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 61-61, 2020. |
12. Examination of Vedolizumab and the use of infliximab case for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital 岸史子, 佐々木沙紀, 松村圭一郎, 福野天, 岸和弘 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 62-62, 2020. |
13. An example of the ileocecum hamartoma which had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis 高橋徹1, 青木秀俊2, 岩佐修平2, 三宅孝典2, 横山怜子2, 辻友里2, 山本貴之2, 大塚加奈子2, 高橋幸志2, 鈴木康博2, 中本次郎2, 柴田啓志2, 工藤英治3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 63-63, 2020. |
14. One case of the appendix embryonic cells carotenoid which presented an ileus symptom 末永文彦1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 浦岡尚平1, 池上幸治1, 平田敬1, 清森亮祐1, 和智博信1, 村田征喜1, 久能宣昭3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 64-64, 2020. |
15. One case of the tuberculous peritonitis that occurred in ascites after the treatment interruption of the subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis 山本真弘1, 山本貴之2, 岩佐修平2, 三宅孝典2, 横山怜子2, 辻友里2, 大塚加奈子2, 高橋幸志2, 鈴木康博2, 中本次郎2, 青木秀俊2, 柴田啓志2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 65-65, 2020. |
16. Examination of the DAA therapy for the Genotype2 type C type chronic liver disease in our hospital 近藤大祐1, 妹尾知典2, 筒井朱美2, 永野拓也2, 高口浩一2, 馬場伸介3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 66-66, 2020. |
17. An example who had autoimmune hepatitis and the idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 井坂円香, 河野誠也, 並川修, 中園雅彦, 中矢修一郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 67-67, 2020. |
18. Bacterial endophthalmitis secondary to the liver abscess by Klebsiella pneumonia, an example of the infectious pancreatic cyst 腰山裕一1, 廣瀬享1, 宗景玄祐1, 越智経浩1, 小笠原光成1, 野崎靖子1, 耕崎拓大1, 前田将宏2, 谷岡信寿2, 宗景匡哉2, 上村直2, 花崎和弘2, 内田一茂1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 68-68, 2020. |
19. One case of the tuberculous peritonitis that we were able to diagnose by aspiration biopsy 本田真仁1, 柴田啓志2, 岩佐修平2, 三宅孝典2, 横山怜子2, 辻友里2, 山本貴之2, 大塚加奈子2, 高橋幸志2, 鈴木康博2, 中本次郎2, 青木秀俊2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 69-69, 2020. |
20. Examination of the usefulness of Albumin bilirubin score as the convalescence prediction marker of primary bilious cholangitis 藤田浩二1, 琢磨慧1, 中原麻衣1, 大浦杏子1, 田所智子1, 谷丈二1, 森下朝洋1, 樋本尚志2, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 70-70, 2020. |
21. Two cases of the malignant tumor which we were able to diagnose with hematobilia 山下拓磨1, 大倉亮一1, 中尾克之1, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 71-71, 2020. |
22. Significance of Lymphocyte/CRP ratio (LCR) as the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma convalescence rule factor 宮崎克己, 森根裕二, 居村暁, 池本哲也, 荒川悠佑, 齋藤裕, 山田眞一郎, 徳田和憲, 吉川雅登, 島田光生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 72-72, 2020. |
23. One case of the pancreas malignant lymphoma which we had the onset and were able to diagnose by obstructive jaundice in EUS-FNA 佐藤裕紀1, 鈴木康博2, 岩佐修平2, 三宅孝典2, 横山怜子2, 辻友里2, 山本貴之2, 大塚加奈子2, 高橋幸志2, 中本次郎2, 青木秀俊2, 柴田啓志2, 工藤英治3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 73-73, 2020. |
24. One case of the pancreatic cancer which resulted in carcinomatous pericarditis 曹芳1, 木阪吉保1, 島本豊伎1, 栗原渉1, 野崎加那子1, 平岡亜弥1, 小田眞由1, 小川明子1, 田鶴谷奈友1, 武智俊治1, 田中良憲1, 水上祐治1, 飛田陽2, 松下純一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 74-74, 2020. |
25. Is the second medical therapy after the GEM+nab-PTX therapy for the progress pancreatic cancer effective? 羽床琴音, 奥山浩之, 村上あきつ, 大北仁裕, 西内崇将, 辻晃仁 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 75-75, 2020. |
26. An example of the anaplasia pancreatic cancer with curative resection possible osteoclasia type multinucleate d giant cells 三橋威志, 福家慧, 三好彩佳, 笠井昭成, 上田浩之, 樫原孝典, 藤野泰輝, 三好人正, 和田浩典, 宮本弘志, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (113): 76-76, 2020. |