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The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 114 / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
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S1-1. Examination about the gallbladder cancer onset from a gallbladder adenomyoma symptom in our hospital 氣賀澤斉史, 井倉技, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-2. The current situation of the bile duct cytodiagnosis for the biliary cancer in our hospital 大矢寛久, 安福智子, 奥田孝太郎, 水野智恵美 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-3. Usefulness, safety of contrasting lower EUS-FNA for gallbladder tumor 江守智哉, 田村崇, 蘆田玲子, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-4. Examination of the diagnosis ability with the digital type biliary tract endoscope lower improvement type biopsy forceps for the biliary tract disease 山田真規, 小倉健, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-5. Cooperation - of the current situation and the problem - internal medicine, surgery, department of radiology, pathological diagnosis department of the cholangiocarcinoma practice in our hospital 井上裕太, 家本孝雄, 三木美香, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 34-34, 2021. |
S1-6. Usefulness of the bile duct biopsy before operation using the bile duct stent delivery system and safe examination 横出正隆, 宇座徳光, 岡田浩和, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 34-34, 2021. |
S1-7. Comparison of contrasting harmonic EUS and the contrasting CT for T-staging of the extrahepatic bile duct cancer 大塚康生, 鎌田研, 竹中完, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 34-34, 2021. |
S1-8. Significance in the combined modality therapy of FDG-PET in the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma 瀬尾智, 楊知明, 小木曾聡, 田浦康二朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 34-34, 2021. |
S1-9. Examination (multicenter rearward observational study) of the significance of lymph node metastases of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer and the predictive score 柳本泰明, 味木徹夫, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 35-35, 2021. |
S1-10. The effectiveness of inside stent for hepatic portal region malignancy biliary tract stenosis 竹田善哉1, 稲富理1, 久津見弘2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 35-35, 2021. |
S1-11. The current situation of the examination for microsatellite instability of our institution in the biliary cancer 甲斐優吾, 池澤賢治, 高田良司, 大川和良 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 35-35, 2021. |
P1-1. The pathological examination of the gastroesophageal junction carcinectomy case and results of ESD 北川大貴1, 根引浩子1, 山崎智朗1, 玉森豊2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 39-39, 2021. |
P1-2. Simple and easy rebuilding technique esophagus residual stomach after the robot support lower fundusectomy vs. the double tract rebuilding 尾島敏康, 中村公紀, 早田啓治, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 39-39, 2021. |
P1-3. It is efforts of becoming it an ossification in the radical excision surgery for esophagogastric junction cancer and low infestation 貝田佐知子, 竹林克士, 山口剛, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 39-39, 2021. |
P1-4. The thoracoscopic laparoscopic esophagectomy for esophagogastric junction cancer and intrathoracic anastomotic safety and usefulness 小濱和貴, 角田茂, 久森重夫, 錦織達人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 39-39, 2021. |
P2-1. Two cases of Lipomatous pseudohypertrophy of the pancreas 宮崎はる香, 大井充, 星奈美子, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 40-40, 2021. |
P2-2. About clinical picture and differentiation of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 朝枝興平, 井上健, 小西英幸, 内藤裕二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 40-40, 2021. |
P2-3. The current situation of the α1-antitrypsin clearance study in our hospital 高橋憲一郎1, 馬場重樹2, 佐々木雅也2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 40-40, 2021. |
P2-4. Examination about α 1 antitrypsin study out of feces in our hospital 三重野将敏, 大島忠之, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 40-40, 2021. |
P2-5. About a diagnostic test of small intestinal bacteria abnormality hyperplasia (SIBO) 馬場重樹1, 高橋憲一郎2, 佐々木雅也1, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 41-41, 2021. |
P2-6. A diagnosis and treatment of the malabsorption syndrome by small intestinal bacteria abnormality hyperplasia 岡部誠, 山本修司, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 41-41, 2021. |
W1-1. Treatment strategy for the hepatocellular carcinoma with the obstructive jaundice 木村勇斗, 南竜城, 岡野明浩, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 45-45, 2021. |
W1-2. Progress of the laparoscopic hepatectomy for the hepatocellular carcinoma 北東大督, 野見武男, 庄雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 45-45, 2021. |
W1-3. Significance of the hepatectomy for the severe progress hepatocellular carcinoma with the liver extorsion move 小松昇平, 木戸正浩, 外山博近, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 45-45, 2021. |
W1-4. Local control ability of the next-generation microwave solidification therapy and radiofrequency wave cauter therapy and safe comparison 岡村順平, 玉井秀幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 45-45, 2021. |
W1-5. Lenvatinib treatment with M2BPGi level propriety prediction before treatment 恵荘裕嗣, 高井淳, 高橋健, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 46-46, 2021. |
W1-6. The change of the treatment with molecular target medicine for our hospital for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma 奥田佳一郎, 森口理久, 楳村敦詩, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 46-46, 2021. |
W1-7. Examination of the factor contributing to a change of the liver residual function in approximately the hepatic artery chemoembolisation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma of BCLC-B1 and molecular target medicine treatment 竹田惣一, 高谷広章, 浪崎正, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 46-46, 2021. |
W2-1. The current situation and problem of endoscopic diagnosis, the treatment for the non-Vater's papilla duodenum lesion in our hospital 西川倫子, 三村卓也, 櫛田早絵子, 山本佳宣 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 46-46, 2021. |
W2-2. Examination of the duodenal tumor endoscopic treatment case in the community medical care organization 西崎朗, 佐藤悠, 野村雄大, 藤井康和 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 47-47, 2021. |
W2-3. Examination about the risk factor associated with high-grade superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor 松枝克典, 上堂文也, 石原立 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 47-47, 2021. |
W2-4. Endoscopic diagnosis of the small intestine origin malignant lymphoma in our hospital 大井雅之, 高橋憲一郎, 稲富理, 安藤朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 47-47, 2021. |
W2-5. Examination of a diagnosis, the treatment for the small intestine malignant tumor of our hospital 阿部哲之, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 47-47, 2021. |
W2-6. About establishment and guidelines on standard treatment for the unresectable recurrent small intestine carcinoma 堀松高博1, 船越太郎2, 武藤学2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 48-48, 2021. |
W2-7. Usefulness of laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) for duodenal tumor 新野直樹, 原尚志, 山本昌明, 大森健 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 48-48, 2021. |
W2-8. Clinicopathologic examination of the small intestine GIST 高橋剛1,2, 中島清一1, 江口英利1, 土岐祐一郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 48-48, 2021. |
F1-1. One patient who was able to give the patients who received an emergency visit for epigastric pain a diagnosis of a pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom 市場悠路, 末村茂樹, 福井弘幸, 木津崇, 小倉智志, 堀江真以, 瀬川朋未, 高野智博, 榊原充 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 51-51, 2021. |
F1-2. One case of the milk of calcium bile which caused obstructive jaundice 東野公郁1, 小森忠浩1, 大西俊和1, 山崎瑛貴1, 上田康裕1, 星本真弘1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 51-51, 2021. |
F1-3. One patient who was able to observe natural history before acute cholangitis by the pancreatic calculus strangulation to Vater's papilla occurring 草野佑仁1, 新谷修平2, 井上博登2, 今井隆行4, 大塚武人2, 大野将司2, 松本寛史2, 藤本剛英2, 高橋憲一郎2, 馬場重樹3, 稲富理2, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 51-51, 2021. |
F1-4. An example of the splenic abscess relieved by conservative medical treatment with the antibiotic administration 倉橋豊, 中西亮太, 法水淳, 福嶌裕子, 山内亮平, 河合真由, 永濱彰悟, 芦田宗宏, 谷本孝史, 岡原徹, 大西幸作, 若原佑平, 楠本侑弘, 山口利朗, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 51-51, 2021. |
F2-1. Diffuse erythrogenic one case of the body of stomach that appeared associated with the P-CAB (potassium-competitive acid blocker) internal use that suffered from bleeding control 大島慎太郎1, 菅もも子2, 神保祐介2, 高田良平2, 池田敦史2, 堂垣美樹2, 深澤厚輔2, 田中秀憲2, 脇信也2, 中村晃2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 52-52, 2021. |
F2-2. One patient who presented with upper gastrointestinal bleeding by stomach penetration of the Crisp aneurysm 松尾悠矢, 岩崎哲也, 東原久美, 瀬戸華世, 栗山大輔, 堀木優志, 荻山秀治, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穗, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作, 飯石浩康 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 52-52, 2021. |
F2-3. An example of the gallstone ileus which needed differentiation with the bezoar 黒田早恵1, 森本泰隆1, 片山智也1,2, 吉田寿一郎1, 信田みすみ1,2, 山岡純子1,2, 渋谷明子1,2, 大野智之1, 中島智樹1,2, 藤信明3, 吉田憲正1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 52-52, 2021. |
F2-4. An example of the local recurrence diagnosed with the passage disorder after the gastric cancer technique in the tenth year 平松佑理1, 村上瑛基1, 戸祭直也1, 植原知暉1, 安田知代1, 中野貴博1, 石破博1, 稲田裕1, 中津川善和1, 山田真也1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 佐藤秀樹1, 奥山祐右1, 木村浩之1, 松原大樹2, 小松周平2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 52-52, 2021. |
F2-5. An example of stomach MiNEN (Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm) 藤原達也1, 荒瀬優希1, 松浦史弥1, 井上裕太1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 阿部哲之1, 佐々木綾香1, 家本孝雄1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 大瀬貴之1, 森川輝久1, 山本侑毅2, 佐貫毅1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 53-53, 2021. |
F3-1. One case of the stoma varix given percutaneous phlebosclerozation using cuff 藤井一樹1, 瓦谷英人2, 安東伸晃2, 久保貴裕2, 友岡文優2, 石田光志2, 小堤隆広2, 松永多恵2, 高木宏哲2, 古川政統2, 高谷広章2, 浪崎正2, 美登路昭2, 山尾純一3, 吉治仁志2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 53-53, 2021. |
F3-2. One case of idiopathic bacterial pleurisy (SBEM) complicated with the ascitic cirrhosis that there was not 梶川珠未, 瀬戸山健, 紙屋煕紀, 南條俊也, 佃頌敏, 大江夏美, 中西梨紗, 瀧本郁久, 木村佳人, 山階武, 邉見慎一郎, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 鼻岡昇, 米門秀行, 淺田全範, 喜多竜一, 木村達, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 53-53, 2021. |
F3-3. One case that a hepatocellular carcinoma was thought to cause a complete spontaneous involution 東野克温, 福田和人, 瀧内大輔, 澤井良之, 小来田幸世, 目連愛美, 青地一樹, 浜辺友也, 岩本晃子, 鬣瑛, 島越洋美, 山口典高, 氣賀澤斉史, 中原征則, 井倉技, 柴田邦隆, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 53-53, 2021. |
F3-5. An example of the drug induced hepatic injury by the Bofutsushosan 福田健太, 岡上武, 島俊英, 水野智恵美, 光本保英, 澤井直樹, 松本淳子, 奥田孝太郎, 大矢寛久, 寺崎慶, 片山貴之, 安福智子, 高橋祐輔, 三浦高裕, 伊谷純一郎, 藤石慎作, 渡邊和久, 松田達也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 54-54, 2021. |
F4-1. Two cases of the artery embolization for the small intestine bleeding 劉洋1, 小野山裕彦1, 坂井昇道2, 車清悟1, 糸原孟則1, 吉田佳世1, 森山良平1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 54-54, 2021. |
F4-2. An example of intestinal tract edema due to the anaphylaxis 土佐明誠1, 小野山裕彦1, 車清悟1, 糸原孟則1, 吉田佳世1, 森山良平1, 江上洋介1, 金原真義1, 千代孝夫2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 54-54, 2021. |
F4-3. One patient who was treated effectively with trial administration of octreotide for a lymph return current disorder by the sclerosing intestinal tract membrane flame 岸上陽彦, 平田珠希, 日笠雄太, 安田矩明, 柏木明香, 坂本洋一, 柏木貴雄, 来住稔, 堀順子, 宮田恵吉, 武地美保, 木村祥子, 岩井正秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 55-55, 2021. |
F4-4. One case that produced portal hypertension and artificial anus varix bleeding by sinusoid obstruction syndrome by Oxaliplatin 小林祐介1, 山田展久2, 那須隆紀2, 水田昇2, 池田佳奈美2, 濱田聖子2, 堀田祐馬2, 世古口悟2, 磯崎豊2, 長尾泰孝2, 小山田裕一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 55-55, 2021. |
F4-5. Examination of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), examination about the treatment 加藤正樹1, 宮崎啓1, 井上健1, 廣瀬亮平1, 土井俊文1, 土肥統1, 吉田直久1, 鎌田和浩1, 内山和彦1, 石川剛1, 高木智久1, 小西英幸1, 本郷仁志2, 内藤裕二1, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 55-55, 2021. |
F5-1. An example of the bile duct permeation due to the rectal cancer hepatic portal region lymph node metastasis diagnosed by endoscopic bile duct biopsy 瀧山浩希, 藤井恭太郎, 飯尾禎元, 細川香菜, 辻俊佑, 森麻奈加, 大内祥平, 田中絵里, 森田香織, 柳川和範, 小森真人, 乾由明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 55-55, 2021. |
F5-2. One case of the pars analis recti malignant melanoma of the achromocyte that showed an image of characteristic NBI expansion 辻沙也佳1, 佐野村誠1, 桶本大1, 冨永真央1, 西田光志1, 沼圭次朗1, 福田斯盧恵1, 西川知宏1, 西谷仁1, 佐々木有一1, 豊田昌夫2, 植田初江3, 中村志郎4, 樋口和秀4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 56-56, 2021. |
F5-3. An example of the primary small intestinal cancer detected with invagination of intestine 丸田剛史, 日月亜紀子, 福井康裕, 米光健, 岡田拓真, 西村潤也, 黒田顕慈, 栗原重明, 田嶋哲三, 青松直撥, 村田哲洋, 高台真太郎, 櫻井克宣, 西居孝文, 玉森豊, 久保尚士, 清水貞利, 金沢景繁, 前田清 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 56-56, 2021. |
F5-4. One case of the malignant peritoneal mesothelioma 内匠啓, 猪上尚徳, 古本恵理子, 黄哲久, 中村志歩, 曽根大暉, 雨宮可奈, 碕山直邦, 白川敦史, 岡田雄介, 真田香澄, 中瀬浩二朗, 萬代晃一朗, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 田中聖人, 宇野耕治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 56-56, 2021. |
F5-5. An example of the large intestine leiomyosarcoma which led to a diagnosis by endoscopic treatment 櫻根寛之1, 木下大輔1, 友岡瑞貴1, 野村健司1, 福永朋洋1, 河野辰哉1, 半田康平1, 川崎俊彦1, 水野成人2, 太田善夫3, 若狭朋子3, 工藤正俊4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 56-56, 2021. |
F6-1. Three cases of the ulcerative colitis that clinical remission was obtained by a change to new MMX-pH-dependent type mesalazine preparation 大川芹, 中原征則, 山口典高, 氣賀澤斉史, 島越洋美, 鬣瑛, 青地一樹, 目連愛美, 浜辺友也, 岩元晃子, 小来田幸世, 澤井良之, 井倉技, 福田和人, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 57-57, 2021. |
F6-2. An example of the ulcerative colitis that an intolerance symptom developed ten years after a mesalazine preparation administration start 北田智也, 山本修司, 石田万菜, 松浦賢史, 松森友昭, 恵荘裕嗣, 清水孝洋, 本澤有介, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 57-57, 2021. |
F6-3. One case of the ulcerative colitis that developed acute pericarditis with the 5-ASA preparation 三宅雄大, 邉見慎一郎, 佃頌敏, 紙屋煕紀, 南條俊也, 大江夏美, 中西梨紗, 瀧本郁久, 瀬戸山健, 木村佳人, 山階武, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 鼻岡昇, 淺田全範, 津村剛彦, 圓尾隆典, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 57-57, 2021. |
F6-4. Examination of the monitoring by the feces examination in the ulcerative colitis 大植智史, 長井健悟, 長澤秀治, 吉本和雄, 栗木真治, 曽莉莎, 岡部悟, 日下部瑛, 酒井彩子, 檀直樹, 卜部彩子, 笹川廣和, 長生幸司, 吉田雄一, 内藤雅文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 57-57, 2021. |
F6-5. Example that caused Lymphocytic colitis by the ingredient change of the use drug 名村咲音1, 松岡里紗2, 松井佐織2, 天野裕士2, 伊藤友佳2, 高橋京佑2, 松塲瞳2, 平海優香2, 山縣洋介2, 小野洋嗣2, 平野仁崇2, 栃谷四科子2, 北村泰明2, 藤田光一2, 阿南隆洋2, 渡辺明彦2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 58-58, 2021. |
F7-1. An example of uncus of the pancreas cancer found in autopsy for the first time 金原真義, 小野山裕彦, 糸原孟則, 吉田佳世, 森山良平, 車清悟, 土佐明誠, 江上洋介 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 58-58, 2021. |
F7-2. An example of the necrotising pancreatitis that occurred after the hospitalization for thrombocytopenia 江上洋介, 小野山裕彦, 金原真義, 土佐明誠, 糸原猛則, 森山良平, 吉田佳世, 車清悟 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 58-58, 2021. |
F7-3. One case of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma with the extension in the pancreatic duct 田渕丈治1, 家本孝雄1, 荒瀬優希1, 松浦史弥1, 井上裕太1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 阿部哲之1, 佐々木綾香1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 大瀬貴之1, 森川輝久1, 山本侑毅2, 佐貫毅1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 58-58, 2021. |
F7-4. An example of the renal carcinoma pancreas metastasis case that presented the tumor-like form in the pancreatic duct 青山雄一郎1, 山田恭孝1, 酒井新1, 猪股典子1, 孝橋信哉1, 長尾佳映1, 植村久尋1, 増田重人1, 阿部晶平1, 山川康平1, 辻前正弘1, 田中雄志1, 田中俊多1, 中野遼太1, 白川幸代2, 小林隆1, 塩見英之1, 増田充弘1, 外山博近2, 児玉裕三1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 59-59, 2021. |
Y1-1. An example of the acute cholecystitis that assumed Kluyvera ascorbata origin bacteria 那須隆紀1, 世古口悟1, 大友志伸2, 水田昇1, 池田佳奈美1, 濱田聖子1, 堀田祐馬1, 山田展久1, 磯崎豊1, 長尾泰孝1, 小山田裕一1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 63-63, 2021. |
Y1-2. An example of the false gallstones-related acute cholangitis with the ceftriaxone administration 渡邊康博, 江坂直樹, 村田雅樹, 黄莉媛, 山崎由希, 村井克行, 下釜翼, 中野佳子, 太田義之, 岩本諭, 水本吉則, 宮本心一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 63-63, 2021. |
Y1-3. One case that presented obstructive jaundice by diffuse liver metastases of the breast cancer and common bile duct permeation 小川健仁, 松本善秀, 清水亜季子, 中村真治, 法貴真也, 黒木茂信, 矢野安道, 生田耕三, 千田永理, 塩せいじ The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 63-63, 2021. |
Y1-4. Example that caused a liver abscess, sepsis from retrograde cholangitis by Edwardsiella tarda 植原知暉, 石破博, 村上瑛基, 中野貴博, 安田知代, 稲田裕, 中津川善和, 山田真也, 西村健, 藤井秀樹, 戸祭直也, 佐藤秀樹, 奥山祐右, 木村浩之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 63-63, 2021. |
Y2-1. A case of latent tuberculosis relapse that developed 15 months after golimumab administration and liver biopsy was useful despite prophylaxis with isoniazide 加島弘崇, 上尾太郎, 藤田奈穂子, 豊田文興, 松山祥, 小澤智美, 松本淳, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 岡野明浩, 久須美房子, 沖永聡, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 64-64, 2021. |
Y2-2. Example that recurred after the healing by DAAs treatment for the chronic hepatitis C 福井由美1, 梅田誠1, 岡本隆司1, 北浦真珠1, 藤本裕大1, 戸田潤1, 徳田浩亮1, 迫健太郎1, 西岡靖幸1, 水越健太1, 菱谷英里子1, 出田雅子1, 南尚希1, 山内雄揮1, 松村毅1, 木村利幸1, 丸澤宏之2, 竹田治彦3, 高井淳3, 妹尾浩3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 64-64, 2021. |
Y2-3. An example of the de novo autoimmune hepatitis after the live donor liver transplant diagnosed with severe hepatic dysfunction 竜野稜子1, 鄭浩柄1, 安藤徳晃1, 唐渡修一郎1, 長尾宗一郎1, 橋本航太1, 田中由香里1, 大久保佑樹1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲郎1, 高橋加奈2, 原重雄2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 64-64, 2021. |
Y2-4. An example of the liver abscess by Klebsiella pneumoniae which suffered from a diagnosis and treatment 徳林佑美, 池田敦之, 横田瞭, 青木謙太郎, 河村柾仁, 岡田圭次郎, 糸川芳男, 楠本聖典, 田中泰敬, 中井喜貴, 畦地英全, 藤井茂彦, 日下利広, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 64-64, 2021. |
Y2-5. An example of the anti-centromere antibody-positive autoimmune hepatitis 東瑛人, 楳村敦詩, 矢野航太, 置塩伸也, 高橋彩, 片岡星太, 奥田佳一郎, 竹谷裕栄, 瀬古裕也, 西川太一朗, 山口寛二, 森口理久, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 65-65, 2021. |
Y2-6. One case of the acute hepatic failure coma type who had acute pancreatitis and the hemophagocytic syndrome 萬川和1, 高井淳1, 山本萌美1, 濱田健輔1, 桑田威1, 清水孝洋1, 本澤有介1, 杉本暁彦2, 羽賀博典2, 宮本心一3, 妹尾浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 65-65, 2021. |
Y3-1. An example of the growth type hepatocellular carcinoma that occurred in the normalcy liver which suffered from a diagnosis out of the liver 長尾宗一郎1, 鄭浩柄1, 竜野稜子1, 安藤徳晃1, 唐渡修一郎1, 橋本航太1, 田中由香里1, 大久保佑樹1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲朗1, 森彩2, 北村好史2, 原重雄3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 65-65, 2021. |
Y3-2. 1 excision case of Lymphocyte-rich HCC which accepted PDL-1 overexpression 安藤徳晃1, 鄭浩柄1, 竜野稜子1, 唐渡修一郎1, 長尾宗一郎1, 橋本航太1, 田中由香里1, 大久保佑樹1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 占野尚人1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲朗1, 貝原聡2, 高橋加奈3, 原重雄3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 65-65, 2021. |
Y3-3. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which resulted in metastasis to abdominal wall 酒井奎太郎1, 村上善基2, 西野恭平1, 大脇悠司1, 野田恵加1, 今枝広丞1, 黒澤学3, 東出俊一4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 66-66, 2021. |
Y3-4. One case of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma of microsatellite instability high (MSI-high) with progressive frequent occurrence metastases to skin 大江夏美, 木村佳人, 紙屋煕紀, 南條俊也, 佃頌敏, 網野遥, 中西梨紗, 瀧本郁久, 瀬戸山健, 山階武, 坂本梓, 邉見慎一郎, 澤井勇悟, 鼻岡昇, 米門秀行, 淺田全範, 津村剛彦, 喜多竜一, 木村達, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 66-66, 2021. |
Y3-5. It is an example receiving the Pembrolizumab for the primary sclerosing cholangitis merger intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which showed high-frequency microsatellite instability 本城勇樹1, 藤原幹夫1, 草場祐貴1, 池上華菜子1, 永田健1, 加藤優花里1, 河路光介1, 東恵史郎1, 池田一毅1, 魚瀬優1, 重川稔2, 染田仁1, 千葉勉1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 66-66, 2021. |
Y3-6. An example of the duplicated gallbladder who had the gallbladder cancer 竹内雄亮1, 林海輝1, 大西裕1, 小倉武司1, 伊舎堂用大2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 66-66, 2021. |
Y4-1. One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome of the old onset 箕浦悠太郎, 杉本彩, 朴美瑛, 杉尾諒, 相馬一超, 岡本明之, 坂本達也, 辻井悠里, 山岡祥, 大杉直人, 中松大, 山本政司, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正巳 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 67-67, 2021. |
Y4-2. 3 cases of the ulcerative colitis who had primary bilious cholangitis 米田慎司, 楠本侑弘, 三宅崇之, 田中菜穂子, 福嶌裕子, 山内亮平, 河合真由, 中西亮太, 長濱彰悟, 芦田宗宏, 谷本考史, 岡原徹, 大西幸作, 若原佑平, 山口利朗, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 67-67, 2021. |
Y4-3. One patient who made induction of remission using biological drug four drugs for young ulcerative colitis 小原知也, 辻俊史, 谷口昌史, 酒井浩明, 岡浩平, 岩井直人, 原祐, 奥田隆史, 小牧稔之, 阪上順一, 香川惠造 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 67-67, 2021. |
Y4-4. One case of anal fibroepithelial polyp which caused ileus 冨永真央1, 佐野村誠1, 桶本大1, 西田光志1, 沼圭次郎1, 福田斯盧恵1, 西川知宏1, 西谷仁1, 佐々木有一1, 豊田昌夫2, 川崎浩資2, 植田初江3, 森川浩志4, 樋口和秀5 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 67-67, 2021. |
Y4-5. Example that a CT guide bottom performed phlebosclerozation in puncture approach for a rectal varix directly 福井純毅, 東森啓, 金道麻記子, 田上光治郎, 沢田明也, 西田裕, 丸山紘嗣, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 灘谷祐二, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 田中史生, 鎌田紀子, 永見康明, 平良高一, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 68-68, 2021. |
Y5-1. Small intestine merged with MDS with Trisomy 8-prone ulcerated one case 松浦史弥1, 荒瀬優希1, 井上裕太1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 阿部哲之1, 佐々木綾香1, 家本孝雄1, 田中克英1, 吉江智郎1, 大瀬貴之1, 森川輝久1, 山本侑毅2, 佐貫毅1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 68-68, 2021. |
Y5-2. One patient whom enteritis developed in during checkpoint inhibitor long-term use of immunity as irAE 田中由香里1, 井上聡子1, 安藤徳晃1, 竜野稜子1, 上田智也1, 唐渡修一郎1, 長尾宗一郎1, 大久保佑樹1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 谷口洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 占野尚人1, 鄭浩柄1, 猪熊哲朗1, 山下大祐2, 原重雄2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 68-68, 2021. |
Y5-3. One case of small intestine Burkitt lymphoma that occurred for intussusception 唐渡修一郎, 細谷和也, 安藤徳晃, 竜野稜子, 橋下航太, 長尾宗一郎, 田中由香里, 大久保祐樹, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 谷口洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 占野尚人, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 68-68, 2021. |
Y5-4. Example that caused small intestinal obstruction by the small intestine follicular lymphoma 荒瀬優希1, 松浦史弥1, 井上裕太1, 阿部哲之1, 二井諒子1, 三木美香1, 佐々木綾香1, 家本孝雄1, 田中克英1, 大瀬貴之1, 森川輝久1, 佐貫毅1, 山本侑毅2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 69-69, 2021. |
Y5-5. An example of the mesentery panniculitis that we excised surgically without being relieved by the conservative medical treatment of two and a half months 藤田奈穂子, 小澤智美, 池上華菜子, 加島弘崇, 豊田文興, 松山祥, 松本淳, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 沖永聡, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 69-69, 2021. |
Y6-1. Three cases of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma which we experienced in our hospital 澤宏樹, 川端将生, 小林千夏, 和辻晃, 中田明宏, 山崎春香, 足立裕次郎, 岩本剛幸, 野崎泰俊, 須田貴広, 水本塁, 有本雄貴, 太田高志, 山口真二郎, 伊藤善基, 武田裕, 萩原秀紀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 69-69, 2021. |
Y6-2. An example of small pancreatic duct intussusceptum-formed theloncus (ITPN) derived from the branch pancreatic duct which increases in a short term, and extended to an invasive cancer 山本健太1, 高田裕1, 小林拓哉1, 伊藤凌1, 池田結香1, 太田匠悟1, 安達神奈1, 島田友香里1, 林幹人1, 井谷智尚1, 浅井沙月2, 中村公治郎3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 69-69, 2021. |
Y6-3. An example of pancreas mucinous cyst tumor of the young man onset that presented repeated acute pancreatitis 山添剛志1, 伊藤嵩志1, 小畠慎平1, 杉浦美沙1, 山本英里子1, 井奥杏奈1, 中丸洸1, 光山俊行1, 三好秀明1, 池浦司1, 島谷昌明1, 里井壯平2, 高岡亮1, 長沼誠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 70-70, 2021. |
Y6-4. An example of the pancreatitis of the stomach accessory pancreas which repeated exacerbation relief of wall of stomach hypertrophy, epigastric pain 佐々木駿1, 太田和寛1, 西田晋也1, 岩坪太郎1, 川口真平1, 今井義朗2, 田中亮2, 小嶋融一1, 竹内利寿1, 李相雄2, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 70-70, 2021. |
Y6-5. One case that pancreatic duct stenting succeeded for juvenile pancreatitis with the SPINK1 abnormality of the genes 安東伸晃, 松永多恵, 高谷広章, 美登路昭, 久保貴裕, 友岡文優, 石田光志, 小堤隆広, 高木宏哲, 瓦谷英人, 浪崎正, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 70-70, 2021. |
Y7-1. One case of the acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis diagnosed with gastrointestinal perforation 石原美崎, 伊藤裕貴, 金丸薫子, 増田祥子, 西川浩介, 石田亮介, 谷本直紀, 鍋嶋克敏, 小川浩史, 澤井寛明, 角山沙織, 大須賀達也, 長谷川和範, 中島卓利 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 70-70, 2021. |
Y7-2. An example of gastrointestinal GVHD that the endoscopic biopsy from a normal gastric mucosa contributed to a diagnosis 服部知恵, 土井俊文, 廣瀬亮平, 井上健, 土肥統, 吉田直久, 鎌田和浩, 内山和彦, 石川剛, 高木智久, 小西英幸, 内藤裕二, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 71-71, 2021. |
Y7-3. An example of stomach origin choriocarcinoma which repeated bleeding from primary tumor 安田登摩1, 松本寛史1, 井上博登1, 今井隆行2, 新谷修平1, 大塚武人1, 大野将司1, 藤本剛英1, 高橋憲一郎1, 貝田佐知子3, 馬場重樹4, 稲富理1, 九嶋亮治5, 谷眞至3, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 71-71, 2021. |
Y7-4. Example that caused the duodenal passage disorder due to the retroperitoneal hematoma 細川香菜, 辻俊祐, 藤井恭太郎, 森麻奈加, 大内祥平, 田中絵里, 柳川和範, 森田香織, 小森真人, 飯尾禎元, 安永祐一, 乾由明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 71-71, 2021. |
Y7-5. An example of the esophageal varices which produced an esophageal mucosa bloody bowel discharge species after the sclerotherapy 勘代直志, 太田和寛, 佐々木駿, 坂口奈々子, 西田晋也, 岩坪太郎, 川口真平, 小嶋融一, 竹内利寿, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 71-71, 2021. |
Y8-1. An example of the rectal cancer postoperative Cronkhite-Canada syndrome that remission became able to be sustained by infliximab introduction 奥村りさ, 日山智史, 高木康宏, 中村弘樹, 三浦勇人, 澤村真理子, 大西良輝, 石見亜矢, 貫野知代, 濱野美奈, 山本克己, 巽信之, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 72-72, 2021. |
Y8-2. Three cases of the cerebral infarction that occurred during the chemotherapy for the gastrointestinal malignant tumor 原田彩香, 高山弘志, 阪口博哉, 飛松和俊, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 72-72, 2021. |
Y8-3. An example of the non-obstructive intestinal ischaemia symptom that alcohol excessive intake was regarded as precipitants (Non-obstructive mesenteric ischemia: NOMI) 永木瑞穂1, 八木洋輔1, 光丸誠紘1, 錦恵那3, 芦崎理沙1, 友藤清爾1, 毛利有沙1, 藤原えり1, 八幡晋輔3, 八木優子1, 川西正敏1, 正井栄一1, 湯浅貞稔1, 山城有機1, 山崎富生1, 東野展英2, 佐竹信祐2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 72-72, 2021. |
Y8-4. Example that caused tardive small intestinal perforation after the double balloon endoscope for the small intestine-prone angiodysplasia and argon plasma solidification technique 吉治誠1, 松本慶1, 鷹尾俊達1, 岡本典大1, 宮崎はる香1, 松岡晃生1, 竹中春香1, 大井充1, 森田圭紀1,2, 豊永高史1, 児玉裕三1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 72-72, 2021. |
Y8-5. An example of the intestinal tract cysts-like emphysematosa that it was thought that it was caused by trichloroethylene 山本一輝1, 鋳谷成弘1, 黒川達哉1, 坂井大志1, 伊藤君好1, 河内屋友宏1, 原順一1, 藤原靖弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 73-73, 2021. |
Y9-1. A bowel juxtaductal type Behcet's disease state complicated with myelodysplastic syndrome-prone ulcerated example 山岸政充, 西田裕, 細見周平, 灘谷祐二, 福永周生, 大谷恒史, 田中史生, 永見康明, 鎌田紀子, 平良高一, 渡辺俊雄, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 73-73, 2021. |
Y9-2. An example of rectal cancer which caused Stanford type B acute aortic dissection during Bevacizumab combination chemotherapy 朝原ひかり1, 黒田浩平1, 藤井正俊1, 白坂大輔1, 恵良有紀子2, 池川卓哉1, 新井憂1, 中原晶子1, 浅田裕也1, 河野美樹1, 後藤光宏1, 杉原康介1, 岸本弘基1, 門脇嘉彦3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 73-73, 2021. |
Y9-3. One case of squamous cell carcinoma of the rectosigmoid junction 杉原康介1, 黒田浩平1, 朝原ひかり1, 岸本弘基1, 後藤光宏1, 松井恒樹1, 浅田裕也1, 河野未樹1, 新井憂1, 中原晶子1, 池川卓哉1, 恵良有紀子1, 白坂大輔1, 藤井正俊1, 門脇嘉彦2, 沖野毅3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 73-73, 2021. |
Y9-4. It is an example who had rectal cancer for lower mesentery arterio-venous malformation 水田昇1, 山田展久1, 那須隆起1, 池田佳奈美1, 濱田聖子1, 堀田祐馬1, 世古口悟1, 磯崎豊1, 長尾泰孝1, 中西正芳2, 小山田裕一1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 74-74, 2021. |
Y9-5. NUT carcinoma which was found out with a colic tumor 土橋果実, 小島正継, 三宅亨, 植木智之, 福尾飛翔, 村本圭史, 前川毅, 徳田彩, 児玉泰一, 前平博充, 竹林克士, 貝田佐知子, 飯田洋也, 石川健, 山口剛, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 74-74, 2021. |
1. One case of chronic hepatitis B that they presented with Fanconi syndrome, and only entecavir administration was carried out, but HBVDNA decreased after the tenofovir change remarkably 西内明子, 安東まや, 笹生幹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 77-77, 2021. |
2. Example that accepted acalculous cholecystitis as a prodrome of the polyarteritis nodosa 溝畑宏一1, 尾藤展克1, 大田真紀代1, 西川太一郎1, 飯沼昌二1, 中林雄大2, 米田政幸2, 内山清2, 黄俊大3, 米本仁史3, 上田剛士3, 安井寛4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 77-77, 2021. |
3. An example of the ectopic liver which occurred from body of gallbladder 關優太1, 八木洋輔1, 芦崎理沙1, 永木瑞穂1, 友藤清爾1, 毛利沙有1, 藤原えり1, 八幡晋助1, 八木優子1, 川西正敏1, 正井栄一1, 湯浅貞稔1, 山城有機1, 山崎富生1, 東野展英2, 中島幸一2, 佐竹信祐2, 山崎良定2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 77-77, 2021. |
4. Examination of the complete laparoscopic hepatic left lobe resection in our hospital 駕田修史, 富岡淳, 米田浩二, 清水徹之介, 朝隈光弘, 廣川文鋭, 内山和久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 77-77, 2021. |
5. An example of the fulminant form amebic colitis that we experienced in our hospital 大西紘平, 石田司, 中村碩孝, 塩屋暁子, 徳永貴史, 田中太郎, 益子由佳子, ベンスレイマンヤハヤ, 佐々木一就, 當銘成友, 古松恵介, 門卓生, 吉田俊一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 78-78, 2021. |
6. One case that caused a cerebellum metastatic explosion after the adjuvant chemotherapy after the rectal cancer technique 山本嘉太郎1, 高橋良明1, 清水光1, 後昴佑1, 西口恭平1, 今西みゆき1, 東野健1, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 78-78, 2021. |
7. One case that detained metallic stent for an afferent loop dissemination recurrence after the lower cholangiocarcinoma pancreas head excision Roux-en-Y rebuilding 大脇悠司1, 今枝広丞1, 酒井奎太郎1, 西野恭平1, 野田恵加1, 東出俊一2, 西田淳史1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 78-78, 2021. |
8. Ulcerative lesion develops throughout gastrointestinal tract, one case of the bowel juxtaductal type Behcet's disease who had the aneurysm ruptured 渡部貴文, 﨏本喜雄, 草野淳, 岡田寛史, 戎谷力, 廣畑成也, 尹聖哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 78-78, 2021. |
9. One case of the mucocele which resulted from adenoma in the ascending colon diverticulum 出原啓介1, 田中慶太朗1, 栗栖義賢3, 阿部信貴1, 濱元宏喜1, 大住渉1, 山本誠士1, 奥田準二2, 内山和久1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 79-79, 2021. |
10. Report of the ascitic filtration concentration re-IV infusion law for the intractable ascitic fluid in the clinic 高垣伸匡 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 79-79, 2021. |
11. Association between change and diarrhea of the gut flora in the 5-FU administration 川崎裕香1,2, 柿本一城1, 田中泰吉1, 木下直彦1, 小柴良司1, 中悠1, 平田有基1, 太田和寛1, 寺澤哲志1, 宮嵜孝子1, 後藤昌弘1, 田中良紀3, 中島淳二3, 大野裕史3, 中村志郎1, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 79-79, 2021. |
12. Efforts to acute abdomen in the overtime first aid of the Iga City Ueno synthesis municipal hospital 岡田幸法1,2, 三枝晋3, 吉山繁幸3, 井出正造3, 浦谷亮3, 毛利智美3, 原文祐3,4, 栗原眞行3,4, 長谷川大4, 八木典章4, 中西丈比佐4, 久路晃路4, 安岡遼5, 池田正俊5, 椹木一仁5, 加藤孝太5, 八尾隆治5, 田中光司3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 79-79, 2021. |
13. One case of the duodenal diverticulum bleeding that we were able to stop bleeding of by transcatheter mark artery embolization 米倉伸彦, 由本純基, 落合都萌子, 森田康大, 田中信, 片山政伸, 田中基夫, 重松忠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 80-80, 2021. |
14. It is one patient of the thrombosis in the superior vena cava after abdominal cavity - vein shunts custody that was able to chase image views over time 一瀬規子, 中島隆善, 相原司, 長野健太郎, 松木豪志, 笠井明大, 浜野郁美, 岡本亮, 生田真一, 仲本嘉彦, 柳秀憲, 山中若樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 80-80, 2021. |
15. Examination of the clinicopathologic factor about long term prognosis of the stump cancer in our hospital 松尾謙太郎, 李相雄, 田中亮, 今井義朗, 本田浩太郎, 内山和久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (114): 80-80, 2021. |