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The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 115 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Liver cancer practice in the change period
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 36-37, 2021.

Japanese Article Approach to ulcerative colitis
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 38-39, 2021.

Japanese Article Point of the medical therapy in the gastric cancer treatment guidelines sixth edition
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 40-41, 2021.

Japanese Article How is constipation, diarrhea treated condition of a patient and treatment ... of lower functional GI tract disturbance; ...
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 42-43, 2021.

Japanese Article Approach to the acid associated diseases in the aging society
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 44-45, 2021.

Japanese Article Game changer in the treatment of advanced liver cancer - Tecentriq + Avastin combination therapy -
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 46-47, 2021.

Japanese Article Role ... which acid associated diseases practice - P-CAB sought now serves as
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 50-51, 2021.

Japanese Article It is ... including significance - induction of remission and prognosis of the use of early GMA in the ulcerative colitis
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 52-53, 2021.

Japanese Article Of chronic constipation treatment, actually
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 54-55, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-01. About the current situation of the EB virus antibody prevalence in the inflammatory bowel disease case and thiopurine preparation remedy
多田育賢1, 結城崇史2, 花岡拓哉1, 串山義則1, 内田靖3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-02. The use situation of the thiopurine preparation which we looked at according to NUDT15 genetic polymorphism in our hospital
高砂健1, 林亮平2, 上野義隆2, 大西佳菜1, 田中信治2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-03. Correlation of a super magnifying endoscope classification in the ulcerative colitis and histopathological views
菓裕貴, 紙谷悠, 池淵雄一郎, 吉田亮, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-04. Examination of the gastrointestinal echographic lesion detectability for the Crohn's disease small intestine stenosis lesion
竹内桂子, 井口俊博, 大森正泰, 平岡佐規子, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-05. About the association with CRP and image views in the Crohn's disease
藤村寛之1, 橋本真一1, 岡本健志2, 西川潤3, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-06. Examination about the perinatal period of patients with inflammatory bowel disease in our hospital
垂水研一, 鈴木健夫, 嶋村廣視, 竹馬彰, 瀧上隆夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-07. Choice of the IBD newcomer treatment that we examined from sex differences
楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 田丸弓弦, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-08. The treatment actual situation for the intractable ulcerative colitis in the Kurashiki, Okayama district
松本啓志1, 下立雄一2, 垂水研一3, 富岡憲明4, 佐藤嘉高5
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-09. Examination of skin lesions occurring after antiTNF - α antibody administration
矢鍋之照, 吉岡正雄, 藤原明子, 那須淳一郎, 塩出純二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-10. Treatment result of the Ustekinumab for the intractable ulcerative colitis in the true clinical practice
川島耕作1,2, 大嶋直樹2, 岡明彦2, 三島義之2, 石原俊治1,2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-01. Initial use experience of the Atezolizumab bevacizumab for the basalioma
松木由佳子, 池田傑, 永原天和, 杉原誉明, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-02. Examination of the primary therapeutic drug in the treatment with molecular target medicine for the hepatocellular carcinoma
矢崎友隆1, 飛田博史1, 石原俊治2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-03. Treatment strategy of the progress liver cancer by the liver residual function
佐伯一成1, 田邉規和1, 高見太郎1, 山崎隆弘2, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-04. Future treatment strategy judging from the change according to the times of the medical therapy of our hospital for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma
河岡友和, 相方浩, 内川慎介, 今村道雄, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-05. Treatment result of FOLFIRINOX therapy and the GEM + nabPTX combination therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
塚野航介1, 山之内智志1, 田中雅樹2, 宮岡洋一2, 藤代浩史1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-06. Treatment result of the chemotherapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
壷井智史, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 津島健, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-07. Experience and problems of the preoperative chemotherapy for the resectable pancreatic cancer
西健, 川畑康成, 中村光佑, 林彦多, 田島義証
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-08. The current situation of the chemotherapy for the pancreatic cancer in our hospital
石原裕基, 皿谷洋祐, 田中彰一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-09. The current situation and usefulness of the chemotherapy in the elderly people pancreatic cancer impossible of excision
水川翔, 藤井勝邦, 那須淳一郎, 吉岡正雄, 塩出純二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-10. Examination of the chemotherapy for the elderly people pancreatic cancer
栗原啓介, 花田敬士, 清水晃典
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-11. Examination about the treatment result of the elderly people pancreatic cancer in the Okayama University Hospital
寺澤裕之, 堀口繁, 加藤博也, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-12. Examination of the current situation and the clot risk factor of the cancer-related thrombosis in patients with pancreatic cancer given chemotherapy
沖健太朗1, 秋元悠1, 原田亮1, 井上雅文1, 小橋春彦2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-13. Examination of the prognosis-related factor in the medical treatment of unresectable PanNEN
平野哲朗, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-01. One patient who Nivolumab was effective for an unresectable progress esophagogastric junction cancer, and showed primary tumor disappearance
小川洋平1, 河野吉泰2, 亀高大介3, 岡上昇太郎3, 里見拓也3, 濱田健太4, 安部真3, 榮浩行3, 神崎洋光3, 岩室雅也3, 川野誠司2,3, 河原祥朗5, 岡田裕之2,3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-02. An example of the muscular layer, serosa predominance type eosinophilic gastroenteritis definitively diagnosed with a surgery specimen
梅川剛, 福本康史, 光宗真佑, 佐柿司, 永原華子, 須藤和樹, 若槻俊之, 古立真一, 清水慎一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-03. One patient who responded to antimicrobial for intestinal tract cysts-like emphysematosa associated with the chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
越智清暁, 山本洋一郎, 小林沙代, 藤田亮, 矢杉賢吾, 岡寿紀, 小川恒由, 名和徹, 植木亨
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-04. An example of the multiple small intestine ulcer complicated with the Trisomy8-positive myelodysplastic syndrome that suffered from control of the bleeding
田口健一, 武澤梨央, 西村直之, 水野元夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-05. One case of the appendix true diverticulum bleeding given urgent appendectomy
江盛智明1, 吉福良公2, 濱崎政宏1, 小澤久美子1, 木村直人1, 服部彩佳1, 圓山聡1, 舛田裕道3, 毛利律夫2, 服部宜裕1, 鎌田耕治1, 中島浩一郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-06. A case of hidradenitis suppurativa with ulcerative colitis for which adalimumab was effective
中西彬, 豊川達也, 住井遼平, 原友太, 伏見崇, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 野間康宏, 堀井城一朗, 藤田勲生
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-07. An example of the traumatic multiple large intestine injury with the air compressor which caused delayed-action perforation
畠中駿1, 播磨陽平1, 秀浦栄三郎1, 一杉知毅1, 浦田洋平1, 中村陽平1, 戒能美雪1, 塚本哲平2, 小野田雅彦2, 岩村道憲2, 井口智浩2, 古谷彰2, 河野和明2, 加藤智栄2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 75-75, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-08. 1 autopsy case of the pars analis recti origin malignant melanoma which showed peritoneal dissemination, and progressed rapidly
木下泰仁1,2, 福庭暢彦2, 山下詔嗣2, 永岡真2, 高橋芳子2, 福原寛之2, 佐藤秀一2, 雫稔弘2, 片岡祐子3, 荒木亜寿香4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 75-75, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-10. One case of the chronic active EB virus infection that racked its brains about differentiation with the autoimmune hepatitis
池田傑1, 永原天和1, 杉原誉明1, 松木由佳子1, 星野由樹3, 岡野淳一1, 大山賢治2, 磯本一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 76-76, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-11. One case that was regarded as infectious mononucleosis by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
依藤駿輔1, 富山恭行1, 草加裕康1, 大海宏暢1, 吉岡奈穂子1, 原裕一1, 仁科惣治1, 伊禮功3, 吉田浩二2, 日野啓輔1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 77-77, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-12. One case of necrotic erythema migrans complicated with C type cirrhosis
藤岡毅1, 山内由里佳1, 佐伯一成1, 佐々木嶺1, 仁志麻衣子1, 田邉規和1, 大野高嗣1, 日高勲1, 石川剛1, 高見太郎1, 下村尚子2, 白濱つづり3, 池田栄二3, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 77-77, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-13. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma merger cirrhosis that they presented with copper deficiency with zinc preparation administration during maintenance dialysis, and presented pancytopenia
初鹿佳輝, 高木慎太郎, 坂本愛子, 田中裕輔, 山下由美子, 保田一毅, 宮木英輔, 福原崇之, 河野友彦, 岡崎彰仁, 占部綾子, 坂野文香, 森奈美, 岡信秀治, 越智秀典, 辻恵二, 久留島仁, 古川善也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 78-78, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-14. An example of the gallbladder adenosquamous carcinoma which needed differentiation with calculus-related cholangitis, cholecystitis, and was discovered by gallbladder bleeding
木原琢也1, 木下英人1, 向山智之1, 西向栄治1, 前田直人1, 謝花典子1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 78-78, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-15. An example of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma which caused permeation to gastrointestinal tract directly through a retention cyst wall
浜田拓郎, 山口厚, 森内里歩, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 79-79, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-16. An example of the pancreatic cancer which they presented with carcinomatous pericarditis, and took the sudden turning point
奥田康博1, 栗原啓介1, 山本卓哉1, 池田守登1, 松本望1, 清水晃典1, 北村正輔1, 片村嘉男1, 宍戸孝好1, 小野川靖二1, 平野巨通1, 花田敬士1, 米原修治2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 79-79, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-17. An example of the epidermoid cyst which occurred in the accessory spleen in the pancreas which we were able to diagnose preoperatively
大町泰介1, 園山浩紀1, 森山一郎2, 石原俊治1, 西健3, 片岡祐子4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 80-80, 2021.

Japanese Article SR-18. One case of the acute pancreatitis that occurred during treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitor
岸雄太郎, 重信修宇也, 松原由佳, 山崎慎太郎, 畑幸作, 実綿倫宏, 毛利輝生, 沼田義弘, 久賀祥男, 守屋尚, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 80-80, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-01. A case of ischemic gastritis during treatment for fulminant myocarditis
月元天啓1, 山下賢1, 玉理太覚2, 上垣内由季2, 下原康嗣2, 稲垣克哲2, 岡本由貴2, 田中秀典2, 檜山雄一3, 小刀崇弘1, 瀧川英彦1, 林亮平1, 弓削亮1, 卜部祐司4, 岡志郎2, 日山亨5, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 81-81, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-02. An example of the gastric ulcer perforation of elderly people relieved by conservative treatment
粟森佳世子, 堀井城一朗, 中西彬, 住井遼平, 原友太, 伏見崇, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 野間康宏, 藤田勲生, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 81-81, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-03. One case of emphysematous gastritis relieved by conservative medical treatment
住井悠紀1, 青山大輝1, 才野正新1, 益田啓志1, 野村理紗1, 竹元裕紀1, 竹内友香理1, 関藤剛1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 柾木慶一1, 朝山直樹1, 本田洋士1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 82-82, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-04. An example of the duodenal GIST which resulted in severe anemia by intratumoral bleeding
何本佑太1, 吉岡正雄1, 岩藤恭昌1, 水川翔1, 藤井雅邦1, 伊藤守1, 石山修平1, 藤原明子1, 那須淳一郎1, 児島亨2, 塩出純二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 82-82, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-05. One case of periodic fever and the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome diagnosed during an abdominal pain close inspection
乃美優孝1, 井口俊博2, 青山祐樹3, 竹井健介3, 安富絵里子3, 井川翔子3, 大森正泰3, 岡昌平3, 竹内桂子3, 山崎泰史3, 衣笠秀明3, 原田馨太3, 平岡佐規子3, 岡田裕之3, 徳増一樹4, 大塚文男4, 矢野修也5, 菊地覚次5, 坂本真樹5
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 83-83, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-06. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which recurred after the spontaneous regression, and resulted in spontaneous necrosis again
和泉祥大1, 高木慎太郎2, 坂本愛子2, 田中裕輔2, 初鹿佳輝2, 山下由美子2, 保田和毅2, 宮木英輔2, 福原崇之2, 岡崎彰仁2, 河野友彦2, 坂野文香3, 森奈美2, 岡信秀治2, 辻恵二2, 越智秀典3, 久留島仁4, 前田貴司5, 藤原恵6, 古川善也2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 83-83, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-07. One case of multiple FNH-like lesion which we were able to observe for a long term
森下慎太郎, 河野博孝, 浜田拓郎, 森内里歩, 和田薫, 小西宏奈, 峠香苗, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 山口厚, 桑井寿雄, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 84-84, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-08. One case of the alcoholic cirrhosis who had Spur cell anemia
高野裕太, 大西理乃, 大海宏暢, 桑木健志, 末次慶收, 藪下和久
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 84-84, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-09. An example of the round ligament of liver abscess which coexisted for cholangitis, a portal vein clot relieved by conservative medical treatment
三宅真由子, 原田亮, 秋元悠, 安井稔博, 武田和宏, 辻野友樹, 中山博誉, 沖健太朗, 吉川知輝, 加藤薫, 秋田光洋, 歳森淳一, 井上雅文, 小橋春彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 85-85, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-10. Example that racked the brains about the differentiation with the liver malignant tumor, but led to a diagnosis of primary liver actinomycosis by percutaneous liver biopsy
土江遼平1, 塚野航介2, 兒玉康秀2, 末光信介2, 藤原文2, 小川さや香2, 山之内智志2, 田中雅樹3, 宮岡洋一3, 三宅達也4, 藤代浩史2, 高下成明2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 85-85, 2021.

Japanese Article JR-11. An example of pancreas actinomycosis that was diagnosed in EUS-FNA, and was able to evade surgery
松浦秀樹, 宮本和也, 香川大樹, 宮岡大輔, 神尾知宏, 石黒美佳子, 木村彰吾, 山本高史, 平田翔一郎, 石田正也, 岡本雄貴, 熊原加奈, 大重和樹, 藤田浩二, 高原政宏, 堀圭介, 竹中龍太, 藤木茂篤
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 86-86, 2021.

Japanese Article O-01. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma that full-bloodedness presented becoming it for the oligemia-related liver masses which assumed chronic hepatitis B background in the image follow-up ninth year
小坂正成, 河岡友和, 網岡慶, 小川裕太郎, 菊川千尋, 鳴戸謙輔, 吉川ゆき, 安藤雄和, 小坂祐未, 内川慎介, 盛生慶, 藤野初江, 中原隆志, 村上英介, 山内理海, 柘植雅貴, 平松憲, 今村道雄, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 87-87, 2021.

Japanese Article O-02. One case of the portal vein pulmonary hypertension who had the multiple hepatocellular carcinoma
西村達朗, 石川剛, 高見太郎, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 87-87, 2021.

Japanese Article O-03. An example of the benign iterative intrahepatic cholestasis which caused severe jaundice
三浦峻一, 河岡友和, 網岡慶, 小川裕太朗, 菊川千尋, 鳴戸謙輔, 吉川ゆき, 安藤雄和, 小坂祐未, 内川慎介, 盛生慶, 藤野初江, 中原隆志, 村上英介, 山内理海, 柘植雅貴, 平松憲, 今村道雄, 相方浩, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 88-88, 2021.

Japanese Article O-04. Acute hepatic failure case by the alcoholic hepatitis exacerbation that differentiation with the neutrophilic leukemia became the problem
稲生祥子, 安中哲也, 高木章乃夫, 大山敦史, 足立卓哉, 和田望, 竹内康人, 大西秀樹, 白羽英則, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 88-88, 2021.

Japanese Article O-05. One case of ICPN (intracystic papillary neoplasm) which progressed in Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus (RAS) of the gallbladder adenomyoma symptom
小島一展1, 原田亮1, 秋元悠1, 辻野友樹1, 武田和宏1, 中山博誉1, 沖健太郎1, 吉川知輝1, 安井稔博1, 秋田光洋1, 加藤薫2, 小橋春彦2, 歳森淳一2, 井上雅文1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 89-89, 2021.

Japanese Article O-06. Two cases of the hemorrhagic cholecystitis that occurred during anticoagulation
中山博誉1, 原田亮1, 辻野友樹1, 武田和宏1, 吉川知輝1, 沖健太郎1, 加藤薫2, 秋元悠1, 安井稔博1, 秋田光洋1, 歳森淳一2, 小橋春彦2, 井上雅文1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 89-89, 2021.

Japanese Article O-07. Two cases of Pembrolizumab origin-related cholangitis which accepted improvement by an immunosuppressive drug
武田和宏1, 秋元悠1, 辻野友樹1, 中山博誉1, 沖健太朗1, 吉川知輝1, 安井稔博1, 秋田光洋1, 原田亮1, 加藤薫2, 歳森淳一2, 小橋春彦2, 井上雅文1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 90-90, 2021.

Japanese Article O-08. A pancreatic tumor presence diagnosis ability evaluation by MR diffusion weighted image and the MRCP combination and analysis of the false-positive case
福庭暢彦1, 山下詔嗣1, 永岡真1, 高橋芳子1, 福原寛之2, 佐藤秀一1, 雫稔弘1, 荒木和美3, 黒田弘之4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 90-90, 2021.

Japanese Article O-09. One case of the TS1 pancreatic acinus basalioma which we diagnosed all over the course of the repeated acute pancreatitis
山崎辰洋, 加藤博也, 姫井人美, 上田英次郎, 小川泰司, 寺澤裕之, 藤井佑樹, 松本和幸, 堀口繁, 堤康一郎, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 91-91, 2021.

Japanese Article O-10. An example of the small pancreatic cancer which had difficulty in evaluation of the cytodiagnosis of hypoechoic area of EUS and the transnipple
北川貴之1, 中島義博2, 草加裕康1, 三宅智雄1, 佐藤辰貴2, 西紋禮士1, 吉田浩司2, 日野啓輔1, 岡田敏正3, 上野富雄3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 91-91, 2021.

Japanese Article O-11. Two cases of invasive pancreatic duct cancer diagnosed during follow-up after the acute pancreatitis
山口厚, 濱田拓郎, 和田薫, 森内里歩, 峠香苗, 小西宏奈, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 92-92, 2021.

Japanese Article O-12. One case of hemosuccus pancreaticus diagnosed during a close inspection of the GI bleeding
矢田祥子, 末永成之, 浜本佳織, 津山高典, 藤本祐子, 天野彰吾, 戒能聖治, 坂井田功
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 92-92, 2021.

Japanese Article O-13. Effect on exocrine function in the pancreas with the medical treatment for the pancreatic lithiasis
佐伯翔, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 津島健, 中村真也, 平野哲朗, 池本珠莉, 清下裕介, 宮本明香, 茶山一彰
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 93-93, 2021.

Japanese Article O-14. 1 excision case of the histocyte sarcoma of the spleen origin
花岡拓哉1, 内田靖1, 野津巧1, 板倉由幸1, 齋藤宰1, 多田育賢1, 結城崇史1, 串山義則1, 佐藤仁俊2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 93-93, 2021.

Japanese Article O-15. Three cases of the pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured due to the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome
村脇義之1, 三浦将彦1, 加藤順1, 金築駿吾1, 平井敬教1, 堀江聡1, 吉村禎二1, 河野通盛1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 94-94, 2021.

Japanese Article O-16. As a result of risk of infection attitude survey for the endoscopy
結城美佳, 石飛ひとみ, 中島さやか, 新垣昌利, 駒澤慶憲
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 94-94, 2021.

Japanese Article O-17. H. where sanitization treatment succeeded pylori-negative H. An example of bizzozeroni-positive stomach MALT lymphoma
門田紘樹1, 弓削亮1, 瀧川英彦1, 大谷里奈2, 内藤聡雄2, 林亮平1, 卜部祐司1, 北台靖彦3, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 95-95, 2021.

Japanese Article O-18. Two cases of the undifferentiated stomach intramucosal carcinoma which presented an upheaval type
岸加奈子1, 三代知子1, 結城崇史2, 串山義則1, 足立経一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 95-95, 2021.

Japanese Article O-19. One case that the polidocanol station note/argon plasma solidification combination therapy was effective for antrum of stomach telangiectasia of the diffuse scleroderma
飯尾澄夫1, 岡志郎2, 隅岡昭彦1, 玉理太覚1, 上垣内由季1, 大西佳菜2, 大谷里奈2, 福原基充2, 下原康嗣1, 高砂健2, 壷井章克1, 瀧川英彦1, 小刀崇弘1, 卜部祐司1, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 96-96, 2021.

Japanese Article O-20. One case of the duodenal neuroendocrine tumor which came by curative resection in Underwater EMR
青山祐樹, 山崎泰史, 大森正泰, 神崎洋光, 川野誠司, 河原祥朗, 岡田裕之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 96-96, 2021.

Japanese Article O-21. One case of the duodenal cancer regarded as Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-producing tumor
末光信介1, 宮岡洋一2, 兒玉康秀1, 藤原文1, 塚野航介1, 小川さやか1, 山之内智志1, 田中雅樹2, 三宅達也3, 藤代浩史1, 高下成明1, 今岡友紀1, 大沼秀行4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 97-97, 2021.

Japanese Article O-22. 1 case of the diospyrobezoar small intestine strangulation
佐藤秀一, 高橋芳子, 山下詔嗣, 永岡真, 福庭暢彦, 福原寛之, 雫稔弘
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 97-97, 2021.

Japanese Article O-23. One case of the metronidazole-induced encephalopathy that occurred during Crohn's disease medical treatment
宇治恵美子, 松本啓志, 河合真由, 笹平百世, 門田修蔵, 二ノ宮壮広, 三澤拓, 近石昌也, 葉祥元, 大澤元保, 半田修, 村尾高久, 梅垣英次, 塩谷昭子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 98-98, 2021.

Japanese Article O-24. One case of the ileal malignant lymphoma which increased rapidly, and caused invagination of intestine
長谷川隆1, 河村知彦1, 松本栄二1, 濱本哲郎1, 堀立明1, 岸本幸廣1, 鶴原一郎1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 98-98, 2021.

Japanese Article O-25. An example of ulcerative colitis-related tumor that ESD contributed to the decision of the treatment strategy
野津巧1, 結城崇史2, 板倉由幸2, 齋藤宰1, 多田育賢1, 花岡拓哉1, 串山義則1, 内田靖3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 99-99, 2021.

Japanese Article 1. We think about medical therapy for the elderly people ulcerative colitis to increase
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 106-107, 2021.

Japanese Article 2. Treatment - past, the present, the future of the progress liver cancer
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 108-109, 2021.

Japanese Article 3. Progress of inflammatory bowel disease treatment
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 110-111, 2021.

Japanese Article 4. About combined modality therapy for the gastric cancer
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 112-113, 2021.

Japanese Article 5. The current situation of the pancreatic cancer chemotherapy and the future prospects
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 114-115, 2021.