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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 115 / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
S1-01. To a specialist in enforcement in the upper part digestive organ endoscopy can the spray exposure decrease by the end barrier directly? 藤原新太郎1,2, 小原英幹1, 西山典子1,3, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 35-35, 2021. |
S1-02. Inspection of safety, the acceptability of use of phylaxis film Endo barrier lower upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope subjects 川西竜輔1, 小原英幹2, 西山典子2,3, 室田將之1, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 35-35, 2021. |
S1-03. Versatility of new small-diameter endoscopic GIF-1200N in the upper gastrointestinal tract screening 木村哲夫, 木村雅子, 井上修志 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 36-36, 2021. |
S1-04. Clinicopathologic examination of stomach type adenoma (gastric pyloric gland adenoma) 原裕一1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 清森亮祐1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 36-36, 2021. |
S1-05. Examination of the therapy to face each other than clinical features and moderate disease for old onset ulcerative colitis in our hospital 国吉宣俊, 岡本博司 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 37-37, 2021. |
S1-06. The current situation of ulcerative colitis treatment by Ustekinumab in our hospital 花山雅一1, 丹下和洋1, 白石佳奈1, 橋本悠1, 北畑翔吾1, 川村智恵2, 富田英臣3, 山本安則2, 竹下英次3, 池田宜央2, 日浅陽一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 37-37, 2021. |
S1-07. Effect on cancer-related fibroblasts of the blue light-emitting diode and colon cancer cells 良元俊昭, 島田光生, 吉川幸造, 徳永卓哉, 中尾寿宏, 西正暁, 柏原秀也, 高須千絵, 和田佑馬, 沖川昌平, 山下祥子, 岩川陽介, 仲須千春 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 38-38, 2021. |
S1-08. Clinical features of the checkpoint inhibitor-related colitis of immunity 千代大翔, 小原英幹, 中谷夏帆, 多田尚矢, 小塚和博, 松井崇矩, 合田康宏, 小林伸也, 西山典子, 藤原新太郎, 谷内田達夫, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 38-38, 2021. |
S1-09. Development of the large intestine tumor study that we applied large intestine organoid culture using the endoscopic biopsy tissue to 和田浩典, 岡本耕一, 川口智之, 上田浩之, 高山哲治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 39-39, 2021. |
S1-10. After the radical chemoradiotherapy, it is examination about salvageESD for local recurrence laryngopharynx cancer 香川朋, 石川茂直, 山内健司, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 39-39, 2021. |
S1-11. The bloodstream evaluation of the rebuilding organ in the cancer of the esophagus surgery, bloodstream visualization by the ICG fluorescence method and new objective measure 北川博之1, 横田啓一郎2, 並川努2, 小林道也3, 花崎和弘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 40-40, 2021. |
S1-12. Development of the endoscopic saburra aspiration: Inspection test using the living body animal 小塚和博, 小原英幹, 西山典子, 谷内田達夫, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 40-40, 2021. |
S1-13. Examination of the Underwater EMR case for duodenal non-Vater's papilla tumor in our hospital 馬場雄己, 永原照也, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 41-41, 2021. |
S1-14. It is troubleshooting for the great perforation during a stomach ESD: Endoscopic Ligation with O-ring Closure (E-LOC) 谷内田達夫1,2, 小原英幹2, 小林伸也2, 西山典子2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 41-41, 2021. |
S1-15. Development of EFTR and clinical collaborative investigation on transducing it 岩崎丈紘1, 内多訓久1, 西山典子2, 小原英幹2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 42-42, 2021. |
S1-16. Clinical and cutting-edge of endoscopic and full - thickness suture devices-Clinical use of OTSC and Zeosture M - 森宏仁1,2, 大圃研3, 小原英幹4, 正木勉4, 伊東文生2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 42-42, 2021. |
S1-17. Examination about an incidence, mortality, the postoperative course of the failure of the sutures after the gastrointestinal surgery 小島康司1, 内多訓久1, 岡崎三千代1, 山井礼道2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 43-43, 2021. |
S2-01. Safe examination for the medical therapy existing treatment case of the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy for the progress liver cancer 友成哲1, 谷丈二2, 野田和克1, 田中宏典1, 田中貴大1, 谷口達哉1, 森下朝洋2, 曽我部正弘1, 宮本弘志1, 六車直樹1, 正木勉2, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 43-43, 2021. |
S2-02. Invention and the current situation of the examination of angiography by the left radial artery puncture with a little infestation for HCC 真鍋卓嗣1,3, 小川力1, 金澤秀晃2, 坂上純也2, 松浦賢史1, 野田晃世1, 久保敦司1, 松中寿浩1, 玉置敬之1, 柴峠光成1, 正木勉4, 工藤正俊4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 44-44, 2021. |
S2-03. Contemporary significance of the portal vein approach in duodenal varix treatment 村上匡人1, 近森文夫2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 44-44, 2021. |
S2-04. The albumin platelet product predicts a stage of liver fibrosis 藤田浩二1, 琢磨慧1, 中原麻衣1, 大浦大浦1, 田所智子1, 谷丈二1, 森下朝洋1, 樋本尚志2, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 45-45, 2021. |
S2-05. Examination about the significance of Frailty in the abdomen surgery for elderly people 山田眞一郎, 森根裕二, 池本哲也, 齋藤裕, 寺奥大貴, 山下祥子, 宮崎克己, 島田光生 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 45-45, 2021. |
S2-06. Importance of the surveillance for the quality of life maintenance in patients with chronic liver disease 平岡淳, 加藤雅也, 村上大晟, 丸井香織, 大西慶, 吉野武晃, 鶴田美帆, 植木秀太朗, 相引俊彦, 奥平知成, 黒田太良, 岩崎竜一朗, 須賀義文, 宮田英樹, 二宮朋之, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 46-46, 2021. |
S2-07. Development of the immunotherapy for hepatitis B 吉田理, Akbar Fazle, 白石佳奈, 砂金光太郎, 行本敦, 渡辺崇夫, 小泉洋平, 徳本良雄, 廣岡昌史, 阿部雅則, 日浅陽一 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 46-46, 2021. |
S2-08. It is the open endoscopic image of the gallbladder lesion in the gallbladder after the extraction: preliminary study 小林聖幸1,2, 小原英幹4, 中谷夏帆2, 冨田悠介2, 吉武晃2, 出口章広2, 徳毛誠樹3, 國土泰孝3, 小野正文1, 正木勉4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 47-47, 2021. |
S2-09. Examination of the ultrasonic endoscope lower biliary tract drainage technique for the case which the endoscopic treatment of the transnipple has difficulty with 山本翔太1, 耕崎拓大2, 谷内恵介1, 内田一茂1,2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 47-47, 2021. |
S2-10. The effectiveness and safety of supersonic wave endoscopic biopsy method (EUS-FNA) in our hospital 兼光梢1, 小泉光仁1, 今村良樹1, 日浅陽一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 48-48, 2021. |
S2-11. A limit and challenge of the surgical treatment for the abdomen domain malignant tumor 小川晃平, 坂元克考, 船水尚武, 田村圭, 新恵幹也, 浦岡未央, 高田泰次 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 48-48, 2021. |
S2-12. A proposal to modify the 8th edition of the UICC staging system for pancreatic adenocarcinoma 岡林雄大, 須井健太, 田渕幹康, 室川剛廣, 木村次郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 49-49, 2021. |
S2-13. Diagnosis of the chronic pancreatitis 田所剛久 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 49-49, 2021. |
S2-14. Automatic leak check function and clinical evaluations of middle water filtration concentration specialized equipment (M-CART) 福家慧1,2, 岡久稔也1,2, 曽我部正弘2, 緒方良輔3, 小松崇俊3, 野田和克2, 川口智之2, 喜田慶史2, 三井康裕2, 田中久美子2, 友成哲2, 谷口達哉2, 宮本弘志2, 高山哲治2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 50-50, 2021. |
01. An example of the spleen origin haemangiosarcoma that an acute hepatic failure symptom was a diagnosis opportunity 丸井香織, 平岡淳, 加藤雅也, 村上大晟, 大西慶, 鶴田美帆, 吉野武晃, 植木秀太郎, 相引利彦, 奥平知成, 黒田太良, 山子泰加, 岩崎竜一朗, 須賀義文, 宮田英樹, 二宮朋之, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 51-51, 2021. |
02. Radiofrequency wave cauter therapy for the dissemination in the hepatocellular carcinoma abdominal cavity 柴田啓志, 面家敏広, 八木麻衣, 矢野庄悟, 吉本貴則, 宮本佳彦, 高橋幸志, 鈴木康博, 中本次郎, 青木秀俊 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 51-51, 2021. |
03. One case of the BCLC-B hepatocellular carcinoma which responded to sorafenib RFA sequential therapy 柴田啓志, 面家敏広, 八木麻衣, 矢野庄悟, 吉本貴則, 宮本佳彦, 高橋幸志, 鈴木康博, 中本次郎, 青木秀俊 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 52-52, 2021. |
04. One case of idiopathic bacterial peritonitis by Shewanella algae and the alcoholic cirrhosis that caused septic shock 吉本光平1, 前田真佐2, 北岡真由子1, 岡田光生2, 青野礼2, 榮枝弘司2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 52-52, 2021. |
05. Examination of the severe alcoholic hepatitis 3 case of the women who gave medical care in our hospital 宮本貴和子1, 真鍋卓嗣2, 琢磨慧2, 中原麻衣2, 大浦杏子2, 田所智子2, 藤田浩二2, 谷丈二2, 森下朝洋2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 53-53, 2021. |
06. An example of chronic expanding hematoma where had difficulty in differentiation with the hepatic cyst adenocarcinoma 横川彩子1, 矢山貴之2, 窪田綾子2, 大家力矢2, 岩崎丈紘2, 小島康司2, 内多訓久2, 岡崎三千代2, 山井礼道3, 頼田顕辞4, 岩村伸一5 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 53-53, 2021. |
07. One case of the rare part endometriosis that occurred on the liver surface 新居香織1, 桑山泰治2, 合田萌夏2, 中野彩佳2, 今倉佳代2, 鵜飼俊輔2, 武原正典2, 辻真一郎2, 山本英司2, 原田英嗣2, 野々木理子2, 岸和弘2, 佐藤幸一2, 福田美月3, 富林敦司, 武田明日香4, 名護可容4, 別宮史朗4, 片岡孝一5 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 54-54, 2021. |
08. An example of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that arose primarily in liver 大黒拓磨1, 林亨1, 井藤千里2, 妹尾知典3, 高口浩一3, 信岡大輔4, 溝渕光一5, 安藤翠5 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 54-54, 2021. |
09. An example of the necrotising fasciitis by Aeromonas hydrophila which followed a rapid outcome during the Lenvatinib administration for the hepatocellular carcinoma 腰山裕一, 廣瀬享, 常風友梨, 宗景玄祐, 越智経浩, 小笠原光成, 野崎靖子, 内田一茂 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 55-55, 2021. |
10. One case that acute hepatitis due to the EB virus persisted, and needed EB virus-related differentiation with lymphoproliferative disorder (EBV-LPD) 川野萌1, 吉田理1, 砂金光太郎1, 行本敦1, 中村由子1, 田中孝明1, 渡辺崇夫1, 小泉洋平1, 徳本良雄1, 廣岡昌史1, 阿部雅則1, 萩原宏明2, 鈴木誠祐2, 日浅陽一1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 55-55, 2021. |
11. One patient who was able to save acute hepatic failure due to acute iron envenomation 森田莉絵1, 尾立磨琴1, 河野知樹1, 赤井開1, 小松暁2, 高野実子1, 谷丈二2, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 56-56, 2021. |
12. Treatment result of the stereotactic radiation therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma 谷直也1, 田中宏典1, 野田和克1, 田中貴大1, 友成哲1, 谷口達哉1, 生島仁史2, 高山哲治1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 56-56, 2021. |
13. One patient who responded to Atezolizumab + bevacizumab therapy for a β-catenin-positive hepatocellular carcinoma 喜田行洋1,2, 小川力1,3, 金澤秀晃1, 坂上純也1, 真鍋卓嗣1, 松浦賢史1, 久保敦司1, 松中寿浩1, 玉置敬之1, 柴峠光成1, 辻晃仁2, 工藤正俊3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 57-57, 2021. |
14. One case of the metastases to pancreas of bladder origin neuroendocrine system cancer 村田紘子1, 耕崎拓大2, 常風友梨1, 吉岡玲子1, 谷内恵介1, 宗景匡哉3, 上村直3, 花崎和弘3, 内田一茂1,2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 57-57, 2021. |
15. It is histories of treatment of Pembrolizumab for the recurrence after the cancer of head of pancreas technique 坂本明優, 小川晃平, 伊藤千尋, 岩田みく, 新恵幹也, 浦岡未央, 永岡智之, 田村圭, 坂元克考, 船水尚武, 高田泰次 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 58-58, 2021. |
16. One case of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma in the pancreas biliary tract type pancreatic duct with a little myxopoiesis 岡崎三千代1, 大家力矢1, 内藤裕士1, 前田充毅1, 黒岩千比呂1, 窪田綾子1, 矢山貴之1, 佐々木紫織1, 岩崎丈紘1, 小島康司1, 内多訓久1, 木村哲夫2, 山井礼道3, 頼田顕辞4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 58-58, 2021. |
17. One case of the TS1 pancreatic cancer diagnosed with acute pancreatitis 伊賀上真有, 宮田英樹, 岩崎竜一朗, 加藤雅也, 丸井香織, 村上大晟, 大西慶, 吉野武晃, 植木秀太朗, 鶴田美帆, 奥平知成, 相引利彦, 黒田大良, 須賀義文, 森健一郎, 平岡淳, 二宮朋之, 道堯浩二郎 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 59-59, 2021. |
18. Examination of the preoperative chemotherapy for the resectable pancreas adenocarcinoma in our hospital 太田佳奈美1, 畔元信明2, 盛田真2, 矢野怜2, 越智裕紀2, 眞柴寿枝2, 横田智行2, 上甲康二2, 皆川亮介3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 59-59, 2021. |
19. One case of colon cancer metastases to pancreas diagnosed with obstructive jaundice in early pregnancy 中村賢史, 鎌田英紀, 山名浩喜, 河野寿明, 波間大輔, 藤田直樹, 小林聖幸, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 60-60, 2021. |
20. Example that led to the diagnosis of neuroendocrine system cancer by an examination for comprehensive cancer genome profiling 羽床琴音, 奥山浩之, 喜田行洋, 村上あきつ, 大北仁裕, 辻晃仁 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 60-60, 2021. |
21. Two cases of the entocele that was diagnosed under the peritoneoscope, and was able to have reposition 古北由仁, 澤田徹, 齋藤勢也, 木村秀 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 61-61, 2021. |
22. One case of the Crohn's disease that resulted in small intestinal perforation by patency capsule administration 鈴木誠祐1, 松原稔1, 萩原宏明1, 竹井大介1, 宮阪啓1, 野崎加那子1, 山本瑛哲1, 井村真2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 61-61, 2021. |
23. An example of the non-obstructive intestinal ischaemia symptom that resulted in duodenal necrosis 岩部純, 近森文夫, 溝渕海, 行重佐和香, 植田康司, 松岡永, 甫喜本憲弘, 山井礼道, 大西一久, 谷田信行 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 62-62, 2021. |
24. One case of the small intestine intestinal tract emphysematosa complicated with confinement sclerotic patterns diffuse scleroderma 藤本将太, 末内辰尚, 芳川明奈, 樫原孝典, 四宮寛彦, 和田哲 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 62-62, 2021. |
25. One case of the enteroparalysis which resulted from Vit.B1 lack 西村晃彦, 安原ひさ恵, 綾悠佑, 松村吉晃, 重久友理子, 原田圭, 馬場雄己, 吉田泰成, 關博之, 遠藤日登美, 永原照也, 神野秀基, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 63-63, 2021. |
26. Treatment result of the Ustekinumab for the ulcerative colitis in our center 清森亮祐1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1, 浅野光一3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 63-63, 2021. |
27. 1 family where Lynch's syndrome was strongly suspected triggered by metachronous colon cancer of elderly mother and the colon cancer incidence of the son 杉下博基, 田淵諒介, 五葉海, 大木悠介, 秋田聡, 菊池聡, 吉田素平, 古賀繁宏, 石丸啓, 惠木浩之, 渡部祐司 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 64-64, 2021. |
28. Examination of the feces-related ileus 5 case which followed a serious outcome 玉井惇一郎, 村上主樹, 佐藤真, 新居田一貴, 宮本裕也, 八木専, 梅岡二美, 村上英広, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 64-64, 2021. |
29. Two cases of the intestinal tract emphysematosa that we experienced in our hospital 新居徹, 中園雅彦, 井坂円香, 藤本美幸, 河野誠也 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 65-65, 2021. |
30. An example of the intractable pseudomembranous enteritis that responded to Fidaxomicin 増田吏紗1, 高橋索真2,3, 木下翼2, 根岸慎2, 香川朋2, 深田悠史2, 山内健司2, 岡本邦男2, 榊原一郎2, 山本久美子2, 泉川孝一2, 田中盛富2, 石川茂直2, 松浦美穂子2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己2,3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 65-65, 2021. |
31. An example of the IgA vasculitis that repeated a bloody bowel discharge, and suffered from treatment 平野佑一, 泉川孝一, 西尾綾乃, 木下翼, 根岸慎, 香川朋, 深田悠史, 山内健司, 岡本邦男, 榊原一郎, 山本久美子, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 66-66, 2021. |
32. One case that formed a granulation tissue for a sigmoid diverticulum by the deviation of the endoscopic retrograde biliary tract drainage tube 横山桂, 木阪吉保, 曹芳, 島本豊伎, 栗原渉, 多保祐里, 平岡亜弥, 小田眞由, 小川明子, 武智俊治, 田中良憲, 水上祐治 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 66-66, 2021. |
33. Examination of the intestinal tract Behcet's disease which needed loan disease and differentiation 小松暁1, 尾立磨琴2, 河野知樹2, 赤井開2, 森田梨絵2, 高野実子2, 正木勉1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 67-67, 2021. |
34. One case of small cell neuroendocrine system cancer which occurred in common bile duct 吉本貴則, 中本次郎, 青木秀俊, 柴田啓志, 面家敏宏, 高橋幸志, 大塚加奈子, 宮本佳彦, 八木麻衣 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 67-67, 2021. |
35. One case of haemoperitoneum and sepsis by the intraabdominal penetration via the liver floor of the acute cholecystitis 行重佐和香1, 近森文夫1, 南城和正1, 清水茂翔1, 溝渕海1, 植田康司1, 岩部純1, 松岡永1, 甫喜本憲弘1, 山井礼道1, 大西一久1, 谷田信行1, 岩崎丈紘2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 68-68, 2021. |
36. One patient who used endoscopic drainage together after the common bile duct stone lithectomy, and was able to evade a tube external fistula 西岡康平, 富林敦司, 福田美月, 山本清成, 竹内大平, 常城宇生, 松尾祐太, 森理, 兼松美幸, 西野豪志, 浜田陽子, 湯浅康弘, 川中妙子, 石倉久嗣 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 68-68, 2021. |
37. Use experience of the NB stent which is built-in stent of EBS and ENBD 藤田直樹, 鎌田英紀, 水尾孝章, 中林良太, 平田正大, 河野寿明, 波間大輔, 山名浩喜, 小林聖幸, 正木勉 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 69-69, 2021. |
38. One case of the gallbladder cancer which occurred in a cystic duct stump after the cholecystectomy 石濱佐和子, 榊原一郎, 木下翼, 香川朋, 根岸慎, 深田悠史, 山内健司, 岡本邦男, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 69-69, 2021. |
39. Example that was operated on, and was under the medical treatment early for the cholangitis merger acute cholecystitis that occurred by false cholelithiasis by the ceftriaxone 溝渕海, 近森文夫, 行重佐和香, 高杉遥, 植田康司, 岩部純, 松岡永, 甫喜本憲広, 山井礼道, 大西一久, 谷田信行, 浜口伸正 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 70-70, 2021. |
40. One case of the idiopathic greater omentum blood species which was available for a diagnosis pathologically 高杉遥1,2, 近森文夫1, 植田康司1, 岩部純1, 山井礼道1, 大西一久1, 谷田信行1, 頼田顕辞3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 70-70, 2021. |
41. Clinicopathologic characteristic of recent stomach MALT lymphoma in our hospital 池上幸治1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 浦岡尚平1, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 井本尚徳1, 江頭信二郎1, 南川容子1, 浦田真吾3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 71-71, 2021. |
42. One patient who received combined modality therapy for the concurrence of gastric cancer and duodenal MALT lymphoma 横田啓一郎, 並川努, 丸井輝, 北川博之, 小林道也, 花崎和弘 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 71-71, 2021. |
43. An example of the AFP-producing gastric cancer that long-term survival is obtained by nivolumab administration 植田康司, 清水茂翔, 岩部純, 松岡永, 甫喜本憲弘, 山井礼道, 近森文夫, 大西一久, 谷田信行 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 72-72, 2021. |
44. Encephalitis, stomach function of patients with meningitis 杵川文彦1, 松田和也2, 澤井健治1, 香川雄亮1, 舟木利治1, 渡邊精四郎1, 正木勉3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 72-72, 2021. |
45. One case of stomach neuroendocrine tumor G3 with the frequent occurrence liver metastases that resulted in haemoperitoneum 丸井輝1, 並川努1, 横田啓一郎1, 山下柚子1, 小松優香1, 藤枝悠希1, 川西泰広1, 山口祥1, 藤澤和音1, 福留惟行1, 宗景匡哉1, 上村直1, 前田広道1, 北川博之1, 岡本健2, 小林道也2, 花崎和弘1 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 73-73, 2021. |
46. One case that empyema in the wall of stomach, a portal vein gas blood symptom developed, and produced portal vein thrombosis during conservative medical treatment 佐藤雄大1, 伊藤朋晃1, 今戸涼資1, 川西竜輔2, 綾木麻紀3, 室田將之1, 正木勉2 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 73-73, 2021. |
47. One patient who had a diagnosis of a stomach lesion of the systemic sarcoidosis 井本尚徳1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 浦岡尚平1, 池上幸治1, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 南川容子1, 菊池恵一3, 兼松貴則4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 74-74, 2021. |
48. 2 cases of the breast cancer metastases to stomach that different metastatic mechanism was suggested 岡田明子, 岸史子, 岡崎潤, 松村圭一郎, 福野天 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 74-74, 2021. |
49. The current situation and problems of the examination for comprehensive cancer genome profiling for digestive organ cancer in our hospital 奥山浩之, 喜田行洋, 羽床琴音, 村上あきつ, 大北仁裕, 辻晃仁 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 75-75, 2021. |
50. One case of the Sea of Japan diphyllobothriasis 高崎元宏 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 75-75, 2021. |
51. Present with bleeding due to the abdominal aneurysm ruptured after the cerebrovascular disorder; two cases with suspected Segmental arterial medyolysis (SAM) 保地陽輝1, 市川博源2, 梅下仁2, 大川良洋2, 北岡真由子2, 岡田光生2, 青野礼2, 榮枝弘司2, 細田幸司3, 宮崎延浩3, 西本陽4, 林悟4 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 76-76, 2021. |
52. One case that cured as IgG4-related retroperitoneal mass associate diagnostic confirmation group, but had a diagnosis of MALT lymphoma four years seven months later 町田彩佳1, 田村恵理1, 北岡真由子1, 岡田光生1, 青野礼1, 榮枝弘司1, 上村和樹2, 円山英昭3 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 76-76, 2021. |
53. Laparoscopic sleeve-formed gastrectomy for patients with severe obesity of BMI 65.4 田渕諒介, 吉田素平, 恵木浩之, 石丸啓, 古賀繁宏, 秋田聡, 菊池聡, 松本紘典, 杉下博基, 大木悠輔, 津田直希, 井村真, 五葉海, 松井さゆり, 桑原淳, 渡部祐司 The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (115): 77-77, 2021. |